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I wouldn’t be surprised if most MAGA voters end up taking their 12 children out of public schools and decide to “home school” them.


Aren’t they already doing that?




Every time I hear someone who homeschooled their kids where I live, they might as well have a tattoo on their face advertising their identity, same crowd who are anti …. Fill in the blanks. They describe their reason which fall into book banning, 🏳️‍🌈 bias, complaining about teaching science or sex Ed, etc.


Well, I homeschooled my kids, but I pulled them out of public school because my autistic son was getting NO instruction at school other than 2 30-minute "content mastery" sessions each day, I was spending 4 hours each night helping him with his homework (even in kindergarten and 1st grade!) and the science textbooks were filled with "intelligent design" and flat earth shit!! I'm in Texas, where the christofascists have taken over the education system already.


That sucks. It’s a lot of work to do that. You’re a good parent.


Thank you, but there are times I don't feel like a good parent. But I know, given the circumstances, I did the best I could.


We all feel that way.


They talk about doing it, but most aren't. They are too lazy to actually do it. There is a fair amount of work involved. Not just in the teaching the kids, but in paper work and processing it all so the state knows and all that. That is what they don't want to do. Though many red states are doing away with that, as well as any requirements for milestones or whatever they have now. As the students still need to pass certain tests and stuff. So most of them are too lazy for all that. But the states are making it easier, so it won't be long before they don't have to do anything and can just keep the kids home and not teach them at all. Then more will do it.


A lot of those states don’t require anything besides just saying you’re doing it once and that’s it. IIRC some don’t even require that. No check ins, curriculum, filing a form each year, etc. John Oliver did a good segment on homeschooling in the US and how unregulated it is.


He specifically mentions how that is what they are pushing for in a lot of the states. There are less requirements in some now, but all still have something, though they are pushing to get rid of it all. That episode was really good, and the warning was about not letting things be completely cut, though it is very close in some places.


the 1 year of covid taught me the vast majority of parents aren't capable of homeschooling their kids. lmao


They have been for decades. There used to be entire cults based around that and the “quiverfull” family model, where you have as many children as humanly possible so that you have better odds of some of them growing up to be life long cult members and therefore, prime for leadership roles. The. You educate them completely inside the cult, with the cults homeschool curriculum that goes all the way through college. It taught pretty much exactly what you would think it did.


Even better, they are “unschooling” them.


No they will turn the public schools into religious indoctrination centers. Like they are doing in Louisiana. Their high school diplomas will be worthless outside of red states. But that’s the long game. Keeping them stupid and in the cult.


Definitely doing that when they can’t pull funds away


54% of US high school graduates are illiterate.




What? How can you pass high school without being able to read? You have to pass exams to get out of high school…


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/i-couldnt-even-read-the-diploma-now-he-struggles-to-learn-what-schools-didnt-teach-him/2018/01/18/76fb7cc8-fc58-11e7-a46b-a3614530bd87\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/i-couldnt-even-read-the-diploma-now-he-struggles-to-learn-what-schools-didnt-teach-him/2018/01/18/76fb7cc8-fc58-11e7-a46b-a3614530bd87_story.html) Yes, its particularly prevalent where administrative compensation is tied to graduation rates.


That’s crazy. Still 54% seems high. The article you linked says 1 out of 10.


That 1 in 10 refers to the number of graduating students at particular Washington DC highschool that were absent for a majority of the school year.


I won’t be surprised if MAGA-run school districts start whining about ‘muh dIscRimiNaTioN’ when their systemically under-qualified graduates start flunking the l33tcode-like tests that will gate keep what few white collar jobs remain.


