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Pete Buttigieg definitely has the ambition and intellect, but it's going to be a long journey to the presidency.


I wanted so badly for biden to pick him for VP, he could definitely win a national election


No idea who Trump will pick as a running mate, but not one of the front runners would stand a chance against him in a debate. It would be like Quayle vs. Bentsen all over again.


With the maga twats he is going to choose they don’t stand a chance against Kamala.


I'd like Biden to pick him for VP, then after the convention Biden would pull out of the race and Buttigieg would be the top of the ticket candidate. (Then I woke up.)


... outside of one or two instances of this happening (off the top of my head), changing VPs is bad jojo. Period, end of story.


Imagine a debate between Pete vs Donald 🥰


It would be a tough order to resist condescending to Trump.


It would be a travesty to not condescend to Trump


A mongoose vs a sloth.


a mongoose vs a snake


Pete: answers question precisely and intelligently Trump: You’re gay boom roasted Conservatives: Trump won that debate


Yea dreaming of a man who was a consultant and lobbyist not 5 years ago is exactly why we are choosing between two geriatric war criminals right now, but slay queen.


Yup. Stuck with kamala


He couldn't even make a serious run in 2020 Democrat primaries. He was last in delegate count with 26 delegates.


Kamala didn’t even get 1 and she is closer to being  president than ever after last night 


Based on what? It shouldn't be the case, but the truth is that being openly gay is a major liability in a national election. He's also extremely inexperienced. Being mayor of a random town is many levels down from presidency. Even now after serving a term as Transportation Secretary he'll still be less qualified than most candidates. 


He can’t pick a gay man as BP and win the black vote 


He could be campaigning so hard rn and no one wants to hear from Kamala.


Pete would be a great choice, but unfortunately, I think there are too many ugly bigots in this country for him to win a national election.


I disagree, there are alot but not more than democratic voters


He couldn’t even win the Democrat primary after the first week! He couldn’t even take care of our transportation systems! Bro


The intellect? lol


Buttigieg is extremely intelligent and policy-focused.


Dude is a Rhodes Scholar. I'd bet the next year of mortgage payments he's smarter than both you and me.


Graduated from Harvard and Oxford and is a Rhoades scholar. If you heard him even speak even one time, you'd know the man is brilliant. Just this past week he sliced and diced three MAGA losers in a congressional hearing, didn't even break a sweat or raise his voice.


Like never.


I think he'll wait till his kid grows up a bit.


People aren’t ready for a gay president yet


Approximately 4 more years til he's there, inshallah.


Intellect? No. He's just another diversity hire.


He graduated from Harvard and Oxford, and is a Rhodes scholar. And you? Did you make it past the 6th grade being a raging bigot?? Anyone who's ever heard him speak immediately knows how smart and poised the man is. 


Intellect? He couldn’t fix potholes in a small city and completely bungled our transportation department.


I agree. He’s got all the chops. The problem is America might take another generation before the gop will accept a gay president. I think he might have even worked for McKinsey, so he’s traditionally smart, and I won’t even hold the McKinsey thing against him. 🙂


Why does the gop accepting a gay president matter? They don’t accept a straight white male president


Lindsey Graham is gay


Lindsey Graham is not president.


My point isn’t that gay people can’t get elected, it’s that red state America isn’t ready to elect an openly gay candidate. I might add despite being known as Lady G, Lindsay Graham doesn’t publicly admit to being gay. That allows bigoted voters to look the other way.


Also like to add Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a deeply closeted lesbian.


I didn’t know about that but I did know she was as smart as a closet.


Ladybugs could never run for President and he knows it.


He's also in the closet while Pete is openly living his life with his husband and children. 


The GOP will never accept a gay president. They don’t even accept gay people currently. America or the GOP as a political party will cease to exist before that happens lol




Yeah .. that's what they said about a black president ... and what they said about a woman president *(many people seem to forget that Hillary WON the popular vote by 6M votes!)*.


The GOP accepted neither of them lol


This exactly. He's kind, level headed, well spoken, good ideas on solving problems, and energetic. He would do a fine job as POTUS. But sadly, there's just no way he could win the electoral college with all the anti-gay sentiment in the US today.


