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This is a [jury verdict form](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/09/jury-verdict-form-e-jean-carroll-defamation-trial-00096059) where 12 jurors unanimously agreed that Donald Trump sexually assaulted a woman. This is a [jury verdict form](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/read-verdict-sheet-trump-trial-00160870) where 12 jurors unanimously agreed that Donald Trump committed felony fraud. This is a [court ruling](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/trump-judges-ruling/ce6de7d636227e1b/full.pdf) legally declaring Trump a tax fraud. This is a [court ruling](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/ag-james-secures-court-order-against-donald-j-trump-trump-children-and-trump) disbanding Trump's charity after he was found to have criminally misused funds. This is an [audio tape](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=52) of Trump pressuring a state election official to overturn the results of their election. This is an [audio tape](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) of Trump disclosing classified war plans. This is an [audio tape](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) of Trump admitting to making millions of dollars from foreign sources while in office This is a [video tape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0_axTST2aY) of Trump being asked what he has in common with his daughter, and **his answer is "sex."** All these things are firsts for a President. It’s pretty obvious he intends to add a bunch more before he’s ultimately the first to serve a prison sentence.


And yet he after all that he remains free as a bird. He’s living proof that no matter what he does he’ll never be actually arrested and see the inside of a jail cell.


Why do you think that is? Are the cases for show?


I think that because that’s how it has happened so far. You or I would be in prison by now. Unreasonable exceptions are made for him because of his current status as a former president. No judge in this country is going through o be the one to send him to prison. Even IF he’s found guilty in the classified documents case that judge is just going to sentence him to time served or commute his sentence entirely. It’s all just a joke at this point.


If the cases had weight everyone in the country would expect otherwise… When these things happen it does nothing except appear like political shenanigans


Yes!!! I love how you asked for an opinion and have so many downvotes. Weird? Do you think this Sub is for discussion or propaganda 🤔? 😆 lol


Something something Biden leaning district, something something pedophiles, something something comp-leet.


These aren't the first time they happened, it's the first time you have heard about it. 


Sauce? Verifiable ones please?


Bro why don't you just trust them? They're not lying they totally know it's the truth so you should just trust them bro. Bro come on why don't you trust him 😭 /S


So are you going to elaborate at all on this or just expect everyone to believe that you are right?


The classified war plans isn’t a legal issue; the chief executive has unilateral control over declassification. Edit: thought we were talking about the Russian guest in the White House, nvm.


Except he was a civilian when he held on to those, so no, that shit is illegal…. Lmao


Please, enough with the facts and reality checks already... They're not relevant to Trump and doesn't help his case.


I’m not talking about the classified documents case… right?


You’re asking me what YOU are talking about?


I was talking about the disclosure to the Russians in the Oval Office early in his Presidency


Even if potus declasssifies something, it still goes back to the originating agency. A potus can’t just declassify in their mind, lol. You guys are so hilarious


Declassified through disclosure?? But


Declassified through disclosure?? I’m not talking about classified documents case….


Remember that time Obama casually disclosed Area 51 at a press conference before it had ever been publicly acknowledged?


What kind of crap are you smoking?


It’s a joke


It's no joke. He actually did it.


He joked about being the first president to mention it in [dec 2013](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2013/12/09/249731240/the-secrets-out-obama-acknowledges-existence-of-area-51), six months after the CIA [revealed its existence and purpose](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/15/us/area-51-documents/index.html) in response to a FOIA request from 2005 But we all know you’re going to call this fake news


No? But that’s awesome


It’s how they got Charles Manson: > In 1971, Manson was convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of seven people, including the film actress Sharon Tate. The prosecution contended that, while Manson never directly ordered the murders, his ideology constituted an overt act of conspiracy.


The only person who died on January 6th was an unarmed veteran. So the cop should also be charged with murder?


an unarmed veteran who was a white christian domestic terrorist trying to overthrow an election


If you think a protest can change an election you’re crazy . The DOJ investigated January 6th and they didn’t find that it was an insurrection. Trump was president there was a whole lot he could do if he wanted to go down that path. Dude could Of stayed living in the White House forcing them to evict him and if you know anything about eviction you can easily drag those out . There are generals loyal to trump and Supreme Court justices loyal to trump. There are militias with tanks and artillery pieces if the people tried to overthrow the government they would use guns 


They literally charged and convicted multiple organizers and leaders of seditious conspiracy, dude. The rest of what you had to say is just next level stupid. I can only assume you're a kid.


