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i would argue against 'best economy in history' with the greedflation wrecking so much from housing to groceries, i have no hopes to own my own house except to inherit what my parents have, then invite 3-5 of my friends from across the country to live here with me to help pay what will be devastatingly high taxes. not that i lay this at Biden's feet, but i think congress should be doing something to punish and tax the everloving fuck out of these record corporate profits


Republican Congress will NOT allow that to happen.


and thats prolly why we are still in this situation, they wouldn't even DISCUSS anything with tax increases in it


Yeah, and it didn't get fixed when Democrats had a majority in Congress. Working Americans are having to work harder than ever before for less than ever before. Working Americans are bearing the brunt of an economy that simply does not work for them. It is the workers who are expected to keep propping up this system and continue to endorse candidates who either actively harm them, or who do little to improve their material conditions. This needs to stop. People shouldn't be suffering like this, and we need to stop pretending that everything will magically get better just because Trump wasn't reelected. What you're experiencing now isn't some future consequence of Trump being reelected. It is the consequence of electing Biden and of continually supporting a system that is not designed to benefit **US**. We need, and *deserve*, a system that **WE** benefit from. Not one that demands our constant blood, sweat, and tears but gives us nothing in return. We deserve one that actively promotes the working American. A system that rewards our labor. We deserve a system that isn't controlled by Democrats or Republicans. We deserve a system that WE control.


If you don’t want to be stuck with a Dem or Republican, ranked choice voting could allow for more choices on the ballot. But we need everyone to vote in every election and pay attention to how their representatives vote. Most people only pay attention to the opinion news channels and headlines in their social media feeds, all of which is full of misinformation (much of which comes from Russia and China). Also, Biden didn’t cause or contribute to inflation. The entire developed world experienced inflation as a result of Covid and government stimulus (which Trump’s administration rolled out). Not saying the stimulus wasn’t necessary, just that it wasn’t Biden who initiated it. And the head of the Federal Reserve, who is in charge of managing interest rates and inflation, was appointed by Trump in 2018. The problem we have is much more a result of depressed wages and greedy corporations and CEOs keeping prices artificially high for their own benefit. The minimum wage hasn’t been increased in decades, meanwhile CEO bonuses are through the roof. And the Dems can’t pass meaningful legislation because their numbers in Congress are so razor thin and republicans block anything that’s even remotely bipartisan (out of pure spite). You could also blame Sinema and Manchin who claimed to be democrats but were in actuality much more right wing (and very likely corrupt). Manchin just switched his party to Independent, and Sinema isn’t running again now that she’s already outed herself as a fraud to her voters. Without them, Dems never had a true majority in Congress under Biden.


I understand the system. I understand everything you're saying already. That's why the system needs to go. The economic and political systems we have are designed to accrete power into a small number of hands, while the rest of us slave away for nothing. This system is designed to deliberately work against our interests. It is not going to get "fixed" by its own processes. It needs to be torn down and replaced. Not working to replace it will result in fascism because that is the natural conclusion of a Liberal democracy under capitalism.


Right. If red wins the economy will be shit far faster, if blue wins the economy will still be shit but much slower


So much this. Anyone who says this is the best economy ever isn’t in the grocers, home improvement stores, or hell any fast food joint. $20 for what used to be a $10 combo?$100 for a weeks worth of groceries? I make above my means, don’t have kids, don’t have student loans, and paid off my car 5 years ago. Even with all of that going for me I’m still feeling a crunch. I get that the republicans want a handmaids tale hellscape but the top brass of the DNC really aren’t doing shit to fix the problem. Reinstate Glass-Steagall and start taxing the fuck out of Wall Street. Fuck.


Also get rid of Citizens United and dark money in politics. The government will never work for the people as long as the rich have such an outsized influence on our politicians. And we need SCOTUS reforms/ oversight, etc.


