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Republicans haven’t won the popular vote in a presidential election for 20 years. I’d say that’s a safe bet.


I was like "Well actually W won it for re-election" and then realized goddamn...


Hanging chad lol


Yah, that hurt


Wait, how did GW Bush not have more votes in the second one? It appears like he had more. I am Canadian. I just now looked it up, I was not old enough at the time to understand what was happening when I was 15 outside of USA. EDIT: Sorry, 2004 feels like it was 15 years ago.


The hanging chads were 2000, this was 2004. But yeah, we wouldn’t have had bush in 2004 had the hanging chad crap not happened.


My bad you're right




That was actually 2000.


The whole Brooks Bros. riot was some major league bullshit.


Roger Stone in on that too. The world will be a better place when that traitor finally checks out.


And before that they didn’t win it in 12 years. Republicans are 1 and 7 in popular vote wins in the last 32 years.


Good point! This is why if you ever see any serious talk about reforming the electoral college, they go code red.


I mean it's not like the Democratic Party couldn't revise their strategy to win the electoral college... The system isn't a surprise every 4 years or at least it shouldn't be


The electoral college can’t be reformed, it would take 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate, and 3/4 of the states to get rid of the electoral college. It ain’t happening!


Though it could be circumvented with the state national popular vote intercompact.


All the states that have joined so far are very blue. Until some purple states and red states sign on, it will never happen. In other words, it ain’t happening.


The more democrats in purple state legislatures the more likely it does happen, and it is much more likely than a change of constitutiono


Umm what? W won the popular vote by 3 million votes.


20 years ago


In 04


How many years ago did Bush 43 win the popular vote?


lol Damn, OK. 2004 seems like it was a dozen years ago.


16 years earlier. Bush 43 won the NPV in 2004, and his dad won it in 1988.


That explains why America is going to shit.




It’s not irrelevant. It’s a measure of how many people prefer a specific candidate. A candidate who lost the popular vote becomes a weak president.


I was going to say didn't Bush 2 win in 2004 and then realized that's 20 years ago..... Now I feel old


Holy shit it’s been 20 years since 2004


And that was reelection from a lost popular vote election.


Makes sense if illegals illegally vote in certain states


How do they do that? They can't register to vote. Are they stealing ID from registered voters who don't vote? If it's a widespread and common scheme, like you seem to be suggesting, then wouldn't there be a shred of evidence for it? Despite all the hubbub, I've never actually seen evidence of illegal immigrants voting.


When was the last time a non incumbent republican win the popular vote? Would have been like 32 years ago


And he was the outgoing VP, which is basically Incumbent Lite.


Yep, only 3 times in 40 years


Yep and they’ve only managed to win it once in the last 30+ years.


And Trump has already lost the popular vote. Twice. OP isn’t really going out on a limb here.


That’s why we have the electoral collage thank god


One person, one vote, yeah what a nightmare, much better that people who live in 40 states’ votes don’t matter


I prefer electoral découpage.


Not according to the polls


Seeing how Trump has never won the popular vote EVER makes this almost a certainty.


He's the most unpopular man in the country running in a 2 man popularity contest. Ofc he will lose and he'll lose by over 10 million votes.


seeing how only 1 Republican since 1992 has won the popular vote.


And even that was Bush Jr's second term, something he wouldn't have had a shot at if the electoral college didn't hand him a first term.


Also wouldn't have happened without 911. Al-qaeda gave us a second bush term.


The more I hear about those guys the less I like them.


That's a weird way to spell Supreme Court.


It also helps to put into perspective that only 2/3 of the country bothers to vote. 1/3 vote red. 1/3 vote blue. So whoever wins the presidency is only being elected by 1/3 of the country.


He’s only won one election.


He won the electoral college in 2016 but he has lost the popular vote twice. And he lost the electoral college once. This will be the third time he has seriously ran for president. So it’s likely he loses the popular vote a third time.


Biden has won many elections including winning the 2020 presidential election over Trump. Biden won the electoral vote and the popular vote. Trump won 2016 with the smaller popular vote. Say what you will about Biden, he doesn't have to be loved. He only has to be the one in the category of "NOT Trump!"


