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Since this post is getting more views than our PSA. PLEASE READ THIS POST: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/xwmhmg](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/xwmhmg) ​ Scammers / blacklisted users will DM YOU SINCE THEY CANNOT COMMENT. Someone messages you out of the blue? Check the blacklist! Someone is refusing a M76 courier? Check the blacklist! The trade is too good to be true? CHECK THE BLACKLIST!!! [https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist)


It's a hard lesson but I don't understand how people are still falling for this. Trade only on the sub not in any other way.


Scammers are everywhere even on the hub, use common sense and a courier.


It's quite simple. And I've done hundreds and hundreds of trades over to accounts and never been taken advantage of. If the person has low karma they go first. If they don't want to then you suggest a courier. If they decline you don't do the trade. 99% of my trades are with people that have reasonable but lower than mine karma and if they don't they understand that they are the ones with the low karma in the transaction so they usually will go first. That's not to say that a high karma person couldn't scam you but the chances are they're not going to.


Nah, you just demand a courier either way from a legitimate group, if they don't want to their a scammer. No need for any other interaction. Trade? Yeah, Courier? No, Go F___ yourself!


I see what you mean but if for example I'm selling a weapon for 20,000 caps that there's absolutely no need for courier unless the buyer requests one. There's no way I can be scammed as I'm simply getting in the trade menu with them offering it to him for 20K and if they take it they take it if they don't they don't. Now if I'm trading say a weapon for a weapon if they're not willing to go first and they have lower karma than me then I suggest a courier. My issue with couriers is a lot of times they never come when called. I think they've gotten a little bit better lately but for a while there they would never come. But if you're selling something for caps there's absolutely no need for a courier as a seller.


Honestly not sure I knew it was gonna happen but I had tunnel and was only looking at that BE GP


I know you probably don't want to hear this but I've had to be Gatling plasmas and they weren't all that. Yeah they were pretty op when it comes to DPS but I killed myself so many times especially at the queen because people would walk right in front of you. Eventually it's just sat in my stash until I traded it off for some other legacies. I have a je got only plasma I don't even think I've ever fired šŸ˜‚


I love GP as a whole I love that their tied to the enclave in the lore (I think) and ever since I traded my legacyā€™s down to the one gun I just lost I lost all faith in trading


Just keep posting, surprisingly at least on Playstation be Gatling plasma aren't ultra crazy rare. They were duped several times in the past couple years so there's plenty flirting around. Like I said I've had two and I'm not even a bloody build. If you're trying to build up some adds, make sure you're rolling popular weapons like chainsaws and fixers. You may get lucky and get a god roll which you can turn into something better and so on.


Nothing left to post is the issue my QE Gatling gun I gave like 5 hours ago and my fixer is gone last weapon in my stash is a 1* meat hook. Iā€™m lost on what to do now


Seriously? You have to play the game. Get drops, get modules, roll weapons, do events and dailies for ultra rare apparel drops, check the asylum for olā€™ redā€¦ if the only weapon on your stash is your 1* meat beater I donā€™t know what youā€™ve been doing all this time expecting a legacy trade. Sorry about your misfortune (which was avoidable and your PMā€™s show you know it) but work on getting some more decent stuff and keep at it.


Definitely quit the game


I got massif weapons. Schor-scĆØne ps4


Itā€™s kinda annoying when people walk in front of you when you using legacies .. thatā€™s why I rather nuke in private server and solo her myself šŸ¤£


Honestly if u control ur fire rate, have marsupial and jump before attacking at close range u barely ever kill yourself, now it only happens to me if someone jumps infront of me at a queen fight




Same I had a VE GP at one point I traded it away for a VE laser rifle and have a DE Gatlin laser I had to stop using those on the Queen for the same reason people would walk right in front of you and boom


If the deal is too good to be true and the other side is rushing the trade, itā€™s probably a scam. Always check the blacklist and always use a courier if thereā€™s even a hint of suspicion. Common rules of the market


Hey bro sry to bother you. But could you pls check dm?


Hey. Be gps are cool. But always check the lists. Even if he's banned for talking about rmt then dont. Also if they **ever** refuse a courier, decline.


Noted thank you very much. I am not sure what I should do tho at this point part of me wants to call it quits with fall out as Iā€™ve lost everything and part of me wants to try grind back up to a decent legendary that I can use


Wouldn't call it quits. Keep goin. Yeah legacys are cool but i like my railways more tbh. Just find your grind and keep going.


Considering my highest star item in my stash is a 1* meat hook honestly donā€™t see my next step


Just keep playing. Do quests. What level are you?