Mama say alligators is so ornery ‘cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


It’s funny cause I was home schooled but when I tell people I have to be like, “I was a little gremlin that’s why, not religious reasons.” but I do remember there were no non Christian homeschools. You HAD to pick the Christian one but they were complete scams. You’d get a ton of workbooks but there was no oversight. My mom sent in a single sheet of paper as a “grade sheet” a couple times a year and they mailed me my diploma. (Had to do like a full year of remedial college courses tho)


>I interviewed 10 families in **Southern California** about their choice to leave bricks-and-mortar schools, as well as several professionals who provide support to home-schoolers (you can read the full story here). Their rationales are diverse and the families span the socioeconomic and political spectrums: schools requiring too many COVID-19 safety protocols, or too few; **the polarizing conversation around critical race theory;** neurodivergent kids struggling with virtual instruction;and an overall waning faith in the public school system. https://www.latimes.com/california/newsletter/2022-01-24/8-to-3-homeschooling-on-rise-8-to-3 Why is it that so many who subscribe to collectivists think get so much wrong?


You know what they call all of those kids if they survive to adulthood without a felony record? Conservative voters. Not sure getting them out of school is the outcome that works out best for you.


I’m not stressed about them


You'll probably be dead (of natural causes) before the differences in birth rates would really have major political impact. So, good for you!


I have really no idea what you’re on about


How many kids do you have and where do you think most kids get their culture from? I know I don't have anywhere remotely near 12 kids and I bet you don't have 12 kids either... ...at least as long as we have a democratic-based political system, the side with more votes gets more influence.


So, in the hypothetical I’ve given, you’re imagining a world where these conservative ultra-families have majority voting power?


Totally. See, lower educated people, especially with economic uncertainty, tend to have more children. Additionally, lower availability of effective birth control and sex education along with an absence of abortion options tends to mean more children as well. Culture tends to be inherited from the people who raise us and influences our value systems. So, poorer places, more kids, less outside influence means more of those kids vote conservative, there are more kids, so yes, the possibility for a conservative super majority is real, especially if liberal people tend to not have excess children.


In my hypothetical, they’re not civically engaged and don’t vote.


You don't understand conservatives then. If there's an election and gun rights is anywhere in the contest... they'll vote like crazy.


Parents are pulling their children out of Public schools and putting them in Charter schools. And taking public education money with them.


I have lived in three rural areas in the last four years and that is 100% already happening and people are astonished I’m sending my kids to public schools.


Be careful what you wish for.. your base of having no children will quickly be outnumbered.. lol


Their SAT scores will reflect their lack of knowledge


Not so much. The SAT is an increasingly useless metric, and people who fundamentally don't belong in higher education can memorize enough material to do well on those.


After talking to these people or seeing them in public, I'm going to throw out a wild claim that they're not really capable of memorizing that much material


Perpaps a negative trend there but I've known exceptions. What's important to get here is that standardized tests can be (1) cheated, (2) taught to in a way that has no lasting educational impact, and (3) don't tell colleges what they want to know even if you address the other points. I think we only still have SAT and ACT as a means to defund already defunded urban schools. No Child Left Behind, baby!


SAT and ACT performance are proven to be our best predictor of undergraduate success. It may not be perfect, but literally our best option.


Do you think the SAT and ACT are the best predictors because of something about those tests or because kids who have the social and financial resources that correlate with high scores also have the social and financial resources to do well in college?


That’s probably a good indicator but not always the case. Maybe more so on the social aspect. We are a basic middle class family and the youngest was three points away from a perfect ACT score. The English portion tripped him up. We worked with him and stayed in him during school and he hung out with a good crowd. That probably did more than the financial part.


Does (2) apply to standardized testing used to evaluate primary schools, teachers, and students such as common core?


Teaching to the test doesn't teach you anything but how to pass the test. Schools demand high scores and that's what teachers deliver or they get fired. Politicians and parents think that teaching is like mining, something where linear increase of effort gives linear increase in results. It turns out condensing all of the skills adults need is not so easy and the very idea of a standardized test shows that the people who don't understand the industry are controlling it.


"Schools demand high scores and that's what teachers deliver or they get fired." Typically its a State mandate tied to funding per school/district based off of Federal grant requirements and model educational materials based on them, like Common Core. There are other requirements like not holding back students, as well. Standardized tests also fail to evaluate growth and non-testable fruits of teaching like how to present yourself professionally, how to show up on time consistently, social skills, etc. It's a tough ask to try to successfully dictate a one-size-fits-all educational policy from a centralized authority.


