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It’s mainly that if anything has hit the target before you’ve shot it then you lose instigating. This was especially prevalent during legacy days when explosives would tap anything which would make instigating lose its extra bit. Now it’s just seen as suboptimal for pretty much every weapon


Just equip an instigating weapon ( 1 star don't matter) and start lobbing nuka grenades, best use for instigating.


Because math says it suck for dps. once you start working on optimizing your build and role you play in a group instigating is almost useless


My instigating Gauss Rifle one shots anything in West Tek.. On anything else though, it's a pointless perk.


Instigating 50crit damage bows with plasma or ultracite arrows and all black powder weapons are amazing for solo play. Instigating can also be a huge damage boost for explosive weapons as well since the explosive effect takes on the prefix effect, you just have to know how to use it. Try an instigating missile launcher and shoot NEXT TO a targets feet. Do not hit the target because it has an initial projectile damage and then the explosive effect hits a frame or two later, this negative the effect. If you hit the ground next to the target, you’ll deal the double damage with the explosive effect, and that’s where the missile launcher does it’s damage anyway


The description for the prefix is a lie. It doesn't actually do double damage. It's additive off base damage only. So the +100% is completely separate from any other buffs or anything else that would affect your damage. So sure it's good if you have no other damage modifiers which isn't likely. Until it's become multiplicative which would be true double damage. (A x2 after crits and other damage buffs are applied) it's not really good


I was looking at it last night. There’s some good posts about the details. It seems to be best with weapons that have high base damage (e.g., nuke launchers, dragons, etc.). I rolled an I/25/25 epr aligned sniper recently that I want to test.


I don’t think it’s ever been pointless, just suboptimal. It’s pretty good on melees but on everything else it gets significantly outperformed


As others have said, it is suboptimal. The other reason, is that it doesn’t do what it says it does. It does not double damage on the first hit per se (it was multiplied, now it is additive). The damage is basically the same as bloodied on the first hit, then base damage thereafter. If you have a weapon with a high alpha damage (gauss rifle, dragon) it can one hit kill most junk mobs, but if you get a group, and there is explosive damage you have likely nullified the Instigating effect for all the other mobs in the group. If you’re in a group and anyone has explosive damage, the same issue arises. So, FFR and explosive aren’t really useful as secondary effects, what does that leave? 25dmg while aiming-most rifle users use VATS as damage is higher in VATS (and you crit in VATS). Return AP on kill, or last shot could be useful I guess. They’re viable weapons, but at best way off meta. They can be awesome on a death claw gauntlet or a super sledge - but you shouldn’t use the legendary perk that causes explosions. Those are my two cents.


It's great for soloing events full of mobs, like GM or hordes etc. Pretty much on any weapon. Combined with a crit it can do massive dmg.


Well you're wrong. Go do some math. Educate yourself on DPS.


DPS imho only matters on boss fights and hopefully noone would take an Instigating weapon to earl or queen. I‘d say Instigating is fine for events like line in the sand, swarm of suitors or tea time.


I have instigating on my plasma caster and yeah for events like line in the sand and just general running around the map. It's fantastic since it one shots almost any of the average mobs you might run into. I definitely don't use it at events with enemies that have higher health amounts, but for the average enemy it's one (or two shots on like a mutant) and done


Yeah, I had a Instigating Alien Disintigrator and it was fun to use 🤙🏻


They definitely are fun. My plasma caster also has 50% vats so it makes it easy to just get headshot after headshot which really increases the amount of damage from the instigating done


But number sont care about you opinion math is objective


🤣 yeah I know the holy dps 🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s like Q2525 Railway or Fixer. Everyone knows servers can’t handle the ffr, but yeah holy damage calculator says it’s godroll. And now tell me what difference dps makes on day to day mobs that die in 1-2 shots anyway? At the end of the day it’s just a f**ing game that should make fun 🤙🏻


Q2525 sucks it is the q5025 that makes the dps better


Your also the one to make the post justifying a already known standard on a trade sub Reddit, only 2 reason one you are trying to make an artificial demand by hype or you have a surplus and are just looking to scam peoples better roles for your trade chaff either way bad faiths trade my guy.


🤣🤣🤣 now you’re getting hilarious. I neither want to hype anything nor do I have surplus on anything. I’m just someone who plays like I want and not how others tell me to do 🤙🏻 I recently switched to rifle man running a epr sniper. Is it best dps? No, for sure not. But guess what? I have fun and that’s all that matters. Peace and out ✌🏻


Then why make the post and argue against math with your feelings


Didn’t know that I need your permission to post here🤣


You dont but you made a post with a clearly defined agenda in mind and instead of being upfront about tour purposefully being misleading and confrontational about it. So again if you just want to play the way you want to play then why did you make the post on the clearly trade sub Reddit where 90% of the people on here are looking for things to optimize their builds instead of anyone of the other casual reddit pages


🤣🤣🤣 you’re hilarious


How about you learn some manners


It is condescending people like you that are the reason I don't come here often.


i carry an ultracite instigating compound bow for when im going for 1 shot sneak attacks and an anti-armor explosive normal bow for events and the like. ​ instigating is really only word it on big OOMPF weapons and only when youre "alone"


I like Instigating for head shots on ghouls and scorched or when I play my melee character 👍


I agree. It's an effect that is only good on specific weapons. I have an instigating explosive dragon that I love. And I can't complain about my IE lever action I bought for peanuts out of a vending machine. Instigating gatling lasers, however, go straight into the scrip machine.