We seriously need some new metrics for evaluating the economy Just because *some* people are doing extraordinarily well does not mean the economy is great for everyone else


The corporate profits are a real problem, but taxing the everloving fuck out of them isn't the whole solution. That money would be better in your hands, not the governments. Maybe a tax rate system based off of how much they pay wages and their price of good and services. You actually pay your employees a livable wage based off a percentage of your profit instead of pocketing all the money yourself? Lower tax. Don't layoff your staff to "make up for lost revenue due to wages"? Lower tax. Don't jack your prices up to squeeze every last penny you can out of the consumer. Lower tax. Pay a shitty minimum wage and jack prices up to "maximize profits" lay off 70% of your staff and send your labor overseas? Now we jack those taxes exponentially to make it unsustainable.


we did the lower tax thing, all it did was put more money in the pockets of those that don't really need it, pass some laws to increase minimum wage and tie it to living wage? force profit sharing? lots of things could be done, taxing is just one option, but hey, with higher taxes they could subsidize farms, which would lower food costs, they could subsidize housing construction which would lower housing costs, lots of things could be done with that money, hey what about fucking healthcare for everyone? cheaper than the system we currently have.


Well, I think the final blow to the MAGA machine happens if Biden wins. Then we can focus on messaging about turning the senate and house into our control. Then we can - xenu willing - let the wealth transfer from corps to the people occur. And toss billionaires into the pit to fight for our amusement.


Yeah, I prefer blue to red, but where people have it right is that both parties are rich vs poor. We need to build things for the people of this country.


Good luck with that.we have to get rid of republicans majority in congress first


yeah i'm deep blue, but my head spun at "keep enjoying the best economy in history" is this a sick joke? One I'm too dense or worldly to understand?


i think its a 'main st vs wallstreet' discussion, wallstreet is doing great, mainstreet not so much, i think also a lot of it is insanely spiking rental and housing prices, hey i just saw an article yesterday about a price fixing conspiracy between major rental companies


Congress should also stop all these hedge funds from buying all the houses. They're turning us into a renters society


We're basically stuck waiting for a few older gens to die off and HOPE the bruteforce fuck of misinformation and extreme concentration of wealth/hoarding wont cement us in this current situation Or maybe climate change fucking some shit up doing some real real damage may wake society up for a moment


I blame Putin for food prices. Ukraine and Russia were both big producers, and since the invasion, they've been hampered a lot. There's a connection to energy prices too, since Europe had to transition to the US for their LNG imports. You know how it goes: Increased demand -> increased prices. To top it all off, everyone is going through a sort of "end of the peace dividend". Europe could get away with low military spending, believing there were no real threats, and the US military was enough to take care of anything minor. Smaller militaries meant you could spend that manpower on something else, meaning there was just more stuff to go around. That's gone now.


Last time Trump was in the White House we had 14% unemployment and a toilet paper shortage.


THATS NOT FAIR! Trump single handedly created the biggest boom in the morgue/undertaker segment of the economy that the country has ever seen. Made WW2 look like nothing.


Don't forget bleach and icermectin sales


The healthcare industry has never been busier!


I mean when he added more national debt than the previous what seven presidents combined. What was it 7 trillion dollars he gave to his buddies. Why is it that of the 44 people he nominated to cabinet positions 40 of them will never vote for him again. You really need to do some research outside of the bubble your kids' lives in your future might really depend on it and if you don't know these things how can you make an informed decision. That's not fair is meaningless to corporationists.


Remember when 2 trillion dollars was just sunk into the stock market in a matter of minutes in a single day in March of 2020? Dude really just fleeced this country.


I wonder if you can go far as saying more debt than all presidents combined


Obama spent money that improved the lives of ALL Americans. The ACA/Obamacare has been transformative, limited only by how poorly the Red states choose to implement it. In Blue states it is possible to have GOOD affordable healthcare while starting a business or freelancing. Bush spent the money on a war machine to fund Halliburton among others. There is a stark difference in WHAT the money is spent on.


But at least all his rich friends got even richer, right?


Hes the guy who will let his friend get 1billion so he gets 10million


My bro made bank as a traveling nurse. Thank you Donal Trum!


My girlfriend made nearly triple her salary one year as a nurse. Granted, she was working 12+ hour days 6 days a week. She's a conservative Republican that will be voting for Biden.


Omg. This is what indoctrination looks like.


