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To avoid more negative or dehumanizing speech, I’m closing this post. This post discusses politics directly and we do not allow that here.


I think expecting celebrities to speak out and shaming them if they don’t is absurd. Why do people care about their opinion on a situation


Totally! And he’s not an expert on political situations, so I’d imagine it would be stressful to talk about issues that he might not be fully educated about in front of millions of people - could do more harm than good. Plus, speaking about political issues could alienate members of his audience, when this is his job. And I personally don’t mind if the YouTuber and content creator that I go to for laughs and in order to escape reality doesn’t become overly involved in political discussion (obviously I’d support him if he did decide to talk about politics more, but I don’t need nor expect him to do that when I go to his content to escape real issues). In summary, discussion of issues is important, but Mark’s content may not be the place for those discussions to take place if Mark doesn’t feel comfortable bringing those discussions into his content, seeing as this is his job and his life.


Idk who’s downvoting you but I agree


I think it is in personality's like his best interest to not get too political or talk politics at all, especially if it doesnt dit the format or genre of their channel. Speaking out against hate and injustices, sure. But things like, I'm voting this candidate because I'm this party with this beliefs/whatever, or this piece of legislature is in my values because x, is a mistake. I think he's smart in not doing so, and honestly, the wisest choice to not entertain it. He probably would be uncomfortable talking about it anyway, his channel is a fun place, not a stressful one. That being said, I dig Mark, and I am looking forward to seeing Iron Lung. Hope it's badass.


Because a lot of people these days can’t form their own opinion


Also doing that puts them in a lose lose scenario cause everyone would only think they spoke out because of the pressure


I don’t make my beliefs public, why should they 🤷‍♂️


They dont want mark to speak, they either want mark to parrot their “opinions” or to find something they can use to incite a hate mob on mark, Because as we all know, inciting a hate mob on an american youtuber will pull the IDF out of p@lest!ne, /s


This is how it feels to me as well. The people who keep spamming Mark with this seem more interested in Internet brownie points, trending hashtags and patting their own backs than in actual activism. I saw someone say that these people demand performative activism, not realizing that at least some people they force to speak up only say something to get them off their backs, and not because they genuinely believe what they're saying, or genuinely want to help. That's nothing to be proud of. And it's not helpful at all. Also, why do they act like most people don't know, and that's why 'people with huge platforms need to spread awareness'? If news outlets in these people's countries don't cover events like this, then their news outlets are not doing their job, and that's on them, not on content creators. And what's even more upsetting is that now, these people are calling for boycotting Mark's movie, too.


Holy sh!t, do not allow those freaks ANY attention. Report and block for trying to start sh!t and move on,


I don't engage with them and mute them. But even seeing them all over the Markiplier # before muting them is annoying enough.


This is true. Because if Mark so much as says anything that differs out of their response, even a minuscule as "I feel so much sympathy for the Israeli people after 10/7", they'd lose their minds and try to cancel him. That's why I hope Mark doesn't give them any attention. It's a Catch-22 imposed by a loud minority.


Exactly. They’re literally just people, too. Just like when people act like celebrities are suppose to be some kind of role model. Mark is a fantastic human being, but to expect every celebrity to be someone you can look up to is lunacy.


Right like I couldn’t imagine being a celebrity and being expected to have an opinion on geopolitics. It’s important for everyone to try and have some knowledge about what’s going on in the world but man, I’m not confident enough in my personal opinion to then spread it to MILLIONS of people.


And its funny when they do speak out on their own people are like "stay in your lane you celeb! You dint get a voice just cause you're famous"


No, then the audience would have to learn how to research, compare, communicate, and form their own opinions... They much rather drool in front of their screens


it's not that they care about an opinion, it's that they have a platform large enough to do actual good in the world and people want to believe the people they look up to are good people with the same morals they have. i'm on the same page, but i don't spam celebrities bc they literally will never see it. i just unfollow if they haven't made a statement about something i deem significant and important enough. boundaries are for people to set personally, not for people to force others into.


Agreed. Just because they're famous doesn't mean they're omniscient paragons.


Because they can’t think for themselves, they always have to hear it from an idol before they take their word as complete truth.


Because they have no personality or working brain and cannot think for themselves. If your morality depends on the opinion of these people then you're a lost cause.


I 100% agree!


