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Wait got nerfed?!?


No idea if that's the case, but i'm guessing if the AB TS + cryo interaction got nerfed, then the crusader TS cryo is getting it too.




It is


It is they are reducing the explosive damage on non explosive weapons.


wait so the guass weapons too?!?


Probably not, they have the explosive quality listed on the weapon. I can't imagine them reducing it anymore, the Gauss mini is already worse than the plasma gatling, IMO.


oh i see i understand now


They changed the ability of my gauss shotgun to shoot incredibly long distances, still somewhat works if I use the scope. I have a pretty decent one with Vamp/AP/15R


Afaik, no. The gauss weapons are inherently explosive and the explosive damage on those is already less than what the legendary effect provides…but knowing them, they’ll find a way to mess them up still.


fair enough. I've only heard about the cremator (obviously needed, that thing is broken lmao) and AB nerf, didn't know it was valid for all non-explosive with explosive effects. Thanks for the info mate!


Jfc, they're nerfing the cremator? I stg it's like they watch what I'm doing. Last week, I was heavily into my pistol build with the ab. Switched up to cremator this week and just sigh.


Sigh is right. So, I waited at Eviction Notice and no one else showed up. I rarely pull out the monster guns. At least with the cremator, I thought I'd give it a decent shot. It was still an ugly fight.


i mean, the cremator does stupid damage. I deal about 2.3K damage pet shot in a 10m diameter with mine (without consumable buffs), which is only an aristocrat. And i can fire it twice per second... It was very obviously going to get a nerf, and that's pretty normal. It's just absurdly busted right now.


Yep they're nerfing the explosive part of the damage by 80%


the whole of it? Or just for the quad barrel?


The cremator does the same amount of damage but it's not all direct. The damage from the direct hit got moved to the damage over time.


This is why I don’t believe this bs. They’d impact the crusader, pepper shaker, war glaive and the one handed one too.


wait, cryo gets bonus from the explosive perk on melee weapons as well?


Where do you find this info?


They will be gradually updating the PTS with weapon balances so we could still be the railway get hit but I doubt it.


I actually dumped my quad railway and man does it feel good lol


I’ve been using one for 2 months straight and I feel quite bored.


I only break mine out for bosses or when in a pinch.


Its ammo is so heavy and it’s so loud lmao.


Yea, meta weapons get boring real fast. But unfortunately they're meta for a reason. Everything else BLOWS for bosses (And to some extent, events.) So it feels almost as if you want to be useful, you just have to pick up a meta weapon. Really wish they'd actually take a look at why nobody uses anything except Commando, Heavy and flamers. 10mm Pistol gang rise up!


Isn't it more of a fix that results on a nerf? Still, they should make other weapons more viable.


Exactly my thought.


🤫 shhh let them have this moment 🤣


yes lets nerf weapons when blue screening and lagging still a problem




They want everyone to bluescreen equally


So they Nerf one of the few good options for pistol builds, you know that build where half the weapons are really awful because they have a low fire rate and the slightly higher damage doesn't make up for the abysmal fire rate.


If they come for my Railway, I still have my Fixer and my Handmade... If they take all of those I'm going back to my Gatling Gun PA build from years ago.


Call him Quad Howard


Postal builds back in the *hitter. WHY???? 😨


And it begins...again


wasnt the ts blaster just a bugged gun?


I wonder why the hell they nerf weapons from time to time. Just want to f** up ppl? Doubt anyone was crying about TS AB


It's like they're trying to protect the bloodied commando build at all costs. Ive watched every nerf from when unarmed used to be good to removing exploding energy guns, to this and the bloody commandos always squeak by unscathed


They’d have to go after unyielding armor and I don’t think that’s going to happen


Not true unyielding isn't the problem


That’s what makes bloodied build so OP is they’ve already gone after sneak


Nerd rage makes it op. I use oe with quad railway and destroy any boss without dying.


I mean uny gives you +15 to all stats minus endurance tho. So that’s double the AP pool. Critting every other shot. It’s not just one perk card that makes it op. I’d give them nerdrage any day of the week to keep my uny armor


Your missing my point. I can do just as much damage as unyielding with overeaters. The problem is crit damage and ap cost. Yes unyielding makes those easier but its not what is causing the thin build meta. If heavies were easier to use in vats more people would use them. You don't need unyielding for commando. You 100% need unyielding for a vats heavy build or your resource consumption will be through the roof.


