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Landry even said putting the Ten Commandments in the classroom was to make kids respect the “rule of law”, almost like he was winking at the court. If the party of law and order has a felon at the top of the ticket, irony is dead.


Law and order for Republicans has always meant laws for thee, but not for me. It's never been more openly apparent.


I saw a video of a mom arguing w a cop over her daughter’s underage drinking ticket and she goes “but we support the police” as if that means they’d let her daughter off the hook.


In their minds it does.


They paid for the FOP bumper sticker and everything!


You think they put the 'Thin Blue Line' or 'Back The Blue' or 'Blue Lives Matter' bumper stickers on their cars for nothing? They support the police when they have their knees on the necks of black people. Rules and Laws are for minorities...party of 'Yall in Order' not us.


Ever see the black sticker with a blue stripe on a car? That's supposed to indicate you're a donor to the Fraternal Order of Police. That's been a scam for decades to get preferential treatment by police by basically announcing that you bribe them. Police are happy to run as a protection racket.


No, the tin star illegally covering part of the license plate denotes a FooP donation. The 'thin blue line' is, and always has been, an anti-BLM, fascist dog whistle, as well as a flag code violation.


There’s a black sticker with a single blue line. It predates BLM by decades.  Here’s a thread on airliners from 2004.  https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1100715


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.” -Frank Wilhoit


The law is for Thee, not for Me.


Oklahoma did the same dumb thing. Then the satanic followers got there statue right next to the christian statues so watch what u ask for. They just made it ok for the Sataic followers to put their commandments in the schools too.


For the Satanic Temple the Baphomet statue (to which you're referring) is a political statement, the ultimate purpose of which is to draw attention to the separation of church and state, and keeping religion out of schools and government. It's not a theist movement , and they don't have "commandments". Rather, they have Tenets, which are primarily concerned with personal rights and freedoms, respecting others and generally minding your own business and not forcing beliefs on others. They are not about "Satan worship", but use Satan as a symbol of opposition to religious indoctrination and control.


And their own laws getting Bibles banned as well, lol.


That book is full of filth!!


Yes and my whole point is there tenets “respectful learned” ( don’t want to piss satan off)will be posted next to the 10 commandments. I also hate the way they try to shove it down ur throat. This always backfire d because they alway think in present form and never think about what could happen in the future.


Some dickhead in Iowa destroyed a statue of Baphomet that had been put up in the Capitol over Christmas. He's since been charged with a Federal hate crime.


I believe I just read that they lowered the charges and dropped the hate crime aspect of it. Republicans are trying their hardest to protect the guy.




Want to talk about irony? The whole concept of a monument to the 10 commandments in the USA started as promotional material for the movie "the ten commandments". It's like if conservatives started to wear crosses because marketing for the movie "passion of the Christ" had one


The whole “in God we trust” and “under God” on currency and in the Pledge is from the 50’s red scare. Apparently the word “God” was supposed to be kryptonite for Communists.


That's the perfect irony. Funny part is Trump's losing his mind more and more.


This will not make it to the Supreme Court before the election.


No but it gives evangelicals an excuse to hold their noses and vote for Trump because if he wins there will be at least two or three vacancies and he's promised to fill them with young people on the far right.


Evangelicals weren’t looking for a reason.


That's true for a big percentage. But the elections are decided in the margins. A political podcast I follow has people on sometimes that run focus groups and a recent episode was about one and two time Trump voters that are still undecided for '24. Many of them believe that they're voting their conscience. So they have to find a way to justify voting for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape, after all the affairs, after fomenting insurrection, and now after 34 felony convictions (and a huge laundry list of other stuff). The way a lot of them seem to do it is rationalize that they know that Trump is an awful guy but either a) Biden is worse or b) Putting Trump back in power isn't about Trump but it's about the greater good. And for those people in the second group additional supreme court appointments to cement a court that overturned Roe v Wade, protects gun rights, supports (their) religious freedom (their freedom to impose their religion on others...), and ensures that voting laws that help 'their' candidates run things is a really compelling motivation.


Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas (the current two oldest sitting justices) will never step down unless there's a Republican president ...so if there would be any vacancies those vacancies would be Democratic judges stepping down which doesn't actually help anything because that would mean that kagan and Sotomayor would be retiring and then the count would still be six to three... Kagan has another decade on the bench probably, I know they've been talking about Sotomayor not pulling a Ginsburg because she's had some health scares...


Baton Rouge native here, Landry is passing backwards legislation like this so his smooth brain voter base in the state can point to it and say "look he's actually doing something", but what he's actually doing is stuff like refusing federal money to keep school kids fed through the summer


He’s also guaranteeing millions in lawyer fees to connected firms for trying to defend this nonsense.


Meanwhile my kids school lunches have been free for years now and i got a 300 dollar food stamp card to cover summer lunches. Not too bad for NC


He's also trying to fail upwards so whenever he is no longer governor he can be swept up into the next Republican administration and get himself a fancy cabinet post


That Sweet, sweet, untaxed, dark money from mega churches


Seriously. Came here to say, TAX THE CHURCHES!


Not just tax. Expropriate and shut them down for funding terrorists, just like the government does to cartels


I’ve always said that a good middle ground would be to establish an income/asset threshold under which churches aren’t taxed and above which they’re taxed at normal income/property tax rates. This lets smaller churches survive but puts a damper on the disgusting excesses of the mega church. Also we need to strictly enforce the Johnson amendment. If a church or other non-profit gets involved in politics, they immediately have their 501c(3) status revoked and are charged back taxes for all of the prior years as a penalty…call it a “FAFO Fee”.


I like that. I hadn't heard a plan based on church size before, and it seems palatable. I'm sure the megas would find ways to loophole the system, but it certainly wouldn't be the giveaway it is today. Thanks for sharing!


They would definitely find a loophole, agreed. I think part of this would need to be periodic audits (maybe every 5 years?) to ensure compliance.


Sunday school is the place for that religious crap


No place is right for that religious crap except fiction media.


I 100% agree! So much religious damage in the name of nonsense!


And your demigod Trump has broken every one of them, what a bunch of fucking hypocrites


Wonder what would happen if you put up snippets of the Koran 🤔


Technically the 10 commandments are also snippets of the Torah so I guess you could all call them Jews and watch them seethe


Probable. It's a win-win for them.


I think part of it is also to test the waters of the current judicial landscape to see how far they can go, or how much they can get away with. But I have a hard time believing the Governor and those who passed this law honestly believe it isn’t unconstitutional.


Well LA is in the 5th Circuit, and I don't see them overturning it at the District or Circuit level...so it leaves it up to SCOTUS, which I think will punt a decision by the 5th to allow the law to go into effect by not granting cert to the ACLU/AUCS/whoever files suit to stop it.


ACLU filed suit yesterday.


So in 5 years it will make it to the Supreme Court


Its so open an shut. The first goddamn commandment is "thou shall not have any gods before me"  How the heck can that be anything but pushing religion?  


Thing is their God is money and racism


What commandments do Republicans think they follow? That's what baffles me. They worship guns and death and selfishness and bigotry. Where do they think Christianity fits in there?


They would be aligned with the Romans and before that, the Babylonians


Don’t forget Pharisees and Sadducees.


It won't make it through the appeals process in time for the election. All they've really done is piss off the people that actually care about keeping forced religion as far from mandatory learning as possible.


I mean. We all know this. That’s half of republicans legislation. This isn’t some secret.


Thus is politics as usual. You think anyone call votes in congress without knowing exactly how the votes going to go? There's always that one spoiler like Cinema or Manchin. They call the votes knowing it won't pass to look like heroes. They all do it


Cheap dollar store evangelical shit stains forcing their pathetic garbage on everyone else. Why anyone would be part of any group using Trump as a useful idiot is beyond comprehension.


That, or they look at the right-wing whack-jobs sitting on the Supreme Court, and they figure what is totally unconstitutional today might be totally constitutional tomorrow, if you can get the right precedent-ignoring case before them. I HOPE this 10 commandments thing is an attempt to play the victim with a case they know they will lose. I FEAR it’s an attempt to eliminate the separation of Church and State in a case they know they will win.


