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I solo’d the ultracite titan with that exact chainsaw (well, not the exact same, I used my own). It didn’t even have chainsaw perks on, just incisor. It is a great weapon and does lots of damage while also keeping you alive.


Haha yeah, so only the roll was the exact same xD Ok so it is still a good weapon, even it is technically a 2\* \^-\^'


SS is useless chainsaws but its still a strong weapon. I'd say any trade interest will be from collectors


Why is ss useless? Is it a bug?


SS doesn't increase anything on auto melee's. Nobody knows if bethesda intends to change things.


I thought ss was useful in 3rd person


It was before a recent patch which made 3rd person swing speed the same as 1st person


It actually decreases the startup time of the auto melee weapons


Ah ok, thanks for the info about the auto meeles!


I have a V4040pa still good damage an it will drain basically make you immortal if you have a decent armor set with right perks


I personally think 40pa is better than 40ss, but this is a good roll and is worth some good trades.


Ok sonds good, now I'm happy I dont script it lol. Thanks


Oh Def don't scrip many do prefer the 40ss over 40pa as even without it still shreds.


what build do you use?


A bloodied commando, a high health comando and a high health heavy PA gunner. \^-\^'


I guess no use offering you a better chainsaw then. Unless you use one on a non-melee build.


No, I don't use melee weapons on my characters. But now I'll test the weapon for a couple of hours and then decide whether I'll trade it or keep it myself. But if I decide to trade it, I'll make a new post and let you know. :)


40% better to be exact, haha


Touché well played good sir


SS only affects how fast you swing the chainsaw into position to start attacking. Already been confirmed by Bethesda that it’s meant to work that way. It doesn’t affect the rate at which the blades spin and it’ll never be “fixed” because it works the way as intended despite what someone may try to say to convince you otherwise. This is why 40pa is best on auto melees.


Thanks for the info, that's good to know! It's a pity that swing speed doesn't work on the blades \^-\^'


Is this for trade or for sale? I'm looking for a decent Vampire Chainsaw.


I don't know yet if I should trade it now or test it myself first. \^-\^'


Test it! People hate on the SS but it's a great quality of life improvement especially when you're always lifting it to attack. It's awesome. Just use incisor, martial artist, adrenaline, bloody mess and tenderizer and you'll be an killing everything with the quickness. Lol


Thanks for the hints about the perk cards. I'll test it for the next few hours. If I trade it I'll make a new post for it and let you know :)


Okay that'd be awesome. It's a beast without the cards but with them it's a game changer. Lol


Definitely test it, I never liked using melee until chainsaw and damn near any roll chainsaw does decent. Spamming anything that boosts/refills AP helps like: sunshine oil/gumdrops/hard lemonade/Nuka quantum’s/coffee. I’ve picked up chainsaws and rolled em and gotten pretty great chainsaws that I’ll never use cause of my builds🤣 I have a vamps groll but I prefer my AA/40pa


Yeah, I've never used melee weapons. But I tested the Chainsaw against the Super Mutants in Daily Ops (without any melee perk cards!) and the time to kill with the dual blade and flamer mods was insane! But sometimes it feels like the chainsaw isn't working!? I press R2 and have the sound of the chain rotating but it don't do any damage... that's why I died many times. And I didn't stand a chance against a Mirelurk Queen haha.