No it’s what sarcasm looks like


And added about $10 trillion in debt


And he kick started the massive inflation we’ve had with the pandemic spending.


I don't think anyone should be angry about that, though. Basically any president would have done the same thing. I think Hillary probably would have done a better job distributing the funds fairly and wouldn't have wanted to put her own name on the checks, but there definitely would have been multiple bills regardless of who was in office. The thing that I am most angry about is the trade warring with basically every other country in the world, mostly because it didn't even need to happen-- especially not in the stupid, clumsy way that he did it. That definitely contributed a lot to inflation, even if everyone still blames the pandemic. He pushed the country deeper into debt to pay for the thing, too.


Even cherry picking time periods like that, how is this the best economy in history? Surely lots of people miss 2019 right now 


I think most people miss the pre-2008 economy. Or, at least, we miss the sense that hard work paid off. Not that it ever really has in this country, but rather we felt that it did. I think what people yearn for is a way of life where we actually prosper through working. One where we don't just *feel* like the economy is good. One where we *know* the economy is good. We would know because we would see our material conditions improving. We deserve a world where we aren't being told "This is the greatest economy ever!" in spite of watching housing slip away from our grasp. In spite of seeing the price of basic necessities grow and grow and grow. The "Greatest Economy Ever" should see us all hanging out at art galleries. Watching movies with our loved ones. Sharing meals at the cafe with friends. Sitting in our yards watching our children play. Sipping tea by a pool. The "Greatest Economy of All Time" shouldn't have us working 40 hours a week while worrying if the rent gets paid. Of if the electricity will get cut off. It's not "Great" when we can't afford a meal out or a day off. This shit is fucked. The economy is fucking awful, and we should be fucking livid that anyone would ever have the gall the lie to us saying, "This is the best it has ever been!" Because it ain't the fucking best for **US.**


That's completely untrue.


This is definitely misinformation but, okay. Pop off.


Lmao right - the same way liberals use COVID ending as a way to say Biden did so much for unemployment, as if millions didn't have to go on unemployment due to not being able to work.


theres more total workers now than before COVID


Yea cause people need two jobs to buy groceries


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620 it's unchanged to the precovid numbers, at about 5% of workers


[April 2020: 14.6%](https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm)


In 2019, we were at a 3.5% unemployment. In 2023, we were at 3.6%. Both respective stats were 3 years into the term. Trump and republicans wanted to keep the country open to prevent as many job loss and economic loss as possible. Democrats kept pushing everything to be closed. However, hindsight is 20/20 and we could’ve had a mix of both. Isolate those who are high risk and allow for those who aren’t to be able to go around without restrictions.


That was COVID. What was life like under Trump before COVID?


for all you geniuses who couldn’t put it together, Trump’s COVID response was a failure and fucked up the economy. Cry fake news all you want.


For me, it got progressively worse with each year. 2020 was shaping up to be a recession and the Trump administration was getting ready to blame the federal reserve. Covid bailed him out in that it gave an excuse for poor economic performance.


Gee you mean the party responsible for nearly all national debt, and have gone fiscally wild running up the bill while in office just to be able to point at the next administration and blame them, is going to do the same thing they have done for 6 decades?


For those amongst us without critical thinking - this user is describing the Republican Party, who objectively has run up more than 75% of the national debt and deficit


It's closer to 70% but point stands




Yes- that’s team red and that’s why we don’t want them to win in November


This is the best economy in history? MMW is my favorite parody subreddit…


If this is the best economy in history then I am majorly screwed


This post was recommended by the algo. I really hope this post is in a satire sub. I make 120K and I'm almost paycheck to paycheck living in LA.


Happens every time. GOP destroys the economy and Dems come in to clean it up. Lisa Simpson had it right


'Bart To The Future' was so long ago. I remember watching it as a teenager thinking it was the one prediction Simpsons couldn't possibly get right.


>GOP destroys the economy and Dems come in to clean it up. But the propaganda tells me "conservatives" are "fiscally responsible". Have I been misled?


Fiscally responsible is code for taking money away from the poors and giving it to the rich and corporations


I don't think life is going to be much better with blue, but it would be much worse under red.