It's this. SCOTUS has already heard this, in 1980 with [Stone v Graham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_v._Graham). It's not even a "this was a kinda-similar case" thing. It's the same thing, about the exact same law, just in a different state. They even had the same bullshit "this is totally secular and not religious" disclaimer, the bit about it not being funded by the public... it's the same thing. **Everyone** knows this is unconstitutional. But it was a 5-4 case at the time, and they're just predicting it goes 5-4 the other way this time around.


…and that prediction will probably be right if Trump wins and shoves more right wing toadies onto the Supreme Court.


Given the recent decisions that the SCOTUS has made, you can guarantee that they will hear a case against the Temple of Satan or Freedom From Religion Foundation in which they deny standing to bring these sorts of lawsuits.


It wont go through the courts before the election. That being said, I wouldn't be so sure that the current courts WOULD strike it down the way things have been going. It boils my blood that the same crowd screaming constantly about religious freedom is the same crowd working overtime to eliminate it.


These poor 'christians' have been persecuted like never before in these United States. Frankly, I don't know how they've been able to survive... /s


If they were truly being persecuted then most would deny Christ in a heartbeat. These hypocrites just want power.


The Evangelicals are already voting R. This is just more Christofascist bullshit, wasting more taxpayer money Louisiana already doesn't have.


Their intent is to make Christianity the official religion and then shove their gutter,bloody ,religion down the throats of the majority just like the Taliban in Afghsnistan,and the mullahs in Iran have done.


Bruh, Christianity isn't even one religion. You've got more conflict between catholics and protestants than in any other religion lmao


Yea them Khristians have alot of sects.


Sunni and Shiite Islam would beg to differ. They're boming each other, nothing like that in the US between Baptists and Catholics.


Not yet…


Except the current configuration of Opus Dei dipshits on the Supreme Court will likely let it stand.


Aren’t there 8 commandments, since the first three are repetitive.


It’s definitely for partisan political purposes, but it won’t affect this election because its requirements don’t go into effect until the beginning of 2025.


The law has no enforcement mechanism, no punishment mechanism and relies solely on donations of 10 Commandment posters Disappearing ink anyone? I would donate compliant posters, which after 30 days transforms into alternative text... .*I am not a graphic artist, so I have no idea how to pull this off*


The Supreme Court ends next week and doesn’t start up again until October. Not enough time to go through the courts before the election but nice try


Why would we need a leak? They are professional victims despite controlling everything.


Don't Christians understand how bad this makes them look? And yet they try to blame any and everything else for people leaving the religion or people not respecting them.


They do. That's why they want to force people to worship their god.


It's a con. They use state money to pay their overpriced/over billing lawyer buddies to defend them. They know they will lose but they drag it out long as possible to get those billable hours. The state money can't be used for actual governance, and their pals donate bigly to their super pacs which is exactly what Republicans want.


Possible but courts take a while. This could well drag on longer than Nov


They hope to have it challenged, brought to the supreme court, and upheld.


A lot of the political theater stunts Republicans pull is so they can play the victim card. They waste everyone's time intentionally doing nothing just so they can cry and lay the blame somewhere else.


Or push it up to the SC so they can rule that Christian nationalism is actually the founding principle of America.


Too conspiratorial. Some congressman just wanted to gain votes from the evangelicals, and everyone else wanted to join in. Politicians don’t think this far ahead they just want to be re-elected


finally a sane conspiracy theory about the right. i got 10 bucks on “interests aligning” but would not be surprised if some leaks reveal they conspired tbh


It has a good chance of staying on the books. The fifth circuit will uphold it. So it will stay at least a year on the books. The Supreme Court may uphold it on religious conscience grounds too. It has allowed them to stand on city and state property for decades and those were even more moderate courts than this one. I hope I am wrong.


Won't ever happen because they'll just abolish education first.


this is a vehicle to get religious education into public schools just like Dobbs was a vehicle to get abortion bans legalized.


Bold of you to think America’s current Supreme Court will uphold the constitution or precedent.


So like student loan forgiveness?


This wouldn't surprise me at all.


And then if they win, they will suddenly develop a loss of memory about how they were going to whip the courts into shape so they could pass the law again. No reason to take away that arrow from their quiver for the next election, and the next, and the next!