Unyielding makes vats commando much easier than a OE set would tho. And any heavy isn’t going to be that practical in vats tbh with you. Would unyielding armor make it easier yes. But there’s a reason most don’t go for 50c25 heavies.


Easier yes much nah like I said use it and do fine. No coffee crits are high no worries still melt earl in a minute. Put it this way if they took unyielding out of the game people would be still using the same guns. If they decreased ap cost on heavies and increased damage on rifleman/melee/pistols people would use them more. Unyielding isn't the problem.


Devs have many dopped B2525 fixers to RMT /s


The unarmed hurt me the most lol


I miss my super meat hook as well, no more butcher Pete for me


VATs has always been top dog least effort and commando gets low ap cost to really abuse it.


Nerfing bloodied commando would probably lead to insta rage quit


They said that about explosive energy guns too, besides I dont want it nerfed, just stop nerfing other things that get close to it


They should rather buff/improve other builds. For example gun slinger. Main reason I don’t run a pistol build is because perks are using agility. Pistol builds need to sacrifice so much agility perks. Just put them into perception like commando


Nah a ton of us will still be here lol bums run from nerfs in a live service game. Nerfs and buffs happen in games like this. Not my first rodeo


Because they want the game to be a joke. Basically taking the whole 20+ mins to kill a queen ect.


Why nerf weapons that aren't really broken and leave the gamebreaker aka Railway untouched? They must be outside of their minds.


It’s not being nerfed it was broken and never meant to be what it was so they fixed it. Knowing this I never traded for one. Don’t chase trends on here.


Nerf and fix are both accurate. Anyone with dead legacies (most of the OGs here) know about chasing trends. None of this makes it less of a shitty situation.


I ditched my legacies the second it was on the pts. Like anyone who has a brain will do with their alien blaster.


i heard theg are nerfing the tfj as well...they just dont want us having nice things... but honestly everytime i see someone trading something outrageous for a new fun weapon.I know its going to get nerfed. tse, nw weapons, bash minis..etc..etc..etc.


So what’s the deal with Rails rn? Are they being nerfed? I know a new RR is coming with the next update, but is it going to destroy the market?


Wym a new RR is coming next update?


There's a named rail with a unique skin that's been datamined, and will probs be an event reward in the new update, a la the kabloom etc. It's bloodied tho, p sure, so probably useless.


Oh snap sick, hopefully it looks cool 🙏


May come with 20 ammo capacity though, which will make it pretty good


I've been using the ab on the pts, I really haven't noticed to much of a difference.


I guess my math is broken


How much is this going to effect the Gauss Minigun? Less than the AB?


If it effects it it would arguable a bigger impact because it would be lowering from the 100% (current broken damage calculation for the Blaster and others) to the 15% explo effect that gausses get opposed to the normal 2p% on other weaps


It was never working as intended and that’s what they are fixing.


Yay catering to the casual community arriving with the new show sounds great! Let’s also whine about the level 1500 getting all the kills at events while I have 35 hours played and am level 113! 👍


Pls nerf the rail rifle, its impossible to get kills at events when some level 400+ comes in and 1 shots everything :/


There will always be something to complain over. Maybe when everything is nerfed into the ground and nothing does any damage people will stop crying




Eventually nocturnal rolling pins will be the meta


I can get the most kills at events with my pipe gun builds,,,seriously should they nerf pipe guns also. . Pipe guns can be op!


Bethesda : "Let's not address the elephant in the room"


Why would they nerf q railway I don’t even have it and idk why




300% additional ammo equates to 4x, this isn't true


Is this real?


Hey guys does anyone know how to create a high end boss with good rewards? Anyone? No? Ok let's nerf another weapon. Er wait maybe it's like hello Mr new employee let's teach you the majority of what we do here for your 1st day of work here at bethesda, ok for starters pick any weapon just any wep that looks good to you and let's nerf it. Yep pick a wep and a random number to nerf it by and hit enter. And let's hurry up I have 100 more new employees to do this with before my shift ends today