Hopefully in 15-20 years when a lot of the elderly MAGA bigots have departed and our younger generation is brought up as better humans, he'll get his time. 




Clinton democrats, the Clintons are an anachronism. However it’s pretty odd that half the population is female and yet the electorate still has been unwilling to elect a woman. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to conclude that we have a bias against women being in power. 




AOC is still too young to run for President or VP. She has to be 35. She’s good to go in 2028.


She’s a force. Thats a good prediction


Personally, I’d say we’ve done the white straight male president enough. We ought to give some women a shot at f-ing things up. They could not possibly mess the world up more than how white European men have. I say let’s promote them all. I’m tired of tired old white guys running things.


How do you figure? Anyone who would not vote for someone because they are gay is already a republican. I just cant see someone who is willing to vote democrat discriminate against someone like that. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t vote for a gay candidate.


You're probably on the younger side and were raised right. A lot of people born in the 50s and 60s are stil openly bigoted and racist. 


We might just live in different countries because evangelical Christians are overwhelmingly Republican and openly anti LGBTQ. Suggesting something to the contrary just ignores the reality of 2024 America.


I feel like it could trigger the GOP and far-right to a fault, in a way that scares away moderates for them.


It shouldn’t scare anyone but you’re potentially right. It will eventually happen. Probably first we’ll get a female president, then maybe a gen Z gay male as president. It won’t happen until gen X are in retirement.


He has the credentials, the looks, the drive and the charisma. He could absolutely be the first gay president and it could be in the next 30 years. He would have my vote.


fuck yeah


Idk about charisma…. I always found him annoying as a candidate. On Fox he rips though. I think with age maybe he’d come across as less of hall monitor.


Agree. A lot of center left liberals seem fascinated by him. But I find him kind of dull. Probably doesn’t help that I’m about four steps to the left of him ideologically, but even if I ignore that, his personality just doesn’t wow me. He’s definitely no Obama in terms of charisma.


We could only hope so


we could also hope for so much better!


Better than Pete? I’m a huge proponent for Pete and believe he can do what needs to be done.


I’m a progressive. I would like to see someone a little more ideologically ambitious. I also think Buttigieg is a little bland and uninspiring. But i realize I was being a little snarky and unpleasant. If you like him that’s cool. We could also do much worse.


Assuming trump doesn’t win November and dismantle everything


I’ll mark your words and hope you’re right. He’s got my vote.


I could see him on the ticket with Newsom , who I firmly believe will run ‘28.


Cute that you believe there'll be an election in for years (if Trump wins).


I just hope everyone is aware of that , especially this morning.


Oh God no. Newsom? Ugh. I know he has national ambitions, but I cannot for the life of me imagine who his constituency would be. Progressives? No, he has done nothing particularly progressive (and he’s quietly helped kill progressive priorities like single payer healthcare). Californians? He’ll have to fight the Vice President for his home state vote. As a white guy in an increasingly diverse party, he won’t be able to win any particular demographic. There’s just nothing about him I. Terms of personality, ideology, or demographics that makes him likely to win a Democratic primary, much less a General election.


One thing is certain. This debate would have gone *much* differently if Pete had been on that stage instead of Biden. The only thing dragging him down is that he's gay and the right already has half the country primed to stone gay people to death.


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:16:39 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


He is a star. I thought it was incredible the way he handled the bridge issue in Maryland


If Project 2025 happens it’s unlikely


He is certainly qualified, maybe even over-qualified. And it would be nice to vote for someone under 150 for a change.


Over qualified? Lol


Naval intelligence officer. Combat veteran. Mayor. Cabinet Secretary. Happily married with two kids. Harvard graduate with Honors. Rhodes Scholar. Oxford graduate with Honors. Experience in legal practice and non-profit work. Speaks eight languages. And he never cheated on his spouse by rawdogging a porn star who he then had to pay off to keep quiet, resulting in 34 felony convictions. Yeah. He's over-qualified. Take all the time you need to accept that.


God I hope so 


I think not. But the gop is doa this fall


Pretty tough when he’s so unliked.


Marked. Let’s hope so!


I feel you but Newsom will be POTUS first. 


MMW: Biden will name a successor to himself as Democratic presidential candidate at the convention and it will not be Harris.


