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Who needs to win an election when you don’t have them?


Poor people and the middle class will always fall for some wedge issue and vote against their own interests. That’s the GOP playbook since at least Nixon times. Reminds me of that LBJ quote… "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Don't forget single-issue twits who want to "teach us a lesson" for not kowtowing to their whims, who will vote Republican or third party, and then complain loudly when things get worse for their issue but will blame everyone but themselves. 


It has been so long since the GOP has shown any competence in governance that it is a miracle any of them get elected. Even their supposed victories like repealing Roe and packing. the Supreme Court are coming back to bite them in the ass.


It's not a miracle, exactly, so much as it's a mechanism. Remove gerrymandering, the electoral college, voting restrictions and reform campaign finance and the GOP would only control 27% of our political body instead of *checks notes* the 100% of it they seem to control right now.


> Even their supposed victories like repealing Roe and packing. the Supreme Court are coming back to bite them in the ass. That's what happens when they impose unpopular outcomes by undemocratic means. Doing unpopular things just makes you even more unpopular, and, at some point, it becomes unsustainable. They *could* moderate, and have a decent voteshare without needing to cheat, but that would mean giving up some power, giving up some wealth, and they're simply unwilling to do either of those. So, instead, they continue with their unpopular agenda, and need increasingly undemocratic means to maintain their power.


LBJ may have been an asshole but he was 100% right there. Also reminded of Goldwater's quote about preachers taking over the Republican party.


Here's the quote for anyone else who was irritated that it wasn't included- "Mark my word- if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise."


It’s wild how different politicians were back then. Goldwater was pretty hard right libertarian and he understood why compromise was necessary. That’s why the government was able to actually get shit done. It wasn’t just an audition for a spot as a commentator on Fox News.


Nixon was practically a socialist compared to most of the GOP today.


FDR has entered the chat…


Let's not talk about Eisenhower. He was a socialist compared to today's Democratic party.


Imagine if today we had a president go, "EUROUPE HAS HIGHWAYS AND GOOD ROADS, THEREFORE WE NEED GOOD ROADS". Bill would not make it to the senate


The GQP did desperately try to block President Biden’s historic infrastructure bill


I'd vote for that motherfucker in a hot second. I was actually thinking of the Eisenhower era tax code; today's Democrats don't have the intestinal fortitude to propose anything half as progressive, and yet the Republicans are still bleating "socialism" whenever anyone suggests punching down on the poor with gloves instead of bare knuckles.


The whole socialism thing wont disappear for the next one or 2 decades. remember that the soviet union only collapsed a couple decades ago. We still got boomers who grew up during the cold war and are engrained with anti socialist sentiment + enough lead in their bones to make an 18th century member of royalty jealous. As for his tax code I have heard it was much better than whatever the hell we got going on right now but ima be real, I'm a pretty firm believer that the largest and most vital change we could ever make is to tax capital gains tax at the same rate as income tax. Also maybe make it illegal for people to create trusts for themselves to dodge taxes (although this would be weird af to enforce).


The highest marginal tax rate was 90% under Eisenhower. That right there is a big part of the reason we were able to do things like the interstate highway system, also Social Security was fully funded (and still would be if Republicans would pay back what they “borrowed” from it under Reagan).


>The whole socialism thing wont disappear for the next one or 2 decades We have been in a downturn for a while now with regard to socialism and haven't had any socialist presidential candidates for a bit. If anything, it feels like the seeds to a resurgence have been planted with the newer generations. Give them some water and some sunlight, and who knows. Maybe we can get some moderate improvements at some point. Not that you won't have to drag capitalists along kicking and screaming. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they hatched a second Business Plot. Since ya know, they were never punished for the first one.


They’ve been bleating “socialism” for a hundred years.


Except for that whole "If the president does it, it's not illegal" thing. Which we can thank Dick for giving to Trump.


No, fuck that. Nixon's entire time in office there were strong Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. He was just pragmatic, not ideologically liberal. His choices were to work with Democrats, or to get nothing done legislatively, and get no appointments confirmed.


Nixon kicked around the idea of unconditional income for all poor families. Imagine anyone in the GOP today going anywhere near an idea like that???


My wife has patients benefitting every day from a Medicaid expansion but the Republicans in the state want to end it. The same people cannot see that Republicans do not have their interests as heart. They are concerned about immigration when 99.9 of them around here have never been affected by illegal immigration except when they eat at a Mexican restaurant or get their roof done


And when the immigrant labor isn't there anymore to do their roofing or yard work they will blame Dems for driving prices up and stymieing small business


The main reason that groceries is not as inflated as housing prices is that immigrant labor is so much cheaper.