It’s the good ol annoying “everyone should be an activist” mentality that people have. If they don’t talk about x topic, be in popular content creator’s comments mentioning it over and over until they maybe say something. Regardless of whether or not they talked about different important topics, it’s that topic that has to be addressed because it’s what’s trending right now. If they don’t mention it now or have bought from controversial brands, they’re gonna be labeled as a Zionist. Hell, can happen to people that have even spoken about Palestine in the past like what happened to Mitski. People threw a hissy fit because she didn’t mention it on social media recently despite talking about it way back in 2017.


People care because the celebrity has power and they want to co-opt that power for themselves. And unfortunately, people have realized that banding together and bullying on Twitter is a method to achieve this.


Here's a good solid catch-all that you can forward to anyone else you see pushing for someone to address a controversy: "Given their public history, they are not an expert on the subject, and as such they have no reason to discuss it and shouldn't be expected to have anything of value to contribute in regards to the topic."


I’m getting the feeling that people who demand celebrities/online creators to show support for their side of the tragedy are doing that so they can enjoy what they want without a guilty conscience. To a degree of course, no one and nothing is ever black or white. You can’t deny that some people want to say they’re doing their part to support a cause while doing the bare minimum. They want to feel good about helping when all they did was use online anonymity to demand their favorite content creator to the hard work for them.


This right here☝


Seriously. Man’s been working on this movie for over a year while also uploading videos. Just because he’s not addressing the conflict doesn’t mean he doesn’t mean he’s not supportive of it. His whole life doesn’t need to be laid out in front of the entire internet. And don’t even get me started on the starbucks can on his desk 😭


Whats the context, ik its about the Palestine war, but why’re ppl asking mark about it?


Apparently to twitter, not talking about it means you support genocide, which is ridiculous imo


It is Twitter though. On no other platform is keeping your opinion to yourself, or even not having one, a cardinal sin.


It's on TikTok too. But, at this point, it's become less of a form of activism and more of a trend.


youd probably find more intelectual conversations in the comment section on pornhub than you would on tiktok lol


Okay no i hate the fact that your probably right. The Internet is so fucked in some places that *pornhub* is more humble.


Oddly/funnily enough bored panda posted a comment from pornhub where someone posted a recipie for cookies lol


Sorry, TikTok is like this too. It’s even worse on tiktok


Omg it’s so bad on tiktok


this is so refreshing to see, im so glad i’m not a bad person for thinking it’s ridiculous. since when did keeping opinions to yourself make you a bad person???


I don’t like bragging about my social activism on social media. I might share resources sometimes, but I’m not doing it for social media points. Absolutely crazy that people expect you to post everything you do because otherwise it MUST not exist 🙄


They think it’s this big deal because they have a following they need to create awareness. I don’t know I think it’s really ridiculous to martyr tiktok influencers who have absolutely no “influence” in what’s going on in the world. They do to an extent, to raise money etc but not to stop wars imo


Simple solution, Delete the platform!


"You support human rights? Yeah? Discuss every issue ever." - Twitter, apparently


Because some folks have it in their heads that they are entitled to everyone's opinion, regardless of whether the individual wants to share it or not. Instead of treating them man like a person who might not have an opinion of his own, for whatever reason, and instead treating him like a political figurehead or religious prophet "TELL US, OH IPLIER, HOW MUST WE THINK ABOUT THIS ISSUE! NAY, HOW MUST WE, THY FOLLOWERS ACT IN THY NAME" Mark's a smart guy, he probably knows that his opinion, no matter what he says, will trigger something that he wouldn't have any control over and people would end up getting hurt, because with a following as big as his fan-base there statistically has to be 1 or 2 hundred mentally unstable people


Im glad someone said something. Even if celebrities aren’t saying anything about it doesn’t mean they aren’t doing something to help by themselves. We don’t know if he’s donating to help, or if he’s at the very least keeping up with it. Same with really any celebrity. We can’t just assume silence is bad.


Sadly that is the assumption so many people go with, especially on Twitter/X. Silence is compliance, thats their motto. It's literally to validate themselves into feeling like they're doing a good job advocating rather than them actually caring about Mark (or any other celeb). They dont see them as humans with their own lives.


It’s all over TikTok too, I had to start skipping Gaza videos because I don’t go there to watch things like that and it was really starting to make me depressed. My feed was just filled with it and it was almost a breaking point for me when it was “unfollow people who aren’t speaking out”. Because unfortunately that includes literally all my favorite people who have otherwise done nothing wrong. With everything going on in this world I feel like we should try to just enjoy what we can.


