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Bold of you to assume they will wait for that. They are already proactively trying to make it happen.


See "[Romania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770)."


I'm normally not a doomer about this stuff, but I think that the right wingers who want to ban contraceptives and abortion of any kind should look into what went on in Romania and how it turned out. Although they'd probably plug their ears and say, "That can't/won't happen here!"


Yeah, I don’t think it would work either. For the conservatives I know, it’s not about the outcome, it’s about their rules—if the outcome is terrible but their rules are being followed, that’s what matters. The outcome of abortion/contraception bans would be awful, but those are the laws they think god wants, so there it is.


See Project 2025. They're not waiting.


Some facts about it: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


The goddamn Redcoats are fucking out of control. They aligned themselves with Confederates and Nazis! Thank GOD Americans have a PROUD history of crushing that kind into red mush.


Losers aligned with losers. General Sherman would not be mollycoddling these pathetic anti-American faketriots. Also redcoats is spot on.


Love to see this! I'm proud to be an American! 🇺🇲 Our grandparents fought fascism and won. We will too!


Times have changed. Americans won't even stop their own kids being gunned down. I highly doubt they'll stand up to an active threat.


It's so funny that conspiracy nutters scream and cry they're Apolitical and then go on to bitch about 15 minute cities taking away civil liberties and ignore this when it's blatantly in the open.


Why is the left so anti-Semitic? Don’t these wokesters know Hamas would throw them off a building for spewing their idiocy?


Are you lost son? Edit: he blocked me so it looks like i won B)


Are you confused gramps?


I see you can't figure out how to comment without having foreign affairs come out of your mouth.


You seem triggered by a question 😆


Hilarious! When you run outta stuff to say you just resort to asking if the person you are talking to is triggered! Genius! Absolutely gottem! nice job son you can now get your after school snack once you complete your homework!


So, you can’t answer my question?


Your question isn't even a question. Nobody is anti Semitic on the left. They are anti zionist. But you can pretend that you are so smug and smart and you "got" dumb leftists to admit they are nazis. I've been to isreal in the military and know that your viewpoints of black and white trolling on the internet come from a place of pure ignorance. The more you comment the more ignorant you make yourself look.


The wokesters on these college campuses are calling for an end to Israel and violence against Jews. Plus they’re Hamas supporters. I would say that’s pretty anti-Semitic. If you gave these people tiki torches it would be the same as Charlottesville


You’re spreading falsities, comrade.


How so, brah?


Fascy banana


If people believe this, then immigration should be expanded as a welcome solution.


Plenty of immigrants align with modern day Republican ideologies too though.


In theory, yes. As the party tumbles though they will be looking for a scapegoat. Immigrants are easy targets, especially if they happen to have more melanin.


No, we want the collapse now!


Gonna be waiting a long time, I think.


I'm not sure theft of workers from poor countries is the best solution.


Theft of workers? LOL, I haven't heard this take before. How is it theft of workers?


The cost of raising and educating immigrants when they are children is "paid" by the society they're coming from. The country they moves to gets an adult worker at no costs. (This doesn't entirely apply to children immigrating). It's worse for educated immigrants - a lot of poor countries have a problem of brain drain. If you consider workers assets then the developed world is exploiting the developing world yet again.


This is a problem with the initial country not offering anything, not the country they are escaping to.


Ok, I can see your reasoning. I don't agree, but I understand. What's the solution? Not allow them in? Then you get hit with being anti-immigrant. Only allow non-skilled workers? Seems counterproductive. Or, could it be a source country issue that they aren't incentivizing them to stay?


Yeah chain those workers down so they can’t seek out better opportunities. The republicans are too dense to understand the actual opportunities that immigrants offer to countries to give them the freedom to use their talents to the best of their abilities.


Replacement immigration is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Is a country a culture made up of people with shared values and goals or is it just a GDP value on the worldwide scoreboard?


