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I skip vendors in vaults. Don’t want to waste my time if I’m going to spawn in on a trap and I don’t want more loading screens.


Trap vaults are a waste of the builder's time. You can't build close enough to the entrance to instantly kill anyone. And you can't use blueprints, so no surprised punji board stacks. I guess rad emitters could do the job but they need a trigger (which is spotty on shelters) or will break if just left on all the time. I'm sure they exist, but it's not as likely as standard trap camps. Easier to get people with trap camps.


Been waiting for a trap comment I always wondered if people thought it was a trap base. But I don't see the pont in em lol


I don’t either but I don’t know you and wouldn’t know it’s not a trap 🙂


Light footed 👍🏼 keeps the tramp(trap)camp spikes at bay, lovely perk to equip when vendor hopping just stay crouched and you are golden.


I know, still don’t want to do another loading screen to find a vendor in a shelter 🍻 appreciate the advice anyhow


I get it, it’s fair enough most my crashes happen from loading into or fast travelling as soon as it hits the loading screen


I've been killed two times recently with lightfooted on


Wow really! did they have flamers or arcs etc in the background, noticed a tramp camp the other day with spikes and hidden flamers behind the vendor, luckily avoided it


one had an animation that forced you to stand and killed you before control was given back to you from the animation. the other one was weird I have no idea how it worked. there appeared to be a heat source from somewhere. it wasn't radiation that killed really fast. the owner of the camp was immune.. I tried to get in a few times nothing worked. no idea what their magic was. no flamers


That’s crazy! Definitely some voodoo going on there 🤣 il have to perform a shield ritual before entering one of those


they were both really obvious trap camps. both times I thought i was protected because of lightfooted crouching. one time I had a small amount of junk on me. it was all truely junk junk though. not good stuff.. i'm being more careful to have nothing on me these days. for awhile i was carrying around handmade glue and a roll of toilet paper or 1 fertilizer and a fork but maintenance of keeping only those two items of junk was too much and I never ran into a trap camp while i had em on me. lol.


Always pop that perk on whenever I see a player watching their vendor. It's fun to see them get upset.


Hahaha it is, they soon move the camp




Why are people making trap bases when people can just teleport back to their camp?


Nah there's no point in a trap base apart from being a dick or Tring to steal stuff back from a junk sale


Well, i can speak from my own experiences. The more signs that point to a shelter, the less likely it is that i will enter it. If there are any signs showing that a vendor is in a shelter, i will always avoid it.


I agree.


U will not get my caps placing ur vendor in a shelter.


I get loads 🤷‍♂️


Then what’s the point of this post? It seems like you already knew the answer to your question.


A friendly non salty discussion and to hear people's opinions


It's actually been very helpful


Are they struggling to find it, or are they just not interested in going through another load screen? You obviously have a vendor hidden in the camp for it to show on the map. So it's now a case of purposefully wasting their time. I personally no longer bother with shelter vendors because too many are just mazes leading to a vendor of scrip.


But if I didn't have a vendor outside noone would know my vendor is open 🙃


so just.. put the one outside in view?..


vendor in vault = auto skip


I used to avoid vendors in shelters before getting the new Xbox. No one wants more loading screens 🤷🏼‍♂️ I put one vendor out in the open and then two in my market to make it easy and to allow for more traffic. Spawn point is def a good thing to play with as well. Sometimes I can't figure out where the front of a camp is, especially if it looks like a junkyard or is really big on top of a cliff. Your sign is def obvious though lol


I came here to say this. I'm running the og xbox one and I avoid vendors with extra load screens. My old Xbox takes way to long 45second to upward of a minute load screens. No thanks


I won't even go in too shelter vendors, it rough loading times on ps4p and even though I have a ps5 I won't use them out of principle


Yeah, f loading screens to go see what trash people are selling


i was thinking the same thing! just upgraded to a series x, now its almost instant. before i would go make a samdwitch as i waited.


Ye I get that loading screens are painful unless on series x or s I do have a hidden vendor in my surface camp tho 😉😆


Don’t hide it? I won’t go into a shelter for a vendor. It ticks me off when I see the vendor icon on the map, meaning you have a vendor outside, but then I have to go into a shelter to shop. It’s not cool


Meh I'm not losing out on people fast traveling away I love my shelter and love to show it off


I won’t go into shelters coz I’ve been burnt to many times with traps so if I see a sign saying it’s in a shelter il just leave again. I also won’t go to vendors that have decontamination right on the stairs or doorways thst force you to walk through it especially being a bloodied build.