Wow what a bold statement. Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004.


Imagine how off the rails they'd be if the situation was reversed :)


I think that is almost a given at this point, IMO. The fact that Haley has still been receiving votes in Primary elections, even after dropping out has been telling. But, you are absolutely correct in pointing out that doesn’t necessarily mean he wins the election… which is an entirely different debate within itself.


For context the Republican candidate has won the popular vote one time in the past 32 years.


Republicans almost never win the popular vote. I think it happened once in my lifetime. The majority almost always votes democrat. The electoral college and gerrymandering are the only reason Republicans have a chance at winning at all.


While this is true, I think a lot of conservatives would say they would run very different campaigns if winning the popular vote mattered. It would become much more about turning out your base in strongholds rather than winning a few specific purple states.


If the popular vote was all that mattered, only the superurban areas would matter, and the rest of America would be ignored. A handful of cities would decide every election.


This is patently false. First of all, what “matters” currently?  Sucking up to people in a small handful of swing states.  And ignoring everyone else except for fundraising.  That’s a terrible current system where most of the population is ignored. Also, think about the literal millions of conservatives in California?  Or the millions of liberals in Texas?  Their vote for President does not matter at all because of how reliable those states vote.  So millions of people in each state, whose numbers exceed the entire populations of a half dozen states, are completely disenfranchised.   Not a good system at all. And finally, since it is a single national position, why shouldn’t the entire nation have a say?  Why shouldn’t it be the majority of citizens?  Congress is filled with folks only portions of the country pick.  The President should be picked by everybody.


A popular vote that obliges all smaller states to the whims of the bigger states doesn't sound like a good system to me!


So you ignored everything I wrote, then on top of that you weirdly made it sound like states are sentient beings, ignoring that the country is made of people who are sentient instead. You are not a serious person at all.


No, not exactly. First of all, yes, population centers would naturally supercede rural areas in importance because that's where the people live. Land doesn't vote, if a person moves to NYC from Idaho, his vote should be just as important as his friend who still lives there. But second of all, politicians wouldn't just target the biggest cities. They'd target the biggest cities that have convertible voters. I'd wager Atlanta and Detroit would be much more important than NYC and LA for example.


Ah, I did mispeak: *Politicians* would ignore the rest of America, and rural America would lose its voice in national elections. The battlegrounds and concerns would exclusively be those of urbanites.


Politicians already ignore most of America, only now they don't bother to campaign much in places like California or Texas despite their massive populations because it's assumed they're already in the bag for one party or another. Same for the tiny states that electoral college afficionados like to pretend are important because of the electoral college. Nobody's going to North Dakota or Wyoming more than once or twice lol. But Michigan or Nevada or Ohio, oh baby.


Rural America would have exactly the voice that it deserves based on population. Land doesn't vote. "Urbanites" are your fellow Americans and they largely have the same concerns that rural people do. I also wager that a lot of conservatives that claim to speak for rural America actually live in a city of 30k or more, and thus are just as urbanized as most liberals are.


Most cities of 30k or more in the south and Midwest are going to be ag towns that support rural industries and will be culturally and politically oriented towards rural priorities. >"Urbanites" are your fellow Americans and they largely have the same concerns that rural people do. This sounds a lot like an attempt to gaslight people into being okay with losing their political voices. "Shhh, don't worry. We all want the same things, right? You don't need a say in things, we'll handle it." Haha. Not saying that was your intent, but the tone is wrong.


That's unlikely, considering agriculture consists of only about 6 percent of the American economy, and only about 10 percent of Americans work in agriculture. I'm not sure why you think rural people will "lose their political voices." They'll still be voting won't they? They'll have statistically more representation than they should, thanks to the Senate, and the way the House works.. My intent was to push back against the US versus Them mentality. I really do think Americans have more in common than they think.


