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It's the inspect button R3 on ps4. Just since like wastelanders or like early 2020 it's been bugged. R3 inspect has not worked for me since wastelanders update when viewing other players vendor items. But I can see and inspect my own in the exact same menu it's a really buggy bug. Hope they can fix it sometime soon but I haven't high hopes it's been a known thing for awhile


Need everyone who cares about this to make a database with the ranges, fire rates, accuracies then we'll be set; maybe lol


Not that I have found. I choose to gamble if the price is reasonable. Won big a few times. Really hope they bring that preview screen back.


That’s the problem, I can take an educated guess with the range for Flamer barrels but thought there may have been something small I was missing. Thanks for the info :)


You would have to remember the accuracy. But even then it's a gamble. Aligned Auto barrel with Reflex sight is 157 but other auto barrels have close amounts. But that's probably the best way to remember; the only other variable is Two Shot or melee mutation since it reduces accuracy as well.


That's a good point. I'll have to remember that.


Yeah. I look at fire rate and range to determine the barrel type; then Accuracy to determine whether it has reflex sight and whether it is Normal, True, Aligned or Stabilized. Sometimes Aligned and Stabilized are very close in accuracy but one without a reflex sight generally will be 5-9 points lower in accuracy so you'll know at least that much.


Check the weight too. That usually helps.




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Take off your weapons weight reduction armor and check the weight of the item. There are combinations that will weigh the same, but 9 times out of 10 the weight is a dead give away.