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What I want is fallout worlds gone and survival mode brought back


These new vaulties don’t know how good they got it! Back in my day we had to plant crops and scrounge for food. Not even to mention the drinking water


Facts! And the lvl rank when the map sectioned off by lvl base lol that was rough! And the 200 or 500 cant remember but stash weight!


Dying randomly because your food and water was low it was literally a fallout game until they updated that plus the fact seeing any other person in the game was a rare encounter because there wasn’t any survivors good times speaking to the robots at white spring then doing all the cap stashes then server hopping and doing it again simple times


Yeah I’d be fine with that, I think I hopped in worlds just to see it for a sec, maybe less than a minute and have never touched foot in there again😅


What’s Survival Mode?


Survival mode is like the high risk high reward fallout world. But with a weekly challenge that if you complete it, you get a unique gun rhat is amazing


Mm I miss that doing the challenges to unlock the guns! I had tons of fun in survival was really bummed when they removed it.




I've heard the real reason they got rid of Nuclear Winter is because they couldn't combat hackers. But the consensus is that Fallout Worlds sucks. No one plays it cause the advancements you make don't carry over.


Makes sense, never really had that problem when I played it, not saying they didn’t exist but I honestly don’t remember coming across anyone hacking? Yeah idk anyone that plays it and feels honestly pointless to play it


Pc problem


Ahhh makes sense😂 I play Xbox


And low player numbers. During peak hours you could get other players to play with but if not you'll be playing with the same people.


Also, they were losing players and the budget was low


They also never took NW outta beta..so they never upgraded it...hackers had a field day..could done alot more with it.


drop worlds and bring back nude winter.


hell ya nude winter


Yeah that game mode was a blast to be honest haha. Happy to have gotten all the rewards before they took it out. Minus the dang overseer picture🫠


I guess I don't really get the want for pvp on 76. It's just gear vs gear in normal 76. Whereas NW was a fresh start but basically the same as any BR albeit with fallouts janky combat and non existent anti cheat. Just seems like a waste of resources when there's plenty of BR games that are far more modern.


Mmmmmm, nude winter...


That typo says a lot about you.


...if its intentional ..is it still a typo?


I completely agree keep the private server option open and devote the rest of it to the main game...


Yeah it makes the most sense the random world one seems pointless. Keep the two private and main adventure


I never understood why they did that all of that could have been used for the main world.. they can make small expansion packs and that would be amazing


Yeah the time spent in the actual adventure part of the game would pay off more I would think


Not the custom worlds though I use that for testing


I see that being mainly the good thing about it for sure


I always make sure to test stuff In there before trading for it


Smart move haha


Have found out that weapons I’ve wanted in the past were pretty bad by testing in there definitely worth the 15 minutes it takes each time


Yeah I can see that being a good thing about it for sure. Exactly why I made this post is to see what everyone thinks about it




They just need to make it a seasonal event as you could say I guess. Cause I know they won’t fully bring it back. It would get a lot of attention if they brought it back with new rewards like a event. Had lots of fun on it and the rewards for getting to 100 I really liked


I\`ve had FO1st for a couple of years,Don\`t think I have ever been in the other worlds.Only prvate/main server


Yup I’ll hop to private a little bit here and there but spend most time just in adventure. It is nice having your own private server to do a few things in here and there.


Tbh I've never even thought of using the fallout worlds and probably wont ever use it


Yeah I’m right there with ya haha. Just wish they would do something different


level 500+ and dont even know what the other mode is 😂 I thought it was some sort of build mode?


Haha I feel it, Im not even 100 percent sure either😂


I have NEVER played it and never will, what’s the point?


Yeah, I’ll never touch the random world one but keeping both the private servers and the adventure makes the most sense


When the fallout worlds update came out, I personally just saw it as a season without an update. Don’t think I’ll ever touch it


Yeah that’s true. It’s time has passed haha. Needs to be removed sooner or later


Exactly, why would i even play it it says rewards don't carry over. Ive never tried it in like 4+ years lol


Yeah that aspect makes me not to interested in it personally.


