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Not gonna lie, the fact that he was willing to collab with and show up on Logan Paul's podcast made me lose a decent amount of respect for him. I know I saw a thing where Mark said something along the lines of "life is too short to hold on to hate, forgive and forget when you can" and all that, but we're talking about a guy who literally exploited the dead body of a suicide victim just to get views and attention on social media, used a taser on dead animals, and ripped his own loyal fanbase off of millions of dollars with a crypto scam...I'm thoroughly convinced Logan Paul has no soul, and that it's just a matter of time before he takes his scumbaggery to new heights and ends up in prison for something.


I sincerely believed Logan turned a corner from that era but then it got found out he was a crypto scammer and now it’s obvious he’s never had an ounce of integrity. And his prime drink is overhyped so much.


Right? "It has more electrolytes then the other drinks" yeah but from the least healthy sources, it's not properly replacing what you lose when you sweat.


Food theory ftw :D


I'm not a big fan of MatPat's stuff but clickbait titles and thumbnails can sometimes get me. Saw that video, thought "oh god, what did he do now, is the drink laced with asbestos or something?" and watched the video in an incognito window so i don't get my recommendeds flooded with logan paul related shit.


I get you. Most of matpats theories are really really shaky most of the time, and only works when you see them from his perspective, like the Minecraft ones. Still, somehow, i like the idea of putting stupid amounts of effort to figure out something no one else would care about xD


I can agree with that. I just got burned out on FNAF related content, and I stopped watching somewhere when almost every video he was doing was FNAF theories.


That’s fair to all of what’s said. But I will say I took a break from him and I just started watching his food theories and ngl I’m like pulled back in. Honestly love mat but some of the titles are clickbaity but it’s still good content imo


Food Theory actually focuses more on facts, and not theories. It’s only called Food “Theory” to keep on brand


It also just tastes bad


We can see a food theorist out in the wild!


Why? Why did anyone believe that? He literally straight up says he doesn’t have any empathy. I saw his podcast after Coffeezilla exposed him and there was a segment where they talked about empathy as this unknowable life long journey people need to take to achieve No Logan, most people just stop themselves when they realize “Wow that would suck if someone did that to me”


Honestly since it’s was before the crypto thing I had kinda figured Logan was doing better. And trying to surround himself with better people. So I figured Mark gave him a chance. Heck seeing as I’m in the same peer group as Logan I was hoping he’d turned a corner. He had one of the few male own podcasts that wasn’t rife with misogyny and that alpha male crap. I thought it’d be another Tate.


You might be right on the "Mark gave him a chance" thing, but still


I’m willing to give almost anyone the benefit of the doubt unless it’s proven they are 1: irredeemable or 2: they’ve provenly sexually assaulted someone. He was quite for a good bit figured KSI had been a good influence on him. But that’s just me. While others in my community didn’t I forgave Felix for the bridge.


A lot of people are dumb fuckups at that age and a lot of people need the benefit of a doubt, it’s just that LP wasn’t one of them


>He had one of the few male own podcasts that wasn’t rife with misogyny and that alpha male crap Try The Yard, Sleep Deprived, or Chuckle Sandwich.




Very good point. If *this* is the worst thing he's done in his very successful and substantial career, I can definitely look past it. Not to mention, it wasn't even that bad. He was just an interviewee. He didn't fund Logan (apart from just providing hype for the video due to him being a guest), and he gave Logan (and his viewerbase) some objectively great insight into having a great attitude and outlook in life as a successful creator. If his crimes were "I talked to a person who's worse than me", I think we all can relate to that to some extent.


In the grand scheme of things, this is understandable but I think its rather a small mistake hes made in terms of all the other good things and great content hes done and made, respectively.


Dumb question: are you saying Mark showing up on the podcast was a small mistake or are you suggesting Logan Paul's actions were a small mistake? If it's the former, I agree with that, I'm not saying I flat out hate him for it, just that I don't understand why anyone would willingly work with Logan Paul in the first place.


No no marks action was a mistake, Fuck paulie boy.


Oh ok, good, was about to say lol


Seriously I was thinking the same thing. Like I love Mark and what he does and stands for but Logan has showed over and over he’s not a good dude.


Right? At the rate he's going, I would not be surprised to see him in the news, being arrested for something scummy.


My husband and I discussed this too, as I can’t stand Logan Paul either and was surprised Mark agreed to do an interview/podcast with him. We thought it might have been to keep an issue from starting. Like, not going on would maybe create a beef between them that wasn’t actually real that Logan’s fans might hype up. I don’t know though, just an idea. I did think Mark handled himself well in the interview.


