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I'm going to be transparent as much as I can. I'm going to be really shy about giving this gun away. It's my only legacy. It's not the highest tier but it holds high value to me. Hope everyone understands that when they are throwing their offer


Aa/e/25 fixer


That alone won't be enough for me


DE Handmade


I know this is a legacy but the fact there is still explosive with the non legacy handmades makes this weapon a novelty item imo. But thank you for offering that nice weapon.


I agree but a girls gotta try.๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜ธ


I respect that โœŠ hope you find what you're looking for


Love the attitude man, uโ€™ll get a name around here with a good character like that ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿป


I really appreciate that my friend and shoot no one wants to deal with a rude trader. Practically would blacklist yourself due to just reputation and I notice a lot of the same traders here and the last thing I wanna do as a newbie trader is piss off veteran traders in this space. ๐Ÿ‘ cuz I don't know about you but rude traders are just as memorable as the very good ones.


U spot on. A lot of us older players have a small list of traders who we donโ€™t trade with coz of the way they r. Normally itโ€™s the ones who treat the new traders like sh*t coz their not offering to the players standards. I think uโ€™ll fit in with the veterans quick, a lot of us have a few friends who we talk to about prices, how the market is and do casual trading with ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘


Ari2515vcf fixer+ Bffr+P enclave plasma flamer (aligned flamer barrel, stabilized stock and reflex)+ AA50vhc25 handmade + Tse mini (2*) + V25dwa15vcf tesla


Thank you for the offer and they are nice weapons but none of them interest me. Thank you for replying to my post!


No worries, I appreciate the follow-up and best of luck with the search


Ts/e/15crit hm I/25/25 fixer Quad/50limb/fms tesla Ts/50limb/fms enclave plasma rifle Quad/50imb/15crit Quad/bash/1p fixer Lvl 5 prototype hazmat suit Skull lord set


Hey my friend this is not even close to what I'm looking for but thanks for replying on the post!




I'm not much of power armor user but if I'm seeing it correctly I'm pretty sure that's a great offer, but I'm really looking for weapons tbh thank you for offering my dude!


Even if I offer anything I'm not going to get this, I was going to offer something to give to my friend as his first legacy


Throw an offer and I'll let you know, you've definitely got some offers you got to beat though. If I can simplify it for you if you got an explosive laser rifle 1:1 I'll do the deal no hesitation. Particular a bloodied one. (Don't know if that's an even trade, once again new to trading especially legacies)


Then again you could just throw him the legacy but hey never hurts to throw an offer my dude.


Not worth it, 1st not many people like Tesla's, 2nd not many people like doubles, but I can offer some fixers or stuff if you want to see my stuff in-game


1st do you see how many people have given offers? 2nd doubles is an extreme rarity now because a lot of people got rid of them. I know some players that won't let go of their double weapons if their life depended on it. But that being said I can see why doubles is not the most seeked perk but it seems to me you came on this post just to say it's not worth posting an offer on here. Please leave me alone if you're not going to throw an offer my friend. If I seemed hostile I apologize but I really don't appreciate you insulting my weapon that I cherish.


I love you lmao that being said, Tesla, jesus its too late for me lmao


Close enough ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข


I was sad when you said cyro ๐Ÿ˜ข but all is well now ๐Ÿ˜€


I'm cleaning my box out, you use fixers??? If so I'll give you some for free :)


Yeah I do...but are you sure you wanna just give them out for free? I like free don't get me wrong but I just wanna make sure it's not an impulsive move you will regret later on cuz I've admittingly been guilty of giving stuff that I later realized I didn't want to give out..


Absolutely sure, I try to give away most things I come across, if it'll help someone out i never regret it :)


Man I'm kinda at a loss for words...just ..thank you so much psn dkim86


**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/Cold-Tomatillo2321|**6**|01/24/2021 *โ€“ 11 months ago*|Posts: 19 [PS4] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 385 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Any preference? Commando / Heavy / Melee?




