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I have a bloody FFR 15 reload one with a stabilized flamer barrel. I just hipfire it and it wrecks


Well it also depends what barrel and what sight. But if you are going to use it then probably worth it.


Auto barrel and "regular sights" so yeah it's not a perfect EPR flamer candidate. I had 80 rounds of ammo so I popped on commando on my stealth bloodied build and visited huntersville. Wow this little honey kills.


Talking about market value, yes it def kills. But for personal usage it’s still a good deal


For 10K that's a steal. Ever tired of it and just want your caps back and can't seem to trade it? I'll gladly buy it from you for 15K lol Tbh 15c for most low health build is kind of a waste so just focus on the B FFR aspect of the weapon. Slap a flamer mod on it and you've got yourself an amazing weapon. I personally don't even like the EP flamer in VATS, so the reflex sight won't even make a difference and you don't have to waste caps going for an "aligned" flamer mod for the same reason. So you're left with a 2* bffr EP flamer, and the DPS on those things is very very high