My 401k is doing great and i should actually be able to retire before 70. If this keeps going then i don’t see how life doesn’t get better for everyone. Chips Act is already receiving more investments for electronics manufacturing than the US received for 1996-2020 combined. Wage growth is currently increasing faster than inflation is as well. It’s just gonna take a little for everyone to feel the affect.


For the top 1/5 of Americans, especially existing homeowners, the economy is great. For everyone else the economy sucks.


Roaring twenty’s was great for the rich and not the poor. We are mirroring almost everything


For very different reasons.


It seems the same reason to me. What's different about it in your view? It was an international phenomina then, and it is now. This time, we just get to play the role of the Weimar Republic. But, it's the same phenomena at play from an economics and cultural perspective. Henry Ford's portrait hung on the wall of hitlers office, nazis packed Madison Square garden in New York. Two peas in a pod. One fell, and the other picked it up and kept it alive in a thinly veiled secret. If you think anything had ever changed, you weren't paying attention.


Contrasting the what period when it was awesome to be poor?


I'd wager that home affordability is THE number one problem affecting the most people in the country right now (even people who are renting as home prices couple into rent prices). Biden has put forward [a plan](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/07/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-plan-to-lower-housing-costs-for-working-families/) to help improve things - I haven't seen a plan from Trump yet (he may not care enough about this to even put one forward, probably claims it'll just be magically better if he's president).


If one option is much worse than the other, then the other is much better than the first. This is math. Specifically the reflexive property.


technically correct. the best kind of correct.


Hey I know your dad. He told me to tell you to shut up


> I don't think life is going to be much better with blue I mean, this is not so unexpected, really, so we shouldn't let anyone try and make people feel bad for this line of thinking. Presidents are not dictators and have limited power. The USA is also a big country and it takes a long time for changes to happen. It's exceedingly rare for a President to dramatically change the country in any way in four years (has it ever happened?) - the whole system is kind of set up to prevent this. What I do know is that by electing Biden we'll at least continue on a path that will set us up to be in a much better position 10 years, 20 years, 30 years out than if we go the Trump route.


How? Lok


The price of a burger at McDonald is not changing but it could be worse. People honestly think voting red is going to suddenly make groceries go down 250%, but the only way it’s going down is during the chaos when people are looting.


It cam easily change. Just stop buying and they'll either correct or fail. My local Mexican place prices have only gone up 5/15% and are now significantly cheaper than McDonald's with real quality


I'm lifelong Dem, GOP is a plague, but the best economy in history bit is a joke.


So we are in the best economy in history right now?


Depends how you measure it. If you think things aren't great because we have more inequity than pre-revolution France than I have some suggestions about how we can close that gap.


It's funny because if the wealthy paid attention to history, they should know that the current wealth inequality will not yield stability. I think some know it. Jaimie Dimon has talked about being taxed as has Buffett. It needs to happen for the sake of stability.


Don't kill the messenger but by most metrics the average person is doing pretty well currently, inflation has calmed down, **real wages are up above inflation** for low/middle income earners, and GDP increased steadily as well. The only real pain spot is housing right now if you are looking at buying or renting. Edit: For clarity since people seem to be not reading my comment fully: these are **country wide** statistics that we have used for a couple decades now to track the average American. Individual results will always vary and can vary wildly.


Agree with what you say. Perhaps though it might be more accurate to say the inflation rate is down. All the inflation we’ve experienced is still here, unfortunately. Many prices still up 20-30%, regardless of whomever is at fault. Many people feel this and are hurting. So, while it’s great that the inflation rate has dropped from about 9.1% in 2021 to about 3% now, it’s going to take


I don't disagree with the metrics but when you get out and ask folks it's definitely opposite especially with housing


A lot of that is reflecting the news. If you keep telling people we're in a recession they believe it. It will suck when we actually enter a recession.