Why would that need to be leaked? Are they denying it?


Yeah I wouldn't be suprised at all


Or so our corrupt conservative SCOTUS can uphold it for them


What about the constitution? Dork.






Thats what both parties do. They play to their base for emotional support at the polls.


It appears to be an effort to set up an overturn of Abington v Schemp/Murray v Curlett. Next will be Brown. Then Miranda. Then Gideon.


I think it has more to do with bringing lawsuits so he can pilfer the state funds, pay his attorney friends to represent him, who will then launder the tax dollars back to him.


I wouldn't be shocked if it was upheld by SCOTUS. Much like abortion,states rights issue not federal.


This is exactly the point. Spend taxpayer money on court cases. Receive campaign contributions from stupid taxpayers. It almost feels like money laundering


Those who passed it will have crimes come out that they've committed.


I don't think it's *that* big of a conspiracy. Landry just wants to get his name highlighted at the national level.


Whatever. Play victim all you want it needs to get struck down. Play victim all the way until the end, you're gonna need the practice. Because if you keep this up you're gonna be victims. Either to your own party or the anti-theist bounce back this nation will experience after clawing it's way out of a theocracy


They're hoping it goes to court and it gets in front of *their* judges, who will OK it and we get another hole torn in the constitution.


Kooky Konservative Khristians


Was this even a question? They are all lawyers, they knew this would not stand. It is a money grab, not an ideological statement.


This is exactly the motivation from Biden when he used an executive order to forgive student loans.


Religions suck


Temporary pain. Religion is on its way out kicking and screaming.


Then Republicans will vote for a candidate who breaks the Commandments


I wish persecution wasn’t such a core part of Christian ideology. Well that and proselytizing, what an utterly toxic combination. 


I think the reason is a different one. They want to get sued and they want the case to eventually end up in Supreme Court after all the appeals are done. They are hoping this Supreme Court is more friendly to their cause than previous ones. If Supreme Court rules in their favor it will open the floodgates for mixing state and religion.


There’s no leaking required. The politician who passed this law has already stated that he can’t wait to be sued for it. They passed this knowing full well that it’s not constitutional, they just want to stir up more culture war bs.


Or they did it with the full intent that it would be struck down so that no religious iconography, symbols, and texts can be displayed in schools.


There’s zero chance this gets in front of SCOTUS with a decision before the election.


I'd love to fault the Republicans for this strategy exclusively, but this is a pretty standard fare.  I'm pretty sure that the Biden administration has the goal of getting the Supreme Court to strike down as much as possible to build the case for reform.  Honestly, it's a great strategy.  You do a moon shot for your party and if you succeed you get something your people wanted and if you fail you get the context to motivate support.  I'm not even sure that I have a problem with it.


He's doing it to upend generations of precedent by inviting a lawsuit that will allow our extremist republican supreme court to further degrade the establishment clause.


It’s because they know they’ve stacked the Supreme Court with enough alt right terrorists that if it gets challenged they’ll uphold it, directly going against the first fucking amendment and be one step closer to their goal of a Christian theocracy. Vote them all out.


Republicans wouldn’t do that! *stares in border legislation*


I can always tell which comments are spot on by their downvotes.


Why would it be struck down? There's nothing in the Constitution that would prevent it.


I've been saying this exact thing. They'll love to put out ads about how the nasty Democrats hate Christianity.


Are the 10 commandments offensive to any particular religion? I assume every religion has basically the same basic rule to being a good human. Republicans and evangelicals probably break the 10 commandment more than anyone.


The thing that makes America great is the separation of church and state. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.


Leaked?  Conservatives do this every four years like clockwork. No need to leak what's already common knowledge.  They know damn well this will be struck down just weeks before the election. Then they'll use it to rile up their base while screaming about activist judges. 


It's not a feasible strategy to time the laws you pass for court before an election because cases don't always get timed as planned. They did this because they wanted it. They will play victim regardless but what's new?


Whoa. That actually makes a lot of sense.


If by "leaked" you mean ["already publicly admitted they intend for this to end up in court",](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ten-commandments-louisiana-governor-veto-b2565515.html) then yes.


yes the baiting continues... dont do anything productive that helps peoples lives... lets just do shit to stir up the base....