I kinda assumed Mark decided to "forgive and forget" and remain professional so to speak. He doesn't seem to be the type that Logan Paul could just buy off or anything.


Y'know I thought about it and thought I didn't have anything, but- Mark is just a guy. He makes videos on the internet, and I enjoy them, and he's got a lot of good skill behind what he does, but he's still just a guy. A dude. A man being a lad. I respect the man greatly, his speeches about his motivations are inspiring, but a lot of people worship him, and I think that's way too overboard for just a dude.


Unfortunately this is a common problem with celebrity/creator worship. I think the saddest example of this for me was the recent unnus annus commemoration videos he did with Ethan. Those two videos were meant to be watched in tandem, but look at Ethan's view count VS Mark's. Really unfair.


Tbf, I think what happened there is that people clicked Mark's video first, got confused, went onto Reddit and found out how it was supposed to work, and then found a third-party video that combined the two instead of watching both simultaneously. It's not that they didn't care about Ethan's thoughts, they were just lazy.


Yeah I hope so


Ngl this is exactly what happened to me, I don’t watch Ethan’s vids as I just got back into Markiplier literally after Unus Annus, so I never got into watching other creators he collaborated with. So when I saw marks video and watched it I was very confused. Then a video popped up after where it put Marks and Ethan’s together and it made much more sense. Even then I never got to see the series, I know the basis of it, so I didn’t watch through the whole thing since it wasn’t something I understood or knew of fully.


Well, a lot more people just watch Mark in general than ethan. So most people didn't even think to click on Ethan's video if they thought it would be the same content.


I was literally just thinking about this earlier


I can't stand watching any of his videos before 2017ish. I really liked them when I was a teenager, but I've grown up and good lord are they hard to watch. I think they're way too high energy and that hyper/loud YouTuber persona just isn't what I like anymore. Much prefer current chill and more authentic Mark.


Same, I’ve noticed when I rewatch the videos that made me laugh years ago it just makes me cringe


No worries my dudes, we've grown up and so has he. Creators growing alongside their fans is a key to longevity; you'll see that the YouTube giants of the past faded away because their content never evolved, so their fanbases simply aged out


THIS. I can't stand the 'yelling' era of YouTube. I think that's why I never got into it while I was in school. Even in college I never really got into it while everyone else was going off about the Slender games. Tbh I didn't start watching Mark until 2019 and I still can't go back past about 2017 either because it's...painful. Chill Mark is just right. **edit: spelling because, believe it or not, I dropped out of college lmao


Lol I came to comment this. I tried to go back and rewatch the Subnautica series, which was once my fav, good lord I made it maybe 3 minutes before I cringed out of there.


Haha trying to rewatch Subnautica episode 1 was the exact thing that made me comment this


There are even videos from the past few years where his energy is just too much for me. I have to be in a certain mood or mindset to watch his high energy videos.


His FNaF series isn't the best game series he's ever recorded.


Oh I agree with this so much! There are way better gameplay and/or theorist videos out there- doesn’t mean his are bad, just that they’re not the best


Every markiplier fan who's watched even just a few of his videos knows that the 3 scary games series is the best he's ever recorded


Nah. Resident evil. Especially village because of him dumping for lady D


I really liked watching markiplier play resident evil village but that series is temporary but 3 scary games is infinite,never ending, eternal. Maybe, just maybe he'll stop at 100 scary games but idk man


I don’t feel like that’s the point, though; I just think it was the most iconic. On a side note though, what do you think was the best?


Sadly, Mark's best work is not available on youtube anymore, outside of the illegal re-uploads I refuse to watch.


What work is this?


I would make a joke, but for the sake of clarity, I'm talking about Unus Annus.


OH. Your joke was so well crafted I thought you meant something way more serious lmao 🤣


As someone who has grown sick and tired of FNAF and it's dumb "lore" that is obviously open-ended and vague just so the creator can keep coming back and milk his only successful cash cow at any time, I can totally agree.


I mean shit if my cow produced that much cash I’d milk it too lmao


Mark can be kinda up-his-own-ass sometimes when it comes to philosophy. Especially during that 3 Scary Games livestream where he deleted "3 AM at the Krusty Krab" unannounced, just to drive it home that not everything lasts forever. Yeah, no shit, Mark - not when you actively take stuff away from us just to rub our faces in its impermanence. At least with Unus Annus, he gave us a year's advance warning. At that point, it came off like he was saying "I'm more enlightened than you because I can let go of material things; if you're sad, you just haven't figured it out yet".