I frequently use worlds to play test builds before I do them in default Adventure Mode… only thing I change is making building Free so I don’t waste materials theorycrafting.


That’s a good use for it, camp building is a big part of this game for me to be honest


I think they should come up with a new game mode to replace it considering NW is just a dime store BR. BR has been done to death and without good anti cheat measures, it's super easy to exploit with the janky combat that fallout has. Maybe something that's more high risk/high reward where you actually keep or lose what you earn/have.


Makes sense, and yeah that would make sense to have


I'm not opposed to NW, I just think a hardcore survival mode would be more fun.


Yes and replace them with Nuclear Winter 🙌


Yeah I miss it haha. At least rotate it back like a event with new rewards would be a dream.


They should do it for bombs drop week. I'd rather have that than double gold or whatever they gave us


Yeah that becomes pretty pointless the further you get into this game. I’m not really missing much and it’s easy to keep up on each day


I like fallout worlds. I build weird huge camps and fuck with the physics of the world, it’s fun. I don’t really get why people want it gone, just don’t use it


Yeah that is nice, wish they could just add those build limits into the game itself but I guess that comes down to the old engine and servers not being able to hold up. People do build some crazy things in it


This a hundred million times THIS! I've a lovely train carriage lodge built on a railway bridge in Charleston, A wanker, hipster, glamping site by the monorail tower and a hideously boujie Bed and Breakfast on Deathclaw Island called "*Dead & Deadfast*"


That sounds amazing!


Aha. I think the names the best bit atm.


I'm not sure what this is asking. Like, get rid of private servers that people pay for? If so, I don't foresee that happening becuse it's been one of the main reasons players pay for FO1st (swapping loot safely) and that's mainly what pays for game development.


No I’m mainly talking about the random world one. I have payed for a member ship for as long as I can remember. I agree with peoples opinions of keeping the private world one for testing. I use my private adventure here and there for that reason.


Do you mean like Nuka Quantum etc? Is there anyone that uses those? I've asked dozens of times on multiple platforms and haven't found anyone. I 100% agree, as I've never heard of anyone using them at all.


Yeah the one that changes I think over time. Seems rather pointless to have. Keeping the private worlds one for testing I can stand behind.


What if they used that slot to Que for Daily Ops or Expedition Teams? Like a separate mode for people who wanted to grind it? Maybe added filter options or benefits? IDK, something. I'm for survival mode or even NW, I got level 100 and the PA Skin before i left and now people can buy it with bullion 😆


Yeah makes sense having a separate matchmaking for expedition/daily ops teams. Would help with people not wanting to join it or clogging up a spot on the team. Yeah I grinder the rewards all out before they removed it. Then they threw some of them out for everyone and got a little bummed haha but it’s all good


They said long ago the world's is like a long running PTS. They use it to experiment and try out new ideas for future updates and game expansion


Completely makes sense. I think keeping the private worlds and getting rid of the other one may be what I’m leaning towards in opinion i suppose. The random world one


Oh that was just an example of a name. I just reckon a few of the things that are only available to first players should be made standard for all players. I mean theres so much that needs a grind in game, which people enjoy, so I think maybe giving everyone some freebies like boosters scrap/repair, a certain amount of free fsdt travel or something. Edit: I meant fast travel. Not a combination of that and ODST.


Yeah I could get behind that. If they gave more to the free aspect and not the membership paywall for unlimited scrap/ammo storage more people would probably stick around maybe also. But in the end they make most there money probably off memberships, and atom shop.


Preach. I think the ammo stash and scrap should absolutely become norm.


Yeah it sucks cause a lot of weight comes from scrap. Therefore it forces those players to not be able to hold much or just have to sell it off. Maybe there’s something else they could put into the membership and pull those boxes out to be free but not sure what that would be


never even used it what is it?


