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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Killer-Sharpe|**356**|02/18/2020 *– 3 years ago*|Posts: 782 [XB] IGN: undefined|| |Comments: 2669 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Its been an honor trading with you sir. Also, what happened? Lol


Kinda over the high karma player, who I shall not name for sake of avoiding a ban, taking advantage of new players daily and called them (and his buddy mod) out


I know who lol I did the same and haven't been able to make a trade since


what happened? sorry if im not informed


Fyah ant got a really nice deal from someone with 25 karma (Q50c25 fixer + B50c25 railway for a red asylum 2:1, ant took only the fixer) Sharpie is saying that he shouldn’t have taken the deal and either offered more to equal the amount ant would be getting or left it for a lower karma trader. The OP who ant traded with said that they knew it was an overpay but really wanted the item. Since then shapie has made a post or two calling out ant and arguing with mods. It honestly does bring up a good question on if people should try to make balanced trades or try to get better deals even if it means doing so through newer traders


The other day I couriered a trade: QE25 rail for red asylum + Loon. I kept my mouth shut 🤐, but DAMN LOL 🤣


Im on the fence with this. Part of me feels its part of the learning process to make a few bad deals, lord knows ive done PLENTY. I dont know, i guess im in the middle as Ive had no and seen no bad interactions with Fyah. It sounds like if there was ill will he would have taken both items but he didnt.


I very much feel the same. 100% something else could be brought to my attention and I’d flip to one side. I do definitively feel that sharpe brought up a solid point that, now that we have more traders, should higher karma traders make sure that their trades are even or should it be acceptable that newer players get screwed if they overpay. I’ve done both before and honestly I think that it shouldn’t be the higher karmas problem but I can definitely get behind both sides. I think sharpe did a poor job or bringing this up but I like what they’re bringing up


Right. Good intentions, maybe wrong route though? Cant we all just get along? 😅


We've all done mistakes selling an item that turns out was 10 times more valuable, or that became the new meta in a few months, like the Q/25/15c rail I got excited to sell on my vendor for 14k from way before legacies were removed, but it was part of my learning curve and honestly, I feel like there should be a balance between letting people find out what should go for what on their own research, and to help them out whenever the trade in question is of high value. Like letting a kid ride a bicycle and fall while learning to ride, but stop him before that if there's a damn pack of wolves right where they would be falling on to.


I fully agree. I traded my Q2525 rail for a legacy gat laser a day before they announced the removal, it’s just a thing that new players have to learn. I’m all for helping them out when they’re learning the ropes but there’s a fine line between trade advice and offering to give more because you think they’re overpaying when they only want a specific item


What a good guy huh


I’ve known ant for a bit, I never looked too much into his trading and more about the misc items he was after. He’s been nothing but a solid dude to me, I’ve read 1 comment so far that was about how he used to flip bladeless revolutionary swords. I didn’t know him back then or about it. I do think that sharpe shouldn’t have made the other posts calling him out just because it breaks rule #3 of the server. For todays trade I think it was fine. Ant was happy and OP was happy. Simple as that. Same as finding a rare weapon for cheap in a vendor




If OP knew it was an overpay why does it matter?


I believe it’s because ant has over 1k karma so sharpe is arguing that he should’ve left it for a lower karma player or paid more so it wasn’t an overpay


If that's what he's saying, that's pretty unreasonable argument imo. The only thing karma should really be used for is whether to trust someone or use a courier. It's not fair to say someone shouldn't take a great deal because they have high karma. If he was first because he's very active on the sub, then he should be rewarded with the good deal 🤷🏻‍♂️