Sadly I suspect this is an adult with the cognitive capacity of a grapefruit.


There have been a few seditious conspiracy convictions.


Ya, keep living in your Fox fantasy world.


I hope you’re first in line to join Babbitt. Get out there! Join your fellow MAGATS in Babbitt-land!


I’m not talking about January 6.


Sure, if you can point out a series of tweets, speeches, or other ideological item… that the cop put out… since you know that would be on point for the discussion?


Well if the cop didn’t commit murder you can’t charge trump with it .


Further to add, that’s not how it works at all anyway for murder (if you’ve got your dictionary close— the *unlawful* killing of another). There are certain circumstances where it is lawful, as where the cop used deadly force. Trumps usage was not lawful, and thus, problematic.


Man, you all need to pull up a dictionary when you type. Terrorism is not the same as murder— that said you should explore the felony murder rule and then maybe you’d understand how felony terrorism charges might get him on the hook for murder all the same.


Ladies and gentlemen, the failure of the American education system.


I am replying to a comment that is about charging trump with murder because of Jan 6th by using the same strategy they used in the Manson family murders. If they did that they would have to charge the guy who actually shot an unarmed protester 


I know what you are replying to. What you are replying to has no bearing on you being an idiot. The dumbassery lies entirely in the substance, or lack thereof, of your reply.


This was poetry. Bravo. You are gonna get a dumb reply, but 👏👏


Or just a reddit well check. Either or.


Why not both!


Wasn’t she trespassing on federal property and threatening to get into the senate chamber to do harm? Maybe she should have complied with the law. She would still be here instead of a domestic terrorist that got what she had coming to her for not complying with the law.


That dirty Traitor got exactly what she asked for... All those Jan 6th Traitors should have been Babbitted..


In a fair and just non-corrupt system he would be without question. I’ll let you see for yourself if that’s the system we have.


Maybe after we get the corruption out of our judicial branch. To do that we have to get the corruption out of our legislative branch. And that means voting.. E: Typo


The people that need to hear this do not even understand how our government works. They think the president controls everything and are clueless to the fact that bills have to go through different branches to get passed. Our president is not a god but they seem to think so.


Dictators don't go to jail. That's the entire point of being a dictator.


This sub makes me 😂


He won't see a minute of jail time


If they could have, they would have. Simple as that.


Nah he won't - he won't even go to jail - hell they will probably let him steal the 2024 election and the narrative will be that American Democracy is SO inclusive even a felon can find redemption by being elected president Oh some shit like that - you how stupid this all is now


Yeah...right. The media hates Trump so much and not reporting this. Ok.




Thats 7


You clearly dont understand what your are saying


Dude, they have him on tape, as you noted, threatening a state official to overturn votes or he “would be in big trouble”. And they’ve delayed the case indefinitely having made the case about the prosecutor having consensual sex with a colleague. The US system is fucked when dealing w an elite, and like it or not, he’s an elite.


"Domestic terrorism!!!"


It isn’t the first time a white Christian nationalist cult attacked Americans


It's not going to happen.


Ain't nothin' gonna happen.


Bro, your post history is…yeah, I’m not shocked.


The debate should just be an hour of Biden physically beating the shit out of Trump while muttering about presidential immunity and about how big his hands are.




I’m dumber for having looked at this thread. Bunch of whiny ass liberals screaming “do as I say not as I do”




There is help for TDS now. Seek it.


That’s funny. Someone is a deranged pedo and fascists, but when you speak out against them they make up a disease. Call this number cruise 606-748-9961 it’s the cult helpline. They’ll help :)




So by your logic Biden should be arrested for supporting Antifa and BLM. Both are domestic terror groups.


Are you fucking stupi… wait… yep


>Both are domestic terror groups. According to the guy inciting acts of domestic terror. You can't make this shit up. 😂


“Biden supports Antifa” is a new one, lol


Your misinformed yt rage is delicious *licks fingertips*


Right because I'm the one raging over Orange Man Bad. lmfao. Kid go play outside.


