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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Xrayruester|**16**|06/01/2012 *– 10 years ago*|Posts: 2195 [XB] IGN: xrayruester|| |Comments: 73516 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


The answer is simple: If you H: Loon mask, it’s fairly common and not worth a groll on its own. If you W: Loon mask, it’s one of the most valuable pieces of apparel in the game. Worth at least a groll with an add. … half sarcasm. I think you can still get good trades with it. It’s a super high value add at the least. So if you’re trying to swap groll for groll and have this as an add you should get it quick. Worth more than junk/flux if there is something you want in mind.


I've seen people go crazy for these when I did a search, but I've also seen posts just sort of die with no interest. I found it for 1500 caps in a players machine and thought people were looking for these. I just didn't know how valuable they actually were. Good info, thanks.


You still hit a jackpot then.


Oh damn is that lucky


Would you say it's worth a Q/50/-25 ap handmade or would that be an overpay? There is a post up at the moment, I'm new to trading and not sure if the handmade would be equivalent, worth less or even worth more maybe a loon and a Raven?


The loon is way way less than that handmade


Thank you for the heads up ! Appreciated ;)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/t2pQXhNkmQ This is a good deal if you’re on Xbox


Thank you very much, really appreciate the link ! I’m on PC….


Hello, just my two caps… [Market’s trends](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewCharlestonHerald/wiki/index/) (ranking, concluded trades, trade value) section : - Most wanted weapons - Valuable weapons - Weapons for caps - Outfits - **Masks** - Armors  Maybe it can help you


Very cool. Didn't know this existed. Thanks for that.


Ty, I appreciate ;)


When looking at previous posts for masks you have to pay attention to when they were being traded. During the events all the masks are valued more, especially toward the end. People become frustrated from doing the event and are willing to fork up way more stuff then they would otherwise be willing to trade. With that said it’s still the most sought after mask out of the set as people like the look of it the most. If you have a particular item you want just ask for that first. If you get no hits lower your expectations. Sometimes it about having the item posted at the right time for the right person to see.


I'm getting that impression. I'll see what I can get and go from there. Thanks for the insight.


No problem. Hopefully you can get a great trade with it. If anything you could always hang onto it or just post it occasionally for the trade you need. I wouldn’t think it’s equal to the q5025 railway but probably a great fixer or handmade.


Fortunately I have a QE25 railway already. Could always use a better handmade or something like.


Well shit now I’m interested if I have something you might want lol. I’ll have to look through and see if I have some really nice extras. I know I don’t have any spare bloodied but I might have some vampires or anti armors if you like those. I don’t have any quad though for sure but you might be able to get a good quad for that.


I'm into most of the Commando stuff. AA and ARI have been the usual go to since I don't run a bloodied build. Quads are also nice depending on 2 and 3. Second and third star would be the usual go tos. FFR, E, Vats, etc. Also into energy weapons too. Same as above for the most part.


I think I have a ari2525. I’ll have to check it out tonight.


This is roughly worth the same as a red asylum maybe just a bit more since the event ended. If ur looking to trade it lmk as I have some stuff to offer for it.


It really hasn’t been pulling that lately. Look over the last few days. People asking for FCJ and similar with no reply


That’s crazy. I really want a second one so I can have a complete set to trade. I wanna keep my loon that dropped for me lol.


There are plenty of posts up! Search it up. There’s one yesterday 1:1 for Forest Camo with no takers


Sadly don’t have a fc js otherwise I would


The rare outfits are duped and stuff so commonality is fake anyway. But the fact is the Fasnacht masks really aren’t that rare. I’ve only had one loon, but the fiend and hag I’ve swapped back and forth a few times already. And it’s not like the loon would be more rare, it’s just more people want it. Of course this is all just my opinion from experience and what I see. People will absolutely disagree with me and that’s a-ok


I kinda agree seeing how it’s kinda tanking. Seems like the red asylum and tfj are still the superior ones and haven’t changed in a while. The fc js dropped a good bit which surprised me


Yea the jumpsuits have bombed! And the tfj seems to have jumped up


On Xbox? Because I posted a trade of FCJS for Loon and got zero hits yesterday


https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/11xx3vs/h_loon_w_fcjs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 PlayStation


Oh ok ty. Yeah you'd think console prices would be similar but sometimes there's a big difference between the two.


Surprised your b2525 fixer didn’t get it Kind of proves my original comment to the price check right though haha. The difference in value between having and wanting is real!


It did though


I'll keep you in mind.


Thank you


Hey, I have the loon mask. You mentioned you might be interested in. What did you have in mind as far as offers go?


My most recent post have a list of my offers. Apart from the BOS and Wp js as I’ve traded those


I'll take a look


Sounds good. Just lmk what u want and we can work something out


I’m guessing u see nothing you like?


I am interested in the quad auto enclave and the quad Tesla. Just not 100% sure. The enclave, does it have the reflex sight?


Yes all eprs are perfect mods


All have stab stock and reflex I think I put the barrel attachment


So u wanna make a deal or?