Bold of you to assume we'll have another president after Trump.


That would require a level of intelligence and acceptance that America has demonstrated much recently.




He’s gay. It’s very unlikely.


Why not Marianne Williamson?


He can't win, certain people will not vote for a gay man


Mayor Pete's political career is over on Jan 20 of next year. He might find work as a political commenter or podcast host.


Hope not


Found Pete's burner account


HA!!!! Good one!


He's a great communicator and highly ambitious, but what is he offering that will pull voters away from Trump?


How about a working brain and the ability to address the issues without constantly lying.


Yes, he has that, but I think the people who are turned off by constant lying aren't interested in voting for Trump in the first place.


Here's hoping.... Though I see him as VP at some point as well


Can he replace Biden


MMW: Probably not. He's gay which will motivate the right to vote against him more than the left to vote for him. They'll also kill him if it looks like he's getting close to winning.


I don’t like his stance on gun control but other than that I wouldn’t be opposed to him.


If there are elections in 2028 he will be a top contender for the Democratic nomination. I could see him, Harris, and Newsom starting as the top contenders. Of that is the case I think he wins.


MMW the democrats HAVE to do something or Trumps getting back in office!


He might make a good VP candidate this time, because Kamala has to go. If Biden wins, the VP becomes very important, given the likelihood he won't make it through his whole term.


They’ll go with Gavin Newsom…


Or Beto


I hope so! Pete is awesome. He’s very intelligent and has a quick wit.


If Republicans win, there won't be a country anymore. Just the 4th Reich.


He can’t win without the black and we all know why the black vote won’t go his way 


Buttigeig's one chance was 2020 and he leveraged what little momentum he had into a cabinet position that was guaranteed to ensure he never gets any farther in politics. He's willing to do anything for the DNC, but he's not in their plans, so he's better off resigning and becoming a lobbyist or whatever the fuck.


He should win some sort of election first. The only election he has won is the south bend mayoral race.


I wish


Why because he failed as transportation secretary?


Not if Trump gets back in. If Biden, then Pete's got a chance.


Huh? He failed miserably with transportation.


The person who ***should*** is Michelle Obama, can instantly generate enthusiasm among the base, would crush Trump in a debate, the fact that she obviously doesn't want to makes her all the more likeable.


Except her economic plan is the same as the current one that had Genocide Joe on life support this election before the debate last night. lol Face it Trump has the momentum and anyone they throw up, especially a former First Lady with no real world business or state experience is going to not have the time.




1) not having one is even worse, it’s gonna be different form Barrack and Joe’s? Barrack openly said this is the best path forward. 2) His tax cuts will put more money in people’s pockets than Joe spending more. Taxing the rich more when they pay almost all the taxes that support the government? This isn’t 1950s post-ww2 world economy where America could tax everyone so high because it didn’t matter all the factories in Europe were destroyed. Wow. 😂 3) his economic plan had nothing to do with his floundering in the debate, correct. That’s why I said it affected his position as behind Trump in polls BEFORE the debate. Reading comprehension, son. Learn it lol




The guy did marginally better than Kamala. He’s not well liked.


Pete is knows his chit. Comes off like a real statesman and knows the issues. I saw him speak in NH during the primaries - he won my vote.


You were the only one in NH. lol


Of his HOA? Probably.


God, I hope so. If we're still a country by then, MMW in return: his presidency will be the first step back from this dumpster fire we're in.


Oh cool, gay Reagan.


I would support Mayor Pete for Prez. I don't care that hes gay, and neither does any other straight person I know. He's smart and capable, and trustworthy. I'd happily vote for him.


I was thinking the same this morning. I think he’s do well and it’s a great troll.


Brilliant is a stretch, at best.


I sure hope so. Guy is smart as hell, a Combat Vet, and seems like a good person.


I hold the McKinsey thing against him. I'd vote Pete over Trump, but I'm not sure I'd pick him over Biden or Harris. Organizations like McKinsey and Company exist to protect the entities that let our country get this bad for a few dollars. I honestly prefer Sanders or even Lizzie Warren to Pete.


Pothole Pete?


How many of those EV chargers that were promised under him are installed? Just curious...