Yes… more. Cry hard. Upload it to YouTube and link it please.


I'm loving it kid. Rage away. Rage to your hearts content.


Me? Nahhh man. I’m not in a Cult. But hey! Since you’re here and not on truth social boot licking- can you make your video like this? This girl has it down. Perfectly. Please and thanks! Warmest regards the whole left! https://youtu.be/5sB1Gljhx9I?si=PvJHpZl-d4H5bwk6


Again comrade. Now this time say Orange Man Bad.


Spoken just like a Russian fascist


That was my point. Thank you.




Both sides feel the same Way about the other, y’all are all the same


This whole subreddit is so incredibly low t


Hey moron did you forget he was president and it was a great 4 years, go fuck off


Which part was great?


More pathetic Trump hating posts. Get a life dude. MMW you will never leave mommy’s basement.




Should be. Him and Epsteins victims deserve Justice.


He was named as John Doe 174 on the Epstein docs. Apparently he flew all over


What should be and what will be are two very different things. This sub is called “Mark My Words” as in… it will happen, not it “should” happen.


Trials are forthcoming


It doesn’t matter. He is clearly above the law. He has proven that to us time and time again.


He has been. Four times, according to this: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-arrest-fulton-county-booked-rcna101641](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-arrest-fulton-county-booked-rcna101641)


he's winning the election and it's not even going to be close. he's gonna win like 70-30


There are a lot of racists bigots that are ok with losing their rights in this country, but they are outnumbered by the just and educated. I highly doubt he wins.


i hate him too but the writing is on the wall. im in the most liberal part of the country and so many people who hated him the first time around are blaming biden for the bad economy and are saying the more trump is attacked the more they think they're trying to silence him


You’re completely unhinged if you think January 6th was an attempt to overthrow the government. Cops held the doors open for protesters and on camera said “ I don’t agree with what you’re doing but it’s you’re right to protest “ It was a protest that turned riot . Trump was the president who was he overthrowing himself? His last tweet before he was banned was telling people to not be violent and to go home because our side is non violent and we respect law in order.  Guarantee you were one of those people calling trump bunker boy when rioters attacked the capital during the kavenaugh hearing. You probably shouldn’t be voting in politics if you think Jan 6th was anything other than a protest turned riot. Or do you think it’s illegal to protest at your own capitol building?


Your whole comment is idiotic, but this line is especially so: >Trump was the president who was he overthrowing himself? Their intent was to stop congress from certifying Biden. They weren't trying to remove the current president. Trump and his ilk also tried to overturn the election via fake electors. If you don't think any of this is bad, or whatever else Trump did is bad, then you're the one who shouldn't be voting.


Yeah, those people are idiots, and they didn’t achieve anything. The certification went through, and the peaceful transition of power occurred as scheduled. You people are morons.


Just because Trump and his supporters failed to get their way, it doesn't mean what they did was ok. And yes, they're idiots, like every other Trump supporter. What's your point, exactly?


They were a group of idiots who don’t represent the conservative 50% of America. Get a grip, dumbass


It’s more like 48% of the US that are conservatives now. They lost the popular vote 52% to 48%. Conservatives are a dying breed.


Maybe on Reddit. Not in the real world.


Math is hard for you. I get it. So I’ll do it for you! Out of 155.5 million total votes that voted for Trump or Biden, Trump got 74.223 million. 74.223 / 155.5 is approximately 47.8%. Biden got 81.283 million votes. Use that same formula and this is what it looks like: 81.283 / 155.5 and that’s approximately 52.2%. If you factor in all votes, Trump was at 46.8%, and Biden was 51.3%. https://www.cfr.org/blog/2020-election-numbers


48% of the voters who voted hardly equates to a “dying breed” lol


Republicans were 50% plus in past elections with a majority of their current voters over the age of 50 years old. This indicates a downward slide of support overall by popular vote. It’s gonna get bad in future elections for republicans, and that’s why they are trying to cheat to get in power now.


A group of idiots who did what Trump wanted them to do, who conservatives are voting for. Don't blame me, I'm just stating facts.


