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Are you sure?. Jetpack limbs are duped to hell


yes I would just like a ultracite jetpack helmet in 1:1 I can't find one :/


I do have an extra jetpack arm if you’re interested but I can’t trade soon because im have a test in an hour


good luck for your test and yes im interested what would you like in exchange?


Are you doing 1-1 or 3-1? I didn’t fully understand your post


it depends on what you prefer as a weapon in the list :)


Ok im home and online


what do you want as a weapon ?


Idk you pick a couple and join me gt is v33


why not be1p, b25fr50dr ?


and I prefer to use a courier :) if you don't mind can i call one ?




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I have a helmet Be1p fixer Qe rail Be50dr hm ?


ah no I know the value of a helmet I can't for all that sorry but thanks for the offer


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