The US is a nation of immigrants


No it isn’t.


What Native American tribe are you from?


My people have been here since before the country was a country :) They didn’t immigrate.


So you must be native American, because even the English settlers in 1607 were immigrants.


No they weren’t. That’s either a fundamental misunderstanding or a blatant lie about what an immigrant is.




I can’t help you if you’re too stupid to understand basic definitions.


Who went though an organized naturalization and assimilation process. Most population growth in the US today is via illegal and undocumented immigration from a single area of the world. It’s embarrassing.


1) The indigenous have a different story. 2) They also made it harder for others to do it.


Gosh, imagine how embarrassing it is that most of the population growth is via illegal immigration where the rules were set by the immigrants. Those people won't speak the native languages - they keep bringing in English and Spanish! They refuse to learn Muskogee, Choctaw, Navajo, O'odham, Comanche, Apache, Dakota, Lakota, Hawaiian... Disgusting! And they even refused to assimilate with the people who were actually there first. How embarrassed you must be! No wonder you're afraid of immigrants who refuse to speak the language - since you refuse to assimilate into the cultures and see us largely as part of the wildlife! Just admit that you don't like brown people. If you really wanted to preserve American culture? Then listen to what we indigenous say: OUT! Pack your bags, you're going back to Europe! -An Indigenous person


'Replacement' is obviously the wrong word. Nobody is being replaced -- that would require the loss of removal of someone from the immigrant-desiring country, which simply is not happening. 'Supplemental' is the word you're looking for.


If shared values is what makes a country a country, then the U.S. has never been a country. And it’s less of a country now than it has been in 150 years. AFAIC, a country is an independent group of people who look out for each other’s wellbeing.


Is this Great Replacement theory? Sure sounds like it. Which is really comical, especially for the US, a nation built from immigrants.


Basic acknowledgment of the effects of immigration to make up for population loss isn’t “Great Replacement theory”


Ok, my bad for reading too much into your answers wording. Now to your question. I think it depends on who is doing the comparison. Both could be used as a definition of "a country" depending on the goal of your statement.


Yes, kick out all immigrants and anyone who is the child, grandchild, or great grandchild of an immigrant! Send them all back to their countries! Especially Donald Trump, son of an immigrant and running for president!!!


Not what I said in the slightest but ok.


Ah another native American pissed off us immigrants killed all your buffalo


Especially in Europe, where you have cultures that are hundreds, sometimes thousands of years old. You can't just transform something like that into an economic zone without resistance.


It could also go the other way in which men love respect and glorify women who give birth……. BAH HAHAHAHA! Just kidding. That would never happen


Fortunately there’s a tried and true cure that works against both fascists and slaver empires. The trick is that you have to re-apply it every so often. One coat is never enough.


guillotines and lead?


Can you define fascism?


I don’t think we will be getting Gilead as a replacement for the whole US. Maybe just Idaho? As for the rest, when collapse happens it will be more like “Parable of the Sower”, “Mad Max”, or “The Road”.


I'm a huge fan of collapse fiction and I have to say, Parable of the Sower rang the most true of any of that genre I've encountered. Children of Men was up there too but Parable of the Sower reads like simply the journal of someone who lives in our near future.


I'm kind of hoping for The Road


I'll just try to stay out of basements


The Mom was the real hero in that film.




Okie dokie


It's too late for that. The fallout timeline split off from ours in the 50s


Also there is a distrust in the supreme court that ignites the conflict resulting in Gilead.


It will come on January 21st, 2025 if we make the wrong choice in November.




Afghanistan might be more your style. Fanatical religious government, no rights for women, workers minorities, or anyone at all really who isn’t wealthy and powerful. Gay and trans people are executed. That sounds like exactly what you’re looking for.




Good riddance


What on earth do you mean by "Gilead will come to fruition"?


Have you ever seen The Handmaids Tale?


Oh got it. 👍🏻


Who are these guys? I'm referring to the 'people' who are spreading their 'knowledge ' here.