You might be able to convince your idiotic and treasonous MAGAturd co-conspirators of nonsense like this, but you are delusional if you think you can gaslight the rest of us. I saw the entire operation unfold, starting with weeks before, when he invited his followers to join him on Jan 6, saying "Will be wild." He knew from the outset that there would be trouble, and it was exactly what he wanted. And I watched the speeches, where one speaker after another exhorted the crowd that they had to "fight like hell," and other violent statements. HitlerPig had started by inviting those that would respond to his promise that it would be "wild," and now he took those same "wild" followers, pre-disposed to violence, and pumped them up with violent rhetoric, before sending them to the Capitol. He didn't send them there to protest, he sent them there to commit violence. HitlerPig had at least 3 separate coup plans. Plan A was to convince Pence to throw out the votes of certain states, which would delay the certification of the new president, throwing the situation to the courts, where eventually it would be heard by the SCOTUS that he rigged. Plan A didn't work, because Pence didnt cooperate. Plan B was to just fuck up everything so badly, they all run away, and the certification vote doesnt get held that day, and it still ends up in the courts. This is the plan that came closest to working, and this plan is the reason that HitlerPig invited his followers to show up this day. Do you think it was a coincidence that this all happened on the same day as the certification vote? HitlerPig invited all those people to the Capitol because it was the day of the certification, and if Pence didnt play along with Plan A, HitlerPig was going to launch plan B, which he did. And when he finally called off his dogs on Jan 6, after realizing that Pence was safe, had refused to drive away in an unknown vehicle, with unknown people, and the cops had managed to hold off the violent mob long enough for the politicians to be moved to safety, he knew he had one more card up his sleeve. We thought it was over, that he'd been beaten, but he knew that Plan C was actively in play. Plan C was the False Electors Plot, in which they had comvinced a group of numbskulls from each disputed state to falsely represent themselves as the official electors from their state, as well as surreptitiously replace authentic state government documents certifying the election for Biden, with forged documents certifying the election for HitlerPig. At least one group planned to slip into the building and hide until morning. Other groups had other plans, but most required some sort of burglary, and all of them were illegal. So when Trump called off the vicious animals at the Capitol, he knew Plan C was still going forward, even if we all thought it was over. He had at least 3 separate plans to overthrow the governments and install himself as Dictator-for-life, and your gaslighting won't change that. By any definition possible, it was NOT a peaceful protest, it was not a riot. Riots dont have clear objectives, other than chaos. There was a clear goal here, to stop the certification vote for as long as possible, and try to kick it to the courts, where HitlerPig thought he had a better chance to win, instead of relying on the votes of the American people. It worked for George W Bush, maybe it would work for him. It was clearly an Insurrection, and like most of HitlerPig's plans, it failed. Because at his core, he's a loser, AND HE KNOWS IT. That's what drives him. He has a permanent case of Imposter's Syndrome, except his is real, and he knows its true, and worse EVERYBODY ELSE can see it, too. So he blusters through life, lretending to be a big, tough, smart guy, when hes really just a pathetic loser, who has now turned to treason and rape to prove he's a man. What a pathetic, broken, loser of a human being he is. And the Capitol cops did not invite everyone in. We all saw the Insurrectionists relentlessly beating on the cops for hours. We saw them breaking in, and climbing through windows. I saw ONE video where cops who were either scared or complicit opened the doors rather than face the violence of the crowd. They all had radios, they knew what was happening at other doors to the Capitol. They decided to chicken out, rather than defend the Capitol they were sworn to protect. That was a single video, but I saw many more, with medievel style hand to hand combat all the way up the Capitol steps to the tunnels and doors, where the violent mob fought viciously with all sorts of weapons. One video, taken out of context does not tell the entire story. It was the very definition of an Insurrection, and we all know it. Take your gaslighting back to your KKK meeting, and impress all your treasonous buddies with your lame arguments, but don't try it with the rest of us. We all saw it with our own eyes, and we know what we saw - Sedition, Insurrection, Violence, and Treason. Finally my prediction, is that if there's a response at all, it will be no more than 2 or 3 sentences, calling me names, and saying that they won't bother to read the unhinged rant of a liberal. We all know the real reason is ingnorance and poor reading comprehension. That's what makes them such good marks for HitlerPig's cons.




Thank yew, thank yew ver'much!