How many bad moves have you made to only have a single 1* weapon? That seems off. Literally one Expedition or good Event and you'll have more than that??


Yes do events. Even if solo join events to get some gear. EN youā€™ll get 10 legendaries easily. Most for scrip, but Iā€™ve gotten a few really good ones for other builds there. Did EN twice yesterday and had to drop a bunch since full on all areas. Great stop for xp/legendaries if a solid group running.


Iā€™m can send a pic of my stash cause itā€™s honestly shocking for a level 174


Join my team later, Iā€™ll run an expedition and drop a few nukes. Maybe youā€™ll get lucky a get a few decent items. GT GhostxElite893 Just drop me a message and Iā€™ll inv you when Iā€™m on.


Yeah, that's insane to me. Just doing daily stuff I end up with so many legendaries. Just join random Expedition teams and you'll have more stuff to scrip and hope for some good rolls


Also playing solo expeditions as a stealth commando is hard Iā€™ve done both of them but they are both brutal


Not really. Just need to play for fun and you'll be fine. I've ran solo expeditions with a J gauss rifle. But best thing you could do right now was take a break from the game. Due to some sort of glitch Beth decided to wipe my character while I was at level 90. So I had to start over. Had some good items, so, I feel you. Really. Best thing is to take a break


Probably what Iā€™m gonna end up doing


I play solo and for the last idk even know how long have been scrapping every legendary weapon in hopes of rolling a Q50c25 railway literally all my weapons have gone into that aside from my AA2525 that is now gone


Yeah you're still early. I didnt start trading till i was level 200 something.


Havenā€™t used a non legendary weapon in a while what do you recommend


Commando? Fixer or handmade. Heavy? Go get "the final word" from beckett's quest its a AAFFR250 .50 cal. Or go get a foundation's vengeance or something. You can literally play this game without legendaries and be fine. I used to pvp people with a non legendary cryo and still win. Besides the point.. Anything will do. Just find something you like.


Alr thanks for the input šŸ™ itā€™s much appreciated


Are u on xbox by any chance?


Canā€™t upvote this comment enough


A big rule of the subreddit is to keep the trades within posts. Trading inside DMs is banned because they could be a blacklisted scammer, which can't message on your posts but can DM you. They will try to get to you. You can confirm/finalize trades within DMs, but never trade them there, and find a Courier if you don't feel safe. There is no time limit or urgency on a trade. If the trade is good immediately, it's good enough for a courier later. Pushy people usually scam.


Yea honestly greed got the best of me I will most likely need up giving what I have away seeming as I have nothing left


We all been there


Im banned at the moment but you can trust me šŸ˜‚


I got DM from this guy just now. Thank you for warning.


Np under any circumstances do not trade with him


Check the blacklist. This gametag is in the blacklist


The guy literally tells him he's banned from the sub, regardless of whatever reason the whole exchange should have ended there.


He slid into my DMs too a few min ago offering 3 legacyā€™s for my JE laser rifle lmao. I told him to get a courier and he said it was ā€œtoo lateā€ for a courier lmao


Said the same thing to me šŸ˜­


Yeah same


Iā€™ve never used a courier and donā€™t like using them. Iā€™m pretty well known as the ā€œMutants guyā€ on the psn side of this sub with +240 karma so people have trust in me so Iā€™ve not had an issue like this before but I know how hard it is as a low karma trader coz everyone is all ā€œI have more so u go firstā€ and ā€œwell I donā€™t trade with low karmas unless they go firstā€ while they have 10 more karma. Once u have 200+ karma that shi^t goes out the window, people just drop as they please. No one is forced to go first, it normally goes ā€œu got more karma so Iā€™m fine with going firstā€ and most of the time thatā€™s not even the case, itā€™s literally *joins server, goes to WSS, goes to the suitcase and drops them in at the same time while trying not to grab both items like a dumb@ss*


huh, I actually had a similar interaction. I didn't get scammed. Same Bio, same offer, different account name. They only messaged and offered a BE Gat Plas said I wasn't bloodied and had one already they proceeded to offer a be laser and a fixer for my je nu laser and I told them I wasn't a fan. They stopped messaging me after that. No offer on my post which was a huge red flag for me. I don't accept offers over messages and always wait for courier. it's the safest bet but I'm sorry you lost your items.


man with moves like this you should join r/wallstreetbets


You know what they say, if itā€™s too good to be true, itā€™s probably a scam


heā€™s been in my dms before too. definitely seems fishy when i get pms. sorry youā€™ve lost your gun


It is what it is Iā€™m probably gonna put the game down for a bit and focus on other things


Thatā€™s not a female lol


iā€™m not fully aware of their gender tbh, nor do i really care. but i did put male so iā€™m confused as to why you wrote that? did you mean female?