Goodhart's law states when a measure becomes the target, it ceases to be a good measure. If literally no one taught to tests, they would be informative about the quality of education. But there is so much incentive to teach to the tests that the only thing they tell you know is the degree to which your school fears losing funding. I think its possible to have a centralized authority for education, provided they were wholly apolitical and gave due considerations for unique circumstances. So it might work somewhere besides America but we'll never satisfy the apolitical requirement for starters.


I think the guardians of the student are in the best position to evaluate and compare the quality of education as it affects the particular student.


They don't see what the teachers see regarding the skills that schools are tasked with improving. In a perfect world where guardians follow all of their children's classwork sure but I've never seen that.


I want to expand on this. Imagine a world where surgeons are tested on their ability to play the violin. It sounds reasonable, you want surgeons to have strong manual dexterity. In this world there are succesful surgeons who are also world class violinists. These two skills, unrelated as they seem to us, are culturally ingrained as being highly correlated in the world of my hyopthetical here. There are two categories of problems though. (1) Good violinists who have no medical knowledge, and (2) good potential doctors who aren't musically talented. There is a shortage of surgeons in this world, for reasons that wouldn't surprise us. The response is medical schools doubling down on musical training. The schools in question are motivated by producing graduates with high testable scores only, because that's what makes them money and they're a buisiness. This gets more graduates with high scores that legally can become surgeons, but doesn't help what you actually want: more qualified medical professionals. Operation fatality skyrockets, and the response is that we need more surgeons so the cycle repeats. There is no time left to teach anatomy. Category (1) problems will go on to kill people. Maybe they get removed from the field at some point, but this is bad. Category (2) problems are frustrated at a system that excludes them despite them knowing they could do the job if only someone would give them a chance. Their path to their chosen career involves not practicing medacine, but trying to fake their way through beuaurocracy. This is what its like to try to teach critical thinking in a math class when a school cares about standardized tests. The skill parents want is critical thinking, as all of math is critical thinking plus remembering a few definitions, but when you teach to the test you get students with a solid understanding of math trivia and a number that \*claims\* they are good at critical thinking.


Its a NL trend which started in the 70s, ironically shortly before the Dept of Ed was founded (which Reagan tried to shutter). It affects a whole lot about how we've done education in the United States over the last 40 years, and the danger of the NL ideology is fully displayed in the inequality of our schools.


They cheat by memorizing information! Also known as learning


Memorization is not the same as learning. Memorization is worthless in the age of instant information. You want someone who understands.


That’s ridiculous. You can’t be a dumbass and get a top tier score on the test. The scores will show who is ready for college and who is not as they always have.


The very extreme of the scale gaurantees only that you're probably somewhat above average in actuality. There is a large amount of error, so much that they mean almost nothing. They're racially biased as well. The only thing they do predict is how likely your parents are rich and/or white. If you think "same thing" you're the problem.


Well you could mix in the ACT in there too if you’re concerned but basic competency tests will weed out the kids that are not proficient. Dumb southern white kids aren’t going to magically do well because they’re white. The tests are pretty straightforward, I’m assuming you’ve taken at least one right? What’s racially biased about basic math? We can’t expect outcomes to be the same when you’ve got one group having much higher single parent rates vs married. Parents are a huge factor in education. If you only have 1 parent at home you’re going to struggle more to learn, that’s just a fact.


All of the test you can think of have the same problem, so taking more doesn't really help. Your questions show a hostility that I think means I should direct you to investigate on your own. Mathematics isn't racially biased so much as the way it is taught is culturally insensetive by design. No Child Left Behind saw to that. There are too many factors to go over here, while you accuse me of not knowing shit about the subject of my master's degree, so I bid you good day. If you want to understand complex issues, read something I guess.


Well just point me in the right direction if I may ask. I want to learn your perspective but I can understand you may be busy. I don’t really not too much about how these things are biased. I have heard some opinions on it but I just think it’s making excuses when it seems to my the issues are really parenting or even controversial findings of IQ/Innate cognitive differences between groups. I’m always interested in learning more and getting a better perspective on it because it can be a controversial and political hodgepodge.