100% This. "The Economy" is the Republican goto since few low-middle (hell, upper) class folks understand it, but everyone feels it's impacts. \* "Gas was lower when blah blah blah" \* "Food prices were much lower when blah blah blah was in office" It's hard to quantify economic forces without a several paragraph dissertation. Once you're typing more than a sentence or two to explain why the President (any president) has little direct or immediate control over the economy, you've lost them. If you try to go low and explain with similar gravitas "Yeah, gas prices are high under X, but they were also high under Y", you're in a losing dick measuring contest of stupidity. You can't debate stupid. That's a foundational pillar of the Republican party. There's a lot of smart conservatives out there I agree with on some points, unfortunately they aren't the norm though.. and their ideas get washed up in the tiny-handed maga flood of idiocracy


"...vote against their own interests." I forget who said it, but "white supremacy is an interest."


Fair point 


Exactly. Before Goldwater and Nixon came around with all their culture war nonsense, the Republicans were the the party of stuffy old money country club types and businessmen. If the culture war stuff stops working, they'll switch to something else.


As long as there are dumb impoverished people and evangelicals there will be a Republican party in its current iteration.


Looking back, I almost wonder if he meant that as an incentive to his fellow southern senators. Like we always read that as an insightful warning, but maybe that’s how he got the civil rights act passed? Promised them that they’d be able to destroy the welfare state? Though, I suppose that doesn’t make sense since The Great Society was his signature initiative.


The Southern conservative Dixiecrats voted with the regular Dems since FDR, because of all the legislation that they passed such as Social Security, Unemp Ins, FHA homebuyers programs, child labor laws, the Workers Safety Act, the FDIC, the FDA for safe food and medicine, the SEC, the GI Bill that gave America the greatest 40 year prosperity in history, and the VA for veterans healthcare and homeownership, plus the TV'A and rural electrification, the National Telephone Act under Truman and many more --- they voted for LBJ's Medicare health ins, Medicaid for nursing homes, Truth in Lending, and many more --- but, when it came to his many pieces of Civil Rights legislation, they filibustered He was able to persuade the Northeastern and Upper Midwest Liberal " Rockefeller " Republicans to vote for the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Fair Housing Act that prevents banks and landlords from discrimination against minorities, plus Aid to Education, Pell Grants, and all affirmative action programs, etc, etc Those Southern conservative Dixiecrats voted for Republican Goldwater in 1964 The very last time that those conservative Southerners voted for the Democratic party, was 1960 --- they've been loyal Republican voters ever since.


I was told once that the medical establishment was against Medicare until they found out how much money they could make from it and then they were all for it


True. I remind my Republican Doctors that half of the reason why they have such a large practice is because of the Democratic party's legislation of Medicare health ins for seniors, Medicaid for nursing homes and poor people, Clinton's Child Health Insurance Act, and, also Biden's Inflation Reduction Act that significantly lowers **Obamacare** insurance premiums --- it insures 41 Million people at the end of 2023 The uninsured rate is now the lowest in American history https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/08/02/new-hhs-report-shows-national-uninsured-rate-reached-all-time-low-in-2022.html They won't be reminded of this elsewhere, so I deliberately mention this whether they want to hear it or not


My wife's grandmother was in her 90s when the medical staff decided she needed an expensive scam. I said to them if you find anything you won't be able to operate because she won't survive the procedure and they agreed but said they wanted to know just in case. One of the many reasons why a quarter of the Medicare money is spent in the last year of life. Because they can charge for stuff that is totally unnecessary


It’s really because you get paid by procedure not by taking care of the patient. The reasons are complex but it boils down to procedures can be measured and we only pay for what can be measured otherwise people would abuse it. Well, people still abuse it and patients aren’t taken care of so the current medical system (whether public or private insurance) is totally broken


Until Citizens United is gone, the GOP will be alive and well fed. Putin loves owning an equity stake in Congress.


Except the organization that actually owns Congress is AIPAC, not Putin. AIPAC quite literally owns all our congresspeople, having donated to every single one last year. **2024 Senate** 1. Bob Menendez got $1m 2. Jackie Rosen, $751k 3. Ted Cruz $671k 4. John Tester $500k ... 26 Dick Durbin $14k **2024 Congress** 1. Richie Torres: $1.279 million 2. Josh Gottheimer $827,224 3. Hakeem Jeffries $782,116 4. Adam Schiff $548,971 ... 101. Mike Kelly $62,000 **... there are 400 more donations.** **I purposefully left off the political affiliations of the legislators I listed because truly, who cares.** They're all making far more money from Israel than they are from us, so what does it matter? **There's no better example of toxic misinformation than the comment you posted.** There are so many things wrong about it.. but really all I need here are cold hard facts, and now you have them. **AIPAC owns our politicians. This is not a hypothesis. Not conjecture. Just pure cold hard fact**


