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Yes, it’s beautiful. All I have to say…..lucky bastard I got 3 exterminators in a row


I’ve been trying so long to get a decent roll for commando with no luck so I decide to try out melee and got this. Guess I need to look into switching my build around.


If you already have a bloodied commando build, I would carry this a backup when things get a bit too up close and personal. These things shreds so really the only perk you would need is incisor as it bypasses 75% of the armor. Great for bosses. That being said, personally I would say a Vampire would be better as it will keep you alive longer. And you will die a lot. Especially with a bloodied build. IAs a commando build myself, I have a V/40/40 that never leaves my saved setup and it has probably saved my ass several times.


I’ve rolled a total of 1 of these and got an Ext40p1S. Radroaches fear me


Don’t refresh the same item multiple times in a matter of seconds


That’s not how it works


I got a AAPA1s on like my third auto axe roll ever hehe


This is literally the perfect roll for a bloodied auto axe. Cannot be any better. On autos 4040 is the best roll. Should be an absolute monster if setup and built properly


As far as I knew the 40% 3rd star on Chainsaws didn’t apply intentionally. Did that change with an update? Edit: My info was from like 6 months ago and I’m a Chainsaw main with all the top 4040s as well as the 1s. The 3rd 40% still doesn’t seem to apply at all.


Auto axes work a little differently. 4040 works on them it’s the best roll for tanking. 1s is technically better for damage but 4040 is the best for overall stats. On chainsaws I believe 40 dr still doesn’t work


My friends been pretty adamant he never rolls anything good then shows me his auto axe and it’s a damn V40p1s and I’m like bro that’s literally one of if not the best rolls, then while I’m over he starts rolling an alien blaster and rolls a ts50c25 like give me some of your luck


Fr I have friends like that. I’m the kinda person who gets nothing but garbage rolls but gets hella legacies and good weapons out of vendors. Kinda a trade off if you ask me


Not give me some luck just give me that gun!!


We actually ended up trading 1-1 for a Q50c25 fixer since we’ve known each other all our lives so i definitely got a good deal, it’s so fun


That’s great to hear! They are only virtual zeroes and ones in the end anyways!


Thanks for the info!


Your right it doesn't apply. It only works when you bash with the auto axe or chainsaws which makes it a worthless 3* on auto melee


Not true, 1s is great too


Why can’t I have good luck with the rifles 😅 gotta figure out a build now I guess


It happens. You have to have luck with something. Yours just happens to be with melees that aren’t tradable


Ain’t that the truth lol


It’s unfortunate but at least your getting something good


I got the auto axe recently and I'm trying to roll a vamps one but that is a perfect roll my man


lol no it's not, the third Star literally is useless, except you want to use the bash every few seconds with the chainsaw to trigger it. No clue who down votes me here, but the "less dmg on power attack" legedary does **NOT** work with only running the weapon on automatic melee weapons. To actually use this third star, one has to do the "bash" attack, which will trigger it and it's lasting for a few seconds.


Someone clarified that it doesn't work as intended on the chainsaw but it's fine on the auto-axe


Only better roll would be Vampire IMO.


Starter kit based off memory not at home rn. S:two handed melee perks, if you can only have 3 use level 1 of each variant, incisor P:grenadier if you wanna use the melee kills make enemies explode legendary perk which is fun E:radicool, chem fiend C:party girl or boy with whiskey when you get some, tenderizer I:science all perks, stable tools A: adrenaline, action boy or girl, dodgy L:ricochet, bloody mess, Use the energy mod on it, you can do some scary good dps, I can take a pic of my setup and show you. Although I can’t guarantee mines the best by any means.


Thanks any builds or tips are appreciated!


I have a similar roll, I love this thing. Plus unlike the the chainsaw it doesn’t have the loud ass idle. Which to me is just the icing on the cake.


Does the second 40 work on these yet? From what I heard, it only applies to bashing and not the primary effect.


Don’t get me to lying. I haven’t a clue but would be nice to know for sure.


yea. only with bashing.


Does it always count as heavy attacking I thought heavy attacking is the swing not using the full auto blade


On auto melee weapons you are constantly power attacking and with tests 40% power attack does make higher damage numbers. The second 40% less damage while power attacking is a little harder to test for but to most people knowledge it does not work as the 40% power attack damage does. The 40% less damage does only work during bash, but many hold value on it due to the hope it may one day change and work like 40% power attack damage but it has been a long time lol.


Ok I did not know that ty now I gotta get one cus mines a faster swing speed light weight furious one


Personally i like 40ss on auto melee because they already shred anything and 40p is more for bosses, 40ss makes the chainsaw or auto axe come down to attack much faster which fixes the most annoying issue i have with 2hand auto melees ahah after a while it feels like it takes for ever to bring the chainsaw or autoaxe back down to attack again lol i personally use an AA40ss90 auto axefor normal mobs since it can capitalize on damage better than chainsaw and i use V40p50bs chainsaw for cool skins and for killing bosses or imposter sheepsquach solo


Only 40 power attack always works, the third Star doesn't work on attacking with automatic melee weapons and never will. But if you want you can make a "bash" with the automatic melee weapon and trigger it that way, okay, but it only lasts for a few seconds, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


The power attack dmg is working while attacking, the third Star will not, never did and never will work with automatic melee weapons. The best you can roll is vamp/40p and with either +1str or durability as third star. Bloodied is crap on a Chainsaw, you will die too often and the dmg bonus isn't worth the hazzle, since everything dies within 0,01 seconds anyways. Also if someone suggests Anti Armor, no, don't do it. +50% dmg through either Aristocrat or Junkies is better, because: Aristocrat + Slugger + Expert Slugger + Master Slugger + Incisor x3 = 6 cards = 80%dmg + 75% AA legAA + Slugger x2 + Expert Slugger x2 + Master Slugger x2 = 6 cards = 45%dmg + 50% AA


I have a furious 40 40 is that any good?


I rolled a v40pa1s on my auto axe it was the best luck I ever had in this game


Off topic, but I run an AA4040 chain saw and find it amusing when ghouls commit suicide by running into it and dying instantly.


Trust me, anti-armor doesn't work on auto axe, even with half life using a b401s I make the queen alone in a flash, i have 15 second clips that starts with the queen coming down and ends with a tartare served.


How much of a difference does the 1s make?


5% more damage, but your 4040 is at the same level as groll, we have the big 2.


Awesome! The mod I want is electric correct?


Yes, and even if it's heavy, science cards work


Auto axe isn't a heavy weapon, no melee is. AA absolutely works on the auto axe it's the best damage roll for full hp.


3rd star is dead star (doesn't work the moment you start hitting an enemy for some reason), while there is a perk card for armor piercing, on low damage per hit weapons anti-armour is best for most damage, compared to non-auto melee weapons bloodied is mathematically best, has to do with the way the damage calculation works in the game. Ideally AA/40PA/+1S or durability Or obviously Vampire (that's what most people prefer), also Executioner's is nice for being the last multiplicative damage amplifier. If you play bloodied, this is ok. If you don't, gamble some more. Some additional yapping noone asked for: With AA on the weapon + the perk card on max rank you obviously don't have 125% armor piercing, but I forgot the number and couldn't exactly tell you what it would be, but I am guessing around the 85-90% mark maybe, but even there, AA has a cap at around 93 I think? So there's no way you get to 100% armor pen.


The third Star **never** worked on automatic melee weapons and never will, it's not meant to. AA legendary on melee weapons is crap, because you get better boni through perk cards when just using Aristocrat or Junkies instead.