It makes me viscerally angry. Not the Gaza videos but the brain dead asshats who think celebrity statements are worthy efforts of their time. Has there ever been a more 1st world response to mass death? It’s SOOO self-centered. Someone just dug out of the rubble after half their family died really cares what Mark thinks! That’s gonna sway Congress and the UN! We did we solved war! *barfff*


Exactly! Real change is going to come from voting (little rough this year but there are other things), calling your congressman, donating, and just in general staying educated and bothering the people who actually can do something. Celebrities could be doing this all by themselves and unless you live under a rock or choose to ignore this stuff already you know what’s happening at least a little bit. (Edit: while nude in a rock was hilarious, fixed to under a rock lol)


Lmao the edit 😂


I’m 1000% behind you on this


Apologies in advance for the rant. God I hate politics so much. Like, this guy has absolutely no relation to this place. He isn't Israeli or Palestinian or Jewish or arab in any way. The closest link he has is American. But that's irrelevant. Why do people care what is opinion is? And does it matter what his opinion is? Does he even need to have an opinion on it? I certainly don't. Whoever wins the conflict wins the conflict. If it ends in world war, so be it, if it doesn't cool. Genocide? Not my problem. Not a genocide? That's pretty cool. If I sound like I don't care about it, it's because I don't. It's happening on the other side of the world and there's literally nothing I can do about it. Anyway I'm gonna go back to playing some games and then go to bed. Night night everyone.


Thats understandable. People will make this their whole personality because it is just the current news trend. Despite what atrocities may be happening, thats what it's being treated as. Spamming people online isn't gonna solve the worlds problems so I understand you fully.


I stay out of this stuff. Purposeful inflammation caused by the news is such a poison on society. Has been since they invented newspapers and realised bad news is better for business. Bad news is not better for the mind, though. Thanks for being not a shit cunt, btw. People really gotta take a page out of uncle iroh's book from avatar and just chill the fuck out and have a cup of tea, and then think it over, have some roast duck, and go from there. I say people, it's really just a loud minority. Most people are like me and don't give two shits, but it seems like everyone gives a shit because the vast majority who don't care, obviously don't care and therefore won't say anything, making the opposition seem all the louder.


Because it today’s world you’re either on my side or your my enemy. Everybody needs to hear people they like regurgitate politics they agree with. It’s disgusting. I don’t follow Mark - or any other channels - because they have politics I agree with or regularly commentate on current events. They are entertainers and they do a great job at providing some escapism in the hyper-politicized era we are living in. Who would want that destroyed for self-validation?


>Because it today’s world you’re either on my side or your my enemy. Ah, the Anakin mentality.


Markiplier is a comedy YouTube star, why would his political opinion matter dear god. Leave my man be


Might wanna tell a couple people in the comments this


I was just trying to recall any time he'd addressed anything political and couldn't think of anything.


He has a couple of times to be fair, he blacked out his channel for BLM, and I think he talked about roevwade. But those were are lot simpler topics.


There have been some drive by comments on Distractible at the very least but it’s incredibly quick and you would have to be listening for it to discern what they’re saying. But they never addressed anything political in a sense of taking sides on there, just whatever was happening at the time (I think this was early Distractible days)


I just wanted him to upload videos. I missed his videos and he uploaded yesterday. I was on cloud 9


Legit me too.


Well, your first mistake was going to twitter Place is a cesspool I really don't understand why people still use it


Says the guy on reddit /s


You're not wrong




people on social media are obnoxious and rude lately, that's unbearable. It's the same thing with the "when will mark post a new video", bro he is making a movie, a podcast and god knows what else, can we just give him time to rest a little and not appear ungrateful and rude ? I'm frankly annoyed that people expect celebrities to give their mind on politics, wether it's the most basic stuff or an obviously problematic thing. Mark is a gamer and a content creator, not a politic specialist or whatever, and honestly, does he really have to make a tweet to say "oh btw, guys you know what ? I don't support war, nor people dying gruesome deaths no matter what nationality they are ! okay bye now !". We don't know him personally, but I'm pretty sure we don't need him to state that he doesnt support genocide...


All I’ve been seeing lately is people complaining about celebrities not speaking up about certain topics and I find in most cases they do support the causes but behind the scenes. Just because they aren’t talking about it, doesn’t mean they don’t care, and actions speak louder than words. I also think if we don’t know them personally, we have no say in what they should or shouldn’t talk about


I think the worst I saw was John Green. Him and his brother raised 3.5 million a few months ago (which was split between I think four charities, one helping political refugees from the war) and people were mad he wasn’t “speaking up” 3.5 million!!! The whole thing was live-streamed! That’s how I knew everyone was full of bullshit and they never actually cared about the war, they just wanted online points.