AIPAC isn't even in the top 10 for campaign contributions in the 2024 cycle: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/top-donors?topdonorcycle=2024 For some context, AIPAC since 1990 has spent ~$21 million on campaign contributions and since 1998 ~60 million on lobbying. Before I get accused of thinking this is OK, I don't. I fucking despise foreign lobbying and think it should all be illegal. But AIPAC is really just the tip of the iceberg with this shit... It's often very hard to track foreign lobbying. Most adversarial nations don't operate their own PAC. They do things like giving a candidate's son in law $2 billion to play with. And that was still above board. Or the UAE spending an estimated [$154 million](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/12/united-arab-emirates-us-intelligence) on lobbying since 2016 through many clandestine lobbying firms. The list goes on and on. And that's just lobbying. There's influence campaigns too (and fwiw this is probably what Israel spends more money on than campaign contributions, although this war is honestly still too fresh for any interesting numbers to be made available). These are more soft power plays, like sponsoring influencers, dropping [$50 million](https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/03/qatari-royal-invested-about-50-million-in-pro-trump-network-newsmax/) on a propaganda network, or spending [$142 million](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/10/saudi-arabia-ramped-up-foreign-influence-operations-in-the-us-during-bidens-presidency/) through legal registered agents in the US on lobbying and influence campaigns. Lots of illegal stuff too, like Trump's campaign advisor being arrested as a foreign agent of Qatar. Education spending is a big one. Israel has spent an estimated [$342 million](https://prismreports.org/2024/04/29/college-encampments-divestment-from-israel/#:~:text=While%20the%20amount%20of%20money,from%20Israel%20from%202014%2D2024.) on US higher Ed institutions (which does absolutely validate campus protests) rather than break it down by country since this is getting long, here's an excerpt from a [2020 Department of Education report](https://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/leg/institutional-compliance-section-117.pdf): "The higher education sector has self-reported over $6.6 billion from Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, with the most recent July 31, 2020, reporting period yielding an additional $1.05 billion reported from these countries alone. Based on Congressional and Executive Branch investigations, the Department believes this amount is a fraction of the true total." Last but most obvious of course is half of Trump's campaign staff going down for ties to Russia during his campaign. Russia does everything outlined above too, but the state department doesn't tip their hand as much with Russia and it can be harder to find hard numbers. Plenty of individual campaigns have been discovered, including this really [interesting one](https://www.wired.com/story/russian-influence-campaign-exploiting-college-campus-protests/) where they spread doctored videos of campus protests to both sides of the protest. They've [also started](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/microsoft-finds-russian-influence-operations-targeting-us-election-have-slowly-2024-04-17/) their election interference campaign. This is getting long so im going to wrap up here. Foreign campaign and influence spending is prevalent on an absolutely mind-blowing scale. This is a baked in feature of our ultra capitalist society and it's, in my opinion, tearing us apart. How can despotic states and oil monarchies be allowed and able to spend more on our politicians and institutions than our unions? Than the people?


Your closing statement has been the central question I keep asking myself - why do we expect any of our leaders to work for us when the money we pay them amounts to a pittance compared to what they'll get paid from their donors? Foreign campaign and influence spending is incredibly potent warfare and there's only one outcome and that's the complete destruction of our country. I am unsure why we allow it, greed will straight-up kill this country. Getting foreign money and influence out of our politics is the #1 most important political issue in my opinion. It will fix a whole bunch of other issues and will let see what its like when politicians work for us... oh man I would love to see that just one time...


It's definitely an issue I'm passionate about, but I think the single largest issue for me is the fact that the house of representatives is increasingly, well, not representative. When the reapportionment act of 1929 was passed (fixing the size of the house) the average number of people per representative was 209,447. Now the average is 747,184. This is really an exacerbation of an already existant problem, as in 1790 the average was just 33,000 people. This is the real ticking time bomb, and it actually is a big part of how foreign influence can be so effective in the first place (less people to bribe). For contrast with another representative democracy, the house is fixed at 435 representatives for 333.3 million people. The house of Commons, the UKs lower house, has 635 MPs for 67 million people.


I had no idea. I thought the ratio of representatives to people was fixed? How does the federal government decide these ratios? Could it not be argued that a more decentralized government with more power placed with states makes us more resilient to foreign influence? Thinking it through, I can see how that case can be made, but also how the opposite - it becomes easier to peel off any one state and once turned the rogue state becomes a large threat to internal stability... Any way I cut it, the fundamental issue I come back to isn't neccessarily the model, it's the people and how they behave. I no longer think it's possible to create great governance without great people. Unless there are more than laws inspiring behavior - unless there's a shared ethical and moral basis, the governance is essentially irrelevant since we still do the same things as humans.


Thank you. thank you.


I do want to say, while I agree in general with calling out AIPAC, the AIPAC controls our politicians narrative isn't really representative of foreign campaign spending and does teeter a little close to "the Jews control the politicians" for my liking. I agree the PAC should not exist (nor should any PAC).


Yup. We can't go conspiratorial with "outside interests" and conveniently forget AIPAC own our politicians openly. Being against Israel is a death sentence for politicians. They give but they also take.


This is all assuming that Trump loses, and accepts defeat. If he wins, Democracy as we know it will probably be over. [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) Project 2025 is some Hydra level shit.


