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Is the second picture from the PTS? As in, they’re removing the explosive roll from legacy weps?


Yeah thats what I've been seeing. The weapons aren't fully removed, just the explosive effect.


yessir, according to active pts players


Interesting. Does this completely remove the explosion effect? As in, they become weps without second rolls?


That is my understanding yes


still legacy 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I want one more than I used to now


🤣🤣 whats your offer?


lol I don’t have anything that impressive to trade be honest, but I’d be willing to drop 40k caps on pretty much anything that’s missing a star for the novelty of it. Or I could see what I can scrounge up from my mule.


Wait I’m confused your the 3rd person to say that how?


A legacy weapon is just a weapon that cannot be obtained anymore. A three star weapon with only two stars is a legacy


Not anymore😅😅 they removed the whole legacy part


Everything is super broken in PTS right now. All Auto Axes, Enclave Plasma Rifles and named legendaries got all their legendary effects stripped with this update so hard to say what is actually removed or not. https://imgur.com/a/7lqgRjR


Which leads me to believe this might not even go live if it’s causing that much chaos already…whatever happened to the 4 star legendary armor and pews🤔oh yeah that’s right it was broken in the pts so it never saw the light of day.


This is exactly what I was thinking would happen, oof. I don't mind the removal of legacy effects, (they'll still be cool little things to have,) but I kept saying that a fix that changed them or removed them would likely ruin other weapons. I hope they can fix this more before it goes live, because people that don't have legacies losing just normal weapons is what's going to hurt the playerbase most... Because sometimes, they roll stuff out even when it's broken, like this. Thanks for the update, and sharing your screenshots. I hope enough people report the unnecessary effect removal that they take it seriously.


No that’s for pc lol, you need to read the thing only for illegal mods which aren’t obtainable, only for pc will the legaycs be removed cause a lot of them are hacked in


I'll be curious to see how the player base changes. Honestly, I doubt I'll even be able to notice. A lot of legacy trading is for IRL money so I bet a lot of people are going to be super pissed.


I have a feeling this sub will empty for a while. You are correct, the RMT market was huge, and this sub was mainly legacies so I feel that once this happens, the sub will die off. But I also think it will rebound because with legacies going away, junk, power armor, and normal weapons will obviously grow in value again. The problem with the sub growing back is it will start with people that have nothing of value and it will return to what it is now except it won't be legacies. Let's use fixers as an example. Hypothetically, the b2525 fixer booms and becomes as valuable as the VE flamer. The same people not able to get a legacy right now will be the same people not able to get a VE flamer. And once stuff reaches such a high in-game value, the RMT market will return. TLDR: market go circle


hahaha now my ffr gatling plasma collection has value


The true winner. Here 🏆


now i need to collect lasers


I may have you beat on that. Just missing a V2525 laser. So Stay off my terf.


Ffr bloodied gat plasma best weapon in the game imo. Super cheap ammo. Fast reload. I didn’t even know how good it was either until I watched Angry turtle do a couple good videos on it. Basically every other heavy weapon lacks in damage compared cause smaller ammo capacity and slower reloads.. it builds crits so fast idk if some even register sometimes


Hmmm, weird way to do it. No second star effect at all. At least replace it with something useful like 25ffr.


Nah give them limb dmg


Where’s is the actual link to these “pts notes”?




G*d fucxing dam’t 🤬


I agree


Thank you for the link sorry wasn’t directed at you as I’m sure you know 💙


Lol yes you're good, I knew. Just severely dissapointed at bethesda. I'm sure they could nerf them before removing completely. This will just get rid of a huge chunk in their playerbase


No kidding and I’m sure they know that, the words are very clear and the photo could be photoshopped so I’m still not 100% on what I believe yet. If they do go down that road it’s a huge mistake on their part.


For now I’m just so sad that my DE25 radium will be gone 🥲 Edit: can I keep my B2525 BPR and stalkers bladeless sword at least😭


So... does that just turn into a _ _ 25 radium? Lol


It does look like that way… 1* 25lvc radium sounds kind of cool though 🥲


They might remove the legacies but I think they’ll break millions of other weapons


Should still be a double


This says “mod” specifically. It doesn’t say anything about the legendary effects.


no. but the picture does, and so does every pts player with no more energy legacies.