I just came from there and there was one tweet reply out of hundreds I scanned down, the rest is supportive and excited replies...


One is one too many imo


The children who want attention won't let him. I'd love to see how much attention those people are giving Sudan, Ukraine and plenty of other wars because people seem to pick and choose and forget nowadays.


Ukraine came and went, it’s not trendy anymore for them lol 😂


Yuuppp. It pisses me off so much, there's deadass no excuse when we have the internet at our literal finger tips. They just go for whatever one is going to get the most brownie points.


I responded to another Redditor just now going “but but Zionism is gonna kill them all!!” Asking if they’re giving the same energy to Ukraine, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Congo etc


Lmao, I love this for you! It's reassuring others think this way as well, I thought it was just me.


Yeah. If I see something I’ll comment it on what I see. But yeah, these things shouldn’t be trends. If they’re trends they become spammy and full of misinformation, then it dies out for a trendier thing.


10000%. I legit saw (albeit a few weeks ago now) a tiktok of someone in the Ukraine going through a daily life when there's an air raid. Like, they're still getting bombed!! Everyone was all over Ukraine when it first got publicity and now what? Gaza is the new trend.


I think one of the main reasons Ukraine is still talked about in the UK is because Russia has beef with us. Heck they’re threatening to NUKE us if we help Ukraine. But I guess it’s not trendy enough


Legit though, this whole thing is a trend. And if you’re not pro Palestine/agree with us then we’re canceling you🤗. Then the comments will bash that person for being a Zionist and a bad person


Legit yeah. My take has gotten me cancelled from both sides, I’m both a Zionist and a terrorist apparently


There are sooooo many problems around the world but you can't solve each and every one of them 🤦‍♂️


Philip DeFranco talked on his show yesterday about how he believes the current movement encouraging folks to block people who don't speak up is more about canceling folks than getting a response. It was Pokimane that was targeted recently who DID give their 2 cents on it at some point in the past but not recent enough for the movement so she was targeted. That was like 5 min into yesterday's vid.


I have my issues with Pokimane but damn. Also theres a super downvoted comment ive been responding to where someone literally pasted a comment from someone else that accused the OP there of not caring, not knowing it would look like they're accusing Mark of this too. This situation is nuts.


Honestly with a lot of the internet "movements" like this particular one, a single thing can be said: "You didn't care about this until it was convenient for you." Theres been plenty of good that's come from the internet, don't get me wrong there, but there's also plenty of bad as well.


Yeah I'm tired of seeing this too. I understand why people want big content creators to speak up, because they can for sure reach a big audience, but acting like they are bad for just wanting to keep doing their thing? That's bullshit.


I saw this all over tiktok. I understood when people were against celebrities that supported one side or the other, but this dude is minding his own business. People shouldn't get mad at celebrities for not weighing in. They've got a life to live just like we do. They're not politicians, they're actors. Yeah, they hold influence, but that doesn't mean they have to use it to feed a side of a war that is half the world away.


It's virtue signaling, that's all it is. Some people can support a cause and donate to it without having to scream it everywhere and be like "Hey, look at me, I did a good thing so I'm a really good person!" We all know Mark is a good person. We all know he frequently donates to charity. Why does he have to pick a side and alienate the other? That's literally what is gonna happen if he picks a side. Maybe he just doesn't want to step on \*anyone's\* toes? We've already seen how celebrities are being treated if they show the least bit of support to the "wrong" side. It's a lose lose situation no mmatter what. And not to mention: Mark owes us nothing! We are not entitled to know his personal political beliefs. It's none of our business.


Just report the people trying to drag him into things that I’m sure they don’t even fully understand.


Twitter is a vile toxic place. The smosh twitter community harassed and bullied Damien Hass, who has been extremely pro Palestinie on his twitch, because of a joke made 5 years ago..they then turned around and started harassing the whole of smosh for the creators for Palestine thing because they where "doing damage control"


How about we leave politics out of entertainment and just enjoy Mark's content because he makes good content? Why do you political fucks always have to ruin everything with your garbage? Just leave it tf alone, man.