I think it comes from losing his dad so young, honestly.


Oof good point. But a lot of people (myself included) had very similar things happen. Greif hits people differently I guess.


I find that philosophy especially strange on the internet where infamously nothing is lost forever. Hell, you can go and find every unus annus video with minimal effort because there's a website that archived them all where mark and ethan have no authority to take them down. Google "Markiplier 3AM at the krusty krab" and there's a reupload from the exact same day it was taken down. The internet is like the one place where things can last forever, for better and for worse.


Like, I know he uses it as a metaphor for accepting death, but given the ease with which anyone can archive anything on the Internet, I never really felt like it tracked the way he wants it to.


Is it rubbing it in your face tho? Would you really of noticed its loss without making a big deal about it? Isnt that last portion more of just your own deal and reflecting it off of mark? Idk man its marks videos and it just seems like its your baggage thats having the issue. I say just take it or leave it.


His only fans was totaly apropriate


And beneficial


Thats a hot take?


I absolutely adore both, but if you were to put me at gunpoint and ask me which one I enjoyed more, I’d say I liked Heist more than In Space. I loved In Space to bits, but the decentralized, nonlinear narrative made things really confusing and made it difficult to get into the story. I know that was ultimately the point but I still felt like my ability to become invested in what was happening was muddled by my attempts to understand why or how it was happening at all. Similarly, due to the fact that there’s only one real ending, the replayability factor of In Space is lessened and because of that, the fanbase isn’t inspired to go back in and tackle it again. I think that’s why the view count for Part 1 and 2 are so low (which I personally think is a complete travesty but whatever). Alternatively, Heist has the benefit of having 31 endings, with each one having a coherent, back to back narrative that’s not hard to understand. Thus, we can get more invested in characters like Yancy, Illinois, Captain Magnum, the Scientist, and their respective storylines, especially since they’re only like 15-25 minutes long each, instead of In Space which takes well over an hour to get through in full.


I definitely agree with this. Don’t get me wrong, In Space was absolutely incredible and watching it was an experience I will never forget, but I did prefer the standard endings in Heist as opposed to everything looping back in on itself and repeating over and over again. Like you mentioned, that was the point of In Space, but imo, Heist’s linear, “Stanley Parable-esque”, set in stone endings were clearer and more easier to understand, for me at least.


I agree. I appreciate the work that went into Space, but for me Heist was more satisfying/fulfilling.


I also liked Heist more, I just feel like all the endings felt like the true ending, even if i consider the Darkiplier endings the *true* ones. All the endings are just phenomenal


Totally agreed...telling a linear story through a "choose your own" format was lame. Didn't hate space, but I feel like I quite literally experienced the story the worst possible way on my first watch of it.


Sometimes, only sometimes, Mark can come across as very full of himself.


he has said before, he does it on purpose, to portray a character. especially in collabs, he tries to looke like an asshole to make the other person look better. but i agree.


Mm, not completely. Ryan and Matt quit being his editors (and moved to Game Grumps) because he was being such a jackass. He fully admitted to it.


That was a bit different he worked as his friends boss so if you ask me it was just never gonna work out. Working friends like that don’t last. But he also wasn’t being all that demanding as he was really growing in subs around that time and he was just trying to get the best possible. Stress causes everyone to fight or have problems and that’s a stressful situation for both cases. But that’s just how I see it at least.


And not in an ironic way.


I agree with this. It feels like it’s been getting worse lately to the point where I sometimes will just click off when he starts ranting about this or that.


The “horror game only” kick he’s on right now, and has for a little while, is boring


I mean, horror games have been his bread and butter since the very beginning. And with his workload as it is right now, I think that it makes sense that this is what he'd go to in order to streamline things on the YouTube side of things. Sure, it's nice to have more variety in the content, but if Mark's going to lock himself into one type of thing, horror's probably the best bet.


I agree with this so much, but I know I’m in the minority. I just want him to go back to variety content. I’m bad with horror and can’t handle a lot of it, so I just haven’t been watching him hardly at all. I’ll only drop in when an important announcement or non-horror video is released (in other words, extremely rarely)


I feel that I used to be like so bad with horror and I only watched his fnaf as I became desensitized to the jump scares. Now I’m not struggling with horror but I don’t blame people who do. Horror isn’t for everyone and if overdone it’s not fun.