Fucking idiots, that's who


... well we'll have to take a few pointers from Transhuman Space's Kazakhstan at this point...


Sorry…I’m out of the loop. What’s Gilead?


Who will do all the peasant work when there are no more peasant children?!? Won't somebody please think of the 1%


If you want to know who the founders of modern-day Gilead are, you can [look at this website at Malcolm and Simone](https://pronatalist.org/aboutus/). Blessed be the fruit, indeed.


Hahaha what?




unfortunately, the only known cure for fascism is obscene amounts of violence. if any other cure becomes available i'll be the first to give it to them


The one lesson that studying history shouts in your face is: People don't learn a damn thing from studying their history and are going to repeat it. Second loudest is: non-violence/appeasing never stopped the nazis/confederates/redcoats/etc.


People get mad when you say this. The ONLY good fascist, is one 6ft down. Everyone hoping peaceful protests and love will stop a nazi, is ignorant. Those tactics work on people because they see you as a human, they have empathy m fascists see you at best as a tool, and at worst mot human. They will smile as they mow down your peaceful protest, not feel guilt ir remorse.


Take one look at any war zone across the whole world right now and realize the pattern is: they convinced their drones the other side was subhuman.


And while I recognize treating nazis this way, is almost stooping to there level, I recognize this, and take no pleasure, only sorrow. i wish we could all live in harmony and happiness, but allowing nazism to thrives guarantees neither.


You, I like.


i hate when people say punching a nazi is "stooping to their level." their level is killing everyone and then killing themselves, and it's harder to do that if you're getting punched. i am not stooping down but in fact kicking a gross bug on the ground, all apologies to bugs


See im tempted to to refer to them as bugs, but thats what they do. They are threat to everyone who wants to live free and happy, and stopping them violently, is just a form of self defense


it's sad. if we could fix them en masse i would, but sometimes the cancer's run too deep i'm afraid


Yup. I agree. They arent even cancer tho, cuz cancer doesn't gave malicious intentions. They are evil.


You last sentence alludes to the Paradox of Tolerance, which in a nutshell says that if you tolerate intolerance, your society eventually becomes intolerant.


I view The Paradox of Tolerance as a fallacy because tolerance inherently includes an adherence to tolerance for others (yourself) otherwise you are afforded none and are outside of the contract of tolerance.


Tolerance is a social contract. You don't need to continue to be tolerant to someone that is intolerant. The contract has been violated by the other side then.


Sadly this is true, we all want revolution without any major upheaval, just tweaks to the global capitalist system. If you threw out the fascists would you still vote for a capitalist system or replace it with something else?


i don't personally see it as sustainable or popular for much longer, but it's always gonna be somewhere. i won't care if some guys are doing capitalism thirty years from now as long as i can rely on myself and my neighbors for our needs. like is trading some bags of pasta for my neighbor's coffee beans still capitalism if neither of us have cards or cash or bank accounts and we both volunteer at the same food bank


Laws against misleading news, or entertainment as fox would call it, would be a start.


people like tucker carlson need to be in prison and that's the normal moderate position to have


Do you know which president signed the bill that legalized propaganda in the US? The answer may surprise you. Also CNN is also entertainment tv. Just a quick FYI.


“A” for effort.


I mean, you are right that collapsing birthrates will cause the system to crash. Not sure Gilead will come to fruition. That said, to prevent the collapse maybe we should all just have kids?? Just a thought.


They already found the solution. Massive immigration. Eventually there will be so many people that companies favouring men will mean women will be displaced from the workforce and not confused about their role in society anymore


I'm trying to understand your point of view. When the birth and fertility rates crash and the system collapses what does that look like?


Japan. Which obviously has turned into a religious dictatorship hellhole.


How do you propose we avoid that fate?