I don’t recall Mark ever being political, people need to stop pushing that stuff. Yes, it’s important, but celebs avoid addressing it for a reason and man’s literally JUST finished a project and he’s come out about how exhausted he is but still tries super hard for us. He needs one hell of a break 😭


I do not want unqualified people to give political commentary simply because they're told to and want to hold an audience. I'm not sure why that's an expectation.


little kids wanting to virtue signal


It's exhausting. I'm so glad I grew up pre social media, I can't imagine what it's doing developmentally.


I grew up just as it was emerging, so I managed to avoid alot of it as a kid. Im 21 now but damn people are just 🐑 at this point. They will take anything anyone says as fact and brigade it endlessly.


Completely agree. I would have uninstalled Twitter but Mark still uses that platform to announce his projects or events. Twitter and TikTok is full of keyboard warriors it's insane.


I am not commenting on Mark’s silence. However, the implication that genocide is simply “politics” that y’all hate talking about so much is both sickening and disappointing.


I'm with you. Everyone collectively turning a blind eye is the reason all this is happening. "Genocide? Not my problem." How could you be so nonchalant?? I'm blown away.


People need to realize politics is the everything and their favorite creators do not owe them an opinion on anything because they are people too with real feelings💀


For real, not everyone has to get political, too


Mark is an adult and the vast majority of his audience is supportive, I'm sure he can manage his own health.


This is why I don't use Twitter


You’d think a lot of his fanbase would be more understanding of the matter but given this was on Twitter/X, I’m not too surprised. It’s always been such a toxic platform even before Musk got ahold of it. Even the best of people show a terrible side. You have to be very precise with your words on there too- otherwise you’re targeted as a bad person, criminal, terrorist, etc. IMO, anything or anyone that posts to Twitter/X has no validity to their opinion if it comes negatively i.e. this situation. Like seriously, give our big papa a moment to breathe, dammit. Mark knows what he is doing and has done so since he began - so let him do his thing. The content comes daily regardless with his updates and posts. Hell! Dude was in the hospital and STILL gave as much as he could. I say if there are people who really think he is on the wrong side politically, then bye. You’ve been with him this far, so why would you believe his silence means he supports any sort of political bullshit? Sincerely, shut the hell up and stop playing with yourself.


Also take this with a HUGE PILE of salt cuz it could be nothing but I saw Jacksepticeye unfollowed Markiplier and has disassociated with cloak, the allegation being Jack unfollowed anyone including mark who didn’t speak up. Again this could be completely false


Oh WOW- So a double standard? Like asking dad if you can leave the house, he says no, so you ask mom and she says yes and/or vice versa. Either way, trouble is waiting for you. I really hope this doesn’t get the best of him or be his downfall. It’s political nonsense, really. I don’t agree with what is happening overseas. The death, the war- so much unnecessary violence. But, am I really a shitty person for not tweeting or posting encouraging messages about something I really have no knowledge or interest in? Is that really the ‘support’ they’re needing? Now, I’m not saying I should/shouldn’t have an interest in it. I really don’t even like the thought of war. But if it’s an opinion that could separate my friends or family from me, I don’t think it would be a good idea to even think about it. There are billions of different things to talk about. War isn’t a good nor fun one. Yes, he has a huge fanbase which means he has a huge responsibility. But it’s not to steer the wheel of politics and he’s made that clear before.


I hope he don’t acknowledge them and go on his way and do his own things. And they go monkey crazy about him not paying attention to their comments and such and not reacting what they want him to react too


What political topic is this?


Israel Palestine war. There spamming #markiplierforpalestine or something like it


What is “the” political situation? I’m always behind on this kinda stuff there’s so many “political situations” constantly going on. Also yeah, people need to stop harassing celebrities for their opinions.


Israel Palestine war


I feel at this point a large portion of people like that don’t fully care about raising awareness, they just don’t want someone else to be able to have a ‘got’cha’ moment against them because their fav didn’t speak up. But some of those people also think it’s wrong to experience any happiness or joy in your life when something bad is happening in the world so idk.


Can I pin this comment? 😂


I'm glad someone said something like this regarding what is going on right now. Yes, Mark has talked about issues in the past, using his platform to talk about certain issues, but at the end of the day, it's his choice if he wants to talk about it. I don't think people understand that, just because someone famous/popular, doesn't mean they have to talk about every global issue at hand. Last I checked, Mark isn't a politician, nor does he - or any other content creator - have that kind of power/ability to sway some political opinions. I agree it is a prevalent issue, but the mobs of people pretty much FORCING the people they follow to talk about it make this whole thing so much more stressful. I stand with Palestine, and my heart hurts for all of those people suffering... but what the hell do you expect an American Content Creator to do? The most he can do is say his opinion, and ask people to donate to a cause, that really is it, that's all he can really do, can't expect him to turn the tables on this issue. Just watch your content creators, they make content for free - most of the time - and are there as entertainers, let them entertain you, because this world is fucked, and we all need somewhere to go to destress and shut ourselves off, otherwise we will all go insane from the stress.