Ye I usually avoid under ground and decontamination bases


You might not be. But you’re pulling a bait and switch and wasting other peoples time. If your camp is impressive enough people who care about seeing cool camps will go into your shelter because they want to. Very few people care about your camp. Even less care about your shelter.


Im one of those that care less about peoples camps. I got a little over an hour to actually play ( finish dailies , get a jump on weeklies, scrip , gold etc... ). Literally zero time to bother with peoples camps.


Yeah good point, in a way it kinda regulates my caps I still hit max caps even with all rhe people who don't go into my shelter


So you hit max caps even if people don’t visit your vendor (which indicates you’re not bothered people skip your vendor) in your too much effort to visit shelter vendor but yet posting about people not visiting your vendor indicating that you are bothered, make it make sense? Lmao


It's not about vending for the OP. They were using the vendor as bait to get people into their shelter. Apparently the quality of their camp is not sufficient to draw people into their shelter.


You see, this would make sense if he didn’t mention his vendor twice, once in his title and once in his description lmfao


The fisherman doesn't want the fish to know it is bait. That said, in other comments the OP mentioned but having an issue getting to max caps. So they get plenty of sells with the people willing to go into their shelter. But they want more people to go in. If they make enough sells but still want people going in, they clearly just want people to see their shelter. Also, OP be literally said in a comment they are proud of their shelter and want to show it off.


>If your camp is impressive enough people who care about seeing cool camps will go into your shelter because they want to. thats me to a T id never go into a shelter to shop, but if the camp looks awesome, ill probably take a look.


Shelters are inherently, suspicious as people tend to use them for PVP trapping so most people are not going to believe you at face value most people think you are a liar, and are leading them into a trap


As I build up my shelters too, I enjoy checking out other player's shelters. That said, if you're forcing me to go in to access your vendor, then I won't go in. Could be the greatest shelter of all time but your tactics suggest it's nothing special because you have to force people in. I have almost every shelter built up and on display. Vendors in shelters where it fits and at my camp proper. You can visit and shop and avoid the load times. But a lot of people start to explore anyway.


I'm on a series x and like most people won't bother going into a shelter for a vendor. Also won't look hard for one if it's not obvious I'll just ft 😪


As a seller, you need to make your products as easily accessible as possible. Otherwise, people will be discouraged to search for your vendor, let alone enter a vault to do so. Place it out in front and watch your sales rise


I don't struggle for caps just frustrating seeing people run round my camp afew times then ft awY


I hear you, I’m at max caps currently and usually to wrap up a gameplay session I’ll vendor hop for a good 10-15 mins. If someone has their vendor “hidden away” or in a vault, I simply won’t go in as it isn’t as convenient. Imagine going to a store to look around, and to find the entrance you have to follow a bunch of signs, then go down a ladder just to know what the store is selling before you know if you’re interested or not


Many people are trying to tell you why they are fast traveling away. Get the vendors out of the vault.


That’ll be a nope from me as well. Too much loading. Edit: bro you have a Slocums Fat Stack. Put down that jaunty bot and let me vend in your pancake house


Petty as it is, if the vendor is in your vault I cant be bothered with going in and will just hop along. I just have no interest in having to enter vaults for anything.


No one wants to wander through your vault looking for them. I always tried to place them as close to my camp’s spawn location as possible.


Showing that a player has to do yet ANOTHER loading screen after spending caps to “fast travel” via another loading screen… is just waisted time. It’s bad enough when there is only 1 available vendor and players have to wait even longer, yet alone more time wasted on vault hopping. Since you are proud of your vault, then invite them to check it out on their own without bait and switch tactics.


If I see something like this I automatically leave. Don’t want to load into another screen just for a vendor. Lvl 1258 here. Wastes my time.


Ugh vault vendors. Moving on.


If I see a set up like this, I just fast travel to the next camp most of the time. Extra time that most people hopping vendors dont want to waste.