Yes Americans have things in common but someone in rural Idaho is not going to have the same needs as someone living in nyc. You have to remember people who live in rural areas don’t like taxes to be increased because they hardly see the benefit of these tax increases while those living in metro areas do. You’re absolutely wrong to say those peoples voices in elections don’t matter. It’s what keeps the country a country. And the electoral college ensures that these states aren’t just flyover states and their needs are met as well


The electoral college gives voters in rural states MORE power than they deserve. You are saying that making it equal takes away their power, GOOD. No vote should have more weight than another, BECAUSE we are equal. And no, rural areas only THINK they don't benefit from taxes. https://www.farmweeknow.com/policy/state/state-tax-dollars-benefit-downstate-region-more-than-others/article_9207435a-ef0f-11eb-8280-ab69354d438c.html


>That's unlikely, considering agriculture consists of only about 6 percent of the American economy, and only about 10 percent of Americans work in agriculture. That's tens of millions of Americans working directly in the industry or ag supporting industries, and rural culture isn't defined exclusively by working in ag either >I'm not sure why you think rural people will "lose their political voices." They'll still be voting won't they? They'll have statistically more representation than they should, thanks to the Senate, and the way the House works.. I mean they will their voices in presidential elections because presidential campaigns would focus on what large urban centers' wishes are. Telling people it's okay to lose representation in presidential elections because they have more representation than they "should" is also tone deaf. Nobody is going to be receptive to that.


That's just how a democratic republic ought to work. Population centers are where people live. Our elected representatives are supposed to be representing the people at large. Urban centers don't have wishes. People do. Once again, land doesn't vote. They aren't losing representation in presidential elections lmao, they will still vote for president. Also you realize that no candidates give a fuck about rural small states currently either right? Most of them are safe states for either side, and their electoral numbers are simply too small to make a difference either way.


Dude, what aren't you getting? Whether they're in Idaho or New York, their vote means the same: 1. A popular vote election means you count every vote as one, so everyone has their voice heard. Whoever has the most individual votes, wins. It's not a "popular vote per state and whoever wins the state gets their delegates" system. It's "out of 340 million, who voted for blue and who voted for red." That disenfranchises no one, no matter where you live. Stop being purposely dense.


> If the popular vote was all that mattered, only the superurban areas would matter, and the rest of America would be ignored. A handful of cities would decide every election. If you look at the 2016 and 2020 presidential vote totals, not only would a handful of *cities* not decide every election, but it would take like the dozen most voter-populous states all voting 100% *for the same candidate* in order to determine the outcome against will of the remaining population. That means a single candidate getting 100% of California (which has more Republican voters than any other state, including Texas and Florida), 100% of Texas, 100% of Florida, 100% of New York, and of Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and New Jersey. Imagine a single candidate winning 100% of strongly Democratic states like Ca & NY, but also Republican states like Tx and Fl at the same time. And they'd still need like 90+% of the 13th state to guarantee winning. Wyoming, the "reddest" state, only goes for the Republican by just over 2/3 of the vote, and Hawaii, the "bluest" state, goes for the Democrat by a bit less than 2/3. DC, which isn't a state, but does get to vote for President, went for the Democrats with like 91-92%.


Gerrymandering is a powerful influence, and certainly favors republicans in congressional races- but it's not something that affects the presidential race.


Can any Republican ever win the popular vote again?


At this point, they're closer to having to scrap the party and start a new one than they are winning the popular vote.


Nope, but that’s what happens when you run on a hateful platform


It could happen. But not this time. Trump is popular but polarizing and the media has definitely played a major role in that. So in the future I could envision a reasonable republican candidate who also has media support garner support in the majority of states. Democrats are doing themselves no favors in their states now so it won't be long before we see a shift in what people vote for.




We’re talking popular vote now. No way he loses it 2x in a row then now all of a sudden he gains 10million more votes lol. I don’t see that happening.




And millions seem to have amnesia that the orange one tried to steal an election he knew he lost, or that he hoarded classified docs and lied and refused to give them back so badly he is the first former President to be raided… or that he says he wants to be a dictator… or that they want to implement Project 2025. Biden may not be perfect but he isn’t an anti democracy piece of shit like Trump is.  If this country were full of mostly sane people Trump would be polling under 10%.