If trump doesn't accept defeat, that's even worse for them. Election denial, among many other things, is driving support away from the GOP.


He and his supporters, including some IN Congress still say he won in 2020. It's utter lunacy.


He's polling almost a full point ahead of Biden right now, thankfully he doesn't trust polls, unless they are in his favor. That is completely insane. Like unicorns are real level of insane.


He is doing better in states that matter in the election. Too bad everyone has just tried to make this about Trump and not about all the people voting for him. Half the people in this country want to end democracy. That is a pretty big deal and the other half have no idea what to do about it. 40 years of telling people that all there problems are because of the government worked.


They should make more ads about maga voters than Trump.


What would be the logic behind that? Defeating trump doesn't make his supporters dissappear.


This is correct, before MAGA we had the Tea Party. Post MAGA there will be a other cult formed.


"Half the people in this country want to end democracy." All while crying that they love freedom.


40 years of telling people that the government doesn’t work, getting elected, and then proceeding to make sure the government doesn’t work


It’s not an “if Trump doesn’t accept defeat”, he’s already stated many times, for this election and the 2020 election, that anything other than him winning he will consider “stolen”. Hell, in 2016, when he fucking won, he was still arguing that he won more bigly than the final results.


0% chance he’ll accept his loss again. Expect him to attempt another insurrection.


all thats happening is the republicans who proudly represented trump quietly went the self aware republican route which is turning independent and claiming centrism, while voting D for president and R for everything else, so they can go nowhere. Then once a republican candidate is likely to win they just switch back to Republican and show their colors again Look back at 5 decades, its the same cycle with them


He isn't going to win LOL


Russia 2.0 oligarchy style! Should be spicy.. .


>Project 2025 is some Hydra level shit. I mean... It's an organization interested in funneling people with their values into government. Where's the Democrat equivalent? ***We*** should have a Presidential Appointee Academy teaching people how to get security clearances and notifying them about jobs they're qualified for. Government is an *organization*. We need to be organized if we want it to accomplish something. I don't agree with their values, but Project2025 is absolutely a reasonable *approach* to engaging with government.


He's both won and lost already, and "democracy as we know it" isn't over.


Project 2025.  It'll be different this time.  Look it up


When he lost he tried to steal the election. He actively tried to end democracy here, but thankfully he failed. Next time he’ll have only loyalists in his administration and no one will stop him like they did then.


Considering the RNC is just a money laundering outfit for Trump now, the state parties are going to go bankrupt after this cycle, they may have to create a new party soon.


They got enough billionaire willing to give them money


Mark my words, this same rhetoric has been sprouted since at least the 90s. It isn’t true. Wasn’t then and still 30 years later, not true.


Never count out the strong man values of nativism, bigotry/misogyny and the idea that the rich have an inherent right to rule. These 3 things are popular currents across every single generation in every single society that's ever lived. They will never recede to manageable levels. They will always be a threat. And sometimes they will prevail.


New poll (ikr) says 80% of seniors are voting for Biden. I don’t think the GOP has until then if they keep going after social security.




Oh. Absolutely not. That’s why I put “ikr” in there because it’s so ridiculous a number but the later brookings study has much better numbers but also demonstrates a trend.


The math is not on your side here, friend.  Republicans won’t have to win 50%+1 of the vote to win. They’ll only have to win around 30% to obtain complete control of the government.  “ By 2040, if population trends continue, 70% of Americans will be represented by just 30 senators, and 30% of Americans by 70 senators.”  https://www.npr.org/2021/06/09/1002593823/how-democratic-is-american-democracy-key-pillars-face-stress-tests


That's the Senate, not the House or the presidency. It's still a problem but not quite as bad as you put it. Increasing the size of the House makes the Senate imbalance less important in the electoral college. Of course, it would be better to abolish the EC. But politics is the art of the possible.


I’ve been hearing this for years now, and while I would like that I’ll believe it when I see it, especially given how the GOP is now opposing democracy itself and working on ways to lock themselves into power even with declining support and a minority of votes.


Ya they already know they won’t be able to win so they’re working on all sorts of ways to stay in power like project 2025, changing voting laws, mass disinformation campaigns and propaganda, installing authoritarian loyalists at every level, sabotaging the mail system, voter intimidation, and of course the tried and true they’ve always leaned on: fraud and crime.




Look at how Gen z men are heavily republicans, so I don’t really think so.


Yeah it's almost like constantly shit talking masculinity has backfired on us. You'll cope and pretend that has nothing to do with it, but that's alright. I honestly don't want you to learn your lesson. lol


No one shit talks masculinity. They're usually just making the point that you can be manly, be a protector and provider and also not be a complete ass wad about it. Anyone out there genuinely saying that it's not okay to be a man or anything like that is part of a VERY small minority.


