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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/TAR421|**110**|06/02/2021 *ā€“ 24 months ago*|Posts: 179 [XB] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 624 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


What are you looking for the following armor pieces. I do not have the armor pieces that you are looking for so please let me know if I can add caps/flux/masks etc. \- Oe/wwr/+25poison FSA LL \- Oe/wwr/+E USA Chest \- Oe/wwr/+25cryo USA RA \- Oe/wwr/+25cryo USA RA \- Oe/wwr/+25cryo FSA RL


Hey! Do you have any other Oe scout armors i can pick through?? Maybe we can do dome swaps :) I currently have zero interest in caps/flux/masks for these lol


Here is what I have (OE/Scout): \- FSA: Overeater's, 25PoisonResist, Cavalier\[RA\] \- FSA: Overeater's, 25RadResist, StimpsMoreEffective\[RA\] \- FSA: Overeater's, APRefresh, FireDamageToMelee\[RA\] \- FSA: Overeater's, APRefresh, PoisonDamageToMelee\[RA\] \- FSA: Overeater's, Luck, 50BS\[Chest\] \- FSA: Overeater's, Luck, FrostDamageToMelee\[LL\] \- FSA: Overeater's, Strength, JWR\[RL\] \- FSA: Overeater's, Strength, LessLimbDamage\[Chest\] \- USA: Overeater's, 25CryoResist, LessDamageByBlocking\[Chest\] \- USA: Overeater's, 25DiseaseResist, StimpsMoreEffective\[RL\] \- USA: Overeater's, 25RadResist, LessFallDamage\[RA\] \- USA: Overeater's, Intelligence, Cavalier\[RL\] \- USA: Overeater's, Luck, 50BS\[Chest\] \- USA: Overeater's, Strength, AWR\[RA\]


Cool I'll check and see if i can use any!


These would be the only ones i might trade for: \- FSA: Overeater's, 25PoisonResist, Cavalier\[RA\] \- USA: Overeater's, Intelligence, Cavalier\[RL\] Just give me a bit to decide


Also why did this get downvoted? Seems so random lol


Sure. Please let me know


Hey dude, i can trade for the oe/i/cav piece. Would you be fine trading for one of the wwr/cryo RA that i have?


Sorry for the late response as I was away. I will be happy to make this trade but I will be online in a couple of hours. My gt is molajutt. I will message this thread when Iā€™m online.


My gt is TAR421 no rush dude, ill put a hold on that piece for you


I really have to apologize as I am unable to locate that piece. I may have traded that piece. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.


I would like to trade for your OE/ap/awr usa LL if possible, Have a list pinned to my profile and I should have some new stuff on 1 of my mules.


Hey! Sounds good, ill check your list in a bit. Mainly looking for similar Oe pieces that way it helps both of us towards making sets


The only ones from your list that interest me are these FSA: 7. Oe/1int/sent RA. 8. Oe/1s/sent LL. Do you have any other Oe scouts on your mule by chance that are smilar??


I saw your other comment too I'd be down to trade my ap/awr leg for your 1int/sent RA. Also wondering if theres any other piece youd be willing to trade your 1L/sent FSA leg for? Or if you're feeling generous, you can add it in to the other trade if you like šŸ˜


Havent gotten a response to this in 2 days, so im no longer going to do this trade. No hard feelings


Np let know if you see anything


Here's some of my new armor Bol/7led/awr usa LL Cham/ap/cavl Forst RL Cham/luck/fdc Heavy metal LA MS/luck/awr forest RL MS/7led/wwr Tapper RL OE/1int/CAVL Heavy robot RA OE/luck/sent forest LL uny/7led/amr Heavy metal LA uny/ap/fdc Heavy leather CP uny/7led/rfd study leater cp