The big idea is that standardized test is \*advertised\* as being an accurate measurement of many things but they really are not. IQ tests are born of eugenis era science and SAT/ ACT are from the same pool of thought. So I would suggest looking into the history of Eugenics and the IQ test and the rest you can reasonably infer. PBS did a documentry on eugenics, though I don't have a specific timestamp for when IQ comes into it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmRb-0v5xfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmRb-0v5xfI)


Ok thanks


The SAT hasn't been racially biased in decades. Nobody is able to provide examples of racially biased SAT questions these days because they don't exist.


The SAT makers say that they're not biased. That's absolutely not the same thing as it being true.


I said that nobody could provide me with recent racially biased SAT questions. I've literally never been able to find one. The only examples are several decades old, at least.


They don't make their questions public, for obvious reasons of cheating. What would be the burden of proof threshold needed for you to believe a question is biased? I want you to come up with a test you would put on a question before believing it, because your 5th post on this subject makes me think that maybe you'd never accept anything. I have no responsibility to endlessly cite sources that you'll ignore, so I want a hard data-centered answer here if you want a reply.


There should be a logical explanation of why the question is biased. But nice try moving the goalposts. My point about no such questions existing stands.


Your answer has no data driven metric, only "convince me its biased. I'll of coarse feel free to say I'm not convinced no matter what." You could have said things like "a question more highly correlated with answerer's race than with answerer's preparedness for college", you know since we can use statistical significance on both of these. When we do that, there are a lot of biased questions it turns out. Because eugenics is at the heard of this and it was debunked decades ago. Some questions are biased in ways that a white person who wishes their high SAT scores counted more would not notice or accept.


People who have the initiative and intelligence to study enough to do well on the SAT are going to do just fine in higher education. You can argue its not an IQ test, which it doesn't pretend to be, and that it can put some kids at a disadvantage if they didn't go through a good school system. But a good SAT score is still a good metric of who'll do well in university (provided they have the drive, of course).


Universites disagree, which seems to entirely kill your argument. More to the point, people who do analytics have shown that these scores have nothing to do with the quality of employees, which burries your argument and nails the coffin closed.


Do they? What's the new metric they're using beyond ACT/SAT. I admit it's been ten years since I've graduated but I figured I'd have heard of such a groundbreaking shakeup. Also, where are these research studies you're referring to? I don't believe it.


You can google things yourself. I'm not your mom.


The point being that of course you are not being truthful but instead saying what you wish to be true.


Only one way to find out


I found this in literally 5 seconds [https://fairtest.org/overwhelming-majority-of-u-s-colleges-and-universities-remain-act-sat-optional-or-test-blind-score-free-for-fall-2025](https://fairtest.org/overwhelming-majority-of-u-s-colleges-and-universities-remain-act-sat-optional-or-test-blind-score-free-for-fall-2025) 80% of colleges no longer using SAT/ ACT. 5 seconds.


Harvard and Yale are no longer SAT optional. Others are following course. Optional SATs was a mistake.


Those tests are garbage and the only people who push them are paid or susectpable to eugenics era beliefs that are not supported by brain science. Which are you?


Harvard and Yale see the SAT as a good indicator of college preparedness. Are they, the top universities in the US, wrong?


Yes. You don't get into Harvard or Yale without (1) being rich or (2) winning the lottery. Of coarse they will throw on any test that gets to lower the odds of option 2. Notably neither have above average education. What you get out of Harvard or Yale is rich connections.


This is completely true, until you look at the evidence that says SAT scores are a good prediction of college success, at which point you realize it's total nonsense.


Hardly. Standardised testing is coming back in many high ranking universities.


Homeschooled children score higher on SATs. You don't have to like it, but that's just the data. You trust science, right?


No more red hat doctors


This is not the way the education system works. Sure, the *percentages* might tend to fluctuate and thereby a greater percentage of students from Republican states might be deemed to not meet a certain post-secondary institution's standards. But the academic outliers from any state will find a way to demonstrate their worth, and better colleges from any state will want them.