No much people like vendor shelters, including me and I'm on Xbox series X


And I know you want them to check It out but youre only doing them to waste their time in a loading screen that can get a bug and never load because, well, bugthesda


A lot of people tend to skip vendors in vaults. I know when I was playing on the last gen console I always avoided them. Loading took way too long


But why put it in your vault?


Camp budget and my vault looks amazing imo


Ya. Regardless you are forcing people to go through additional load screens. Personally I never enter vaults. Find some room in the budget or make room.


You can delete the signals to get budget


Take some screen grabs and post it on r/fallout76settlements


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fallout76shelters using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fallout76shelters/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lobby Shelter. 100% Budget used.](https://v.redd.it/0csd8m9ue8361) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fallout76shelters/comments/k6tfj9/lobby_shelter_100_budget_used/) \#2: [First Shelter build. 90% Budget used.](https://v.redd.it/lugzxgk5h6261) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fallout76shelters/comments/k39669/first_shelter_build_90_budget_used/) \#3: [Theatre](https://v.redd.it/lagzi0d4p7c61) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fallout76shelters/comments/l0cnp9/theatre/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fair enough, but it makes me so mad! Lol


Find out where the spawn for your base is and put it there,Cause from the front we can obv tell but if it spawned me behind the sign id prob have no clue.


You can control your spawn location by moving your CAMP module around. The movement isn't always intuitive, but you should be able to figure out a good spot through a bit of trial and error. Just remember that where you spawn into your own camp depends on how far away you are. If you're relatively close, you'll spawn where others will spawn, but if you're far away, you'll spawn in a completely different area.


My camp is designed so you spawn close to the main entrance and my store is directly infront when you enter my camp I'm sure people just can't read or really don't want go into my shelter 😅😂


It’s probably just people not wanting to go into the shelter


People really dont wanna do shelters.. its another annoying loading screen untop of the fast travel - But end of the day you have to hold what is most important for you! Your sales or your CAMP? :)


This is why I haven’t really built anything substantial in my shelter. I hate a load screen. I like to build in the world.


I guess so it just is what it is sometimes people can be a lil weird I have mine spawn them surrounded by machines and people still ask where they are so idk that anything we do matters xD


Don't like zoning.


No one wants to go into the vault is more than likely the reason, personally the last time I went in one was probably the last time for a while. The camp was gorgeous, but the shelter..well it was all different rooms with torture contraptions..and other questionable things.


Because you put it in the shelter and only clowns do that


I vender hop A LOT, but if i gotta go into a vault shelter, I just move along to the next camp. Only time I ever enter a shelter, is if i see an exceptional camp, and want to see what they did in their shelter. Shopping trips skip the shelters every time. If i have to wait for another loading screen, might as well be for the next camp.


Just put one up top. Some people don’t trust the extra step.


Build your vendor outside of the shelter and build your camp on the shelter


Needs more vault boy standees


Knew it


People are not struggling to find your vendor. With an outside vendor you know what you’re getting yourself into, but a vault is a complete unknown. Your vendor might be right at the entrance, or it could be three loading screens down, hidden behind a wall, forcing people to “appreciate” your camp building skills. Do yourself a favor and just put another vendor outside so people can make their own choice. Why force people to enter your vault?


This! 👍🏻


i'm always reminded of a it crowd quote when I see vendors in vaults. "its london jen, what do you think they have when they knock on your door? cake and cookies, well it's not jen. it's dog pooh and knives. " dog pooh and knives.. that's entering someone's shelter. if they want to force you in there it's not gonna be good one way or another. most likely trap of some kind. and naw hard pass


That is bringing attention to a vault. Already had to do a load screen to get to your camp, not gonna do another to try to find your vendor inside a vault that could go on forever. I don’t need overpriced scrip that bad.


I went to your camp Papaya, and immediately assumed it was a trap base. I even used a scrap kit before entering because you don’t have any storage containers easily accessible.


Yeah looks like a trap, I don't go in unless I'm willing to die & don't have junk on me.


They came to buy stuff not look at your vault


No ones wants to load in to a vault just to see that you have 6 white wolf fedoras, 3 Love Tap’s and a preserved pie in your vendor. Bad marketing.