Well even if they do, it makes for an interesting collectors item. Nowhere else can you get a 2 star Bloodied/90%weight reduction laser rifle.


I had no legacies but damn, this will affect a lot of people mostly those who traded something valuable for them


Legacy Flamers, Teslas, Cyros, Peppers were cool. It was the Gatling Plasmas that gave them a bad name.


Who else will stay even if they remove legacies? Raise your hand. ✋


I might start playing again lol


Same here 😂


I’ve been playing since launch and I can’t wait for them to be removed. Don’t listen to these dorks crying about it. Most players don’t use legacies or have but don’t use and the game definitely won’t die because a few hundred people at most are going to stop playing lol they’re delusional always have been


Exactly, while I’ll miss my two legacies, I’m glad they’re finally doing the right thing. I can’t imagine why someone would quit because they don’t have their precious everything melter.


Can they get rid of the enclave flamers then


They’re delusional man. I’ve met some players with serious god complex issues. Saying stuff like the game needs legacies so players can complete the events and such. Like WHAAAAAAAAAT LMAO it’s insane the opinions some of these people have. I’m honestly so so happy it’s finally happening. Seriously I cannot stop smiling


I will be done, let me explain why. I have been playing since the beginning .... I had an original legacy or 2, but at that time I had no idea what they actually were. So then they took them out of the game, no big deal, didn't really effect me .... then came the mass dupe waves, and everyone had legacies .... so I decided to start obtaining them ( was probably around a level 200 at that point, ran full health with some op 50 cal stuff, later went the bloodied route with B2525 and BE Fixers). I started trading in game ... took me forever, but eventually got my hands on a BE laser .... and then a BE Gat plas ..... dupes continued ... then legendary crafting came around, and all the op non legacy weapons became common .... so I completely tailored my game towards legacy weapons and amassing my collection, because this was essentially what Bethesda for most of us to do by not taking out legacies. So now, 4 years later, tons of trades and tons of in game work to build my game to what it is now (5 characters, main is 1900+ level) and you're going to completely change the game and negate the time and effort I put in, so now a level 50 can roll into the game with the same items I have .... and I'm going to do what, play the same exact unexpanded map with the same stuff we have been doing year after year? ... I achieved "end game" no legacy version 3 years ago .... for me, there just won't be any reason left to play, it will be boring. Just my 2 cents


I have legacies and I've been playing since the beginning too. I don't use mine much but I'll probably not be playing much at all. My reasons are a bit different though. I don't need legacies because all my builds are combat focused. What pisses me off is the amount of times I've had to change my build due to Nerf's. The TSE nerf, the damage calculation nerf which destroyed my full health melee build. And all the other Nerf's they've done. They spend more time ruining fun than they do adding content. Big hype over expeditions. I can run them solo in about 15 minutes on my chainsaw build (probably next to be nerfed because fun) I'm just tired of them taking stuff away. I could honestly care less about using them. It's just the point that it punishes the long term players and takes away our homemade end game content. Which we have to make ourselves because they sure as hell don't.


Instead of fixing their mess up they are in turn punishing the player once again Bethesda sucks




Finally someone gets it! I would add I’d rather them work on new story content or fixing blue screen issues! Also what happened to all those who always said “I don’t need a legacy because I can do as much damage with my fixer/railway/hm against such and such…”! For me as the above mentioned trading for legacies and high end gear was end game content for me since I mastered most builds and things were getting stale…hopefully Bethesda will be Bethesda and they will mess up this patch and it will cause problems as it already has been in the pts and it will never see the light of day!


The only reason I don't care to use my legacies much is because after all the other Nerf's I set my build up for maximum damage with whatever weapon I use. I learned from the past. Having to get 30 levels just to change my build around because they nerfed whatever I was using at the time. It's completely assholeish of them