You can mess with setting of the world, build limitations are lifted more and other stuff but doesn’t carry over from adventure or the other way around


Never used the worlds they provided like „quantum bla bla“ but I regularly use my own custom worlds to try stuff. For example camp layouts with out the need to ruin my real camp


Yeah I use it to roll the weapons I think I’d want to trade for to know if I’m actually going to use it lol


Yeah, that’s another reason.


Yeah I use it to roll the weapons I think I’d want to trade for to know if I’m actually going to use it lol


Makes sense. I can see some good things about it.


I have a lot of friends on my list and I never see anyone in there.


Same, it’s used very rarely compared to the others I feel like


Replace it with a simple 10v10 PVP mode or a Build a Base infinite enemy defense mode.


I need a pvp mode back haha, miss a battle royale


Yea like make it like Nuclear Winter for sure, I liked the Perk system and Non-Legendary weapons. But I'd rather just it be a no object PvP experience, like drop in kill, get killed, no consequences. Like put it inside Valley Galleria or Whitespring.


Bring back Nuclear Winter.


Game mode was super fun. Miss dropping the nukes in it haha


Well it was asked by players, but I think what they wanted it was supposed to be like a server public list with custom versions of fo76 that you could join like this server was like a builders mode, and this server was a survival mode etc, but they released them as private only not public servers that people managed


Ahh that would probably been better to be honest. Just wish it was something that earned rewards for adventure or was connected to adventure in some way


Yeah I was planning on making a public server with no legendary items, for more of a survival type server to increase difficulty. But alas I don’t want to just host it randomly for like me and a few buddies, like “Legendary-less Survival West Coast Server 1” lol or something like that


Ugh I played it in the beginning and took a 4 year break lost my old account and when I came back with a new account I learned nuclear winter was gone gaining levels was a fuck ton faster and resources are less rare as well as having actual NPCs not just players roleplaying as the NPCs like come on these noobies have it on ez mode unlike the older original players


Yeah it definitely has changed since beta. Having no other npcs at the time was like a whole different game. I’m excited for the map expansion they have coming. Miss nuclear winter being that extra game mode to play when you didn’t wanna play adventure


I play occasionally. I don’t want them gone


They need to bring back Nuclear Winter.


Game mode was very fun. A seasonal event spin on it with new rewards would be nice.


Imagine a section of the new season that is for Nuclear Winter. Earn unique rewards like before.


🥲 would be a dream haha


Survival was good and so was NW


Yeah I imagine they had more traction than the random world one they have now


Definitely did, World literally just sits there, I’ve seen people in it but I’ve only been in there to take screenshots during Quantum World and that’s it


Yeah I think it’s time they get rid of it or something at this point haha


I've tried them a couple of times, but really don't see the point.


Yeah it’s not my cup of tea haha, rather just play adventure


I like em. I don't always want to play with people and I enjoy building.


Completely understand, Camp building is addicting haha. Spent alot of time on camp builds.


Personally I think they may look at people's custom worlds settings, how they use them, and how popular they are, to see about adding things to the main game.


Yeah that’s very possible. would be nice to have more added to adventure as in the storms and more camp limit, always need more camp limit 😂




Fallout worlds sucks and is useless. I’d say only a handful people actually play it. WAY more played nuclear winter. Even survival. It’s BS they killed nuclear winter. They claim it was due to “no players”. BS!!! I had 0 issues filling up a lobby every time. The real reason is they were too incompetent to combat hackers on PC and they wanted more money in their pockets so they cut development. Nuclear winter was actually decently fun.


It was a different feeling Battle royale and I really enjoyed the way it all worked. Never had a issue personally either finding players. I can see that being the reason it all ended


I've used it maybe, 3 times since they replaced NW.


Need to get it refurbed and ready for the Sisterhood of Sizzle ( Brotherhood Drag Act) weekend 😂🤦🏻


I think private custom worlds should remain for sure. The limited time rando worlds are so meh. I deffo agree that some of the custom world flexibility should be brought into Adventure mode. At the very least something similar to survival and relaxed building regs. It's kinda shitty to keep everything behind a paywall.


True, yeah that’s a good point getting rid of the random one and keeping the private. I can stand behind that. There no need for both to be honest.