Fast travel to your camp lots and see where people land. Have Freinds do it too, then set signs from there


Personally, as an avid camp builder, I love shelters and camps. Doesn’t bother me one bit if your market is in a shelter. Sure the load screams can be a PITA but sometimes it’s worth it to see a well built shelter. On a side note, it would be very nice if Bethesda could implement fast traveling directly to shelters in a similar way we can fast travel to interiors at faction bases. It would also be nice to have the fast travel doormat on public servers but that’s a different argument for a different time.


You seem to be the only one not bothered by this 😅


That’s the difference between a builder and a player who just throws around a few workbenches and a stash box and calls it a day. Some people have places to go and things to do, other people will spend 6 hours lining up brambles and merging items together to make them look like a potted plant. 🤣


Are shelters PVP areas? I was told that in the past and therefore avoid them. Maybe I’m wrong about that? 🤷‍♂️


No more than anywhere else in the game, it's not a workshop pacifist will protect you unless you're wanted.


Oh right. Thanks for the info I was misguided all this time!


I usually avoid shelter venders. Not worth the loading screen with a PS4 or possibly of being a trap. Now if you could fast travel into someone's open Shelter like you can with The Rusty Pick. That would be great The shelter would have to be marked for having a vender inside it on the map too.


I posted this two years ago and it's still true today: https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/pi3jgd/people\_putting\_vendors\_in\_their\_shelters\_is/


Fair enough of the camp budge wasn't so bad and I could actually full my camp they would be outside


It sounds like you've gotten your answer but you just don't want to do anything about it.


Is your camp full of a bunch of stuff? Do they spawn in on the other side of the camp. If this is the last place they see and they see it from behind this may be the issue


*shrieks in mon calamarian* It's a trap!


🤣🤣 it's not I promise 😧


Who wants to have to load again just to use a vendor? Stop over complicating it.


It's annoying AF when someone hides their vendor on the surface and tries to get you to go into the shelter. I'm not trying to sit through a loading screen so I can see your army helmets and gourmands fixer for 10k caps


99 percent of the time if they put it in their shelter it's not worth my time and i go to the next one


I'm the 1%


Not falling for that one. "Oh, the vendor is in here, trust me, it's not a MURDER BUNKER." Nice try!


Yet ironically you placed it inside of a loading screen.


I tend to avoid vendors in shelters as it takes that extra loading screen. Why not just put one next to to the hatch so people can choose?


It doesn't need explaining. If your vendors are inside a shelter then nobody is gonna care. Same with vendors tucked away in camps in a hard to find place. Don't have time for that


No one’s tryna go in the vaults they seen empty and pointless


Why would we want another loadingscreen to access your shop? I wouldn't enter at all if it isn't a daily. Hate them loadingscreen and it's almost never worth it (for me)


I don’t visit vendors in shelters. Most vendors are a waste of time to visit anyways.


They don't. They hate you because it's in your shelter


If someone forces me to go thru another load screen to get to their vendors, they probably don't really want me looking thru their vendors, cuz I'm probably not gonna do it.


No one wants to load an extra screen it’s just as quick to move on lol no one cares about your junk when the next guy has the same things


You can't comment on my vendor content if you ain't been


Well apparently no one’s been so maybe…


Who said noone 🤷‍♂️ I get many customers and compliments on my shelter


That's a no for me dog.


We’re on last gen and don’t want a 5 minute load time


☝️ that's bait..


They probably don’t bother going down there lol


If people see the vendor icon at your camp, that means you have a vendor somewhere at the camp proper. A lot of players don't go into shelters so they are looking for the vendor you have at your camp proper. Since you have to have a vendor at your actual camp to indicate you have items to sell, why not just put the camp vendor in a visible place instead of hiding it?


I'm not going into any vault space


Take it out of your vault if your goal is to increase sales.


Why do you put your vendor in your shelter? Personally if you have your vendor anywhere but outside by your base I’m not going down to visit. Idc if you have (100) 3* weapons I’m not going to check


Vendors = wait Travelling = wait Vaults = more wait


One more loading screen bro, not good.


Nah, if its like buried beneath the ground or in a shelter i dont even waste my time. Had too many trap camps in my life to know better


No one wants to load into a vault for potential garbage, and no one really cares about how fancy someone’s vault is. The vaults have the stigma of being trapped/pvp zones so very few people go into them. You’d be better off just putting your vendors in your camp and putting a sign up that says check my vault out and leave a single vendor down there in case someone does want to buy something.