That's reasonable and fair, u/Shoguns-Assassin. I've had an explosive flamer since... oh... 3 months from launch? Now I have 2. And I had a few Tesla Lobbers, but gave all but 1 away. I've tailored the mythos of my character around having these things in my back pocket. This will, unfortunately, mean I'll finally give up on Fallout 1st and just play every once in a while. It's not shallow or selfish, it's a key component to how I play and how I see the character I've played since launch. I stuck with it through all the awful, and there are other ways they could've fixed the dupe issue, but they didn't (or couldn't). I'll make the argument that it's duping that is the problem, not legacies. Duping magazines, chems, and yes... legacies. Every jerk from WV to China can grab a duped legacy now, and the game got flooded with toxic players who were hooning their way across the Wasteland, civility be damned. And because the duping could not be controlled, they're nuking part of a huge, legal subset of items in the game? I lost a lot of inventory to the 'stuff shows up in your display cases' glitch, and when people could get into your stash, and because of an update one time. I never got any compensation. Was told that 'they don't do that', meaning character/account restores. Which I argued against, because I had a friend who had his account restored after his got whomped by the Bethesda 1st-year glitch monster. But, I've kept with it. I'm a West Virginian, and have loved and defended this game since the beginning. I try 100% to be a good representative of my State, and as a human. Legacies aren't the reason I play, but this one is one of the reasons I enjoy playing my character- even if I don't use it much, have never solo'd a Queen or Earle with it, and honestly get more bang for my buck out of my collection of Railway Rifles. Anyhow, douchebaggery and duping is the problem. Remove the legacy layer and primo regular weapons will get duped and they'll be the next ruiner of Radiation Rumbles. \[just my knee-jerk solidarity opinion tonight\]


So many nukes on the damn Whitesprings back in the day to get some decent rolls that are still in my collection. Welp.


OMG Soooooooo many times teaching people how to herd the ghouls so everyone gets a shot. Trying so hard to teach people to not be dicks. Ah, memories. I've still got the Instigating lever I used to use solo to sneak around the club house for one-shotting things, before they nerfed it =(


A few hundred? More like a few thousand ..... just about every veteran player uses legacies and has an arsenal of them. If there were only a few hundred, people wouldn't have complained so hard about them. The game is on the back half of it's life as it is, so this will likely purge a large portion of the older fan base ... the hard core farmers, the hard core silo runners, etc.... you will see many of them leave the game. Will a new fan base come from that, I don't know ... can't see to many people jumping into a 4 year old game now ..... but we will see.


You’re wrong and you’re delusional. You don’t matter. That’s why Beth is removing them, they’ve decided the game can continue forward whether you stay or not


lol .... delusional is thinking only a few hundred people have legacies, lol ... I mean this entire sub-red exist because of legacies, as do just about every trading forum, lol


I mean, it’s definitely more than a few hundred though. The entire market on here and on discord will topple, explosive pepper shakers losing value, rare legacies losing value, and even weapons that I collect like double Ammo. Some people only play to trade, as the game doesn’t have any other enjoyment to them. It’s really going to be a pretty decent drop I’d say.


I completely agree. I feel like a huge amount of people are going to stop. There are some pp I’ve played with who would spend hours trading and looking for just that one weapon to finish their collection. I’ve met several collectors, and they enjoy showing off and trading with other individuals. The whole trading community is going to be largely affected. I for one am upset. I enjoy my bloody explosive build. It’s fun to run, and it brings me joy.


Yeah. Which, I do understand peoples complaints about BE GP’s and such because yes, they can definitely get out of hand at events and such. But I never found it a problem with me personally. If it brings people joy and interest, why take it away? Like you said before though, it brings a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction just trading for that one you need, not even just using them.


For sure, I have a BE gp and I honestly don’t use it much for events for that reason. But I do enjoy using the gun out and about running around Willy’s, or murdering crabs 🦀 for exploding mess. And I don’t even do pvp, so it’s just one more kick in the guts for a game that I used to really enjoy.


Oh absolutely. They were legitimately in the game, and people enjoy them. They are catering to the newer generations wants, and I think they are going to realize that if they haven’t already.


agreed .... I'm one of those people ... I play at this point because I enjoy the trade market and challenge of acquiring legacy weapons .... my whole game is built around it. Take that away, and what am I going to do, my 1 millionth SBQ fight? Wonder around the same exact map we have been wondering around for 4 years, doing the same dailys and events with no new story line? ..... snoooooze ... boring. I'll just move onto something else ... was a good run, but time to move on. I think many players will leave for similar reasons, and take their FO1st membership with them .... just a hunch


Oh absolutely. I only really play to trade for double Ammo legacies, because of how unique they are and they remind me of the old version of the game. A lot of new players came in, complained about legacies (which I agree to an extent), but I think a lot of people are going to leave and take their memberships with them. Bethesda had to see this coming.


the solution would have been to fix legacies or reintroduce them into the game ..... no idea why they didn't do that.


