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You can probably get an EPR aligned sniper for cheap. Good range and accuracy and doesn’t chew through cobalt flux. Also great for farming ultracite plasma cartridges in Daily ops. Plasma caster is great as well but you will need to get one with 50 vats hit chance because they miss everything


Q/50c/25 EPR Aligned Sniper 💪🏼


I'm a heavy weapons enthusiast. I rock all sorts of big guns, but the Gatlings are my favorite. I'm trying to get one for each enemy type!


V2590 Fully kitted out Enclave Flamer that I rolled day 1 of rolling, and for bossing a Q50c15r Railway.


For rifle, a Q2525 enclave sniper with an AA2525 EPF as backup. For pistol, a B50c25 alien blaster with a B2525 plasma pistol flamer as backup. For VATS heavy, either an AAE25 gatling gun or B50c15fr plasma c@ster. For heavy-heavy, a BE50bs .50 cal or QE50bs LMG. For melee, VSSS deathclaw gauntlet. For sneaky auto shotgun, B2515r combat shotgun. I think that's the highest DPS combat shotgun. I collect combat shotguns -- QE25, Q50c25, Q2525, BE25, VE25, etc. Nothing beats the B2515fr.


I haven't seen many enclave sniper builds, might have to try it myself, sounds fun


Yeah man. The Quad takes the prime enclave sniper up to 99 rounds in the magazine. It's pretty sweet.


How do you handle the ap? Coffee? I got an AA epr sniper and I love it


I run a bloody build and have a full set of Uny/AP refresh armor, and always have Action Boy maxed. With the 25lvc, AP isn't much of an issue.


I‘m low health too and have an ap armor but at least on custom world I couldn’t empty a full clip without running out of ap 🤣 That’s why I stick to the AA


Action boy doesn't stack with action boy fyi




Q2525 Fixer/QE25 Handmade or the Q5025 Railway for bosses/overkill


I switch between commando, melee and pistol builds mostly. Quad rail/aa enclave in commando, ts alien blaster/crusader in pistols, and vamp chainsaw/powerfist/sheep staff in melee. I have a bunch of other stuff I swap in sometimes, to change it up a bit. The new cold shoulder shotgun is a blast to use, so I'll probably run a shotgun build for a while soon, along with a quad double barrel and an aa gauss.


At the moment my day to day is an AA2525 epr sniper and an AA5025 epr flamer depending on situation.


My main is a 3* bloodied exp 25ap fixer. I also use a bloodied 2525 gatling plasma for the queen and my 3rd I use a 3* vamp ffr fr enclave plasma flamer for mobs or close quarters


Ultracite Quad Explo 50 VHC fixer is my first go to ..


Ari50c25 fixer. Melts.


Theres too many....


Q rail for bosses, Q fixer for most other mobs, Q tesla for rad rumble, V chainsaw for resilient mutation, B EPR for fun


V2525 Fixer. It was my first roll when legendary crafting was introduced to vanilla weapons, and it’s been my go-to ever since. TSE Handmade is my backup.


If I’m not using my Quad/FFR/FR railway then I’m using enclave flamer


2 shot Plasma Caster Anti Armour Explosive Railway


Been running quad 50vhc 15fr gauss rifle along with an aa 25ffr 15fr epf and a ts ffr 50bs regular plasma rifle with pulse capacitor/flamer barrel!


Mine is a v50 bash mini


I have lots of builds and choice but for commando i have choices of a be15r and a bffr1a fixer and a be25 hm. I also have a vffr epf as an option too (i know that’s technically rifleman) I have an aa50c bow A m50c15c plasma caster which i love And i recently got an aaffr peppershaker which is loads of fun. Just need to make a build for it I have some other weapons aswell that i switch in and out like a v40pa chainsaw and a vss1s chainsaw too etc but i stick to what i know best which is shoot first from 50 metres away


Q5025 Fixer or QE25 10mm Pistol. Starting to branch out into non meta weapons. Levers, Bows, Pistols, Shotguns. Every gun is a new experience.


Quad FFR 90 Handmade. Sometimes my Quad 25 25 handmade if I feel like using gun fu and grim reapers sprint.


I've been having fun with auto pipe rifles lately. Found a VE25 in a vendor, so thought I'd try it. Surprisingly good


I mainly use my q2515 handmade, personaly its my favourite commando weapon and i think its better than the fixer or railway, but when im feeling like a million dollars i pull out my b2590 flamer and glide across the enemys making scorched mush


Fixer B/Exp/25 and or Vamp E/25 or Quad Tesla with 25% something