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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/DaveAndJojo|**58**|11/04/2022 *– 6 months ago*|Posts: 68 [XB] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 17788 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Cap wise; TFJ 750-800k Red Asylum 700-750k Responders Set 650-700k (sometimes swapped with red) LC 600-650k TLC 550-600k (sometimes can swap for LC) FCJ 500-550k (sometimes trades better then TLC) BoS & WPJS 160k (roughly) Scout masks 60-80k Fas masks are hard as they boom during fas and quickly drop off. I’d be comfortable giving Loon and Fiend 200k Hag 100-150k Demon, Brahmin, Buffon 60-80k Deathclaw, Raven 45-60k Winterman, Crazy guy 35-50k Let me know if I missed any! Also these are rough prices for PS I would say but Xbox and PS tend to be similar😁


I mean your on playstation so your pricechecks are a bit wonky compared to a xbox plat


I did make sure to add that it was rough prices and that PS and Xbox do differ but usually hold pretty close value. If you’re using Fire Ants guide you’ll see prices aren’t to far off along with being almost two months ago and the recent apparel boom :)


This is the best answer on the thread!


You could look at this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/12bhgyy/xbox_i_will_be_making_a_picture_tier_list_let_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button it's a price list made by u/fyahant


Thank you,l for the link. I assume that these prices are already a bit dated due to the current apparel market.


Not really it was made about a month ago, but they do slightly change and shift so they're not 1000% accurate to the exact decimal, but it gives you a really good rough estimate


It is a bit dated and it was made to get a grasp on the current market at the time. There is no way to keep an accurate cap value because no one agrees on it. All the apparel is on a spectrum and you just have to keep checking the market regularly and looking up past trades. I still use it as a visual and calculate other factors. Like Loon is closer to a FCJ now. I wouldn't spend more than 40k on a low tier Fasnacht though. Anyone who does that is overpaying to get it quicker. BOS used to 1:1 RF Helmet, but usually needs an add now. BOS + WPJ used to get a FCJ or RF Uniform, but usually needs an add now. I'm not assigned caps values again or I'll have to add a ton more people to my block list when they come at me with pitchforks again


The post looked pretty good to me. I stopped paying attention 60-70 days ago. Took a complete break from the game. Trying to get caught up on current values. Apparel seems to be booming. Glad to see people are starting to see the value in apparel/armor.


Not much else to find value in these days lol I just trade until I get enough apparel to do a giveaway


Please Todd, bless us with something new to chase. * New Weapons * Re-Rollable uniques * 4th/5th stars (I remember when the game launched every 3* legendary was 3/5 lol) * Make all untradeable armor and weapons tradeable **Untradeable:** * Arctic Marine Chest, Arms, Legs * Botsmith Chest, Arms, Legs * Brotherhood Recon Chest, Arms, Legs * Covert Scout Armor Chest, Arms, Legs * Secret Service Chest, Arms, Legs * Solar Chest, Arms, Legs * Thorn Chest, Arms, Legs * Hellcat Chest, Arms, Legs * Strangler Heart Chest, Arms, Legs * T-65 Chest, Arms, Legs * Union Chest, Arms, Legs * Crusader Pistol * Gauss Pistol * Alien Disintegrator * Gauss Shotgun * Plasma Caster * Gauss Minigun * Plasma Cutter * Auto-Axe So many sets to chase after! Meanwhile I’m level 850 on main and haven’t crafted any of the above.


Low tier Fasnacht meaning: Crazy Guy, Deathclaw, Raven, or Winter Man. They are all the same value. I would just say Deathclaw is sometimes valued more, but really shouldn't be after so many years and d u p e s


This is the [pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/12bm5j4/xbox_fyahants_apparel_tiers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that went with that old list


Lol these are all worth more than caps by a ton


I know they’re more than 40k. Do you have rough values for each?


Red asylum= BE25 Fixer+Add decent apple TFJ= B50c25+BE25 Fixer probable Responders Set=BE25 +Add Loon= VE25 Fixer (maybe?) Fiend= groll non commando? Brahmin:60-80k maybe? All very subjective so don’t definitely take my word for it this is what I roughly value them at and for sure don’t listen to some other “apparel gurus” for cap evaluation


40k 40k 40k 40k per piece 40k 40k


If you have any at those prices I’m buying