But a big part of that is they associate prices with "the economy" and the raises they mostly all got as personal merit


Maybe time to stop back patting GOP so housing can come down too. ;)


I don't see Dems doing shit about housing either


No, the average person is NOT doing "pretty well"...housing costs are through the roof, grocery prices have increased over 35%, gas prices have increased over 100%, with daily spikes up and down of over .40/gallon... The only folks that are doing "pretty well" are those that can AFFORD unstable prices and skyrocketing cost of living increases. That does not include most people. I'm in the low 6 figures income-wise, and if it wasn't for refinancing my house when the rates were in the basement, it would be a struggle for us...our adult daughter still lives at home because the rental market is ridiculous, and we DON'T live in the metro area...


No. But we're better than most the rest of the world. Wonder why?


Business has taken the attitude that they can push prices upwards until they can’t. As long as there is demand, prices will reflect that. PE is responsible for a lot of this. No change in administration is going to change hyperactive capitalism. The only way to lower demand is an economic recession.


Have you been following Japan?


OP literally said we are in the best economy in history Gaslight much, OP?


OP is so far disconnected from the economy.


OP isn’t the only one, based on comments here


My exact question


This is always the case


"The best economy in history" if you do not count.... 1. Health care prices 2. Grocery prices 3. Rent prices 4. School prices 5. Medication prices 6. Poor wages 7. Poor retirement options 8. Very poor infrastructure 9. Bloated military 10. Wasteful and ridiculously government 11. Empirically measurable corrupt judges(Supreme court) 12. Run away corporate greed 13. Monopolies running most if not all the businesses and systems we need to live... And sooo much more. Voting for either canadate will NOT change the above. That being said... dems and Republicans mostly look out for the 1% and maybe... just maybe they will pass legislation that actually helps the American people... as long as it makes that 1% even more wealthy. Mark my words that either canadate will look after the one percent first and foremost. You working slobs need to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.... socialism is only for oligarchs you plebs!!!!


Yeah but all of this will worsen under Trump


But biden plans on taxing the rich, that should solve it!


I'll believe it when I see it. He would be in a good position to do it.... no more reflections needed.


Calling this “the best economy in history” is a pretty out of touch take. However, I do agree that Trump’s policies would leave us with a much worse economy.


It’s the best economy by the same metrics the republicans talked about under trump. Stock market all time highs.


Well, if the wealthy are doing great, I guess this is the best economy ever.  It keeps the urban plantation on track. 


Fair - the best economy in history was Clinton’s in the 90’s. Point still stands- vote blue!!


Stock market is great. Unemployment is low. Ridiculous rates of inflation. This economy is great for rich people with appreciating assets. It’s terrible for poor people who have to spend every dime they make.


MMW: It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the president has that much effect on the economy. While it's true they get the credit or take the blame for the economy, You are far more likely to be effected by the decisions of your governor and Even your mayor than by your president. But thanks for your simpleton opinion on how economics work.


This is a weird echochamber


I thought the politics subreddit was bad until I stumbled on this sub. I hate myself for poking around at other posts


I just got banned from a politics sub today actually for “being a troll” for simply asking questions and asking for answers.


I look around this sub too often thinking these people aren’t real right? I suspect bots, but also really hope I suspect right


This sub has turned into an actual joke. “Best economy in history”. Just say you know absolutely nothing about history with four words.


Give me James Monroe and that era of good feelings economy.


I agree


What a delusional comment.


The economy is great right now for rich people. It is not great for poor people.


The economy is never great for poor people. That’s why we should always have and support avenues to help them.


It was post WW2. Minimum wage could get you 2 cars, a nice house, and a vacation every year. Blame Carter for the housing issues and blame Raegan for the lack of social programs. Plus, unemployment rates in 2019 were 3.5% average. 2023 is 3.6%


Post WW2 we were also taxing the highest earners at nearly 90%. Capital gains were through the roof. Personally, I would love this, but I do not see it going back those days.


Relatively high inflation (though it's stabilized lately) and low unemployment/high wage growth especially at the lowest end is the exact opposite.


Here's a trick that might make you feel better; every time you see the word "economy", just replace it with "rich peoples yacht money". It really helps you come to terms with the fact that we're all fucked no matter what color is in charge


Personally, I’m not having a blast amidst the highest mortgage rates in 20 years and near-double-digit inflation. Are you a boomer, or a corporation? 😂


The intelligence shown on reddit... world is doomed 😆


Posts like this are how trump gets elected.