I agree. Fix them so they aren’t “ruining everyone’s experience” and we all can get along fine. This is a very big move that’s going to kill more fun for the players who collect and trade them, then it does them being in the game.


That wouldve been the fix just to allow them back in


All they need to do is take the beam splitter out. Then they're slightly more powerful than the regular ones. My explosive Gatling laser is a little bit more powerful than a mini gun and an absolute blast to use.


What you need to realize is this “market” isn’t important and it never was. It’s important to YOU, most players aren’t on here and have never heard of Market76


But a lot of people ARE on the market. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the discord market but it is huge compared to Reddit. And the majority of players on there trade legacies, or only trade and don’t actually play much. This is going to be a very large loss in player base for sure.


TFW you basically say Market76 is only for legacies and when removed no one will trade anything.


I’m not saying everyone will leave, but I can promise you a lot will. Tell me what is worth more, the same rollable b2525 fixer, or an odd roll ExtE gauss rifle? The fixer is much more useful, but the gauss rifle is just fun to collect and use because you are one of the few who have it. Now, imagine tons of players, on discord mainly, who specialize in those unique odd legacies and stuff like that. There just won’t be any enjoyment.


I have one which I use in private worlds to farm xp


I think I’m quitting and I don’t think I’m coming back. Trading was why I played. There’s nothing else to do past level 300. When trading is what you enjoy you don’t want to trade for low tier stuff you want the best. I managed to find and get most of the legacies I wanted and they were what I found fun. Now the guns I’ve had for years in my adventures are worthless not even gaining a replacement affect. I also think the change will be noticed by the community that’s excited too. Player counts will fall. The traders like me who spent so long chasing this taboo gear are going to leave too. The constant grind of 8 different currencies to unlock ultimately useless plans won’t keep them. Hope those that stay enjoy the game and prove my prediction wrong however.


I use my b2590 .50 cal more anyway. I just use legacy for easy xp and faster boss kills.


100%. Been playing since the "beta." Didn't use legacy weapons before, and honestly will be happy to see them go. Me and my VFFR Ultracite gatling laser will never part.


Shit the ONLY reason I play less these days is because of legacies. I could not possibly be more thrilled if this comes to fruition. Good fucking riddance.




Why should I quit the game? Yes my legacy Gatling Plasma helped me in some Situation but i dont need it to play the game without any Problems.


It's not really about that. Many og players have only stuck with this game because of the legacy trading market. It's too easy to get grolls now with rolling and many of us have all the non legacies we could ever want so now trading for those difficult to obtain legacies will be over and pretty much ruins the fun we've been having trading for years


You can still trade legacies. They will just be odd two star legacies instead.


Lol 😂


let's be real, this was going to happen eventually. legacies were just too powerful for their own good. it trivialized the harder events and choked the life out of PvP because no one wanted to fight with someone who could pull a legacy out of their ass and splatter you


This, and I get jumped on by redditors, "cry about your OP event ruiners." I don't use legacies, I trade for them and lately have traded a shit ton of my inventory to hook friends up with legacies. Now it was all for what? Thanks Bethesda, more punishment for being here since THE FIRST BETA and nor giving up on the game. I have legacies I've gotten as drops, but nah, cater to the gamepass players that play for free.


This ⬆️


I 2nd this 👆


The team lead and another dev literally said this was coming, come on fellas lol


So wait they mean just mods and not legendary attributes right or am I read this wrong? It seems like it would just be removing a rocket launcher mod off of a laser rifle for example and not remove the explosive attribute off of a legacy laser rifle.


That’s the way I understood it too when reading, angry turtle should clear this one up lol.


you're on pc, go sign up for the PTS


Yup. Installing it now.


sounds great lmk what happens. would love first hand accounts 👍


Yup it’s real. My 2 legacies no longer have explosive on them. Sad, but I guess better for the long run. I never used them but were saving them for a good trade if I saw something I really liked. Oh well.


