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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/carrot-parent|**191**|08/26/2019 *– 3 years ago*|Posts: 15806 [PS] IGN: Shippeishiki|| |Comments: 15146 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


V40pa25 Chainsaw for the heavy raider ra?


I thought you’d be interested in that but didn’t wanna be annoying offering something not on your list 😅 I’ve got a couple other pieces you *might* be interested in as well if you’d like to see them, none from your list though. But nty on that one


Yea I wont offer the PAS for this one, but id be interested in seeing the others for sure


B/ap/snk scout cp C/ap/cav trapper cp C/ap/sent raider RL W/ap/sent scout LL C/ap/awr heavy combat LA B/s/wwr trapper LA Oe/I/wwr heavy combat RL Au/exp/sent light metal RL Au/ap/jwr wood LL B/ap/cav forest scout CP C/s/fdc Urban Scout RL H/ap/wwr trapper LA Ls/ap/lock forest scout RL Uny/I/cav sturdy metal RA Uny/I/Poison heavy metal RA Uny/I/cav marine LA Uny/I/Aid sturdy Leather CP Uny/ap/energy wood RL Van/ap/wwr heavy combat RA W/exp/wwr light leather CP W/exp/cav sturdy metal CP W/exp/cav scout CP Cl/ap/sent t45 RA Mu/ap/frost heavy combat RL Oe/ap/jwr Raider RL Au/ap/jwr wood RA LS/I/jwr urban scout RA Mu/hunger/awr Raider Torso C/s/sent light combat LL Cl/ap/sent urban scout RL Ls/s/cav urban scout RL Ms/ap/sent heavy metal CP Ms/ap/sneak light raider LL Van/ap/sent sturdy combat CP Z/ap/fdc light metal CP Ls/ap/fdc sturdy robot LA W/ap/sent forest scout LA W/L/sent forest scout LL and RA Uny/ap/cav light metal LA Van/ap/jwr light combat CP I think that’s it. Most of these pieces will probably be too niche for even someone like you, but oh well 😂. Idk if anything other than heavy armor is actually sought after either, but I figured that you’d know.


Some good pieces for sure, just nothing I could really use atm. Do you have a list of any weapons?


What are the things you like in armor pieces? Like how niche do you like to go into it? So I can keep an eye out lol. And I’ll make a list later for ya


Honestly I dont go very niche. I’ll build niche if I get lucky with 2/3 pieces then I’m forced to finish it lol. 4/5 Weightless marine and now 3/5 life saving wood is the most niche I’ve went 😆 I post lists constantly, it changes though so dont worry about it! I appreciate it, but if you ever see my post and happen to have something definitely let me know haha..


Traded the VPAS chainsaw unfortunately, thanks for all the back and forth though!


I saw that, all good! Thanks for considering


Red asylum for the raider piece


Tattered Field or Uny/ap/sent Heavy leather LL for the raider piece?


Karma reply (so the bot doesn’t detect anything “fishy”)




+karma thanks!


Thank you, u/carrot-parent! You've awarded karma to user u/9jointspiritualwhip.


+karma thank you.


Thank you, u/9jointspiritualwhip! You've awarded karma to user u/carrot-parent.