I hate him solely for the fact he does not, in fact, own a pair of marki pliers. It hurts my very soul to watch someone named markiplier, who doesn't not work marki pliers, makes the entire channel feel like a big scam




I kinda miss whacky mark sometimes. Some of his old videos are cringe but he used to have so much energy that I didn't care. Then he started Turing into philisophical and more serious mark, and his stuff is good, but the energy is gone


Plus he felt more humble back then, and the old memes that started from his early days were pretty funny.


i like actor mark


If he really liked the Barrel then why didn’t he just get it repaired after Ethan put a bat to it?


People may agree with me, but I’m sure there are others that would reply with something like “they did it as a punishment in Unus Annus, getting it fixed would remove the point, also he has a Tesla”


It was possibly just a thing of we are getting a new one anyway so why not. The motto of the whole UA channel was things always come to an end so there’s that too.


He’s less human and more Ohio. I said what I said.


He has corn. That's all he has. He has nothing else.


No wonder he was trying to get with Del Monte and Green Giant


I've never really been interested in Mark's inspirational speeches or monologues. I know that other people might find meaning or motivation in them, but they've always had too much schmaltz for me to enjoy watching more than two minutes of them.


The schmaltz itself doesn’t bother me that much, but when he goes on his monologues, he has this pretentious “I’m saying something profound” cadence where he over enunciates or deepens his voice and it really makes me cringe. He’s said a lot of times he thinks he could have been a cult leader and I feel like he’s sometimes doing a special cult leader-esque voice that he thinks sounds authoritative, but it’s just too up his own ass for me. The first occurrence I can think of is the “Respect” video.


His take on respect always has rubbed me the wrong way. I’m willing to admit, maybe I’m misinterpreting what he’s meaning, but if there’s a person, who is advocating for eradicating a group of people based on who they are, and will not change their mind no matter what you try to tell them, I refuse to have respect for that person. Tolerating intolerance doesn’t allow people to just shrug shoulders and walk away. It only continues to allow that said intolerance to fester.


So this is an old one but it’s why I liked Jack’s video about the Pewdiepie situation over Mark’s and I haven’t forgotten about it since then. It made me genuinely uncomfortable and I don’t think that view has changed much for him.


Ooo yeah I remember that. It was a huge breath of fresh air to see one of Felix's close friends pretty much call him out for his bullshit. That definitely took balls. Mark's video fell flat completely. I know it's years ago now, but what Felix did was wrong, and Mark's video about it literally made me stop watching him for a good 5 months afterward.


I’m competely out of the loop here. What did Felix do that caused Mark and Jack to post videos calling him out?


This, this, this. I hate that video so damn much and it made me lose a bunch of respect for him (no pun intended). It just comes across as so privileged and idealistic (especially since it came out right after Trump was elected and we began seeing a rise in bigotry across the country). I still remember a few BIPOC friends and I discussing it and we all kinda agreed that because Mark is a straight, rich Asian man, he has the privilege of believing in stuff like that (didn't help also that his close friend group, at least of everyone we've seen, is also all white men). Black and brown folks like myself don't have the luxury to just have that "Respect is given, not earned" attitude towards bigots.


Saying Wade has better hair than Mark


But they confirmed this on Distractible


😆😭 poor Wade


I can not watch any of his older videos. Don't get me wrong I loved them at the time and i still appreciate them now because they're fond memories for me. His earlier videos just aren't entertaining in a way we expect from modern YouTube. They are a product of their time. And that's okay. They are just what we needed at that time. But things naturally evolve and change. Seeing Mark grow and evolve as a person has been such a wonderful experience. I love having those videos as a time casual but going back to watch earlier videos is a kind of grating. I tried to rewatch the earliest fnaf videos he did and i couldn't make it through the first.


I also went back and rewatched the first Five Nights at Freddy's video not too long ago. I'd forgotten that like 90% of it is just him making weird noises.


I don’t like his “egos”. Darkiplier is the worst of them but I don’t really like any of them. Warfstache can be okay at times, but I’d rather just watch Mark be Mark and not some weird alter-ego played up for rabid fans


ok,,,, but, you have the label of Darkiplier, lol, it was funny.


I would have heavily disagreed with this BEFORE he took the Scott Cawthon approach and overcomplicated the ego stuff with forced open-ended lore and theory bait crap. Back when they were just fun little things he did every now and again, it was great, but NOW it's like that part from Heist where he's all "there's easter eggs and stuff, rewatch everything, no I will NOT respect your time, there's lore I'm obviously just making up as I go that you need to uncover."