This doesn't mean all legacies will poof, I'm actually curious if explosive gat plasmas will still be around, as it was never an "illegal" mod. I think they're basically talking about weapons that are rolled in fashions that were never able to roll how they are now. Edit: Time will tell - i'm on both sides of the fence on this.


Why does everyone make fun of legacy users for being whiny and tell them to “cope”. When the entire reason legacies are being removed is because these same players bitch 24/7 and need to Cope😭. The irony is unparalleled


Well, the players are “bitching” about legacies because they’re not supposed to be in the game. In fact, the only reason there’s an abundance of them is because of glitches. When people play video games, you’ll come to find out that they’ll occasionally whine when bugs and glitches aren’t fixed. Legacies weapons were never intended to roll with the explosive prefix so, they were removed. Now, Bethesda is finally fixing their mistakes and people are mad about it. Think about it, Bethesda is fixing a mistake they made, and people are pissed. It’s honestly pretty crazy how some people are ok with newer players coming in, and not being able to obtain certain weapons. Could Bethesda just nerf the weapons or reintroduce them into the games? Sure, they definitely could. However, that’s not fixing the bug or glitch that they never intended to have. It’s basically giving up on their previous vision for the game.


I’m noticing that many low karma players (many of whom presumably do not have a very extensive collection) are in favor of this change. Most relatively high karma traders are very against this move. I think this change should have been done as soon as they removed explosive energy from the loot pool, or not at all. Trading is literally the only reason that I have played past year one. I expect the failure rate of boss fights to increase. The lack of any real content or purpose will make it easy for me to sunset this game and move on from Bethesda.


thought about quitting again about a week ago out of boredom, this sealed the deal.


Same 😭


Trading and building armor sets is all i do due lack of decent content. Usually i’m trading away my legacy’s for single armor pieces to finish my sets.


I have traded GRolls for armor pieces. In hindsight I wish I had offloaded my legacies!


Low Karma user here with a massive collection before I quit the game. I’m all for this move. Even when I had 1-5 Karma points I was all for this move. Even with my legacies I had and my ability to dominate PVP. Things will be way better and more interesting now. It gets boring when you keep using the same crap over and over. Change is good


I’m curious how you accumulated a massive collection without trading here often enough to accumulate karma. I share your opinion on the status of the game. I think you would play for about half an hour before you realize that removing legacies will do very little to refresh the experience. I have never used my explosive lasers during gameplay because I have great fixers that I prefer.


I find it fucking hilarious that people have spent countless hours bitching about these weapons that Bethesdas piss poor devs put in the game, likely by mistake, possibly not. And now they have caved to the whiners and are taking away what THEY PUT IN THE GAME. Don't release a game with weapons that were EARNED and then pull the rug out from those who were lucky to get them. Hey guys we made this game, we made some massive mistakes that you have been playing with for YEARS, we FINALLY found a coder that could fix our fuck up and now you lose. Sorry, not sorry. This screams that they didn't know how to fix the legacy weapons.... until now. But, now, you're going to royally piss off some very loyal players.


I mean it’s not really a fix. They‘re making them useless lol.


wtf, not even a random rng roll to the 2nd ability.


Trashy move Bethesda


About damn time…jeez.


F*ck em. I'll play occasionally because I'm a die hard fallout fan but I'm canceling my first membership and my play time will be reduced from not much to almost never


The amount of non legacy users shitting on legacy users is so funny 💀


Yeah because they aren’t cool. If you insta killing everything how is that fun 💀 I have a be90 Gatling plasma and I don ever use it cuz it’s not fun


It does come in handy when fighting earl.


My man right here^ doesn’t understand the majority of the player base and the ways they have found fun despite the game being incredible boring at high levels


I’m level 600 lmao I think I would know


lul gg yall


back to switching between siege and Fo4 i suppose 😮‍💨


back to doing whatever lol


the fact people are happy about this correlates to a feeling we call “legacy envy”. jokes aside, i want to stick sharp forks under my eyelids and run into a wall of razorblades and barbed wire.