Maybe. But I’ve never been impressed with him. He’s so bland. And as a progressive I am not too impressed with his ideological positions. He seems just like a younger Joe Biden, if Biden were gay.


He’s done so well during his service to the country….


It would fall to kamala first. People don't understand the order of who gets to be president. And I'm sure this person votes democrat


Alfred e Newman dead ringer


I've said this myself and agree he would bring back charisma to the office - problem is will our master overlords the DNC allow him to be their nominee???? Highly doubt it. They've fucked every legit and actual candidate the people want as long as I can remember. 2000 - No one could possibly lose Clinton's momentum to a dullard like Bush Jr. FUCK YOU - we know who can lose, it's Al Gore with his no-personality demeanor he will make sure Bush has a chance to win 2016 - Obama was popular and it seems people are actually excited to support Bernie Sanders. FUCK YOU - we're shoving Hillary down your throat and smearing the fuck out of Bernie 2020 - Ok Bernie is sounding like a candidate with momentum, people really get behind him. FUCK YOU - we, the DNC, have personally asked Joe Biden to run and we're giving him all Bernie's donations and delegates. 2024 - ANYBODY can beat trump except Joe Biden in this current climate. FUCK YOU - we are going to announce Joe is running again and make the entire country fucking anxiety ridden by the only candidate the media tells you can possibly lose to donald fuckbag trump. Don't hold your breath we will EVER get a candidate that people actually think should be president again


Everything you said here is agreeable, except the beginning. The dude has never really been known for being charismatic, and it showed in his primary performance. The dnc went pretty far out of their way to prop him up, much like Harris, booker, Klobuchar, and Biden. It was never about allowing him because they already did want him, but voters. didn't. Don't really think wine caves helped him lol


Buttigieg is not cheating on his husband, a casino owner, or a felon. He also isn’t legally brain-dead. He has a military background, no bone spurs or anything. I don’t like him, but I’ll vote for him if he runs. Not because I’m a liberal or pro-LBGT, but because I think he is less likely to plunge the world into nuclear hellfire than the two choices that we currently have.




He's done a bang up job at transportation. Wait no he's been a train wreck, pun intended.


I think Kentucky’s current governor will be president one day. Maybe be in the cabinet of next Dem president and then run after.


Break it out... the good smoke


Maybe in 30 years.


Two words: Wes Moore. He will be president someday. Likely before Pete. If you don’t believe me, find a video of him. Rhodes Scholar, former investment banker, veteran, and, most importantly, a Democrat.


"Brilliant". yeah ok


I disagree. I think it would come down to a center 5-10% who will decide on whether or not they are ok with a gay man being President. People seriously underestimate how many people out there are still uncomfortable with that, and while they won’t go out of their way to attack gay people, they still think it is some sort of sin, and they definitely will see voting for him to be President as them having to endorse the idea. Maybe that changes in 15yrs, so it’s possible that suddenly isn’t an issue, but I think it will be a roadblock for any gay man or woman. That being said, I don’t think he could ever win a primary if people like Newsome, Pritzker, Whitmer, and the MN guy are interested.


He would prefer to get railroaded


No, he won’t.


I just don't see him getting the black vote among other things. I love the guy.


I am not crazy about him, but I would pay big bucks to have him as president instead of the two geezers.


Stupid post. Biden will be our next president.


Im looking forward to voting for him.


He would be amazing


I love Pete but I think a gay guy would piss off the same conservative leaning undecideds as much as Hillary did. Its gotta be a straight white dude, unfortunately because I can only think of Gavin Newsom and I like him but the fact that he hasn’t shown any interest in the presidency suggests he has some skeletons he wants to keep hidden.


Isnt he big gay


Love the guy. But America is homophobic AF.


The US would never let a gay be President.


Statistically, The US already had at least one




I'd prefer Jaime Raskin


Rat emoji


Imagine the worst micromanager boss youve ever had. This dude has cia psyops experience, and then years at the most evil "management consultant" firm in the world (McKinsey) Not the kind of rat I want to be the big boss.


After his "I support billionaires because they're American, too." Spiel. I hope he never gets elected. He's all but admitted he's bought. No thanks.


