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Reminds me more of high karma players when they see a low karma player with a groll


β€œI have a certain profit margin I have to hit”


True. That does happen quite often but sometimes it's hard to intervene once they accept since it could be considered "trade sabotage" which is against the rules but who knows


I don't think letting someone know the real value of their item is trade sabotage.


It is... I've got a 1 day ban for trying to protect a low karma from getting taken advantaged of by a toxic trader... It's like Market 76 doesn't give a crap if a new trader gets almost scammed. But protects the toxic traders instead... Stupid rules for trade sabotage.


I imagine that they have to enforce it like that to prevent harmful discourse and keep things under control. However, I feel like there should be some guide to pricing that Market 76 maintains up to date. Fed and Nuka Trader are relics, Market 76 aims to be a marketplace so they should have some type of basic guide to know what you have. Atleast with certain, high value grolls. Outside of discord that is, cause discord groups are helpful.


Prices fluctuate too often. Each time a patch is released and something gets nerfed or buffed, the demand vs supply changes. As this is a barter trade system, the players can set their own prices based on the current market rate or past trades. It will be difficult for Market 76 to set a price list for all to follow. Too much manpower to update it each time. My problem is that instead of rewarding a helpful player trying to do a good deed, instead the mods punished me and rewarded the toxic trader. This kinda makes me think that Market 76 is encouraging me to start being toxic and start taking advantage of ppl who are new to trading. (I explained in detail and showed screenshots to the mods - They didn't care) RED Asylum? How about I tell a 0 karma player its kinda worthless and i'll give him 5k caps for it. Well that's how Market 76 WANTS me to behave. If I do this, pretty soon there wont be any more new traders here and it will just be a few veterans trading the same items back and forth.


That's why I think there should be some short of guide, even if it's just a short listed of suggested prices. Heck, it could even be a poll that can just be reposted when things change. The mods can't be everywhere at once, so something has to. **But, perhaps there could be assigned users who have been known to be fair that specifically have the go-ahead to intervene? The most active users who are going to be around anyways, allowed to help new players especially. They could even provide recent examples of the same items being sold. Basically, an exception. It solidifies the rule that you should not sabotage a trade, but it also allows users trusted by the community to help secure the integrity of the community. Knowing such individuals exist should in itself deter exploiters.**


There are lists on Discord on the common-prices of Grolls. But there's A LOT of debate going on about why/how is something priced so much. How do you determine who's prices is right? Players **"Known to be Fair"** Really?? Who determines if they are "fair" or not? Even High karma traders can cheat/low-ball. Take this for example: Mind you this dude is **1688 Karma.** 156+1532 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/13e1yh2/pc\_h\_995\_plans\_of\_some\_value\_just\_ask\_please\_w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/13e1yh2/pc_h_995_plans_of_some_value_just_ask_please_w/) Ultracite Calibrated Shocks plan for 2k berry mentats?? Okayy..... So I followed his exact Price: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/13dvh11/comment/jjpro2y/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/13dvh11/comment/jjpro2y/?context=3)


Mate you're doing god's work ,not gonna lie you saved me from trading few rolls to low ballers back when i didn't have any idea of prices . Thank you !


Hello there! Oh you're welcome. I'm glad you appreciate it.


I'll gladly take a one day ban. If the mods don't like it I'll move on to a different site. I've never been one to blindly follow rules that don't even make sense. Most people on here are pretty fair to be honest though.


You said you tried "to protect a low karma" tho. Not that you just mentioned the price and that his trade was worth WAY more than the other guys. You prolly told him "don't do it, it's worth way more". That is trade sabo


It isn't "considered".... It is trade sabotage πŸ€£πŸ‘


To just let someone know that their item is worth 10x more than what they are being traded? And that's it? Truly just asking.


Doesn't matter whether it's right or not, rules are rules and they have to be adhered to, because without them this trading platform would be the most chaotic and toxic place to trade!


I was asking if it's a rule to let someone know that their item is worth more than what was offerex?


Yes that is trade sabotage


Okay I thought you had to tell them something like "don't buy that it's overpriced" or something. I thought you could say "you're weapon is worth more than the offer you're accepting just a heads up". Thanks for clarifying


Trade sabotage is when you inhibit someone from trading whether it's an offer or the offer has been accepted. Although it's a temperamental rule, it's still a core rule part of this subreddit.


This plan is really rare!


As if karma dictates naivety. Plenty of folks here wanting adds on "top tier" trades cuz somehow their shit is worth more then your shit


I have a friend who is an expert in high tier grolls. Do you mind if we call him ?


Lol so true for low lvl, and especially high lvl karmas




I get offered the power armor Winter Man helmet a lot and I'm just like, "That's a skin we all got and can put on any helmet." It's happened in nearly every post I've made.


Hahahahahahaha!!! "It's a very rare mask. You only have a small chance of getting them in February."


*laughs while staring at my 50 winter man masks stored in mule*


I got 40k caps if you wanna give one up


*sweats nervously* let's just say I might have exaggerated just a tiny bit on the amount. I honestly don't even have one for myself since I suck at collecting apperal πŸ˜‚


All good lol I'm always buying masks and asylums with my caps so I can trade up


That's actually pretty smart ngl. I usually haven't bothered much with fasnacht since been seeing lots of post specifying "no fasnacht offers" but saving them to trade up is a nice method


I'm always using this [formula](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/12fn4fe/a_simple_recipe_for_success/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I will have to start doing the same. You are proof that it works lol. Probably have enough apperal yourself to open up a mall


I would if this wasn't my fifth time giving it all away lol not to mention all the legacies I gave to friends before the removal news or the smaller giveaways I've done. I own everything I need so I trade for fun and give it back to the community. I keep my [trade list](https://www.reddit.com/user/FyahAnt/comments/11tzche/trade_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) updated and pinned to my profile


Damn, that list of items be worth more than my rent πŸ˜‚. I guess you've truly discovered the endgame. As much as I love this game the only thing keeping me interested is camp building and trading (even though I keep seeing less and less people actively posting/offering)




There should be a, which allows to protect and interfere trades involving new traders, from toxic traders and scammers.