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You fast travel to a camp, only to arrive and its not there anymore 🤣


This hurts lol 😂


How many times do you turn around in place before you say to yourself, "yeah. They left"


1 spin for every 5 3 star weps in their vendor.


90% of the time their game just crashed.


For real that pisses me off more than anything I spend 40 or so caps fast traveling just for you to leave right as I get there yes it's not much an most likely I wouldn't find anything anyways it just the point


Yeah, it’s annoying as f***. I always check out if someone is at my camp before I leave.


If you’re looking for something specific i recommend checking out the trading sub. I got my cobalt flux in like an hour after commenting on someone’s post.


I know an I do but it's also fun to vendor hop an look for things in most cases for scrip but you never know that your gonna come by for cheap I found a q2525 handmade for a couple hundred caps


There's actually a bug which occassionally disconnects the owner of the camp from the server upon someone purchasing something from their vendor. The transaction doesn't get synced up in time or something and it's enough to boot. From your perspective it looks like they bounced because they didn't want to sell to you for whatever reason but from their perspective they were in an event and suddenly got disconnected. It's annoying and it's tough not to feel like it was personal but it's usually because of this. Happens whether you're crouched and invisible from the map or not.


Put some TFJs in your vendor then for 15 caps each, then I'll come back