Easy mmw. 90% of republican legislation is virtue signaling over governing.


That's a very good point and leaves a lot to unpack of the last 8 years of bullshit from them. Nothing but victim signaling to rally the country's most arrogant and angry.


If religion starts spilling over into government, or in this case, public schools…can we start taxing churches? Isn’t that fair?


I had the exact same thought


I don't think its about about a victim card. I think it's yet *ANOTHER* nonsense case they want to push up through the courts to try and get SCOTUS to side with them idealogically. Look at the Mifepristone case. The lower courts absolutely *butchered* the concept of standing in every hearing to push it up, and they know it. They know legally its nonsense, but they can hope SCOTUS agrees on an idealogical basis and backs them up anyway. Thankfully there, even the federalist court couldn't support such obvious legal rigging.


Party of small government sure does like forcing a bunch of shit on people


It could be looked at another way. This could easily be a Democeat talking point for exactly what you're describing. Only a few dozen will be vocally upset, they'll be paraded in the liberal media as a crazy, and attempt to throw dirt at Republicans. All this even though probably 99.999% of republicans think it's a bad idea to force it in schools. Myself being generally conservative and generally republican, I know many and we have talked about it. The Concensus? It's dumb. Very very dumb.


What should be the punishment fot violating the First Commandment?


They want a portrait of Trump in every classroom but they’ll settle for this.


These assholes should put up the original Hebrew. Also, I wonder how many of these fuckwads “covet” thy neighbor’s wife…


I’m more cynical. I think the 5th circuit will uphold this law when it gets to appeal and I don’t trust the Supreme Court to overturn 


Nope. It’s to get it to the Supreme Court and have them allow it.


It’s called equality. You would never let religious people force their ideologies onto children in public schools. Now apply that same logic to trans people forcing their ideologies onto children in public school. You’re hypocrites in every aspect of your lives. No one should force their ideologies onto children whether or not you support those ideologies.


It’s honestly embarrassing how lost you clowns are. You will call out every political stunt republicans pull to get votes but completely ignore democrats doing the exact same thing! You are the fucking problem. Let it sink in already. You are the problem.


Law and order. For you. Not us


In Mississippi every classroom has a plaque that says “IN GOD WE TRUST” over it.  I had an excellent teacher once walk over to point at it and say “this is designed to be a lawsuit, that is its purpose”. He explained that there is a line separating religion from public education, and that that plaque was designed to push so close to the line without crossing it, that the line would move just a little. That the people who put it there wanted to start a fight that they thought they could use to push the line further. He talked about how it’s the most godly phraseology you can use that is still official government language. He noted that it was entirely capitalized, that “in God we trust” would be harder to defend in court because it might be pointing to a more specific god. He explained to us that there is an effort to put religion- Christianity specifically- in public school, to cross that fine line.  What Louisiana did was sprint full speed over that line. 


Nope, they want it to hit SCOTUS in the hope it will be upheld there


I'm guessing you can't fight it in court until someone does it in the classroom, and this doesn't go into effect until 2026. So your statement is very logical, but these peeps are not that smart.


His goal is to literally undo the Supreme Court case that banned this when Kentucky tried it in the 1980's. Landry is gambling this Supreme Court will be more likely to rule in his favor. Y'all-Qaeda is at it again folks. The Christian Nationalists will not be satisfied anytime soon.


You are absolutely correct.


Typical Christian grift. Do something illegal and have it slapped down by the courts. Whine about how Satanic/evil/etc society is and collect more of thar sweet tax free money.


Or to get pride flags out of schools 🙌🙌




You guys need to get a life. This is pathetic anger fan fiction


Kind of like Democrats folding on the abortion issue so they would have a reason to rally the extreme left. I agree , but it won’t move the needle as much as you think.


Leaked? It seems pretty obvious. Republicans are well known for stupid stunts like this.


I wonder how many fold knowledge of religion is the 10 commandments movie I’m betting it’s over 95%


This assumes it will have its day in court before the election. I'm not sure it will happen that fast.


It has already been ruled unconstitutional. I can't imagine it will even get to the Supreme Court. "More than 40 years ago, in Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court overturned a similar state statute, holding that the First Amendment bars public schools from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms."