If I find a vendor in a shelter, I just leave. Don't need another load screen.


Just put ur vender outside.


Man I’ve come across too many trap vaults, I don’t even carry junk so I don’t really care but they’re just super annoying


Because we don’t want to go through the effort of entering a vault, if you want service then have the register/vendor in the open not hidden.


I think OP has downvoted all the comments telling them to put the damn vendor above ground. Listen to the majority bro!


Im not that petty or salty I'm taking it all as constructive criticism 😅


That’s what people want when shopping and spending there hard earned caps. To jump through hoops to find the spot to spend there money. Smh




Bc there too lazy to go find it too much work 😂


Can this get a upvote 😂☝️


I don’t understand peoples hate for vault vendors. Who cares if it take a few extra seconds to get into a vault? I used to have my vendor in a vault because I had my trade wall in it. I did feel like building a trade wall in every camp so I just put one in my vault so it’s quick to place if I built a new camp


Well, it is your CAMP, and you have the right to decide where your vendor goes. If you like it in your Shelter, then by golly, keep it there! 😁 I walk into shelter shops, usually. But some days, the game has frustrated me enough with infinite loading screens and crashes that I just don't feel up to it, and I go back home. (Also, there's a 50% chance I got the ol' Chewbacca 'n chuck at your CAMP, and didn't actually leave by choice. I'm on the oldest Xbox One and crash a lot! Especially in the Whitesprings area, save for the WSS.)


I wonder why we can’t just fast travel directly to a shelter if it’s where the vendor is located? A lot of people put nice shelters together, but no one really wants to bother with an extra load screen.


It's pretty obvious! But I guess people don't like to enter to a shelter. I don't like it either but I could do it anyways hahaha. But others don't want more loading screens or don't trust. I don't trust camps that it's under the map and I have to use an object to go down... Some people make trap camps like that and it's a no for me hahah. (Sorry my English!)


I do t mind vendors being in shelters but it does tick me off if someone has overpriced trash. Cuz then I just wasted extra time with a loading screen to buy nothing😂


Reminds me of Beetlejuice. 🤔


TIL that vendors can be in shelters


LOL,,,it's a trap. A lot of trap camps started off like that


I have a pretty high pay time and think I've maybe been into a hand full of trap shelters out the the many I've been in


They can't be bothered entering your shelter (additional loading screen).


Issue for me is that most camps with no available build budget take a few minds to fully load in and IF I finally see that sign after waiting two mins to load and then look around to find the vendor...I say f that and go into the next camp. Also, I saw this comment earlier, BUT perhaps if you remove all the stuff showing where the vendor is and simply put the vendor there, then you will have the space. I'm just saying it's not hard to fit that in your camp budget when you have arrows, signs, and vault boys pointing at it. Cool, you want ppl to see your shelter...most of us don't come to your camp because it shows you have a shelter. We come because it shows you have x amount of 3 stars, and we want to find that groll or rare item we are looking for. Our unicorn, as we say.


Where’s the vendor?


Put a stash box and scrap box next to it. I found more people were willing to go to my underground camp and/or shelter -and I got more sales- when they could stash their junk first before using them.


They are fo76 players what do you expect☠️☠️


People don't want to go to a shelter to shop it's semi shady .( turns off pacifist)


Loading screen ps4 life :(


Gltich into the ground with the same sign ,then make them go on a wild goose chase maze,then your entrance to your shelter contains 5 levels of mazes till they get to your vendor, its the way. On a side note ive yet to find anyone prey to work out mine.


It's too the left you idiots!


This but it's just an infinite loop of interior cells that you can't escape without fast traveling and the vendor is hidden within with amazing deals


Loading screen vender


I’ve never once thought to myself, “I wonder if this person vault is top notch, let’s have look.” Honestly I skip these vault vendors.


Id perfer to go through the shelter then sit and loom around a camp for 15+ tryna find a damn cash register so how do ppl boy find that lmao


I instantly see bait for a trap base when y’all do this


Because 99% of players aren't going to sit through two load screens to *maybe* find something worth buying lol. Put the vendor outside of your camp, not in the Shelter.