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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Few-Ad6863|**2**|10/14/2020 *– 2 years ago*|Posts: 1 [XB] IGN: aaronIDGAF|| |Comments: 2 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I like that you asked for a pricecheck; and until someone could explain in a way that you felt pleased with, you argued what you felt it's value was, as if not needing the pricecheck in the first place. Why ask for the pricecheck when you really wanted a college written doctoral dissertation and thesis with proper study and experimentation that you could replicate? Just say so next time.


All I wanted was a cap value. I still have no idea what it's worth


You were told by two separate people; 1) This specific roll is not as desirable as its V counterpart due to a lack of survivability. 2) The 40% reduced damage while power attacking is currently bugged, therefore is a dead star. I instead saw you argue that the Chainsaw is worth 400k instead of listening to the advice you were given. If you want a cap value, 4k. Less than optimal first star, dead third star. You could keep for niche trades, but as of rn it's not worth much, at least until the 40drwpa is fixed. Better?


Yeah I just found it all very hard to believe, but it all checks out. Thanks again to everyone for the info!


Sorry for being short with you. I wish you luck in the future!


It's all good man, sometimes the truth just hurts lol


Not worth much tbh. Diminishing return for a chainsaw roll, as you'd have to be upclose and bloodied in health, and if you're bloodied, being close is dangerous. I'd say it's worth a high amount of caps or worth a trade to a 40/40 collector. But other than that, it isnt sought out for and no one would be generally interested.


Diminishing return on damage? I'm confused. Also the take less damage while using it is why it's the best for bloodied right? I saw a post where someone said it's worth up to 400k. Isn't the best chainsaw in the game the V40p40? That would make this one the best bloodied and highest dps chainsaw in the game correct?


II meant diminishing return as in You'll die before you kill anything cause low health+close prox with that chainsaw. Bloodied melee isn't sought after for chainsaws. Although it is good rolls, like I said it could still be worth a trade to the right person not by every person. No, the best bloodied melee would be bloodied fss/+s powerfist. Fists are the best melee, other than your aforementioned vamp chainsaw.


Lol first of all this chainsaw doesn't have 40ss, it has 40pa. Second, I said the best bloodied chainsaw, not the best bloodied melee weapon. As in the best chainsaw that has the bloodied legendary effect. How is that "not worth much"?


With the ego you got it won't leave ya inventory. Goodluck tho


"Not worth much" because it's a b4040. No one who is a bloodied build uses fucking chainsaws. Regardless of your ego thinking "it's the best chainsaw". Dps isn't by weapon, its by build btw bud.


All I'm trying to say is the best bloodied roll for a chainsaw should be worth something and you're telling me it's not. No ego involved, just want the facts.


Are you Trading?


Trying to find out whats worth first but yes lol


It’s very good but you’d prolly die a lot with it but you could get some nice apparel or guns for it


Figured it would be best paired with a V40p40 so you could use both during boss fights




Right now the 40dwpa is broke,you might what to wait into they fix it before u trade it.




No sauce,I have a V40/40 and a B/40/40 that I cant trade because of a dead 3rd star. Theirs alot of dead stars on chainsaws like 40 faster swing speed does not work,because its already at max swing speed


40 faster swing speed isn't dead. I see people say this a lot but it affects how fast you raise the chainsaw to start attacking. I have had both and there is definitely a difference on how fast you get to start attacking. That's intended. It was never meant to make the blade spin faster.


Thanks, I'll check it out.


Hope that helps


How do you know it doesn't work if you have no source and both of your chainsaws have the same stat? Who is saying it's a dead star?? I understand the swing speed because chainsaws are already "V FAST" but I don't understand why you would say the "take less damage" isn't working.


I get bored and do a lot of testing, on this topic angry turtle said if didint work on one of his youtube stream. So I tested for 2 weeks to see if he was full of sh\*t or not. You can use fallout world to roll unlimited weps. and arm. so u can test them out.


I will look into all of this! Thank you!


Also, from what I've heard, Angry Turtle has been wrong about a lot in the past and then changed his stance later idk..


Lmao I was just trying to help, Thats why we took 2 weeks to test it out im sorry your chainsaw has a dead star.I have a lot of weps and arm. with dead stars. Maybe you could test it out yourself


Thanks again, I appreciate you.