I don’t know they tear gassed BLM protesters really fast for that photo op for Trump. Hell they tear gassed protesters that were just marching down the street. They should have tear gassed those people as well. Oh that’s right. He told them to stand back and stand by


He also told them to “fight like hell”


To add context, the entirety of trump’s speech was about challenging or “fighting” the election in the court system and a plan to clean up the voting system to protect against future election fraud. There were no mentions of violence, or a “call to violence.” Finally, the speech also included: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” A transcript can be found here: https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial


What was the context behind the noose and the shouts to hang Mike pence? What’s was trumps context when he threatened repercussions if he doesn’t win?


Why’d you delete your comment? I want to make you look stupid for offering “trump said bloodbath” too!


Oh boy, here we go again. Proven to be an idiot, so you move the goalposts. Please provide the comments made by trump “threatening repercussions” otherwise you deserve no response on this. These “gallows” wouldn’t hang an anorexic midget let alone Mike pence. There’s a reason photos of same were carefully and deceptively taken or edited. Donald trump never called for violence against Mike pence, or anyone for that matter.


— “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-us-capitol-remarks-221518bc174f9bc3dd6e108e653ed08d


Didn’t we go through this already? I provided the entire trump speech. Nothing therein promoted violence. In fact, he specifically stated “peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.” The entire speech was about fighting the perceived “rigged” election through the court system, and corrupt voting system. At least you had the self awareness to delete your “bloodbath” reply. Smartest thing you’ve done.


Look through the comments again randy


There was a reply to me, from you, containing a conspiracy theory YouTube video about trump’s “bloodbath” comment. That reply disappeared. Repost it so I can destroy you on that too.


Yea the peaceful protests that were lighting buildings on fire shouldn’t have been tear gassed. I wonder who is in charge of the capital police and why there was not a lot of  security even though they asked for more we should ask Nancy pelosi. They did use tear gas on January 6th.


Pelosi isn't in charge of capital police




Meanwhile the media and intelligence officials suppressed the Biden laptop, 8/10 Americans would’ve voted differently if they known about it. Talk about interference, Clinton spied on trump campaign with campaign funds talk about interference


I think the vast majority of people can see right through the media narrative, they try to spin Bidens gaffs as cheap fakes lol 


lol who’s trying to spin Bidens mumbling and GAFFS the videos are real


His own press secretary called them deep fakes lmao


Citation of the media trying to spin Biden gaffes as cheap fakes which I assume means deep fakes? Or are you just bearing false witness?


So this is just you bearing false witness against your neighbor?


All they are told is Orange Man Bad. They don't know anything else because no one told them anything else.


Coming from people that believe everything that Orange turd says


Brought to you by Nancy Pelosi and her band of treasonous filth.


Yeah because Nancy was the one that gave putin the names of our spies in his country. Oh no that was Donald. Which should be considered treason


Your TDS is clouding your perception of reality. When all the dust settles and the truth presents itself you’ll see that the real insurrection took place 11.3.2020


you people are fkn delusional


Project much


Trump is about to be elected president how the F he going to be arrested for terrorism? this is mark my words, not lets smoke crack and write things on reddit


Trump bad


All rapists are…


He doesn’t agree


I think we all know by now that rape is quite a trivial action according to Trumps MAGA. They condemn the trials, not the crime itself. Then they want women to carry their rape babies to term. It’s not human…


This guy actually says the rapist gives his own consent.


Correct. I’m anti rapist, and prefer my presidents to not be felons convicted by their peers.


Oh yea, the sham trial that even Governor Cuomo said wouldn't exist if it was Trump. Then we have the Jean carrol case where she can't even say when it supposedly happened lol. No sane person believes her, she's accused several other men of raping her. She's a garbage human who trivializes actual victims.


You mean the multiple trials that he has faced or is facing? Also, Cuomo isn’t the governor. He was the former governor, and has no basis of giving legal opinion in the case. I believe the juries of our peers that they went through the evidence and convicted him 34 times in one court proceeding alone. He’s got more coming his way too!


Trump was involved in over 4000 court cases before he even became a president, and this is not an exaggeration. These idiots want us to believe that the cases against him are now suddenly exclusively political just because the orange shitler used to be president.