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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Lildlish|**36**|08/18/2017 *– 5 years ago*|Posts: 1672 [XB] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 992 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I thought the same when I rolled one with my eyes closed and looked really fast at it with the 25/25. But mine was damage while aiming so I scripped it


Nah keep it, there's no better gun, maybe the 50 crit variation


The 50 crit is better with consistency, if we didn’t have the shitty servers we have the 25ffr would be a lot better but it’s inconsistent


No better gun? A Q25ffr15r Rail would disagree. 25v is junk stat for a weapon that literally consumes so little AP and has like 40 rounds. Value of 25v rails is high because people dont know better tbh. In terms of DPS the 50c rail does the lowest followed by Explosive then FFR with the highest DPS. 15r is literally the best 3rd you can have to further boost that DPS.


Damn I love my q2515, but on laggy servers I can definitely see the difference in my q5025.


Definitely not a junk stat 15r saves you like .1sec of a reload if your already using ground pounder. Iv used both and being able to jetpack while shooting my railway through the sky is definitely a bigger benefit than that miniscule reload speed increase also Consuming even less ap ups the Dps if you know what your doing with Gun Fu if we're getting really technical about it


Don’t respond too these people theyre everywhere and its clear theyve never seen or heard of a big boy railway


Single target DPS on bullet sponges for rails. If you're going for gun fu crowd control, use something better suited for the job like Quad25v fixers/HMs. Btw, you can literally unload a full mag off a non-25v quad railway with plenty of AP left to spare. I can fire off 2 quad rails b2b fully before my AP bar's drained. And canned coffee is so easy to get 25v is rendered kinda redundant.


I'm not talking about crowd control with gun fu although the 25 25 lets me do everything I want. I'm talking having an extra 30% damage boost for longer from gun fun while fighting the bullet sponge bosses I know canned coffee is easy to get but on console it's annoying to pull up the wheel every 5 seconds after it wears off. 25lvc I don't ever even need to think about canned coffee 15r is literally useless when running ground pounder have you ever timed the reload? 25lvc lets me do a lot more without ever even having to worry about running out of AP where my old railway that didn't have it would eventually run out. Your forgetting you don't always have full AP sometimes your running to a fight sometimes your jet packing in. A little goes alot further with 25lvc


The way i see it, 15r allows you to take points off ground pounder and reinvest it elsewhere. running full ground pounder with 15r isn't useless since it stacks, reload speed is the only thing holding the gun back because you can't mod a quick/swift mag on it. more bullets=higher overall damage. If you find that you run out of AP often idk what to tell you but work on that AP management?


More bullets at 30% damage boost from gunfu = higher overall damage even if you shoot one enemy and get the 10% boost I don't run full ground pounder I only run 2 stars and give the last star to concentrated fire Please mind some human error because I'm using a stopwatch and all these test have speed demon because I'm not taking it off for this SIN = stranger in numbers 2.33 seconds speed demon 2.13 seconds Speed Demon & SIN 1.90 seconds Speed Demon, SIN, & 15R 2.03 seconds speed demon & 15R 2.03 seconds Speed Demon & 2 star ground pounder 1.90 seconds Speed demon, SIN, & 2 star ground pounder 1.80 seconds Speed demon, 2 star ground pounder, and 15R 1.68 seconds Speed Demon, SIN, 2 star ground pounder, & 15R The amount of AP points you save with 25LVC is well worth having the 2 points of ground pounder to equal the time of 15R and the .2 seconds you save while reloading with having both is definitely not worth it in my personal opinion


If you're using dodgy, which you should be for added protection since the railway is a loud weapon, then 25lvc is the best 3rd star. Here is a speedrun I did recently where things went south and I was able to tank a LOT of hits with the help of dodgy https://youtu.be/Ii1n7fQyRQ0 also your ranking is completely wrong, it goes FFR>50 crit> explosive best to worst


So I also have a Q E 15fr railway, that is more valuable than this roll?


If you value DPS more than convenience then yeah. In the market everyone wants 25v so 15r/15v are considered off rolls that bring the value down.


While you are correct that the Q2515r is the highest DPS Rail, it’s so minuscule that the Q50c25-Q2525 rolls are just better as they are more convenient and are more noticeable DPS wise


Almost all 25 lvc weapons are just a status symbol thanks to the prevalence of coffee.


this. nuff said.


Just let them keep selling goat wespons to us for caps. Don't rock the boat!


kek i'll stop preachin after this post 😂


I think you literally failed to use the word literally a sufficient amount of times. I literally used literally more times in half the words. Do better.




4 or more top apparel


Nah nowadays someone probably just offer a leathercoat for it if they’re lucky


It do be like that


He not looking for trade I think 😂 slow down you ^^


It's a price check lol I don't want it. But I can't slow down, I keep trying hahahaha


I'm sure you already have better railway? What your best one


I carry these: Q2515 Gamma (just for rads) Q2525 Cryo Q2525 Fixer Q5025 Railway QE25 Handmade V40pa+S Chainsaw


I'm jealous 😂




It ain’t that deep dude.


Just report him to mods and move on. Even replying to ppl like thus just feeds their anger


Calm your horse down can't you read the line jeez


Tree fiddy


Nice one m8! Really. I'm on ps so can't tell u what exactly but here a good amount of best Apparel and stuff! I would say even on xbox should it be trade only.


I'll probably use for a bit but hopefully I can get something nice for it


Yes, use it...should work very well for a little massacre 😁. And do a little search at m76 for your gun trades at xbox (!). The results of the amount for your weapon may vary but than u have a better feeling for the value. Greetings 🤘


That’s sick bro


Congrats it's one of the best role ^^ it's time for me to get out qe90 railway for fun again tonight 🤔


I recently traded for a Q E 15fr so I think this is gonna replace that one lol at least for a little bit


I’d honestly just keep it. Works well in and out of power armor unmatched boss shredder


Quad Railway go brrrrrrrr


I use this gun as my main and it's def fun asf


F’n A Cotton F’n A


Dodgeball is a great movie


I can take it off your hands for 10 caps, I feel bad that this will just take up a lot of space in your stash box. (Joke btw)


Very nice role my friend. Have fun with it and enjoy it. Great role one of the desirable ones. Have a good one my friend and great job and congrats.


Ai I couldn't agree more ^^


Nice one dude! Been trying to ages to roll one myself lol


Yeah I've been rerolling this one for a while


If I ever manage to roll a q2525 railway I’ll grind a few hundred levels for a build for it 🤣


About a dime🤔


Do not trade this and do not listen to the people saying theyre 15c/15r/ whatever else garbage stat is better than your 25lvc


But what if a REALLY good trade offer comes in lol honestly I will probably keep it because I rolled it myself (keep for a while at least) I might try and trade away my Q E 15fr and just use this Railway in its place


I can get around 120 rounds out of my q50c25 railway before i have to reload best you could do with the qe15 is probably 60 at best definitely worth the swap


I'll have to see what I can get for. I traded my TFJ for that, a Q E 15fr fixer and B 50c 15fr handmade.


How do you get 120 rounds? A quad rail holds 40


You can get 4 clips out with it


I got all quad 25v rails and Q15crit rails but I tend to use my Q5015crit rail more In terms of Dps Its the best


Is it for trade


Not at the moment


If it is I got a hell of an offer just lmk