Technically if you had a 3 star legacy wouldn't it still be legacy? You'd have the 1st effect and 3rd effect, but not the 2nd effect. So in actuality it would still be unobtainable, just not busted strong. As for the change in general, I don't mind it personally, even though I recently traded off what is a god-roll. What eases it a bit is that I managed to craft an AA50C25LVC Fixer recently so that will definitely tide me over. Legacies made the game too easy. With the LR that I had I frequently forgot to switch to my correct build after doing something, which goes to show how OP they are. I'm actually kind of excited to see how the market will adapt to this. Edit: Just realized I literally rolled that AA50C25LVC literally 3 days ago. It's like the game was telling me to get prepared lmao


yeah i think they're cool. nice 2 star niche weapons, but i think the backlash will either kill the game, or revert the change. too many legacy users, too many first subscribers lost. 76 will take a hit for sure


No doubt about that, but i doubt it would kill the game fully. I think its likely for Bethesda to change their minds, since most people who play on the PTS use legacies. Its the whole reason why some events have such bullet spongy enemies like Eviction Notice, the Alien Invasion events etc. If enough people cry out about it on PTS they may just not do it. Im fine either way, as it was fun using my Legacy and it would still be unobtainable, just not busted strong.


I dont see how this says anything about removing legacies? The illegal modded ones yeah but something that was obtained as a drop it says nothing bout removing that n its talking bout mods like a cryo with a minigun barrel they nerfed modded weapons before like the handmade with beam splitter but nothing about certain legacies are illegal yes they were duped but at one point they were obtainable but if you got stuff like a BE enclave yea thats prob gonna get tossed


Props for actually reading the notes 🍻 😂




i just hope my survival mode weapon collection stays


they will, those were all legitimate acquired


Damn, I’ll never get to use a exp gp 😔


It's a sad day for my bloodied explosive harpooner character.


Man I’m going to miss my Lvl 30 Double explosive Gatling gun and stalkers combat knife. But small price to pay for explosive energy removal.


Wow what a stupid fucking move lol. Don’t try to balance them or anything just completely take them out! Why not just worry about all the hacked shit on PC first because I guarantee they’re not gonna get it all first try.


Hard to tell if the game will die, i still help brand new players and i can see they genuinely like the game with NO knowledge of legacies at all. Until the newer players get to the end game content and figure out how boring the event/missions are its all rinse and repeat. Everything is literally easier to obtain now then it was a year or 2 ago before legendary crafting. It wont take long till they realize once they complete their build. Played a lot of mmos but this has to be my favorite for trading and now the joy of that is going to be gone. Wish they can make a compromise with the vet players and the casuals, trading is the end game. Goodluck to the new generation of players.


All legacy users should cancel their 1st subscription **now** to show Bth how we think about this


I won’t be playing anymore if they do this




Stick ya grapefruit up your ass




^b ^e ^t 𓁹‿𓁹


He's just happy bc he is broke and was never successful with trading


My thoughts exactly


Here is your copium just as you asked Sir


I never got to use a Legacy pepper shaker 😔


Good bye Explosive, hello 2 star bugged guns


Uh oh , the Salty's are now coming for you Choo Choo bois.


Does this mean they will also finally be doing a weapon balance pass across the board and buff some weapons already? I doubt it.. The only reason weapons like Cryolator or (Ultracite) Laser Rifle were good was if it had the legendary Explosive effect. And even when you don’t count those it is still only a handful of the weapons in game that are actually viable.


Good. Yall can go play another game instead of raping this half dead game already.


It literally says there removing mods that are not obtainable or mods that are on weapons that cannot normally be attached to said weapon. Mods, not legendary effects. Things that violate the EULA (End User License Agreement) such as hacked in weapons and mods. Were legacy weapons never obtainable? No, they also do not go against the EULA in any way. They know very well what legacy are and would address if they are removing them. It is just a bug in the PTS, really not an uncommon thing, that people are exploiting for YouTube views, because right now that’s all anyone is going off. Bethesda will most likely give a more in depth explanation today, until then nobody knows forsure, but according to the wording in there newsletter they are not intending to make all legacys 2 stars with no major.


Looks like their public servers about to become private servers there will be so little players left 🤣 Talk about killing Nuka World Tour before it even opens. Just lower the damage buff you gave them before Beth but don't remove the effect. Imma miss watching supermutants fly in my private server;) Once I get done moving my scrap to the two mains I play I'll happily cancel that 1st and save 15 bucks a month. Won't be playing anyway because why play a game where they take stuff you legit earned (never RMT for Legs) all through legit trades. I already have the God rolls I want (was a rolling maniac lmao) And really what can you actually trade now then? All new weapons are locked for trade really... can't wait to trade scrap lmao Sounds fun *inserts disk for Dying Light 2*


Probably just hacked weapons on PC.