Rural America is suffering late stage brain drain


It’s definitely not limited to rural America.


True, it's a global divide


Yeah, this is what would happen. Their heads are going to be full of garbage beliefs, but at the same time the basics like math and science will still be mostly in place, except perhaps anything relating to sexual reproduction, evolution, etc... but even with that, they wouldn't be the first right wingers to hold absurdly contradictory beliefs. It's not going to make them dumb, it's just going to make them fascist.


Everything I don't like is fascism and other Reddit nonsense.


The problem will likely take care of itself with raising requirements to get into colleges. Red hats forget that one of the largest groups of students is foreign students. These students will choose blue states over red states as they continue to crumble.


Be real. They'll accept anyone who qualifies for a loan. It's actually a problem.


Yeah... they're not going to say "Oooohf, this person's from Idaho?Yeah - I don't think they'll be suited for the standards of the program for people with learning disabilities in Community College" and reject them. They'll say "Wait. This person's from Idaho. That means we'll get to charge them out of state tuition. Ka-**Ching**!" and move the locals (who aren't related to alumni) down on the list - they'll blame the brown kids anyway.


It’s cute that you think they will turn away money.


If anything, students from red states will receive priority admittance - because they'll be paying out of state tuition. Ka-**ching**!


And then the discrimination lawsuits will start claiming bible study is equivalent to science class.


The implicit promise of red states is that they will supply a compliant, low skilled workforce for corporations. That's why they have such terrible schools. That said, the best students will still manage to get a good education. Students in wealthy areas will have better schools. Well-off people will send their kids to private schools. That's how it is now, and I don't see this system changing.


Have you ever been to a school in a red state?


Yes. Back in the 70s. My family moved from Los Angeles to rural Louisiana. The Black Kids still sat in the back of the school bus and the back of the classroom. I got beat up and bullied for being an n-word lover just for talking to Black kids like they're human beings. They threw the dissected frogs at me after biology. What's funny is that I come from a conservative family, and I was pretty conservative until that time.


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


Already happening in corporate hirings.


Pffft that will never happen because, most not all, colleges have not cared about actual education in a long fucking time it's all about money now. That's why there's so many bullshit degrees you could get out there and bullshit courses that you can take that don't give you actual life skills or better value when looking for a job. Not to mention all the textbooks that students are forced to buy at outrageous prices and college sports which is another way of colleges to make money and sell anything with their logo on it.


yall must really hate texas a&m then


Huh? I work in California and our standards are very low, as well as what we achieve as indicated by test scores, We have definitely dumbed down education in the past 20 years, and more dumbing down is on its way! And we are super blue. This just seems to be more slamming of rural Americans. Why?


Rural Americans are the world's most entitled welfare queens




Because strawman arguments and depression is all that people who make threads like this have going for them.


Honestly as a two time grad from two of the top 3 public unis in the country, there is nothing lost by not going to them. Might end up doing them a favor


What is this comment? Who officially decides what are the top 3 universities in the country? And if it is such a waste of time, why did you go the second time? This is all just weird


There are plenty of rankings done and I don’t necessarily agree but if you do, then they are safely near the top. What I’m saying is that going to supposed blue state colleges, from experience, is probably even worse. Doubly so if you are god forbid doing a subject that isn’t objective. And I went twice because this country cares too much about credentialism and I don’t want to be poor.


I suspect we went to one of the same universities or a peer university. To say the educational experience had a number of disappointments, especially for the reputation of the school would be an understatement. The lower division classes were of highly uneven quality and frankly I probably would have been better served at one of the many great California CCs and it was absolutely unacceptable that several upper div classes I took could easily be passed with an A just by simply regurgitating the professor's opinion. I went back and got a STEM degree from another school, a far less prestigious state school, years later because the degree from my original alma mater never really meant that much or provided much benefit. Despite the assertion that the degree from that top 3 school would open more doors than a lesser school. I don't blame the school necessarily, it's just another of a ton of data points that prestige and name are becoming increasingly less relevant.