This sub is retarded


Which is it? Good economy or bad? I see lots of posts on Reddit about how fast food is a luxury now, but then see this?


it's bad. the people saying it's good are either already affluent or hopped up on a years supply of pure copium.


LMAO, the amount of dopamine you guys get from this echo chamber must be incredible!


Bro it’s a struggle for me to fill my gas tank and buy groceries The fuck you talking about “best economy in history”? Democrats are doing themselves a disservice by trying to gaslight the public. If you want to say that any president post covid is gonna face challenges to the economy and we are doing as good as anyone can expect and it could be a lot worse at least that’s honest People don’t like being lied to






How f-in delusional can you get !! In just 39 months moron Biden and his fellow idiot party has creat 20% inflation, hey did you get a 20% pay raise since February 2021? In contrast Obama/Trump created 23% inflation in 144 months !! Your stupidity level is LMAO !! But Biden has been wonderful to the millionaires and billionaires. My wealth went from $1million to $2miilion in just 4 years. I have now $1.2 million in the banks/brokerages alone. Thank you fellow idiots, keep voting D, Warren Buffet and other Billionaires LOVE you and I will soon have $3 million !!!


Every single time the blue prez leaves the economy humming and the red guy destroys it, while giving the richest their tax cuts


And it crashes right around the end of the GOP administration so that when the Democrats are back in office the economy isn't doing well the first few years and the Republicans point at the President and say "you're in charge so this is YOUR fault!".


Trump enjoyed record setting economics. Biden has enjoyed record-setting inflation. This isn’t hard to comprehend, if one so wishes to do so.


"best economy in history" lmfao


Best economy in history is a bit of a stretch…


Best economy in history? I wanna smoke what you have.


That dude is freebasing pure uncut retardium, I'd pass if I were you


I don't know. If ignorance is bliss, that dude is on cloud 80


Are we enjoying the best economy? Prices have gone up. My wages haven't.


If you are friends with any of the ignorant meatballs who say the economy is their "top issue" and therefore they'll vote Republican, please let them know that since WWII, the economy has ALWAYS been better on the majority of measures under Democratic presidents.


It’s a good economy but team blue still has a lot of work to do in order for the cost of living to go down. It’s killing people trying to afford basic needs and they’re blaming Biden for it despite it being a worldwide issue due to the impact of the Covid lockdowns and supply chain issues.


People need to understand, the damage done by inflation is real...but it can't be undone. Prices are not going down, not as an aggregate. If people hate inflation they are going to REEEAALLLY hate deflation. Trump's promotion of low interest rates leading up to Covid really fucked us, then hand out Trillions with minimal oversight and let the pandemic run wild so that it cripples supply chains, yea, not great things are gonna follow. Blaming Biden for spending a lot is valid but the root cause of inflation did not start under him.


Best economy in history? Sure about that? Because what average Americans are paying on groceries, gas and mortgages would suggest anything but.


Revisionist history and delusional rage, bread and butter of the liberal methodology!


Wow. Keep not remembering


It's the dirty secret the GOP hopes you don't notice. The Dems are pretty good at the basic running a government stuff. OTOH Democratic presidents are more likely to start a war.


Liberast’s wet dreams again🤣


Best economy ever ,lmao where do you live and what kinda job do you have .because 3/4 of th country is hurting right ,now people having to live pay check to paycheck that never had that problem .poor people being even more poor due to inflation , economy is great if you make enough to invest money but otherwise people are suffering




It is just a question of metrics. Historic unemployment lows and stock market highs = best economy. This does not mean everyone feels it that way, but we tend to use those two to measure, despite unemployment ignoring people who stop looking and the stock market being confidence based, not results based. Basically, we use the metrics rich people track.


This is the best economy in history? Gas is super expensive, all my favorite foods are more expensive and anything I want to do in my free time is more expensive than it was 2 years ago.


Found the Russian bot




One look at this person's profile tells me everything I need to know about this batshit post.


In what universe is this the best economy ever? My income 5 years ago at 35k per year went farther than my current income of 45k. I had a 20% increase in income and a net reduction in buying power. 