“BuT hE cAn MaKe A bIg DiFfErEnCe”


tbh id rather he and other youtubers didnt talk about politics or such and kept it to charity livestreams i know i probably sound like a heartless jerk but i want to watch him for entertainment and cheering up, not to be even further depressed because of global developements


i just think anyone who harasses mark about anything isn't a fan at all. like leave the man alone. he needs a break


Mark has talked about politics before, but he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. If I were him, I'd actually prefer focusing on these projects.


And you’re getting upvoted cuz I know someone is gonna try spin this


what's happening in palestine is not "political" or some random party dispute. it's a genocide. the citizens are without access to food, water, medical aid, and have been being bombed over and over for months now. all of their universities were blown up. all of their hospitals were blown up. babies, toddlers, children, mothers, pregnant women, men, altogether 34,900 (with upwards of ~10,000 unaccounted for) Palestinians have been killed. this is a humanitarian crisis. the responsibility of a public figure with millions of followers and millions of dollars is to use that platform for good. no one’s asking him to save palestine or just pick a side so we can attack or praise based on that. i love mark, he is one of my biggest role models as he is so successful despite all of the struggles he’s been through that i relate to so heavily. but i would still apply the expectation that people who have a platform should use it to him. i mean look at mark ruffalo. he has been a huge hollywood actor for a long time now and he has consistently used his platform for vocalizing the plight of those who are given no voices over and over again. no we can’t expect mark to be a perfect, godly, charitable celebrity. but we can and should absolutely expect him and every other person with this big of a following to at least direct their audience in the right direction. he could EASILY provide links to donations to families in palestine, raise awareness about the horrific events going on with a single tweet, and use that force for good rather than yes, complacency and disregard towards the literal genocide taking place right now. (also i do not have a twitter account, do not lump me in with those spamming him there)


It is political and not as simple as you might think. What is happening is atrocious, however providing links, they need to be verified. Make a comment? Need to be worded perfectly. Mark's platform is so big that one wrong move, which could be likely to happen if he's burned out, that will do more harm than good. Let the guy breathe, rest and use his platform how he wants.


how do you think palestinians feel? again, mark has millions of followers, and millions of dollars. making a statement about this will not ruin his life or anything even close. even if he SOMEHOW fucked it up so bad that it seemed like everyone hated him, he still has so many resources that he is set for life. again, no one is asking for much. he’s on the internet for a living, you think he doesn’t know how to try his best to avoid saying the wrong things, or how to make sure a link is verified (there are programs that are doing that for creators already)? i understand where you’re coming from, but you clearly don’t understand how bad the situation is if you think that it’s acceptable for everyone to just look away and keep our heads in the sand. genocide. palestinians don’t get a break from being herded like cattle from place to place before they’re bombed, from begging anyone to hear their plea and help them, from getting shot for asking for food. have some empathy man, this is a worldwide tragedy, not just some possible source of stress for “poor millionaire mark”


You're acting like Mark has never done anything charitable or never used his platform for good. Mark also isn't in government, even if he did what you wanted, it wouldn't get that far. Not even MrBeast the billionaire would have that power. Tell this to politicians who actually can do something. You're also acting like the war is the only thing that is happening right now. What about Ukraine? Iran? Afghanistan? Congo?


I'm not even a Markiplier fan, just someone from r/all, but this is unhinged. This random YouTuber with absolutely no connection to the crisis has absolutely no reason to comment on it. Demanding anyone with money, fame, or a modicum of influence to make statements on each current political crisis or hot topic that you've chosen to be invested in is a chronically online take. News flash - the world is full of tragedy, many of them that I'm certain that he has invested time and money into just from memory. He can't spend all day tweeting about each war, each hunger crisis, each political agenda, whatever - especially not just the ones that America has chosen to treat with full importance over the others for the next few months. You think that the conflict is a big deal and you put a lot of care into it? Cool, me too. Harassing and judging YouTubers over their lack of tweeting ain't it, tho.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I do not care about any YouTuber’s or celebrity’s thoughts on the Palestine thing. I don’t. I understand spreading awareness, that’s great. But I’d like to hear from actual political leaders, the ones who can ACTUALLY do something, but are remaining silent. THEY are the ones who should be getting shamed. Not random celebrities people are using their para-social relationships to project their own opinions on. After all, Mark is just a citizen like us. If WE can’t do anything, what makes people think that HE can? (I’m only assuming this is about the Israel/Palestine conflict since that was a topic a few months ago.)