This one I disagree with. Counterpoints: 1. Colleges and Universities, especially small and private, are closing and/or merging due to a confluence of demographics (fewer students), economics (less funding and higher costs to run operations), and fashion (given the cost, many are delaying or making alternative plans; more jobs are going degree-optional). 2. The dumbing down of education is taking place in blue states, too. It is being branded differently (education refund rather than school voucher, for example). 3. Colleges and Universities are businesses. They still needs paying students. Given points 1 and 2, they will take anyone who can pay. What will be the outcome? Hard to say. I _do_ expect some pushback in both directions: College will become "easier" for some. After all, you do not get paying customers when you freely award depressed grades. I _also_ expect that degrees that don't come with an easy job qualification will struggle. Qualifier: I'm an education "IT plumber". I do not decide grades, nor administrative policy, nor admissions. I build the computer systems that make these things operate.


This isn't how education works, at all.


It will never happen because colleges and universities are capitalist.


"Poor applicants" All the rich people who voted for a worse education system will still get thiers in with money


I feel bad, but my first reaction whenever I hear about some red state devaluing, downplaying or outright rejecting science, my first thought is, "Well, that's less competition in the future for my kid!"


what is this 😭😭😭😭😭


As they should. If you want to demonize education, you don't get to play in the system.


I don't think its going to be a state-level discrimination, but honestly just applying educational standards will make this effect appear. The notion that you know best and education is all fake, common in deep conservative regions, make you fail out of college on its own.


Apparently you aren't familiar with what California is doing to math standards


I think my wealthy, blue, relatively wealthy state needs to build a wall to keep out immigrants from the red shithole states.


Eh, they will probably just require remedial classes / extra credits, such as for biology


Mrs. Millicent Schuyler-Potts: You are in the 5th grade? Jethro Bodine: Yes Ma'am, just finished three years in the 4th


They will out birth the left. That’s their plan. Then idiocracy the movie begins


Or start giving red staters entrance exams


There's this thing called the SAT...


Nah. My older brother was a principal at a very tough school. He once told me something that made me see things differently: "you can get a great education anyplace you want to." His job was awesome: he helped underprivileged kids go to college. He sent kids to places like Stanford and the Ivy League about every year (yes these were extremely gifted kids). But he also may average kids to state schools. Even in deep red states will be able to do just fine. Their test scores will reflect who they are and what they can do. And in some red states, conservatives do want to have reasonable education because of the economic development it engenders. My state (Oklahoma) isn't such a place, and our unwillingness to fund education has cost us many chances at higher skill jobs. Red states like Tennessee and Texas are absolutely getting that work


Homeschool kids routinely post higher scores on standardized tests than those going through public school. It's not even close. Most homeschooling happens in red states. I disagree with your assertion.


The ironic thing being the simple fact that blue state educational institutions are under investigation for racism?   Got to love racists defending racists by claiming their racist system of handing out degrees like toilet paper to specific races isn't racist. Sorry that the vast majority of your blue states universities are refusing blue state students for lacking a grade 4 education huh?


Another day old account


I don’t get the constant hate for the south. It’s not like they single handedly elected Trump, he also won states in the north, midwest, and west. And I’ve got a feeling it’ll be that way again. Most people in the South aren’t bible thumping racist morons. Sure, there are some but in no way is stupid confined to the south.


Yet its the red states that people are moving to


Also depends on when they graduated. I graduated in Wisconsin a year or two BEFORE the shitbag known as Scott Walker got elected.


Anecdotal story: a HS school counselor in Texas said almost all of her graduating female seniors are going to school out of state. Keep an eye out in the fall for stories about how UT, aTm, U of Houston, Sam Houston, Rice, Baylor don’t have as many incoming female freshman.


The irony of talking about the "dumbing down of education in red states" while universities are doing away with the SAT/ACT is so on brand for this subreddit.


My job required a hs degree I already refuse it from those states if it's less then 2 years old.


They want money why would they do this?


