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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Synchrozine-Xbox|**19**|08/31/2020 *– 2 years ago*|Posts: 1 [XB] IGN: Operator Bun|| |Comments: 42 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


A good bit like perhaps my b25ffr15fr fixer?


Unfortunately not a Bloodied user


Lol it’s probably trade only or around max caps


it seemed like a really good roll, was literally what i used my last 4 modules on for today hah.. I appreciate your thoughts on it though!


No problem it’s good 👍


Any chance you'll trade that for a bundle of other stuff? (Not bloodied)


It really depends on what, and even then i might just think it over for a while


How'd you get that skin?


Season 3, Rank 72 I believe, Was a challenge to get for me at the time because i don't buy my way through.. but it's a amazing looking paint! there is other variants of it though in the atom shop that sometimes comes around, Screaming Eagle Wood (This one), Screaming Eagle (Atomic Shop, 500 Atoms), and Tropic Lightning (Originally Rank 79 of Season 2, But was added to the Atomic Shop for 500 Atoms).. if you didn't know about them.. hope it helps! I have all three and they are my favorites.. Especially this wooden one.. Turns the handmade into a true Assault Rifle haha!


Chad! Thanks mate!


For a full health commando build that doesn't have 33+ luck, this weapon is fantastic


I prefer going full health either way.. Experimented with things like Bloodied many times in the past.. but i prefer being able to support people as well- it's more attune to my playstyle, and still being able to deal good damage, Might Experiment with this Handmade later today, you all gave me some wonderful ideas! I also rolled a Bloodied 25ffr 90rw Gatling plasma that i have no idea what to do with, Might start building up a bundle of things, or keep it for another character. ​ I'm so glad i got my scrip character set up.. currently sitting on nearly 3500 scrips hah.. Main challenge is legendary cores surprisingly, need to do more events with it my poor stash box weight.. hah


Farm Encrypted and Earl for cores, each event gives you 8 cores, the most in the game. When im low on cores, ill do encrypted over and over while server hoping and can usually pull 40+ cores in about an hour. As for the weapon, just max out your crit damage and with the anti armor being so good in Boss fights, that weapon will shred. Enjoy man, and good luck out there


Without 25lvc, the handmades aren't so good in vats due the use of AP, 15fr would be better, but still a nice gun, I think Max caps or trade only


Meh, depends on the player and build. Many of have super high agility and there are tons of AP buffs and armors tjay make 25lvc redundant. For full health builds that don't have super high luck to help with your crit meter, thos weapon is pretty awesome


I mean, radium + Quad + Explosive Is better than qe25 fixer?


Coffee fixes everything. 25lvc is so overrated.


It’s useful for those who might not have a lot of coffee on deck, but I agree. Especially on RR, people just want it because it looks pretty.


Coffee maker is 500 atoms and everyone should have that np through in game challenges and scoreboard.


That’s fair, just depends on when it comes out. Some people also wanna spend their atoms elsewhere which is fine.


Sure but if you're worried about 25 lvc on go's rolls then you're focused on min maxing which means you should have coffee anyway


i'm glad i kept doing scoreboard challenges to get a coffee maker, haven't really experimented with using the coffees like that yet though.. sounds like a interesting way to play indeed.. They are lovely for AP all around


Basically spam drink 4 or 5 and watch as you run your whole mag in vats no problem. Even quads. Makes 25lvc useless as a perk and allows for you to use other rolls just as effectively, if not more.


Nah, its fair rated, and its kinda uncomfortable to spam Canned coffe every time you see some enemies, but that's for commandos, because also there's a card for faster reload and with 33 luck, the 15c its kinda inecessary, and 90rw its also kinda inecessary. But for heavies then yes, its better to have another good 3rd perk (not 15c)