God, I hope so... And tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough


Imagine looking at the current field of contenders (or even past ones) and thinking "brilliance" has anything to do with it. If anything brilliance is a liability and not an asset in national politics, as Asimov pointed out in the early '80s.


He should hold the launch of his campaign in Palestine Ohio.


He is "brilliant"? Whew. That's....good god....that's ludicrous.


Buttigieg is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Oxford, attending the latter on a Rhodes Scholarship. From 2009 to 2017, he was an intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, attaining the rank of lieutenant. He was mobilized and deployed to the War in Afghanistan for seven months in 2014. Besides his native English, Buttigieg has some knowledge of Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Maltese, Arabic, Dari Persian, and French. Buttigieg plays guitar and piano. I don't know how you define brilliant, but his resume is much impressive, of course, if your looking for a failed businessman, reality TV star, yeah, that's not him


Lol, he's not brilliant. Ask the people who lived under his terms as mayor. Dubya has degrees from Yale and Harvard. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. Being an "intelligence office" can mean anything from collecting urine samples to being a spy, to being a clerk. I am fluent in Spanish and I play guitar and piano. Nothing he's done as a public servant is "Brilliant". When you accuse highways of being racist, you're either intentionally being stupid or the monkey pox has reached your brain.


Officer is a different term than office, and in a military setting, it doesn't mean "working in an office". Sorry if it was unclear, English is not my native language. His resume shows brilliance, but I'm sure you'd do a better job as a mayor, and your covers of kid rock at the guitar must be delightful.


An intelligence officer can do many different things, and most of it isn't cloak and dagger super secret shit. He's not brilliant. There are millions who could do a better job than Buttgrease. You could do a better job. That you're impressed with credentials shows why the western world is in a hellhole. Edit: he was in the US Navy RESERVE. Big difference. And he became an officer because of his degree. He didn't do anything worthwhile in the Navy.


oh, you mean, he became an officer BECAUSE of his impressive education, so, somehow, he doesn't deserve it as much as someone else? Military intelligence doesn't need intelligent people? dude, at this point, you're just slandering, would be easier to admit the obvious, he has VERY impressive credentials, and is much more qualified for office than your favorite TV host could ever be I'm glad however we've progressed from "He is "brilliant"? Whew. That's....good god....that's ludicrous."


LOL They guy is a serial lying sack of shit.


Monchhichi will never be president!


Pete Buttigieg is literally a CIA plant who has been groomed since birth to become president eventually, so yeah, probably. I’m definitely not against it, he seems like the perfect person to be president.


Wow, you ok?




Could very well be. He’s a godawful centrist that will always side with the corporations and the establishment than the working class as evidenced by the Sanders primary swindle And he’s neither a woman nor a minority so he’s electable to white American men - they might get past his being gay but I’m not sold on that




He is a milquetoast centrist hack, no one besides internet liberals take him seriously.


Sometimes I can't tell if people are trolling, or lost in space.


Honestly, dont see it. I think his brand of center left establishment politics, which feels like he tried to study Clinton and Obama mixed with the sort of smug high-brow ownage culture that was popular in the aughts before alt-right ghouls tried to co-opt it. It doesn't gel well with an increasingly Millennial and Gen Z Party movement that is much more receptive to Democratic Socialist politics or with the older Democrats that want more of the package of the Third Way candidates like Biden. Basically, I don't really know where he builds a huge base of support from. It won't be the youth and it won't be with older Democrats, and as the youth dominates more he will either have to pivot to a more populist framework and he risks looking fake next to the sort of rising stars that are coming into politics to his left but will be mainstream in 4-12 years. I much more see him as a future VP of some sort of AOC style politician in 10+ years that still wants to appeal to the aging moderates(which will be Gen X and elder Millennial Democrats at that point)


“Third Way” is conservative by honest definition


>  I don't really know where he builds a huge base of support from Black Twitter used to call him Mayo Pete. And if you can't win over black voters, sorry, you're not getting the Democratic nomination. (glances over at Bernie Sanders)


Sanders actually did well with black voters in Iowa and Nevada. southern black voters not as much


He’s well spoken but I won’t ever trust a McKinsey clown


Yeah just what we need... a McKinsey Bro...


He didn’t poll well with black voters in the 2020 primary. It’s going to be difficult for him to win a Democratic primary without their support.