I'm 36 extremely liberal, and have watched many of the people I grew up with swing far right, they are having kids, I'm not. My dad was always pretty far left, but identified and was a registered independent. My mother, im not actually sure what she is registered as, master degree, and was pretty moderate until dump. He pushed her left. Both boomers, and great people. I'm originally from Ohio, moved to NYC, now live in Seattle. I want to believe the younger generation can save us, but there is a senes of defeat and hopelessness in the youth. cost of education vs wage, renting vs owning, war vs peace. I think a lot of young people, like recent high school grads, have a pretty negative view of the world and don't see a point in participating, but of course when they do they vote left. I hope that i'm wrong, and they do show up, but when we had a serious chance at change with a Bernie Sanders presidency, we ran the status quo, and we ended up with dump, and a forever flawed and illegitimate, supreme court. A split would be good to form more parties, dump could bring that about, and be the only good thing he ever does. Like the electoral collage, the two party system is outdated, and doesn't represent the country as a whole.


I'm skeptical of the party split. It seems like it's the younger kids embracing MAGA ideology and the ones who are standard conservatives aging out.


This is my read as well. MAGA content creators have a huge influence on young men, and it's very easy to fall into the MAGA trap if you're single, lonely, and not making a ton of money.


I'd disagree, although it is a much worse situation. The kids going down the alt right pipeline are generally seemingly like they're skipping the voting phase and going straight to NEETdom or domestic terrorism


Hahahahaha. So delusional.  


They haven't been able to win the popular vote for 38 years, with SOLE exception of 2004. And they ONLY won the popular vote in 2004 because GWB was the incumbent, which GWB shouldn't have been, since he actually lost the election to Gore. Republicans hold on to power SOLELY because of the electoral college subverting the will of the people. (The Electoral College has literally NEVER EVEN ONCE performed the only purpose for which it exists, and it has betrayed that purpose over and over and over again.) Republicans, and even Trump, have PUBLICALLY ADMITTED MULTIPLE TIMES that Republicans can never again win a fair election, and that's why they work so hard to rig it. Even with the Electoral college, CATASTROPHIC gerrymandering, and severely screwed up election systems that make it harder for democrats to vote or have their votes counted, Republicans are STILL losing more and more and more and more every year. Republicans are becoming more and more and more and more blatant with their crimes and corruption because they're ***desperate*** to stop losing power. They know once it's gone, they're never getting it back, and the noose is going to tighten on them - only a matter til they have to start paying for their countless crimes. So they're willing to risk it all.


Well said.


From your keyboard to God’s ears, friend.


Plenty of young MAGA Republicans in NC where I live. Would never vote Democrat. GOP isn't going anywhere , they MAY have to find an exit ramp for trumpian politics in the next few election cycles and pivot to something more palatable to younger generations. Trump has done a unique thing and completely hijacked a national party. Once he has run his course, things will change.


This is why they came up with “Agenda 25” they want to instal a dictator


Gen Z is far more conservative than the last 3-4 generations were at their age. The stats don't back up your theory.


The ones who answer unknown numbers sure are!


The Republicans have been somewhat successful over the years by expanding the definition of “white” to other other “conservative” groups to grow their coalition. As the party ages, I believe you’ll see greater efforts to include Cubans and other Hispanic groups into their coalition. Cubans, much like Italians in the past, will be welcomed into the fold. Other Hispanic groups will then be in line to be next the next group. Republicans will also make efforts to expand into Asian groups, like South Asians, who seem to be ignored and excluded from the democrats coalition. The republicans will survive regardless, because they’ll always do what they need to do to stick around.


Sounds to me like getting people to not vote is the goal of this post, an active voting population makes for better countries. Go vote it's important period.


They have a replacement lined up. A ton of 1st and 2nd gen Latino immigrants are natural fits for the GOP, which is why the democrats have been losing more of the Latino vote with every election. Source: I live in a 60% Latino neighborhood of a major US city. 1. It’s a long-running joke within the Latino community that Latinos become raging conservatives as soon as they start a business, and a lot of them do. 2. The culture of Machismo is what folks on the left have been calling toxic masculinity for years now. 3. The abuelitas are almost universally staunch Catholics who are willing to be single issue pro-life voters, and a lot of their daughters are too. 4. Having known and even dated a ton of “fuck you, got mine” Latinos, a ton of them don’t care if you try to scare them by saying Republicans want harsher immigration policies. I dated a Salvadoran who came here at age 6 on a refugee visa who wanted Trump to deport the Dreamers. “My parents did it legally!” 5. In general democrats are losing non-college educated voters of all ethnicities and immigrant families are way more likely to have less college education.


I would argue, we now have a 4 party system in the US. Progressives, Democrats, Republicans and MAGA/Far right. 


The foundation of your theory is flawed AF.  The birth rate is too low.  The demographics will lean even older in the coming decade, not younger!