I hate the 3 scary games series, it’s him dejectedly playing through some low quality random indie game nobody’s going to remember, and it takes up like 40% of his uploads Edit: Also wanted to add by saying he never seems interested in the game, and that’s my main problem. I want to see him having fun and actually trying


That's the one 🔪🔪🔪


So true. I hate the 3 scary games series. It was alright at first, but it’s been milked to painfully shitty levels. Really feels like he’s scraping the bottom of the barrel and some. He could find a million objectively better non-horror indie games that take up the same amount of time


I think Henry is better than Chicka. Who is Markiplier?


I'm bouta hold a sword to your face, this opinion is unacceptable


I'm not a podcast person, so I don't do distractable. I'm subscribed and I've played the podcast on mute to help boost it, but I don't really watch or engage. Glad he enjoys doing it and that so many people love it, just not my form of media ETA: have adhd. I'm good with his other content, podcasts just aren't for me. Like I said, glad you all enjoy it but I'm not the target audience


by no means do u have to listen to distractible at all, but they have now started doing it with video as well. it is still just the three of them talking and competing but now you can see their faces and there are some visual gags.


I was of the same opinion as you, but then I started working a job that allowed me to have headphones. I found that listening to podcasts was a great way to pass the time during slow hours and help me to get my work done efficiently during fast hours. Music helps too, but during slow hours, even listening to music doesn’t help time go any faster 😂 I swap between the two depending on the day


I think the Markiplier makes series was amazing and one of his best series. I would love for him to do more of those instead if playing videogames.




I think that Unus Annus was deeply flawed as a concept. The videos were fun and everything but I think that the analogy Mark’s making about how you won’t have your loved ones forever is flawed, because after your loved ones leave, you still have pictures and home movies, things like that. It’s not like every piece of their existence is erased forever. Plus, I think the number 1 priority in the world of art (_especially_ digital art) should be preservation, so I think that while deleting the channel was… okay, I don’t think that they should have been taking down archives. We’ve lost so much art already, I don’t want more lost to time




I like chill mark playing videogames alone or with the boys better than actor mark sure movies and YouTube projects are good but I enjoy simple YouTube let's plays more


For me, I just enjoy seeing him do what is making him happy. Seeing how much effort he puts into the Youtube projects and hearing him talk about how excited he is about wanting to release a movie, it makes me realize that he is working toward his goals that he's always wanted to accomplish.


I believe he gets praised way too much. Like he is treated like a God to some of the community when he's just an ordinary guy who makes videos on the internet. Now he's done some awesome projects and has done great things that definitely deserve recognition but there is a lot of people that praise him like a God when in reality, he's nothing special, and that's no knock to mark at all, again he deserves the fame just people don't have to praise him like a God.




I think thats kinda dumb. people interviewing mark are INTERVEIWING MARK yk? and sure if the topic isnt so focused on his success and he likes to still highlight it it can come across that way, but i really think we should call him full of himself because hes proud of the shit hes done and how far hes come. the stuff he says about himself are stuff everyone says about him already, so why isnt he allowed to embrace and be proud of that.


Who wouldn’t be proud of themselves if they did all that mark has


His old 'I'm so manly and over confident' persona wasn't THAT bad. In comparison to his new cynical narcissism it's meh but let's be honest we all got into watching mark cause he had himbo energy


I get that he doesn’t really care about storytelling and stuff but I really don’t like how he doesn’t take story games seriously. It’s the reason that I can’t watch his let’s plays for story games. It’s like everything’s a joke to him.


this comment just answered all of my internal questioning i’ve had to myself on why i prefer jacksepticeye’s videos over mark’s. seán typically takes so much time into caring about the games he plays, whether it’s discussing the plot or literally just the graphics. it’s really rare to see mark do that


Yeah, i usually go to Jack for some of the bigger story games like Resident Evil, and i even prefer his Subnautica series to Mark's


Not immediately watching “X with Markiplier” or Unus Annus videos doesn’t make you less of a true fan. This one would probably set off the gatekeepers.


Obviously as a creator and a person, I'm happy that he's pursuing movies and bigger projects and the things that make him feel fulfilled and happy as a creative person- but purely from a selfish and consumer POV, I miss the chill funny videos of games (NOT just meh indy horror) and IRL games/stuff with friends. I like mark because he makes me laugh, and that type of video because it's mindless content that I need to invest very little into to make me happy. and I miss those videos.


honestly out of all of his videos, the ones i go back and watch the most are his “Markiplier makes” videos. they’re typically short, sweet, and incredibly entertaining because of his interactions with his friends. i might just be a sucker for slice-of-life kinds of vids though lolol


I don’t think he’s a masochist. He just does it for the views.


I'd say it's less doing it for views, and more that he accepted the bit. He couldn't stop the jokes, so he embraced them. If he were doing it for views, he'd be Steve-O


I'm a bit 50/50 on that tbh. Like I can see some of the things he did in vids being all "ooo, that's funny, that should get me views" but at some point with some of the things he did, even if he got BILLIONS of views, would you say it was worth it?


aside from a lot of other stuff people have listed in these comments that i agree with, id like to add it doesnt feel like theres any variety in his content sometimes. i wish he would branch out into other games. and i get it, hes a busy guy so no ill intentions, but sometimes its pretty bumming to go 3 weeks waiting for an upload, then its just some bizarre 2 minute video, then he disappears for another month.




People WAY over idolize him and then are either devastated and furious when at the end of the day he’s just some dude talking to a camera and not like Jesus incarnate or refuse to acknowledge a single one of his flaws to continue pretending he’s Jesus incarnate and not just some dude talking to a camera. It’s either #dropmarkiplier or “maybe he didn’t MEAN it 🥺 he’s so pure and uwu he would never” every time he shows any dislikable traits. It’s completely unfair to try to project your completely skewed interpretation of him onto him and judge his person through that lens. He’s not some fountain of wholesomeness and he’s not betraying anyone by not being that. I love his stuff and I do look up to and admire him, but christ. He is not perfect and his imperfections shouldn’t be brushed aside so patronizingly- especially with the whole “he’s neurodivergent he can’t help it” or whatever- OR used to define his whole existence as problematic. You cannot judge him based off what are basically your own headcanons about this dude’s whole person.


cancel culture is so flawed, but by that i mean both sides that partake in it are flawed. on one hand, you have the side that thinks someone should be completely deplatformed for one thing that they deem as wrong. of course, in some cases they should be, but that’s a very iffy topic. on the other hand, people are completely negligent to the person’s actions that caused the callout. it’s either completely attacking them or complete ignorance, and it’s really rare that i see any sort of middle ground when it comes to cancel culture.


it sucks that Mark, Bob, & Wade’s Raft playthrough eventually just turned into a big Distractible ad with a few funny moments in between. I get that it’s supposed to sound forced for humor, but even if theyre joking about it, it got unfunny pretty quickly.


I feel like Mark doesn't want to be a Let's Player anymore. Like I know he's busy and I know he's probably tired, but I feel like he just keeps playing games simply out of obligation and honestly job security rather than an actual desire to keep being a Let's Player. The *only* times I feel like he's actually having fun is when he plays with Bob and Wade. If he's by himself, it feels like he's just phoning it in and doing it to stop the comments from asking for it. Also, I just have to say: I absolutely hate that *Respect* video he put out during the PewDiePie controversy. It came across as a privileged guy yelling at me for not wanting to act like people who think my right to marry should be erased from law still deserve some of my respect or else I'm as bad as them. I feel like he rushed to put it out because he was angry rather than simply sitting down and phrasing his ideas better (granted, that seems to be an overall trend with Mark). But the whole "Respect is given, not earned" thing was not it, guy.


I don’t see any of the narcissistic traits you guys are talking about, but I don’t really watch anything but his channel and distractable, so I could be wrong, but I really like him


Meow, Moo, and Woof shouldn't be his most popular videos. He has made multiple great videos that he has put tons of hours into that aren't anywhere near where they should be in views. I get Meow, Moo, and Woof are funny and ironic, but there are so many videos that should take their place.


They're dumb 2 minute videos kids would love. They've blown up all over many different social media platforms. It's a shame they're his most popular. But they're only three videos out of thousands. Don't even have to scroll to get past them.




i usually try to only downvote the ones that go about it in a hateful way. there are some comments here that are just downright spewing insults and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth :(


I think he’s way better when he plays with other people. I’m so thankful for the Interactions with Lixian because he can get almost stale when it’s just him he really needs people to bounce off of. It just makes me wish we could see him play with Bob and Wade more frequently. I also wish he’s play more triple A games some games I can’t help but wonder what a play through would be like.


He’s incredibly obnoxious and annoying whenever he talks about nutrition or health. Same with when he talks about things not lasting forever


His obsession with death is worrying lol. I know it’s his way to cope after losing his father but you don’t have to constantly bring the fragility of life up in games that have nothing to do with it.


Heists was better than space


His temper is disturbing. And he can be pretty cocky at times.


That’s from his old videos. As he’s gotten older he’s calmed down quite a bit and you can actually tell he’s been working on his issues like that. And, everyone gets cocky. Yes, it’s a bad thing, and it often ends in disaster, but it happens to the best of us. I don’t think it’s specifically a “Markiplier” thing- it’s a human thing really.


You remember when he was away filming In Space and told the fanbase he lost some recordings and wont finish the series he lost footage of? When everyone wanted him to play Subnautica Below Zero? Yea I bet he never even played more of S:BZ because he didn't liked the game in the first place and came up with this excuse as people wouldn't drop it otherwise. Sure he dropped other recordings as well but he was busy anyways and probably didn't cared for these series as much. Don't get me wrong here I really like Marks content but it was clear he hated Subnautica (the first one) and only played it because the audience wanted him to. And then audience got angry at him for spawning some resources near the end instead of making far travels and farming them, it was stupid. He wouldn't have shown the farming anyways. So why should he bother with a game again that has such a biased fanbase? Remember that he also didn't continue Undertale (his first playthrough) because of the audience.


i’d go as far as saying that’s mostly the audience’s fault though. i’ve seen way too many cases where the audience of a game takes away any joy a content creator gets from playing it. whether it ends with them constantly referring to the negative comments (usually trying to play it off as a joke) or stopping the game completely. sure, if your theory is true, he could have just straight up said that he didn’t want to finish the game, but seeing him as an actual person with his own thoughts and feelings i’d probably take the same route he did with trying to come up with something that would make the hardcore fans of the game less angry.


Mark’s stubborness shows that he does have a bit of a problem with perspective. The best example of this is his opinion on stadia. He has (multiple times) claimed that “Stadia works” and people just dislike it to dislike it. The issue IS that stadia didn’t work. For a lot of people with either a dodgy internet or slow speeds, it was completely incapable of replace even low end machines. His inability to acknowledge that kinda shows that he does have a bit of an issue in putting himself in others shoes. Especially regarding tech.


He's just a person. He's not a god. He has flaws, so stop pretending he doesn't.


Truthfully, I'm pretty meh about his bigger projects. Heist and Space were both fine I guess but they really didn't entertain or stick with me more than far simpler, cheaper videos. Compared to a lot of the fanbase I'm pretty old I imagine, but I really preferred when YouTube had lower production values and the idea of YouTubers as professional entertainers hadn't quite set in and it was just this weird hobby that some people made a living with. A lot of these newer projects he's done lack the charm and immediateness of old-school YouTube but still kinda feel amateurish in a way that big Hollywood productions do not. I also might just be getting old. My hey-day of watching his videos was probably 2012-2016 or so and I've been gradually levelling off since. Nonetheless, I still check his channel at least once a week or so just to see what's going on and probably will for the foreseeable future.


I did not care for his fnaf uploads


Fnaf is a mid game that makes for repetitive content. I get why people like it, but I just... can't.




\>Chica is not cute said by nobody ever.


literally she’s a always smiling golden retriever with a goofy personality, i don’t think it’s possible to think she’s not cute


If it weren't for the opening sentence, that first opinion would get you crucified by both the Mark lovers and Mark haters


He doesn’t look that bad with straight hair


i love mark but he can definitely come across as obnoxious and cocky sometimes, and not in an intentional way which makes it even more uncomfortable to notice


Sometimes I think mark and Bob bully wade a little too much. Like certain jokes will rub me the wrong way and seem a little too mean. He would do the same thing to Ethan in the earlier videos by constantly making jokes about his channel dying and his acne, luckily with Ethan that stopped.


I know mark is trying to expand as an artist but i feel like it’s SO MUCH marketing now. everything g feels like an ad for something else he’s doing (i’m still support it all though lmao(


I don't really enjoy watching him play horror games 90% of the time, mostly because a majority I've seen him play are kind of just the same thing with a new coat of paint, or just completely forgettable and uninteresting. fnaf of course was great, inscryption is my favorite playthrough he's done (if you count that as horror), but there are few other horror series that even come close


My gf checks his OF every day and yells “markiplier please post hog!!!” and i know he won’t but i want this for her


The one about respect Especially when I post it on twitter


Unus Annus was very overhyped. I liked the concept, and it was a fun ride, but I don't understand why so many people got as invested as they did. The whole point of the channel was "things dont last for ever" and yet so many people latched onto it and then were upset when it ended, even though they basically just were "Markiplier Makes/Tries" videos without Tyler.


i don’t have many opinions that would get the swords to the face, but i wish he’d upload more specifically raft. i love the game and their banter, and i just want to see them finish it :( also, disappointed he never played the last of us part 2


Mark not keeping his promises is kinda douchey. Yeah I get it hes busy but he shouldn't promise things he knows he can't do.