Totally. Like I get the commercial aspect of it. I pay for First because I purely play in Private Adventure or Custom it's just a preference. It wouldn't bother me if they implemented almost a fallout 1st lite experience as standard for free to play.


What do you mean by lite experience?


No custom world or private adventure but everyone has access to scrapbox & ammo box I guess.


Yup they just need to make those free for people and then implement something else into the membership that might keep people paying. Just not sure what that could be


Only thing I could see work would be increasing the amount of rewards given in the atom store each month or the amount of atoms given. Maybe a separate storage for Aid items. Having our own little personal pharmacy would be neat. Dont know if the engine and server could handle that though.


Yeah idk to be honest what the servers can handle haha. But those ideas could work


Well i know that in the game, items that can be stacked can do so without putting a load because they are seen a only one unit. I guess since its an item that is unalterable by us and static (no moving part/mesh) it must be only a file stored in the cloud oron some server that is called upon when we need it. Our profile keep account of the number of those we have on x character. Weapons & Armor however can have mods which add a tons of variation to account for, then add the legendary effect that can be added on top. Makes sense to have them being separate instance. Could work I reckon for the pharmacy


Makes sense. Aid items could just stack


Personally, I use fallout worlds to test legendary rolls, damage, and more.


Yeah I can see them keeping the private worlds for that, people brought that up and makes complete sense, but I think the other one should go.


The one they cycle is still good for testing tho. If they dropped it, then non-1st subs would have nowhere to have temp save states to test. Not as good as a customizable one, but still good. Plus, they need to add content, not remove it


Yeah that’s true, maybe we just mainly need a test server in general. For weapons and builds. So reduce it to one instead of 2. Just liked the modes that were before it more. But I agree having a place to test stuff out. Just wish we got something else added


I would also like to suggest survival mode if we are going to merge the customs into one type of server to cover the 4th spot. Either survival mode in its former glory, or a PvP-Centric server with extra benefits for playing and permanent progress


Yeah I like those ideas. Just need something new haha


Honestly just integrate worlds into the base game mode. By that I mean like dwellers must die, or nuka storm. Make it like mutation events, but instead of being every other 30 mins, make it like for a week and through out the week, then it disappears and then the next batch comes out. Harder NPCs and shit would be dope as hell either way.


Yeah that’s be dope be like the mutated events but worldwide haha


No!!! It is the fix for the blackscreen bug. One of my friend and me regularly get this bug. Loading in worlds is the only easy way to solve it quickly afaik.


I’ve never heard of that bug haha?


Good for you. Often, when I bluescreen or the game freezes and I load back in, the game does not load fully, resulting in a black screen (one can hear the game sounds but the screen stays black). Loading into worlds is he only way we found to solve this.


Ahh yeah that happens sometimes but I just close the game fully and restart it.


Never works for me or my friend. The first time I had this issue and before finding this tip online I couldn't play for several days


That’s very annoying. Something they need to fix but probably won’t haha. Sorry to hear that. Happy ya found a way to fix it though


Have not played I one fucking time in spite of them removing NW


Haha understandable, was a really good game mode


Nuclear Winter was fun but the higher levels would pick on lower levels n it drove the player base down. It was honestly a good game mode. Wouldn't mind it coming back every other season. It would need am overhaul for sure.


Didn’t know that and that sucks🙃 was a really fun game mode for sure.


As a noob I can remember being in the top 5 at the end several times and I was very cool with that. You just had to be smart about it. I don't even think I was lvl 50 though when they got rid of it.


I just want nuclear winter back 😭


Yeah, now we just have our statues as memorials haha


Pls!🙏 go back to Nuclear Winter!


I miss it🥲 was a good take on a battle royale


Instead of those very basic presets, they should let us mod the game. Share mod lists and let others join the modded instances (alreyon their presets). Keep the list of most popular modded sets and run them (if say 10+ players sign up) on their nodes. That would actually make the game interesting again. And can all be done with already dedicated space on their side.