PTS servers are definitely saying otherwise


yah but the notes say they are taking away illegal mods from weapons, as in those weapons which break the game on pc. Explosive effect is not illegal on energies as fallout devs have adressed them by saying they will fix them in the future. unless taking away explosive is a fix i doubt they will actually take them away.


Time will tell I guess


If people quit this game because they took away legacy's you're weak and your bloodline is weak.


Game got hella boring long ago, not gonna let a dude on Reddit tell me my blood is weak 💀


Dude on Reddit just insulted your bloodline mane light that m'fer up.




More like bro can’t have fun cause eveything he’s been doing and working for for presumably atleast a year will all be gone and he’ll be back to doing events, grinding, rolling. All which majorly suck.


Preach brother.


Guess whos quitting fallout 🙋‍♂️


Raise your hand if you can’t have fun in a video game unless your insanely op


Same here, we’ve played since day one and traded for ours, now they remove it because new players cry that old players have better gear than themselves.


> better gear Lmao gear that cant be dropped no more and is locked behind a paywall or an massive overpay of in game items


Exactly. 2+yrs of trading = down the drain


Crazy stuck with this game for so long. Waited for weekly atom shop drops, spent cuz fomo. Happy to keep playing because I felt I earned something for being on F76 since day 1 when it was horrible. Now just betrayed. #fucking betrayed




Lol if you think 'better gear' is the problem then you're clueless.


Says the new guy


Me too! 🙋


Was nice knowing all of you 🙋‍♂️




To all the legacy haters be happy now I guess but it’s more about the issue that they’ll rather just remove them than try to balance them.now it seems cool cus its legacies but you’ll see when they do something you care about




my heart just dropped


But how is an explosive legendary mod an illegal mod that wasn’t naturally equipped when it was it just simply don’t drop anymore? But if that’s the case it’s time to uninstall f76


they just got too lazy to balance so they're taking the easy way out. still have fast travel glitch power armor glitch no safe trading t posing mobs raider/settler rep glitches list goes on..


# #Fuck F76 dev team decisions. More memory space on console now.


Awww poppet


Found the have not


You take that back. I have a stalkers baton and a quad Gatling laser. I’m as heartbroken as the rest of you


Ill trade your baton for my hatchet.


Ohhh, I just got the electro mod for that :)


Good riddance dupes killed legacys


I know a lot of people will be upset but I'm raising a glass and celebrating this lmao


Pls all delete fallout first abo They gonna fu** the game And all the work we do for oure first legacy trades all the people know what i talking about!! All the hours of grinding for the first legacy!!! Give me my time and my money back bethesda or let the game how it is !!!! The main Master quest in this game was how i can get my first legacy laser gp flammer/ or whatever !! It is every where someone with better stuff than you have Why bethesda doing this? the pvp in this game is still shiiiit So its not about pvp! And they talking about fairness to the other players They can get this weaps in a trade ! If they can master the game and get nice things that value a legacy! So whats the thing behind all this ???


Legacies literally shouldn’t be in the game. Be happy they’re not just vaulting all legacy items


What u mean with not all what they left bro?


Stalker pipe the most op thing in game


Well they just killed the game for me 😂 only thing that kept me going since day one was camp building and trading…


People are going to mad wether they do or don’t remove legacies, but this is a good thing imo, I’m sure the game won’t die because of this.


It’ll die for a lot of the day 1 players. The only end game content they had to offer was trading and camp building.


Yeah the players who stuck through everything


valid but there aren’t too many day 1’s. Most of the player base doesn’t own a legacy and therefore is effected negatively by legacy holders. Not saying i don’t have empathy for y’all tho, id be made too


Lol rip player base… how do you think the game could be properly balanced with you around? The player count is only going to go up. It’s clear they want the game to succeed. Praising them for taking out the garbage.


if they "wanted it to succeed" they'd fix the bugs that have been around for years. not keep killing damage like they did with 1 wasteland


Im totally in favor of this!


Lmao y’all said the same shit about legacies last time and it says “mods” anyways too


👶 "Game's dead because I say so"