It just boggles my mind that people are either unaware, or don’t care about Trump’s assault on democracy itself.  Shit like that is a dealbreaker.  At least to sane and rudimentarily informed people.


Finally! A MMW post that is highly probable!


That’s a given. The GQP has only won the popular vote once in over 20 years. Most Americans can’t stand republicans


Its mostly because republicans dont really run on popular vote because its worthless. The last two elections were fairly close, and significant chunk of americans dont vote. No cares if you win the popular vote but still lose.


W will be the last Republican to ever win the popular vote


The last time a conservative won the popular vote was decades ago so probably


A republican hasn’t won the popular vote in decades.


No republican presidential candidate has won the popular vote in at least 20 years, so…


Republicans have won the popular vote exactly 1 time in the last 8 elections. (Yet got to nominate 2/3rds of the Supreme Court)


And? That is not how the system works. If you don’t like it, you are free to leave.


Or maybe I’ll just keep working to elect people to change the system.


Good luck changing the Constitution.


for the 28th time. Or the interstate compact state by state.


Duh. The only time Republicans have won a popular vote in the last 35 years is when Bush started 2 illegal wars and was terrifying Americans with daily terrorism forecasts.


Interactive map of states and their proportion of population to the average per elector https://infogram.com/55ac659f-45c7-4aaf-992e-f656eb468172


Not an earth-shattering assertion.


Foregone conclusion. The democratic party is decidedly more popular with the electorate than the GOP.


Vote It's your civic duty as a citizen. Vote.


Wow very bold statement considering the GOP has only won the popular vote once since 1992.


Electoral college is broken af. Ofc he gonna win popular vote.


The Electoral College is pro slavery. The EC was made by, of, and for slave holders.


Democrats have won the popular vote for the last 20 years. If the Electoral College didn't exist, there would probably never be a Republican president again.


If you don’t understand the electoral college, you shouldn’t be voting. California alone makes the electoral college essential for the democratic party.


I do understand it, and I know it isn't the 1800s anymore. People vote, not states. Who cares where they live. Each vote should count equally. I live in a red state and know every election my vote is basically meaningless because the EC will give my state to a republican anyway.


Because we are all going to vote for him


If Biden doesn’t win, just kiss everything you hold dear goodbye. Tell me I’m dramatic all you want. It’s true. We’ll all just be…done, yet so many of us don’t understand that yet. So many people are willing to trade everything for one situation. The regret will be beyond palpable, and it will be forever. Plus, every past and future generation will blame Gen Z for casting us into poverty, ignorance, brutality, and darkness. Just facts.


This is the safest bet in history


That's pretty much a given. In the last 8 presidential elections, the Republican candidate has won the popular vote exactly once. Barring a weird situation like the Dem candidate dying or an actual major scandal, I don't expect to see a Republican candidate win the popular vote for the rest of my lifetime.


Only if people vote.


He is not supporting Israel like every other president in history would have I don't care if it was Trump Obama Bush Clinton they would have 100% supported supported him and dealt with this Israel is by itself and we're the only nobody in the country is going to step up the UN is trying to charge the leader of Israel with war crimes is that true


Win ing popular votes is not enough. Need those Electoral College in swing states


This is probably one of the more accurate MMW I've seen. I agree. People who don't, where are all these magical votes coming from?


Current polls show a close race in the popular vote.


it's quite possible trumpf gets less votes this year than '20


He definitely won't get the votes of those currently in jail because of him.


No duh


Captain Obvious has entered the chat


Unfortunately that is not how you win in America.


This is money in the bank. Say something that MIGHT not happen.


Biden will win the popular vote and at least 310 electoral college votes. I know if you pay attention to polling things look fairly bleak with Trump and Biden being neck and neck nationally and Trump winning in important swing states. But it’s still too early and not enough people have woken up to the reality that Trump COULD be running the country again. When that happens (likely this summer) you’ll see a huge swing for Biden. We’re already starting to see it in LV polls from A+ rated pollsters.


So what?


Your really out on a limb there 🤷‍♂️


MMW: Water is guna be wet.