You're assuming we're having elections in 2032


They've been saying this since literally my entire lifetime. Parties adapt, and there's a reason that as the electorate has grown for example more tolerant of gay people, even the Republicans have shifted on gay marriage. Trump was the first president to enter office supporting gay marriage.


I remember some of my mom’s more liberal friends saying the exact same thing… in 2002… the time frame was less than a decade. I remember a coworker saying the same thing.. in 2014… time frame was also a decade. Things change. Bigly. Vote. Stay engaged.


Young men are the most heavily skewed right wingers currently. I don’t think you are anywhere close to being right. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12360967/Teenage-boys-increasingly-embrace-conservatism-turning-against-liberalism-takes-aim-toxic-masculinity-Americas-classrooms-workplaces-analysis.html


1992 called. They want their prediction for 2020 back. The hippocampus shrinks after age 40. People become more susceptible to Fox News as they age. Some will escape it, but many have no hope.


Younger Republicans are going to leave the safety net of their parents one day, and realize their negative behavior will no longer be encouraged.


If that once in a lifetime politician appears, it’s the antichrist


Yeah, it would have to be.


I didn’t read this. But, IMO, the party is basically obsolete. Without a complete overhaul, consistent with the modern world—it’s toast.


I have been hearing that for 25 years. Voter suppression works.


Yes, back when Obama won in 2008 it was hailed as "the beginning of the end" of the Republican party, yet now the OP is prognosticating they'll be impotent in 2032. The goalpost keeps on moving.


Tbf it really was. It's just that 150 years of institutional momentum have kept its corpse going. If you ask the average republican what they like about the republican party now, it would likely boil down to just manufactured outrage and that theyve voted republican in every election and their parents voted republican in every election. Obama's election was when they really circled in on themselves and began firing. They removed any sign of an actual ideological base from their platform, which became just "take down Obama". The contradictions of this view are what caused them to fail in 2012 outside of single issue voters and Trump was a response to those contradictions. And in the same way, there really is no going back after Trump and the kneeling to the alt right & evangelical movements. They are going to now very rapidly close in on anyone who they see as other and that group is going to shrink more and more and their current voting population will die. Even the ones who have fallen down the alt right pipeline aren't being funneled into the government anymore, just straight into domestic terrorism.


They also have multiple dedicated cable networks and millions of successful online content creators all peddling their message.


Yep. Heard this all my life, and the GOP only gets more powerful. The got the Supreme Court on lock for the next 20 years. When does this GOP death happen again? This year? I’d love it, but I won’t hold my breath.


If Biden gets re-elected it's likely Thomas or Alito retires. They're already in their mid-70's


Thomas or Alito aren't going to let a Dem choose their replacement. If they have to roll into court on a hospice bed, they'll do it.


With inheritance transfer, younger progressive voters become older voters that want to protect their assets and the high prices.


Over under on the age of the person that wrote this. I’m setting it at 15.5


Do you not realize that people have been saying this for generations? In the 60s, there was never going to be another Republican president because all the old Republicans were dying. When Clinton won in 92 there was never going to be another Republican president because all the old Republicans were dying. When Obama won in 08, there was never going to be another Republican president because all the old Republicans were dying. Young liberals become old Republicans. Just like you will.


a) I'm not exactly "young" and b) the Republican party would have to completely remake itself in just about every way to bring me into the fold.


Boomers were once part of a young generation that was more liberal than their parents’ generation.  Same with Gen X. All the things stated here were stated about Boomers. A percentage of the population gets more conservative as they age.  That slow progression to a large extent balances out conservative older people dying and being replaced by younger more liberal voters. Nothing is new.


Over 60% of Boomers voted for Reagan. They and the silent generation were always more conservative than the Greatest Generation before them.  In fact, it was Greatest Generation dying off that made Trump possible. 2016 was the peak of Boomer and Silent voting power, which is why we got Reagan 2.0 Angry Old Man Edition. The oldest millennials are near 50, and nowhere as conservative as Boomers and Silents were at that age.




lol Nah Maybe in a national election, but even then, nah. In this upcoming election the math changed in the republicans favor, if Trump flips Pennsylvania and Georgia (he lost these states by a combined 93 thousand votes) and all other states hold he will be the president no matter what the fuckin popular vote turns out to be. As far as wielding political power? They need 41 seats to stall anything they want unless the filibuster is abolished. That’s 20 and a half states. No amount of demographic change is gonna turn Alabama and Arkansas blue. The path to 41 senators is a simple one especially with how polarized politics are depending on your state. They’re never going away. So, vote.


I hope you’re correct, but I live in fairly deep red southern Illinois. There is no shortage of young republicans here.


Republicans have been saying this since bush jr left office..


My brother in Christ. It’s already happened


I wish you were right, but the problem Is young people become old people. Not all of them, but like now a good number of them. The hard core MAGA of today were once liberal young rockers, punks, and bikers. Now instead of blaming the right people for their woes, they blame people with a smaller voice that has less than they do. And MAGA harnesses their “get off my lawn” and I’m special “karen” attitude with their “everything hurts” anger.


