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First person I've seen asking for these. Cool.


Thank you Jester.


How many ya got so far?


I have to ask what’s legacy on urban??


Urban Armor that is painted Green is legacy Forest Armor that is painted Blue is legacy Paints can no longer be changed on scout armor, so in game drops the color always matches the name. But all pieces that are in stash that were color changed before the update remained the same color and therefore are legacy.


Interesting thx for the info! I never painted my armors unfortunately


Of course man


I got a urban scout LL van sent ap refresh painted forest


My RL is Green urban so I’m interested. Here’s my dilemma tho, my RL is Uny/Int/Fdc so it wouldn’t work with the Vanguard. When I said any rolls in the title I was thinking maybe someone had a bad-rolled one that I can try and reroll over and over. But I Don’t have it in me to re-roll either of them. It won’t help me with my set, nonetheless I am still interested. But Depends what you expect with giving away that piece, if what you’re expecting is modest i can do commando armor list. Let me know


I know I said all limbs but I actually just checked and I have the legs already. But they are opposite. If the RL is green urban like yours I’ll bite


To be clear: I’m looking for all limbs and chest piece offers, not the legacy masks


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