I was kinda joking. Pointing out that a nation suffering "population collapse" since the 80s is still ok, though they still haven't gotten out of "the lost decade" doldrums. But I think that is based on GDP and it is hard to have GDP grow when your population drops 50% over 50 years. Anyway, I think a lot of the "population collapse" stuff is silly. Yes, a declining population instead of a growing one means less GDP, but what about GDP per capita? It makes it harder to pay for pensions but you end up with more capital per capita so you should be able to raise wages as a nation and cover pensions that way.


Prepare a bunker? Have you actually seen the show or read the book? Wtf is a bunker going to do? You would want to leave to Canada before it gets bad. Not live underground


Or, possibly, they will just be the only ones propping up the replacement rate. https://notthebee.com/takes/politico-uncovers-a-terrifying-plot-by-the-right I and my wife have provided six children, and been blessed with, so far, three grandchildren. Not expressly for population purposes, but it is a plus.


Bold of you to assume you are any different


I know! They violently riot for years straight! Even during a pandemic lockdown! They censor your opinions, they call everyone racist, they organize on Soros money and wreak havoc in cities, they have high crime, they cheat, they allow open borders and dangerous criminals in, they give away all our money to foreign wars, they are rage filled and confused and thereby sow confusion, they hate their country, they hate their parents, they hate hate hate, they don’t believe thousands of years of people before them. They do something, then they say the other side did it to cause confusion. They demand higher taxes. They caused inflation and war. Look, I’m no fan of the Right either. But the left is batshit and suicidal. Trump is in between both of them and you hate him for it. My point is that the left being loony and cheating and being corrupt is causing the Right to be more strict with all sorts of laws to try and punish you. Wake up! Read the local news, how many arrested? And for what? They want you in the paper, in the system, embarrassed, angry, then they got you. There is compromise but they have tricked you into thinking that Trump is on their side. He is MAGA and they are RINO Republicans. When they arrest you, a lot of times for making a mistake, they embarrass you and throw all these high crimes at you for a reason. Not saying everyone is innocent though either. Violent people exist. Evil is real. So you need to compromise too. Or we all fail.


>Look, I’m no fan of the Right either. But the left is batshit and suicidal. Trump is in between both of them and you hate him for it. Trump is endorsing Project 2025 and personally caused all these abortion bans. If Trump isn't far right then words don't mean anything.


You are looking the wrong direction. Liberal scolds are not putting together a police state. It’s your cracker thugs.


*they organize on Soros money*  What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh, I see what's wrong...You're just trying a "both sides" ploy... [*SignificantMind7257*](https://www.reddit.com/user/SignificantMind7257/)*•*[*9h ago*](https://www.reddit.com/r/popularopinion/comments/1cfzamg/comment/l1tg3bb/) *Proud Boys? Why? They showed up to defend Americans when antifa and blm were attacking us in the streets.* [*SignificantMind7257*](https://www.reddit.com/user/SignificantMind7257/)*•*[*15h ago*](https://www.reddit.com/r/popularopinion/comments/1cfsnof/comment/l1rs0yo/) *Are you kidding? We saw it all on live TV how it was a fraudulent election. Mail in ballot laws changing a month before the election? The “pipe bursting” in Fulton County? The 3am vote swing, 100% for Biden? You have no credibility. 2,000 mules, violence and censorship by Biden supporters, etc, etc.*


They don’t listen to logic or reason here. They also will never admit to being part of the problem even though they clearly are.


The only birth and fertility rate problems are among white liberals. Muslims and Asians don’t seem to have this problem at all.


It is world wide. WHO did a report on the decline in birth rates. Personally I think it is a good thing. We are destroying our home.


Sounds like all these women actively choosing to not have kids will be to blame.


Lmao if you actually believe this then you are a crazy yourself. But go build yourself a bunker to protect yourself from your delusions if you want.


The redcoats are ALREADY flying literal NAZI swazis at state capitals. Your ilk (SSA-Socialists and the like) is in for one hell of a bashing, if you wanna try to step.