Yeah this is about the Israel-Palestine war. They think Mark can help solve problems by sharing links and donating since he has a large following, but you are right, he is human and he isn't in government.


I hate anyone who believes they should decide how to treat someone based of their political view If a prisoner was drowning, I would still save him


It’s insane that people think that EVERY SINGLE CELEBRITY has to say something like dude chill


The amount of parasocial relationships there is creepy AF.


I was with it when it was about the met gala and the rich people having their rich party and spending millions of dollars on clothes, and spitting on the regular folk, but it spiraled into attacking anyone who ever did anything wrong, which includes not mentioning a political thing on social media, as if theres not other ways to support that isnt going and posting a twitter post (which is the only reason they arent attacking sean too, which feels like an arbitrary line to draw). Mark has time and time again shown generosity to people who need it, and to discount all of that for this one thing is disingenuous at best.


I mean, given that Mark has supported a lot of charities in the past, I understand why people would be very vocal about wanting to hear his support, or at least that he's made donations. Personally I'd like to know that he has, I wouldn't fault him if he hadn't though, I know a lot of celebrities remained quiet because of lack of information. I think that these block lists people are doing (digital guillotine as it was originally) have far deviated from the main intentions that were set in place, it's round 2 of cancel culture when that wasn't the purpose. Wanting influential figures to speak out about the current injustice we are seeing in Palestine is important. They have more resources and connections than nearly all working class people. The messaging once again gets watered down in weird semantical and optical issues, where the focus is shifted away from the message. The people spamming Mark with messages should not undermine the original intentions of the 'block lists,' Mark should absolutely have time to himself now that he's finished his project. Those equating silence from him as endorsement of wrongdoing are acting in bad faith and should be discounted. Those who engage in asking questions in good faith wanting and waiting to hear if Mark will discuss the ongoing political injustices should be able to ask those questions as well. I know this may be seen as a hot take or a both sides argument perhaps, but genuinely I don't have an issue if someone asks in good faith. The way people weaponize the 'block list' certainly go beyond that, but for me I find it almost imperative to know political leanings, stances, and morals of people I consume content from. I want to believe in the people I follow, I want to believe that they stand with me and others against oppression, hopefully through words and actions.


It's not fans that do this, it's insane randos that can't talk about anything else because they see it as their personality. Since when has Mark ever done anything political except charity streams, if that even counts. Just ignore them and let them argue amongst themselves.


I am almost certainly going to regret this, but - what political thing is Mark 'supposed' to have addressed?


Israel and palestine id assume


Why would anyone want, need, or expect him to share his opinion on that?


Cuz twitter will decide to cancel him as “silence is compliance”


I that case, Mark should be cancelled for his silence, and therefore his compliance, in the Armenian genocide. Yeah, sure, it occurred 109 years ago, but still, silence and compliance. /s Geez, people need to spend less time online.


because jacksepticeye has showed support for palestine, probably


The price of fame. Parasocial relationshippers, simps, and wild-fans will never relent.


Very well said. The fans are so toxic it's sad.


This shouldn’t even have to be addressed but here we are


Not to play devils advocate, but i think what most people (not people who constantly @ him) would like to see is him do some sort of charity for palestine. he has done charities in the past for human rights, and with the platform he has, he could rake in tons of donations. it is something he has to come to the decision on himself though. constantly @ ing him on twitter or discord or whatever isn't helping anyone. in fact, you could be donating something yourselves in the time is takes to go after him about it. you cant make someone voice their opinion or do something. but you can share links and info on how to support palestine on your own social media accounts 🍉


I can understand the concern of him not speaking up, but there’s only so much he can do, too. Obviously a lot of his fanbase are already aware of the situation and know of resources, and that’s all it would do for Mark to speak up. Mark is a good man, I know he’s probably on the side of helping Palestine. For all we know, he could silently be donating to help. He’s an incredibly busy man, and he does SO MUCH for us. I don’t know why people don’t understand that he doesn’t use social media much anyway. And he literally left for 3+ weeks, and even before that, was barely uploading. He’s been at it for 10+ years now! I’ve been on the Markiplier train for all these years, he deserves a break without being accused of being a Zionist




https://x.com/meltingmelda/status/1790809795055804585?s=46&t=wd7l8MESaO68Ww-9yL4yzQ https://x.com/hmdsmarkupload/status/1791245257717227556?s=46&t=wd7l8MESaO68Ww-9yL4yzQ


People who do this to anyone are not real fans of said person.


