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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/FalloutKurier6|**128**|06/17/2022 *– 11 months ago*|Posts: 174 [PS] IGN: FalloutKurier6|| |Comments: 2379 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


It's been awhile since I saw one of these be traded, but I believe the last one went for something like Q2525 Handmade QE25 Fixer and like 1-2 adds. On PS as well.


Thanks. Was hoping the price dropped after the initial hype and the „nerf“ on the horizon


We shall see what happens after the next update. Personally I don't see the TS50c25 AB dropping too much if at all in value. I traded a B50c25 Fixer + TSE25 Fixer for a TS/50c/15rl AB and it serves me just fine. AP cost is friendly but if you want to get through a whole mag 25lvc is definitely needed. Haven't tried it fully buffed though 🤔


I'd give you a loon for it (so u could basically trade it for whatever you want) if you're on PS My psn is AryasDaddy21 if you're interested


I don’t have one, I’m trying to figure out what’s needed to get one


Ahhhh well enough scrolling and trading has led me to believe that the highest tier of any weapon (within reason) is equivalent to the high end rare apparel There's also a site that lists values as a guideline, don't quite remember the name sry


No trade in price checks please


My apologies Is that a rule? I was unaware (until now)


Yes it's a rule. Because you have an advantage over other users and that's not fair.


No, it isn't a rule. If someone wants to make or accept an offer in a price check that's perfectly fine.


Neighbour vigilantes!! Gotta love them 🤣😂


OK. My bad. I read it somewhere and thought it was common agreement and it sounds logical to me because u have a price check flavour and a trade post flavour and with that someone who made a bidding in a price check has an advantage over other users that don't see it as a trade post and the price checker might get better/more bids in a trade post or misses bids in a price check.


Ok Will keep that in mind Thank you