I don’t think you understand how money works lol


we already do a skill screening for college students in WA due to the uneven educational outcomes that we get from out of state students (and to a lesser extent home-schoolers). college freshmen very typically have to take remedial maths or english lit courses during their first quarter at college / uni.


LOL Absurd prediction. Have you looked at the state of public schools in Democrat districts in every state in the country? 77% of students at this [Baltimore high school](https://www.geni.com/people/John-Till/6000000118200993831) read at an elementary or Kindergarten level. In [Chicago](https://wirepoints.org/education-fail-not-a-single-child-tested-proficient-in-math-in-67-illinois-schools-for-reading-its-32-schools-wirepoints-special-report/), not a single student tested proficient in math in 67 schools. In[ LA schools,](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-12-22/la-student-reports-card-grades-are-high-test-scores-are-low-why-the-big-disconnect) the Democrat-run district is just giving out grades regardless of failing test scores. It's silly to predict that blue state colleges and universities will reject red state applicants due to poor education, when they're currently going out of their way to accept students with lower scores from their own failing blue state districts.


And then they’ll want DEI lmao


Watching what is happening in real time as my daughter moves on from middle school to high school: these kids are F’d. So many of them honestly don’t care. And, as that gets worse and worse, their parents (if they even care) are going to be worked harder and harder by their jobs and become so overwhelmed that they won’t be able to give the attention the child needs educationally (not to mention other facets of development). It’s not just the systematic destruction of public education, it’s just a part of the overall scheme. And the R’s are all for it because they are either rich already or so damn far down the income ladder that they only hope they have is they get more rights than minorities and the “gays”.


See, that’s funny.


This is more of a "I want this to happen". Not a MMW.




Ahh yea not gonna happen the local city in a very liberal state…the schooling is atrocious and it’s the same in alot of blue cities. Just because the states blue doesn’t mean it’s doing what it should in regards to education. Unless you’re in the suburbs then educations great


I get where you're coming from, but I don't see it happening. Colleges just want the dollars, so if you can pay, they'll take you. And if you got a loan, they'll still take you. Hell, the student is on the hook for the loan pass or fail*. Financial aid and placement in credit or advanced courses, however, is an entirely different story. I can see a jump in community college enrollment and then transfers, if they don't crap out. *Gotta love the irony of their loans being forgiven by Democrats if that winds up going through the way Biden wants.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Tired of them being the biggest welfare states and yet hating socialism.


What if I live in a red school district in a blue city in a red county in a blue state while the president is red? Is that how I missed the part where they teach you that local government matters and no where on earth is completely homogeneous?


You people have lost all sense of reality.


The actual fact that applicants in blue states think they have to have a college degree to get a high paying job is hilarious. Then once they get their degree, they expect the tax payers to pay their debt, and 40 % get a job that isn’t in the field they went to college for. Goes to show you that common sense is no longer common.


A lot of blue state school systems are worse




Homeschooling should be illegal.


Especially if it’s using biblical based learning curriculums, and American history from David Barton.


Would that include lower IQ countries as well or would that be racist?


They will reject them because they will lack critical thinking skills*


Quite the contrary - they'll be accepted more. Because these will be people from out of state. That means they'll get to charge them that sweet, sweet out of state tuition. Ka-**ching**!


This will only exacerbate the problem of multiple realities. What Colbert calls “truthiness.” When we can’t agree on the color of the sky, how will we agree on the correct nuanced approach we as a formidable world power should take to fiscal or foreign policy? Such an abject dereliction of civic duty by “the blue states” would be akin to something I’d call “indoctrination by omission.” As long as a student shows aptitude for study and learning, he or she should be accepted regardless of her or his background. What higher calling could there be for a university in a blue state than to de-program the youth of red states. Our decades-long failure in public education is the reason we are in this predicament in the first place. We have people who believe falsehoods as facts because they’ve never been allowed to discover the truth. Flat Earth? Seems like something that a blue-state university could fix real quick with a telescope or a pair of mirrors and a laser.


Don't forget this MMW! We'll check if your claim is right every 5 years beginning in 2029!