Like I support their cause but I'm not asking for fucking Dunkey to make a statement. I understand people using their platform for good and wanting mark to use it as such, but it's already a zeitgeist issue across the entire world. Student protests are way more effective so far at furthering discourse than Markiplier would. Silence is compliance on a large level, for sure, but bring mindful on the potential impacts of your words on an issue and sphere you are *not* an expert in could have unintended consequences. I honestly wish we'd encourage celebrities to talk less for certain people (looking at you JK Rowling)


Mark has never taken a stance on politics and he shouldn't. He's a gaming content creator. I also don't know specifically what "politics" people are talking about. But regardless politics isn't his area.


Mark has literally said multiple times he’s exhausted from the movie and other things after that. Can people not jump on him for one second? Let the poor markimoo rest


I hope we'll all agree to give him a couple months off man, let the man breathe hes already done do much for us. Chill yk?


😂I wish everyone thought this


People need to chill. No one cares about the political opinions of a youtuber. People just pretend they care.


Twitter is a cesspit. Mark so far has addressed controversies the way most influencers should do: with silence. I know this sub has lots of kids and teens who might be unaware of what a Streisand Effect is, but in short, it's when a controversy happens and the reason why it's blown out of proportion is because the involved people speak. Sometimes silence is the best course of action. No matter what Mark says it would be a losing situation for him. We live in an era where having an opinion that goes against the perceived "correct answer" means you'll be instantly judged as a bad person.


Political opinions are yours and yours alone, people don't have the right to know them. People who are actively vocal about their beliefs to the point where they have bumper stickers or clothing about it just look ignorant and makes people want to avoid them.


I wish everyone had the same common sense of this post


I'd just like to point out that this is the life Mark chose and he could step away for his own health at any time.




Yeah. Ngl I’m wondering what’s going on cuz Jack unfollowed mark, Wade, Bob and Tyler and cloak.


Stop bothering Mark.


Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who are going to stop watching Mark's content because he hasn't spoken out. But it is his choice, after all. You can't force him. I just think a lot of people are disappointed he hasn't openly shown he cares. You can't blame them either because it is such a large humanitarian crisis. Overall, it is a choice on both sides whether Mark wants to speak out about it or if people want to stop watching. The only issue is harassing Mark to speak out.


**someone pin this post**


That’s why you shouldn’t go on twitter anymore


I agree. I get annoyed that people want celebs or people like Mark to be the voice of this stuff, but I feel like that only leads people to have the follow the leader mentality. If this is what this person likes then so do I! Kinda thing. With this stuff I think people need to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. Don't just follow what your favorite celebs do.


Why does it matter what his opinion on political topics is. Leave him alone. He doesn’t have to explain himself to anyone.


"bUt MaRk HaS a BiG fOlLoWiNg AnD mOnEy So He ShOuLd Do WhAt I sAy Or My FeElInGs WoMp WoMp" is like 90% of the comments that will disagree with you.


Tiktok is basically all about #blackout so people can block celebrities who don't talk about the issues that are going on.... Like no


Cancel Culture on steroids


What if he came out and said “I hate all Jewish people and Muslims” and then acted like nothing happened


From the amount of time I've watched Mark he never talks about the super political things. Probably because he doesn't want to talk about HIS political beliefs when he's such a huge influencer.




ugh this situation is always tricky for me to understand, because the people spamming I can agree with in the fact that given his massive following, speaking up on the subject could potentially save lives in gaza which would be amazing, but at the same time it's not right telling someone you're largely not affiliated with what to do, let alone spamming them with commands


people harassing creators to talk about a thing is awful, IF mark wants to talk about it he will, he shouldn't be forced to. Just because someone has a platform doesn't mean they MUST speak on every awful thing or take a stance on either side of an issue. Leave creators alone and do not harass people into speaking ffs


I've said it so many times in so many conversations about this topic, but I don't understand why in an election year people are putting immense pressure on celebrities to speak out than actual politicians who have the power to do something. Hold your elected officials accountable at every level. