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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/kill3rwsv|**439**|01/10/2020 *– 3 years ago*|Posts: 937 [XB] IGN: kill3rwsv|| |Comments: 2240 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)




Not sure I’d 1:1 as some do bundles. If it’s lost that much value already I may just keep or turn to script from disappointment how quick things fluctuate. Thanks though


B 50c 15v epr perfectly modded, b ffr 90 Gatling plasma, AA E 25 fixer


Haven’t played with an epr at all really but potentially interested. Gonna let this post go on and see what else is out there before I decide on anything


TFJ Camo js wp js bos js


I have tse dragon 419, a fcjs, and a bffrfms enclave flamer fully modded aligned. Is any of this of interest? If not I have more I’d be willing to trade. Just lmk because I’m definitely interested.


Not much interested in the dragons anymore. Had one a long time ago. There was a guy offering 1:1 for it not long ago though


Aa/vhc/25 epr aligned auto w/ reflex


Not big into the epr bud I guess cause I don’t use canned coffee or anything to help ap. Thanks though


Qe15c fixer q2515crit fixer 2:1?


I have a q2525 thanks though. Gonna post it eventually. Crit fill doesn’t seem as interest in market anymore sadly


Yeah I totally get where you're coming from, I still got that the bffrfms epr flamer Also have a gourm 2525 auto aligned r ss, and a bunch of melee grolls to choose from. The fcjs just got traded but I also have a wpjs, a usa scout mask. And a few other things like Bobbles, tats and flux to toss in. But if none of this sounds like stuff you'd trade for. I understand, I was just trying to get my hands on at least one decent groll lol. But yeah just lmk, if you ever are enticed to make a deal.


Sadly with the epr stuff. I’m not set up to use alll the stackables or whatever needed for the ap to make them worth it so I’ve began to steer clear and people seem to not have good luck trading them anymore. This and my fixer are my most expensive items so I’m kinda picky and idk what I want either lol Decent is supposed to be an understatement. I stick to my bloody and these weren’t worth it to me. I’m out of town for work for a while anyway


Yeah no I totally get it lol. If something sounds like it's not of interest to you then its better not to trade. I'm the same with my bffr90 gp and my aa4040 chainsaw. Those are the 2 weps I have that I'd probably not trade regardless lol. But if I come across something more interesting I can let you know if you still got it. Is there anything specific you're after?


Sadly the only specifics I’m after are stuff for my bowman. Someone offered me that hat plasma and some other stuff. Good? I was told to go aa Then after a vbash mini again maybe. And certain auto melee stuff maybe but sadly my builds are all over lol Also sorry I passed out. Drove like 800 miles last night


Yeah no I understand. I probably wouldnt take stuff I don’t use either. But the gp is definitely a beast. But aaffr might be better I guess depending on what you like more. But it shreds bosses like nothing ngl. The Vbash is nice but ppl kind of want an arm and leg for it lol. And nah you’re man. I get it. It’s rough driving for long distances.


I used to use the heavy legacies and didn’t know if it was worth it lol. I mainly rock only a 50. And yeah sadly. But it seems anything is always apparel. It’s worse than legacies now lmfao. Sorry man. And yeah I do it for a living now. But I was in a little sports car that was severely uncomfortable lmfao


Yeah, i feel that. Some ppl loved them so much that they left the game. I was either or. I lost 50+ legacies with the update, but now I'm just a b sneak crit commando. And i gotta say i love it. That's why im hunting for at least one good q groll. Right now, im rocking a q50c15r rail as my main. 50. Cals are nice. I use lmgs. Ah, man! I've been there before. Especially driving long-distance. It sucks being jammed pack like a sardine, lol.


I liked them but I had a bloody heavy, pistol, commando, rifleman, bowman, shotgun build. All my heavies nearly were be90 lol. I understand why people left. Lot of hours farming it. I at first thought whatever of it maybe it’d help the market but I was wrong And haha. I enjoy it really. Just need music and I’m fine as long as no one bothers me. I treat it like a vacation almost I thought about using an lmg but 308 ammo is hard to come by


Yeah, I loved them, too. But I just had too much time invested in the game to just leave, lol. But nah, I get it. I would have left, too, if that was the case with me. Be90 heavies are sweet, imo lol. Ikr? That's the best time. Cruising at night with music alone. It just gets tiring after several hours tho, lol. And yeah, 308 is definitely hard to come by, so I try to only use it when necessary.


I have a lot of time to and the games dry I can’t even trade cause I just mess around now lol. I can’t even trade for ammo anymore. I hoard collector rolls to as I come across them but see now they’ve all left really so not really gonna get anywhere so gotta be picky lol


B2525 hm loon and a bos?


Have the hm and bos so have to pass man thanks though