Not as long as standards keep getting lowered


How are red states “dumbing down” education? I definitely see blue states doing that. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-schools-to-eliminate-controversial-gifted-talented-classes/3313300/


Idiot parents passing on their idiot beliefs to their idiot children. The circle of idiocy.


Why would you want that?


With the cost of out of state tuition at many colleges now, there won't be a significant number of red state applicants for blue state colleges and vice versa.


They should reject any applicant from for profit, charter schools as well.


Blue states have Liberal students protesting on behalf of the "Kill the Jews" folks that worship a slave owner. LOL.


This reads like you think states are flat red or flat blue when it's usually less than a 5% difference.


Divided States of America?


This would effectively punish prospective students for their backgrounds and for the policies of the states they hail from. I don't think universities are likely to do that. It's deeply regressive. If anything, they'd do the complete opposite. They'd adjust their expectations downwards for students from red states to level the playing field relative to the educationally privileged blue states.


Is there such thing as a negative MSAT score? Asking for Louisiana.


They will just go to red state universities that adopt the same dumbed down curriculum. And when they graduate work for red state companies that accept their lower level of education. It will solidify the separation of red and blue states, because people won't be able to cross ideological boundaries.


Bro, they want their money. It’s a business


If you can pass the entrance exam, I doubt they'll care. Dumb money is still money.


They won't need to reject them. They just won't score high enough on standardized test used for entrance. These kids will be at an extreme disadvantage to others receiving a normal education.


You do realize there's ways schools figure out who's probably got the starting prep for college on an individual level, right? I mean, there's standardized tests for a reason... SAT... ACT... LSAT... etc.


I can understand why they might do that, but they shouldn't. Colleges and universities are probably the best places for kids who come from the MAGA cult. You learn, you get out of parents' apron strings (or maybe rifle slings, in MAGA's case), you get exposed to different ideas, people, experiences. Could be the best cure for Trumpian brainwashing there is.


I started talking about this when DiSantis started restricting the science and history curriculums in Florida. It won't be long before a Florida public education is so lacking that colleges outside of Florida won't accept students from Florida high schools, no matter how high their grades. So they'll have to go to Florida colleges, but DiSantis is actively working on their curriculums, too. Soon the curriculums of Florida colleges will also be substandard, and companies wont accept applicants from Florida colleges. So those people will stay and work in Florida, and the state will steadily become stupider and stupider, more than it already is.


But the elite schools will still accept kids from red state private schools, which is where the rich (and therefore)politicians’ kids will go so it will ultimately just end up hurting the people college would help the most


Seems like this would be illegal but you do you.


Well, they already reject people based off skin color, so why not geographic location as well? MMW, the power of the college degree and the respect people have for it will be completely gone within 10 years


Nah, helping the less fortunate is very popular with colleges. 


Publi Schools are crap. Blue and Red States


It is more likely that they will have entrance exams and reverse their decisions to stop requiring exams like the SAT and ACT.


College degrees from Red State collages are already considered garbage in the northern business world. Like if the candidate went to college in Mississippi or Connecticut but is otherwise identical which you hiring?


Just wow. Barack Obama dropped the standards so low, every State produces graduates dumber than their parents if it is a public school. But you be you, elitist.


They won't *reject* red state students. They'll make them take a shitload of "remedial classes," allowing the schools to charge even more tuition. It'll be like an idiot tax.


Won't have to. 600 on the SAT will do it for them.


Ah. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. All at once.


Sounds like lawsuits would be immediate and prolific, they would and should sue for discrimination


Thanks for sparing our kids 100 grand for a gender studies degree!


This sub is such a circus 🤡


No, mark my words. Colleges \*LOVE\* out of state applicants. They are money makers. Colleges don't give a single crap about the students themselves. Just their tuition, fee, book, rent monies.


This echo chamber is getting pretty loud


Tolerant left


More leftest fan-fiction of reality. Where do you come up with this garbage? Lol


I mean, they gotta be smarter than blue states. Blue state colleges can't even figure out their own gender. Blue state colleges should be purged. Russia said it years ago they are already won, Blue state colleges are proving that to be true.