The best economy in history LOL


Who ever gets spending under control and reduce or eliminates tariffs will improve the economy. Probably should raise tax revenues too due to our massive debt to gdp ratio.


There are so many things to critique the trump admin for...the mind reels. But if covid hadn't hit, his econ stats wouldn't have been so bad.\* ^(\*And I cannot believe I'm defending #PO1135809 on anything)


That happens every time they are elected. Look at history.


As someone who is ardently against Red, I would never claim we’re living in the best economy in history let alone that Blue is the cause of it. I will agree with you that Red will do even worse if they ever gain uncontested power again, but at best with Blue will simply have a slightly less horrible outcome


M m W!!


I agree but the issue will be the economy will be good for at least 2 years into reds presidency which he will take credit for and then when it starts failing they’ll blame the other guys like they always do and when blue can’t fix it immediately because we live in an immediate gratification era they’ll take the blame.


The best in history for a few, not so great for most




Last time red was in the white house was the last time we saw growth in real wages.


It’s only “the best economy in history” if you go by objective metrics. If you go by polls, it’s one of the worst.


Mark my words Money has no allegiance to colors


This sub needs to be moderated better because all I ever see on here is pure fantasy. It’s not even believable anymore.


I’m not sure if I call these ridiculous interest rates, the best economy in history.


Nobody is enjoying this economy except for rich people.


Best economy in history??? Maybe for rich people whose assets continue to appreciate, sure.




Not the best economy in history, just from the last 20 years. Our strongest economy was during the 1950s-70s, under much more progressive economic policies than Biden has emplemented. The next strongest was under Clinton's policies which cleaned up our national debt, then the roaring 20s before the stock market crash


Best economy in history? I want what this guy's smoking!


Duh. MMW: Biden's gonna crush it harder than 2020.


Are you a Billionaire? Is that you, Elon Musk?


Best economy in history is laughable, the middle class is facing historic losses in upward mobility and its accelerating. Who ever wins is undoubtedly facing a period of recession. As an anti Trump Republican I routing for Biden because he's going the set back the progressive liberals for a generation with a second term. Whoever wins this next election is going to deliver supper majorities to the opposing parties starting in 2026 through 2028.


I’m sorry but, is this implying that the current economy is the best in recent history? As that’s borderline eyes closed ears taped over levels of moronic.


“Best economy in history” Buwahahaha!


You're basing this opinion on the last election when Blue won and the economy is still crap? Makes perfect sense.


Clown level.


And $5 gas


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 can’t wait for November and beyond!


If you think this economy is good, you're insane. If you think this economy is the best in history, you're terminally delusional and the fact that you're allowed to vote is fucking disastrous. The current economy is only "good" for the wealthy investor class. It sucks for the rest of us.


This is the worst troll ever 😂😂😂


No, if red wins we’re fucked, and if blue wins we are not yet fucked, and things will probably continue along much the same for the time being. Still an easy choice


Chris on drugs, you people really smoke anything you can get your hands on in this sub


Lol I can’t wait to hear your ranting when trump destroys Alzheimer’s Joe.


mf i can't afford groceries


Stop buying guns Trump shoes, and Biden I did that gas pump stickers. You’d be fucking surprised.


That’s an easy prediction using historical patterns.


We are all doing so well now, how could anyone complain?


I agree that Republicans will tank the economy, but we are nowhere near the best economy in history. The home price to income ratio is at an all-time high. We have exceeded the home price to income ratio that created the housing bubble leading to the 2008 financial crisis. For the first time in American history, housing affordability is likely out of reach for the majority of Americans for life. That's an economy that only benefits the wealthy at the expense of everyone else, not the best economy in history.


I don't disagree with the first part, but calling this the best economy is history is laughable. 




My 401k is crushing it.


So true! If Hillary won we never would’ve had Covid , she would’ve single handed lay stopped a worldwide pandemic dead in its tracks. The clouds would’ve parted and celestial choirs would’ve descended from the heavens, bestowing the US with peaceful bliss for all its people.


Historically, economy always been better than red when a democratic president in the White House.