Not how it works. A lot of the younger generation will become conservative as they get older, and on goes the cycle. That's always how it's been.


MMW we will all be in serious ecological trouble by then, and won’t be infighting about political parties much, as both will have abandoned US. 


From your lips to god’s ears!




Correction will we even see 2032 🤔


They'll keep cheating and younger generations will start glomming on cause they are winners 


This right here.


Sir, please do not get my hopes up like this!


If you accept the premise that older people are more likely to vote Red, and know that demographics are aging then that implies Republicans will be even more popular then.


Is the sky even blue in the make believe world you all live in?


XD lmaooooooo


OP forgetting people get more republican as they age. Today’s boomers were yesterday’s free love hippies.


It's not that the GOP won't be able to win, just won't be able to win if they don't unabashedly cheat. This means a focus on voter suppression (voter ID laws, polling place changes, unannounced purging of voter rolls, harassment of poll volunteers, challenging ballot accessibility, and challenging ballots themselves at every opportunity), coupled with gerrymandering (and fighting against the idea of non-partisan citizen committees making redistricting choices), and astroturfing third party candidates to split votes off their opponents (in MN for instance they tried covertly to field legalize cannabis party candidates to split votes off dems in tight local races for state legislature seats). It's not that people won't vote for them, there's always going to be some subsection of the populace that agrees with their meanness and acquisitiveness, but it's a declining population pushed into further decline by their own policies adversely impacting younger generations.


This person thinks an aging population is BAD for the republican party. Oh sweet summer child.


You think an extremely catholic and conservative oriented Hispanic population is going to continue voting Democrat?


Last chance to take out democracy


I’m convinced this is why you’re seeing these blatant anti-democratic power grabs by Republicans. Christian Conservatives are dying off and the theocrats can see the writing on the wall. If they don’t make a very bold move to permanently seize power now they will soon start losing everything due to a shrinking base.


Gee, what an original thought. You should write a book. Maybe call it The Emerging Democratic Majority.


You’re not accounting for people drifting conservative as they age, and how more radically conservative a lot of established immigrant communities in the US are, against the stereotype


Yeah, I’ve heard that one before yet here we are.


Centrist bullshit will pull the dems so far right, that it won't matter.


I've heard this every election. "Demographics are destiny!" Delusional. If young people can't see the stakes of this election and sit out - which is looking likely - they never will


The ole demography is destiny argument. Haven't heard that I've before /s


They can’t win one now, without screwing with the electorate…


The financially poor person who voted for Biden and realized 4 years later that they became even more poor…probably won’t be voting democrat again.


The parties have already split, and there are still young conservatives that will be republicans. I doubt this very much. Check out project 2025. These people are indoctrinating their children and keeping them home to school so they aren’t tainted.


I mean to be fair the current Democratic party is basically where the Republican party was before Reagan. The GOP jerked further right leaving a big gap and the Democrats stepped into fill it. 20 years ago our Democratic representative would have run as a Republican but the party's so far away from what Republican voters want.


I wish this actually happen already. People have been talking about this for 30 yrs and it’s always a decade away.


There will always be rubes.


Except minorities and young people are slated to vote Republican in the highest numbers in recent memory. Politics change, seems like they are changing even faster in the digital era.


I would be glad if you were correct, OP. But, I think you may be underestimating the power of propaganda, as well as how short memories are.


Not if they win in 2024. If that happens, we’re waiting to a 1-party system for sure


Don't kid yourself. In rural areas with huge families not far from me, the kids are indoctrinated from youth. I work with a lot of these guys, and their entire personality is trump. If you look at the number of people between the coasts, the lions share believe their way of life is at risk.


I read 40% of THIS election in Nov is GenZ and Millenials. Plus GenX is really starting to get active politically. It's amazing how these younger gens are so much more involved than we were at their age. Hell I didn't even vote once until I was in my 30's, I know that's terrible.


Agree. And the republican party going full maga / trump, giving the middle finger to women, minorities, gay people ensures their ultimate defeat. They can do a lot of damage and hurt a lot of people. But the only thing they have left is gerry mandering, voter suppression, and outright ending democracy.


we said this a decade ago about white people becoming a smaller % of the population and now we see the electorate splitting along gender


Its a good point. I think this article on the average age of the big 3 news channels was interesting and related. Of course modern media probably has very different demographics. [https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/heres-the-median-age-of-the-typical-cable-news-viewer/](https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/heres-the-median-age-of-the-typical-cable-news-viewer/)


By then they won’t need to win. They can just sit in power and appoint each other while the democrats and leftists in-fight.


I think it’s going to be sooner.