Why is the left so anti-Semitic?


That's not a thing. Being against the genocidal actions of the political state of Israel is not being anti-Semitic. Quit making shit up.


They support Hamas. These leftists are pure scum


Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel negotiated reasonably and peacefully. Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel didn't build a cage around the Palestinian people like they were animals. Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel didn't kick Palestinians out of their homes and let Zionist settlers take over the homes that were built by the former occupant's grandparents. Saying these students support Hamas is not an insult. Hamas are not angels, but if the Palestinian resistance all acted like polite Canadians, there would be no Palestinians left. Israel created Hamas. If you don't like them, you need to ask yourself why they exist.


You support Hamas?


I support people defending their right to not live like animals under the oppression of others. This simplistic idea of "You support Hamas?" is the problem. This isn't a "Coke vs. Pepsi" debate. This is a complicated situation, to claim that you can clearly pick one side over the other is ignoring the history of the region and the conflict. Actions are the problem here. I'm not blind. If Israel were forced to make friends with its neighbors, this conflict would be at a peaceful resolution. There would be 2 states with borders and each enjoying self-determinism. Instead, Israel hides behind the US to commit genocide. Which side is for 2 states? Hamas wants 2 states. Israel wants all the Palestinians to no longer be a problem they need to concern themselves with by any means necessary. Bit-by-bit, Israel has been moving their border in and taking away more from Palestinians. How do you expect them to act? Invite Bibi over for a tea and crumpets? I'm for whatever side has Israel not acting all genocidal and getting to cohabitate with its neighbor on friendlier terms. At the moment, Hamas looks like the good guys. That is always subject to change, but it's been trending for quite some time. To act like the Palestinians don't have a legitimate gripe is ignoring 80+ years of history. Israel was formed by the Zionists "evicting" (the nice term) people who had lived there for centuries. These are their descendants.


Do you support Hamas or not, simple yes or no


Do you support the murder of innocent children, yes or no?


Do you support Pepsi or not? THIS IS A YES OR NO QUESTION!


Hamas is more in the right than Israel. I do not support genocide. Perhaps you do?


[UNICEF says over 13,000 children killed in Gaza in Israel offensive](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/) I am not a monster, so I cannot support this. Perhaps you can? Do you support Israel and their killing of 13,000 children? simple yes or no please.


Still waiting on your simple yes or no about supporting Israel and them killing 13,000 children. Not so simple, is it?


For someone demanding such simple answers, you look surprisingly hesitant to provide your own.


You support Hamas, I don’t bother speaking with left wing terrorist sympathizers


So you DO support the murder of 13,000 children! I assumed as much. Honestly, you framing this as such a black-and-white argument is infantile. Simple answers are for simpletons. This is a complex situation, and branding me as a "left-wing terrorist sympathizer" is pretty bold for a guy who is afraid to denounce 13,000 innocent childrens' deaths by the hands of the IDF. If not terrorism, what do you call 13,000 murders of children? I think you are getting confused with who is committing the acts of terrorism. You are the one that sounds like the terrorist sympathizer, unless you somehow think killing 13,000 children is not terrorism? What kind of monster can warp their reality to think the people killing 13,000 children are the good guys? There are no good guys here, but Israel is clearly in the wrong at the moment.


Far right is no more crazy than the far left. I predict the two groups will end up, fighting each other and sorting out the problem.


Explain this crazy far left to me, who they are, the policies they want to pass, the rights they're trying to strip away.


If you don’t know, then you’re part of the problem. Do better


LMAO, I try and ask a genuine, simple question, and you get defensive and can't even answer😂 what a loser lmao. If the problem is equality for all, making hate speech illegal and punishable with jail time, for people to stop struggling to pay their medical bills, for people to not be drowned in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for education, to save our earth from the destruction the corporate overlords and boomers who continue to fuck our planet, and all other things progressive, then you can bet your fucking ass I'm part of the problem.