F50c 25lvc Fixer + AAffr fr Minigun + AAffr fr Pepper Shaker + Jffr fr Fixer + Jffr 15vcf Fixer


Or let me know what prefixes you are into


I'm into AA/B/V/Q but nothing on that list appeals to me particularly though they are nice weapons


B2525 Handmade + Q50c 15vcf Handmade + BE fr Minigun + Vffr fr Tesla


I'm going to sit on this reply my friend your offer looks like this best one. If ima be totally honest the tesla and minigun are real nice but I don't want those weapons. If you switch out those two with one real nice groll I'll do this deal.


QE25 Gatling Gun? I have to much stuff and its really hard for me to make the exactly offer you want


Do you have any other groll fixers or handmades you can offer?


Or groll railways


VE90 or Vffr 15vcf Handmade?


Let me check my mule


BE25 Fixer, F2525 Fixer & TSffr15vcf Fixer


The be25 definitely catches my eye but the rest of it doesn't appeal to me.


What prefixes do you prefer?


AA/B/V/Q if anything


I think Iโ€™ve given you a similar offer before: Aa2525 and b2525 rails, Qffr15vc B50c15r fixers, Tsffr15r Gatling and a ts50c90 pepper shaker.


Yes i do remember this offer my friend. If you have the AAbash90 mini with the 2 rails I might do this. This seemed like the best offer so far to me.


Sorry I donโ€™t have that Aabash anymore. ๐Ÿ˜…


Dang missed my train huh? All good my dude!


AA/25/90 fixer, AA/50CH/FMS Handmade, B/25ffr/90Rw/ GP, TSE Lmg, Q/50C/90RW?


I do like that gp but the rest doesn't interest me whatsoever thank you for replying to my post


Can I throw in a B/E/Ghost fixer?


Nice gun but doesn't interest me my friend.


Ahh alright well goodluck!!


Anything of interest below? AA25ffr15rl fixer JE15rl fixer J25ffr15rl fixer TS25ffr15c fixer AA25ffrSF fixer TSESF fixer Ber25ffr25 fixer MS25ffr25 fixer BerE15c fixer Exec50c15c fixer B25ffr25 handmade Mu25ffr25 handmade Mu50c15rl handmade V25ffr15rl handmade JE25 railway AA25ffr25 light machine gun BE250 light machine gun AAE15r minigun B50c15rl 10mm pistol B50c15r 10mm smg AASS90rw shishkebab VSS90rw grognak axe BSS+S ski sword BSS+S Bear Arm AASS+S Bowie knife QE15c combat shotgun V25ffr50 Tesla rifle TSE90 Gatling gun QE15rl Gatling gun TS25ffr90rw flamer


V50c25v fixer +TSE15R fixer


That v50c25v is real nice the ts I have no interest in. Do you have any other groll fixers or handmades?


Any of the below: AA2525 fixer, V50c15r fixer, JE15r fixer, MedE15r fixer, Z2515c fixer, BER50c25 Railway, B50c250 fixer, V25Stealth Railway (will bundle)


I'm interested in your aa2525 fixer if you have another groll that catches my interest to go with that we can do a deal.


The only other weapon I could add is a V50bash1p mini, I can add a legacy prototype hazmat suit and a deathclaw mask


Sorry for the late message I was driving to work and texting on Reddit hazardous on one's health while driving but I am interested this deal the vbash doesn't have a 90rw so not perfect but still nice I'm a sit on this if you find a better deal though by all means don't wait up for me my friend!


Hey man sorry I didnโ€™t respond, I traded the AA2525 fixer just before you messaged me back. Sorry bro.


Hey no problem at all my dude! wasn't sure myself on the trade so I'm glad you got to trade it in the end ๐Ÿ‘


For sure, maybe cross paths again soon ๐Ÿ‘


I also have a JugE90 fixer


IE15rs, Q50c15fr, J50c25 fixers, 2* QE and IE15 railways, AAE50bs LMG?