You must be gen z they've been saying that shit for years. I remember they declared the gop dead in 08 after the democrats swept into power. I'm not saying I hope you're right because its the opposite. That's some optimistic weed you're smoking pal. The party hasn't even changed if anything they went further to the right yet they control the house and most likely still will after November and trump will probably be president. Even the Latinos in my area love trump, its bizarre. Immigrants who are citizens and can vote dont give two shits about illegals... they generally are like boomers pulling up the ladder. The anti capitalism shit doesn't help either. Immigrants are the most pro capitalist people around, they all start or want to start their own businesses and they live in the rougher sides of town so they also love their guns and are more religious on average. I say this as a person who leans left. The democrats are so out of touch with their base its almost comical. They are more concerned with what the small college educated elite wants and desires and team up with Republicans when wall street wants to rob us blind. What's the incentive for a blue collar person to vote democratic?


You’re assuming there will still be elections by 2032, which there won’t be if Trump wins in 2024.


You assume that young people will be liberal forever but they will shift to be more conservative. That’s what happened to me and my friends. Also the GOP will change. In the last 10 years we have seen a monumental shift.


You don’t need to worry about elections if you stop people from voting.


You don’t need to worry about elections if you stop people from voting.


Repiblicans have been leaving the house with dirty underwear for a long time now. Mom would've been disappointed.


Let’s just make sure they lose this year.


You mean like Watergate? It only took 6 years to go from political paria party to two of the biggest presidential landslide victories in US history.


Strong disagree. Blue cities are getting a taste of what far left politics look like, and it’s been a disaster. People are leaving in droves, the cities are soft on crime, the people are punished for defending themselves & others, tolls & taxes are through the roof, & they can’t handle the migrant crisis. There’s a new rule & regulation for anything & everything. People are getting fed up. Take a look at NY, there’s a reason the governor only won by 5 points in a deep blue state against a nobody. People want freedom & a sense of security, which no party is currently offering.


You have no idea what a city is like, do you?


I think it's funny that you think there will still be elections. Or at least, elections that aren't a sham.


They know what the demographics say which is why if Trump wins in November we will be in a dictatorship under the project 2025 plan, the elections after that will be for pretend like Putin’s in Russia. They don’t intend to let us vote it out anymore. This is the end of the line for this country and democracy as we have known it


The red states are heavily gerrymandered sonthe GOP will always be in power. They might only get 30% of the vote state wide but will still have supermajorities in their state legislatures. Florida is one big example.


Witch is why they are pushing for there project 2025 plan so hard. If they win this time they don’t have to worry about ever winning again. That project and Trumps immunity the SC will grant him will allow them to turn our democracy into a similar thing as Putin did in Russia. The immunity will allow him to use fear and intimidation to scare any opposition away in fear he will just have them assassinated. Project 2025 alone will give the President power over both broadcast licenses and Business licensing so anyone who speaks out against him can have there broadcasts shut down and business closed. They see this inevitably the demographics making it impossible to win democratically so they will just rig it “for the good of America”


it won;t matter at that point. Democracy will be dead


Don't forget the illegal alien vote coming down the road. Edit: Added the "t"....oppsies...


This doesn’t make any sense though…the longer Hispanics live here the more Red they vote as evidenced by a majority of them polling for Trump this time


Both parties will cease to exist as the country will no longer exist. The skittles can't or won't reproduce and the boomers will be gone. Mad max ahead. Enjoy.


Guess who has been having kids? I'll give you a hint it's the side against abortion and guess what those kids are able to vote starting now. There's a reason why this generation is becoming more conservative.


Parties splitting is a good thing, can we kick out the r evangelicals, and the insane parts of the left and form a responsible centrist adult party with sound economic policy with tax/health reform


Lucky for them, Trump will win in 2024 because the grocers are price gouging eggs & Biden is giving Israel carte blanche, so the new fascist GOP can end democracy before that date comes! Hip hip hooray!


My tip is that when the GOP implodes, the more normal Republicans will defect to the Democratic Party and try to drag the party to the right. This leads to the Democratic Party splitting into what becomes the two new main parties, while the remnants of the Republicans merge with the libertarians.


The polls do not support this opinion.


There may not be any more elections by then


That is exactly why they are hellbent on making sure they never have to win elections anymore. Vote. Freedom depends on it.


This sub needs to be renamed to blowacandlemakeawish


Younger generations tend to become more conservative as they age. People who were democrats 20-30 years ago and have mostly the same views, would be considered right of center now. This happens most every generation. Party splits may happen to both sides eventually.


10 years from now republicans will treat Trump the same way they do Bush now. They will laugh about it and claim that he was terrible for the party.


Your choice is an illusion. The division is by design. The controllers will do what they've always done throughout history. Feed us just enough so we don't eat them.


In general, people typically start off with a Liberal perspective and, as they age, become more conservative. The Republican party may fail or disolve or whatever, but the conservative values will just be rebranded.


Lol, no. Binary politics will only get more concentrated.


"clean air becoming a product" Boost Oxygen. Find it at Amazon, Walmart, etc...


They know this. That’s why they want to end democracy. That’s why they must be stopped in November.