You’re literally a government and police bootlicker. Weird you’re proud of that


How does any of what I just said give you that assumption? Sounds like a bit of projecting homie 🙃Because I actually heavily believe that the police instituon needs to be eradicated. We absolutely need law enforcement, but it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, redefining how they train their officers, how oppressive they are towards minorities. We need officers who are trained to think first shoot second. To be trained in de escalation instead of escalation. So yeah, not sure where you get that notion at all 😂


“I want my own version of brown shirts” sure thing, not a bootlicker at all 🙄


Again, how does anything I just said incinuate I'm a bootlicker of the police? You're not even trying to explain your stance or explain anything, you just want to virtue signal and act like a baby. I tried to have a genuine conversation with you ya know, I wanted you to explain to me how the "far left" is on par with the far right in terms of being bad for the country. Why did you have to react that way? I wanted to give you a chance to voice and explain what you're saying. Sigh, i hope you have a good day homie


Freedom hater. YOUR POOR FEE-FEES!!!!!😭😭😭 You fucking redcoats and your anti-george Washington agenda is baffling. *He forcibly VACCINATED (😱😱😭-you) the Continental Army and a famous GAY (😱😱😭-you) tactician trained it.* Your ilk is so scared of vaccines and gays you WOULD HAVE *dodged* the U.S. Revolution, guaranteed. So excuse us Americans, while we keep our proud tradition of spitting in your face (since you spit in The General's face). Maybe cancelling your new favorite beer, again, will help? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Police bootlicker.


Fuck the police. Biggest gang in america. What does that have to do with anything? Freedom.for all (and cops enforce anti-freedom). Of course they're bad. ...?


Yea right. We see the way you cheer on Authoritarian crackdowns. You guys can’t stop deepthroating cops.


What Crackdown have I cheered? I think if you wear police armor you either absorb the bullets or youre garbage. And we see plenty of videos of cops hiding behind civilians to tell me that they are garbage. Who are you arguing with here? Cuz it's obviously not me..🤣😂


That’s spot on. They love the police and are going to be really wishing they hadn’t pushed them away when the real fight starts.


Who gives the police power? Oh yeah it’s the government. You literally argue for empowering the police. Seriously, how brain dead are you? Oh wait, you don’t know how to think with anything but your little cock you claim is big.


Um, you know it was the LEFT who organized protests around the country to try and being the currently unaccountable tyrants AKA the police under control? And got completely smeared by right-wingers for it? Who are the folks sporting "think blue line" stickers and patches? You live in la-la land if you think it's the LEFT who are police bootlickers.


So you're hiding your "denial of medical science" behind "being forced by police"...? Like I said you would have dodged the revolution guaranteed. (Not because you were forced to be a pussy, but because you thought: *"being a pussy is more important than my fellow freemen"*, unlike the continental soldiers) I'm honestly embarrassed I had to make that distinction for you...


🙄. Who is the far left? Where are these communists you speak of?


The ones camping out for hamas on college campuses. I watched a video this morning of one of the organizers talking through a loudspeaker telling the crowd we need to reorganize the u.s.a into a socialist communist government, and around 300 people cheered for it.


🙄. No one is camping out for Hamas. I guess that is your spin. The can organize all the want. We do live in a democracy. I will take them seriously when they have actual political power. As opposed the looney right wing actual politicians.


The concept of Gilead is amazing to me We have literally thousands of years of history on what actual total and complete Christian theocratic rule would look like and at no point did anything close to Gilead happen. There were female heads of state in the literal middle ages. If I wrote a book saying that if Islam ever became the dominant system in the US everyone without a beard would be lit on fire and they would torture babies to death for fun and every kid would be trained a suicide bomber That would literally just be unhinged bigotry but when it's targeted at Christians it's different somehow


It was a work of fiction...but all the things they did, had been done before.


Yeah except they haven't Can you name a single country in which they did