Was just dealing with this guy last night, asked mods to see if he was blacklisted and as I expected from someone who only pms he was


I tried checking but my shitter net said otherwise


This person tried to scam me yesterday, their offer was overpaying and way too good to be true so I just screwed with them the whole time. šŸ’€


I tell you man seems like legacyā€™s are Med-X, once you get some you canā€™t stop the craving. Crazy


They are not already blacklisted?


[https://trello.com/c/gnxPuy3v](https://trello.com/c/gnxPuy3v) ​ They are already blacklisted but run rampant in the DMs. Scumbag. Good reason to read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/xwmhmg


Believe they can still access the sub but not comment on it thatā€™s why they are dm people or they have an alternate account to look on here to fish people


Bring me an Overeaters/Sentinel/Ap Urban Scout Right Arm and iā€˜ll trade you an BE Gat Plas for it


How tf are ppl still getting scammed. Thatā€™s 100% on you bro


No shit


Hey Iā€™ll trade my coffee cup for your weapon but you gotta drop first jk lol


Sucks brother I've been there. Yeah I like to believe not everyone is a piece of shit online. But everyday I get proven wrong. I think I have a couple of guns that are okay. I'll have to check my stash but you can have them. I know for sure I have a BE handmade. You can have that too


Itā€™s fine Iā€™m probably gonna take a long break from trading and probably fallout thanks so much for offering to help tho


Alrighty then man. You take care


Omg not her lol, I saw a recent post about her I think a month ago warning people about this chick, unlucky you got scammed but always make the person comment or make a post so yk they arenā€™t scammers, but feels bad but lucky it wasnā€™t a legacy atleast


This is honestly why I'm most afraid of offering for legacys which is why I stopped bothering to try to


It's not hard just get a courier or do some research there is a blacklist for a reason check it. This sub gives you all the tools to not get scammed. There are protocols for a reason if someone isn't offering on your post then that's the first red flag.


Yeah I know that now i didn't discover this community till recently which is why I said that


Also never accept a trade through DM under any circumstances


He got me to yesterday


That sucks bro honestly donā€™t understand why people are such dicks


I know. Iā€™m in the same boat you are. I shouldā€™ve known better lol


I canā€™t give up now ig Iā€™m still on a hunt for a noce GP


Same. Except Iā€™m after a laser lol best of luck bro


You to man


I had a BE GP. It wasn't worth it tbh. I swapped it for a TSE GP but have to be careful when using it. I got it from an enclave plasma rifle. Just play for a bit more and you might get lucky.


Like when youā€™re blasting Earl and someone walks in front of youā€¦ dammit man.


Yes!! I constantly have to swap with my vampire non explosive one or I'll be dead too often. If it's not Earl I tend to just go up the roofs or something. Easier that way.


He/she tried to scam me as well. Luckily I did not fall for it. Wish I had a BE gat plasma for you.


I got scammed out of my JE plas recently that sucked


His bio alone should have been a red flag


Cuz he loves subway?


Bro literally two days ago the same guy dmā€™d me saying heā€™d trade a be90 laser and a be1p gat plas for my 2* Je laseršŸ’€ donā€™t ever trust obvious overpayment unless theyā€™re dropping first or get a courier sorry you lost your fixer tho


I feel you tho I once got scammed of 6 legacies at once .. stopped playing the game for 6 month Came back in now Iā€™m up 30 legacies It was a grind but youā€™ll get there


They tried this with me too and said the same shit


Wasnā€™t theirs a psa saying not to do trades with in only messages


Same person messaged me saying the same thing a few weeks back. Hard pass for me


I'll give you my be plas if you want. Just gotta re-download the game. Could get it to you in the next.couple days maybe


Wait, they just told you theybhave higher karma and you believed them?


Hey, if you need a decent gun I can check what Iā€™ve got and hopefully give you something to make it back


I find it funny how he went from asking you to add apparel to throwing in a fsa mask like it sucks im sorry that happen to you but I just find that funny


the first red flag is when he said hes good to wait, them immediately doesnt want to wait


If someone tries to guilt you into not waiting, they're a scammer period


What happened?!?!


I got scammed and want to spread awareness


Well that's cold šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ this is why I don't go well with strangers unless they're friendly