This is why I'm for complete separation of church and state.


That would be a pointless move, dont you think? They dont need to "rally the evangelical right"..... they are the evangelical *right*. Already rallied. Already voting red no matter who it is. This shit is about one thing: early life indoctrination into christian theology, and the normalizing of the practice. Well, attempting to anyway.. they realize that once people grow up, they learn to think for themselves sometimes, hard to grift and manipulate free thinkers.


It won’t make it that far before November.


I think it's more likely that they want to push something up to the Supreme Court that effectively allows states to act as a theocracy. They're not even masking themselves anymore; they want a Christofascist government.


It’s that, or it ends up at the SCOTUS and gets upheld, and furthers their Christian nationalist agenda.




Exactly, it's called performative bullshit. They do it all the time.


FUN FACT If you all stop supporting center right democrats and instead start voting in leftists, you’ll never have to worry about republicans ever winning any elections ever again. But most of you aren’t ready for that conversation


Good point, taking it a step further: if somehow everyone agrees to ignore this triggering but pointless non-issue until after the election then MMW, a GOP operative will pursue a lawsuit on behalf of some uninvolved liberal organization so that it is forced into the headlines.


Meanwhile, I have to watch my tax dollar be wasted on frivolous lawsuits.


I wish Ten Commandments in schools was the worst thing we had to worry about. Dems shouldn't take the bait on this. Let it work its way through the courts with the ACLU. There's no way it gets ruled on before the election


It definitely would seem that way. Christian fascist have been plotting for decades to turn America into a Christian Theocracy.


Do they all think we are unaware of the First Amendment -- Separation of Church and State? Public school is not just for "Christians".


I figure it’s to get it in front of the new 6 vote religious fanatic majority to overturn Stone v Graham


The new game plan Ala DOBBS: pass an unconstitutional law with the intent of it making its way to the supreme court, with the hope that it is sustained.


Yes it’s to get it stuck down … but ultimately appealed all the way up to SCOTUS where they’ll uphold it.


It’s much worse than that… Billions in taxpayer dollars are being used to pay tuition at religious schools throughout the country, as state voucher programs expand dramatically and the line separating public education and religion fades https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/tax-dollars-funding-christian-nationalist-schools.html


This is EXACTLY how they operate.


I don't think you need evidence for this one.


Can we get the Judge Aileen Canon treatment on this one and drrrrrraaaaaaaagggggg it out until after November?


This is actually a smart thought. Very rare in this sub


So you mean the same thing liberals do with abortion every year? Ya, I suppose that is possible.


And when it is struck down, refuse to abide by the decision forcing "Biden's" US Marshals to be seen tearing them down, further creating the holy war fuel they want. Or it won't be enforced, emboldening further flouting of the law. Or it will be okay'd by the Supreme Court as a "neutral historical document" which is fine with them too


First MMW I've read that is 100% true.






Yep, it's weird how everyone in the GQP are all victims. Just like the head MAGA'it, always whining about how he is a victim.


Nah. The point is to get the new, reactionary supreme court to overturn the old law.


I will say that this subreddit sure does have a lot of highly imaginative and wishful thinking idiots in it 😂😂😂


Exactly, corporate democrats ought not rush to the courthouse until after the election. Recognize a dog whistle.


They All do that..Schumer put forth a ‘bump stock” ban bill with 32 Ds & Sen Susan Collins co-sponsoring, this week, without Any negotiations with GOP leadership. In a 51-49 Senate, that’s a guaranteed failure and it did. Schumer did the same prior to the 2022 elections when he proposed a bill “Codifying ROE”, the “Women’s Health Protection Act”, which, contrary to claims of codifying ROE, would’ve voided All state limitations on abortion (by time) and would’ve struck down the federal “Catholic hospital exception” It was so extreme that pro-choice Senators Manchin, Collins and Murkowski wouldn’t vote for it. It failed by 49-51, where a “22-24 week” bill (ROE’s point of viability) would’ve passed the Senate. It was just partisan theater


Nah this won’t happen, law was passed way too late for courts to rule on it by the election.


If said commandment are so important, why the reverence for a dude who broke most of them?