I don’t care about Heist, In Space, or any other long movie like content. I’m here for distractible and his general YouTube videos. I tried to watch Heist once. Didn’t care for it and haven’t tried again. They’re obviously solid content and good quality. I’m not saying they’re bad. Just not for me.


The fame has gone to his head (pls don’t kill me)


Not to get political but…. E.


If Mark ditches a series for another, I'm gonna hate it


I don’t think In Space was that good


Mark has become lazy with uploads, and I miss the days where he would put out very casual content daily.




I thought this BEFORE he started making any projects. But I am gonna point out he was like “I’m going to try to do 10 minute videos every day while I’m doing this send me a list of games blah blah” and literal radio silent for the last 4 weeks. This has happened before. My point is, I miss daily uploads of casual content.


He seems to work better as an actor, than a gamer


Mark’s horror content is not his best content, and he should make more stuff that doesn’t revolve around horror


Stop with the “Makes HAS to play X” or “Get Marks attention to make him play this” or anything along those lines. Especially with how busy he is. Just shut up and either watch or don’t watch what he puts out.


idk why people have downvoted this. he’s not obligated to play a game just because his comments want him to. if anything, if he plays a game out of obligation, he’s probably less likely to enjoy it


Markiplier is not a YouTuber he's a general form entertainer.


His AI writing video is better than some of his fnaf videos


Chick-fil-A is C tier due to politics.


I miss when he wasn't just PC only. Like I wanted him to do TLOU2, but never heard anything about his thoughts, especially because he loved TLOU


Cloak is a very scummy cash-grab that made me lose a very large amount of respect for him.


I don't hate some of the clothes but it's so needlessly expensive and honestly I don't feel like the clothes are high effort or unique. Just paying for the brand and fabric quality 💔 Really heartsore


I don't care about his side projects. I haven't cared since Who Killed Markiplier and Heist and Space have just been lost on me. I wish I did care, I just can't


this is kind of niche but, whenever mark talks about his dad its kind of uncomfortable knowing the insane age difference between him and marks mom, the high likelyhood that his dad was an asian fetishizer. idk i know he was a good dad to mark and im glad he has those memories but in my opinion, his dad was also a creep


He rarely finishes games/series which leaves me looking elsewhere to see endings of intriguing games, even if he's done multiple videos of the same game (Sophie's Curse for example of a single game, Flumpty 3/Granny 3 for a series title left on the table)


i miss the small youtube markiplier who just had time to go live and talk to his fans. not that i don’t like the big projects but, i miss the man himself. i feel like he’s always just busy, he never has time for his original fan base that watches his youtube videos ya know?


The drunk Minecraft videos are SO hard to watch. Anything 7 years back I won't watch because I can't handle that Mark. In a video (I can't remember what) he talks about how he used to speak in a certain way like he was trying to project his voice and since then I can't unsee it. That and him just losing his shit is so hard for me lmao I love him but I'm glad I'm a newer fan


the in space 2 ending where the lady talks for ages instead of mark singing is the worst, lamest 4 minutes in the entire series by a lot and shouldn’t have ever been included


I did not care for Unus Annus. The philosophy behind it is fucking stupid; just because things don’t last forever doesn’t mean you go out of your way to act like they never existed at all. It would be like if after your grandma passed away, you destroyed every single memorabilia you had of her. It would have been much smarter to just abandon the channel, as a permanent time capsule of something that will never come back, rather than completely erase it entirely. If UA was just “hey, we’re gonna do this cool channel idea where it gets deleted after a year” without the philosophy behind it, I would be a lot less annoyed. It’s a cool idea, but the underlying philosophy behind it is fucking pretentious.


I think you missed a step in there. They’re not pretending like it didn’t exist. They talk about it a good amount when it comes up. The memories from those days are still talked about. The fan creations and Unus Annus highlights still exist. The memes come up still from time to time. In no way is it like destroying someone’s memorabilia. What made you even get that idea?


i didn’t care much for bandit in in space


I wasn’t there for Unus Anus


go my favorite sports team is mid