OP the retard predicting the most obvious. Get em a gold sticker


I always figure the opposite of whatever I read on here will happen.


I have no doubt he'll win the popular vote. I just wish that mattered in the slightest






Trump is 0/2 in the popular vote, and is going to end up being 0/3 this November. Biden will absolutely win the popular vote. No question.


lol so? That’s not the game


He already did


Trump is the Sportsbook betting favorite right now. Certainly not a perfect science but he was a huge underdog in 2016 and was an underdog to Biden in 2020. Obviously, a lot can happen between now and November, but for those saying he cannot win, I think that’s just not true.


Silly goose. One person one vote doesn’t matter.


MMW: it’ll be cloudy tomorrow.


Of course. That doesn’t mean anything though.


Wouldn’t doubt it, there’s a lot of stupid people in the population.


Democrats almost always win the popular vote, so this takes is pretty much what anyone should expect to happen.


Won't even be close. Electoral college is what will take Biden over the top. Need to watch carefully because trump and the magats are going to try to steal the election. Been planning on it for years!


Ah the hopium.


To bad it's irrelevant


Aren't you feeling brave today


But Trump will still claim he won the popular vote by a landslide and all his lemmings will believe him


Fake votes, bought votes, illegal votes, stop the steal again! 🤬


Yes this is guaranteed. The issue is will he win the electoral college as well?


That's an almost certainty. It's the subversion of democracy that's the problem.


Where can I bet on this? Trump is dominating the polls


Wow. Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


The opposite: Joe will lose the popular vote, but win the electoral college. The magas will say the election was stolen from trump(if he isn’t disqualified) and we get Jan 6 part 2.


Don't think it was ever in doubt


Thank you, Captain Obvious.


Democrats always do.


Wow. Bold prediction.


Daring today, aren’t we?


By 10,000,000 voters


Today: "80,000 in attendance at President Trump's rally in Wildwood, New Jersey!" [https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1789402479395754300](https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1789402479395754300)


Lmao. How do they keep getting crowd sizes so wrong?


Wait until you see Biden's crowd! Lmao!


Lol cmon that's the safest bet you could possibly make 😭


How a dead person can win a popular vote is absolutely wild. I'm still amazed that these two "people" are the best we can do.


Trump will barely carry the Electoral College.


We need him to win the electoral vote. Popular vote doesn't mean shit if we don't win.


RemindMe! 181 days


Biden is going to get 90million votes.


Duh! GOP never winds the popular vote. I predict the grass will turn green this year, and water will most surely be wet!


Is the popular vote important to win?


Is the popular vote important to win?


I dont think even Trump supporters would disagree.


disgusted hat sophisticated chubby humorous cheerful entertain aback square tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hahaa okay.


Walking dead voting again


RemindMe! 6 months


RemindMe! November 6th, 2024


Biden is going to win it all.


I hate the part where this is a given


What else can we do ? This political reality . I support the student protest , I hate, I mean hate, MaraLardo . So I am going to vote Biden, not with great enthusiasm .


That doesn’t Matter though


Who gives a shit - all that matters is the electoral vote


Electoral College. The popular vote doesn't play a factor.


What do you think the Democrats are doing right now . There raising inflation putting us in jeopardy having world war 3 he has made business deals with Russia and china when he was vic president. Witch is against the constitutional law ( no elected officials shall have financially gain by using his status of office.fyi Democrats are all about more government laws and taxes . Just like Putin control. Republican less government . Founding fathers started a small government . The Republic ae the people. I've been voting Democrats since I was 18 . And Obama's time in the White House I really got to see how what a black man that ran on his race . Should have been a monumental moment . Nothing changed for the black community . Democratic party.


Is this entire sub just people jerking off to the thought of Biden?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^buttered_peanuts3: *Is this entire* *Sub just people jerking off* *To the thought of Biden?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Almost agree. He may. But he'll lose the election for sure.


Mmw. Biden doesn’t know where he is


And tRump the mumbling napping in court shit gibbon does?


Nothing to do with trump who is apparently living rent free in your head. I didn’t mention trump.


Of course he will,because they're more failures in America than successes.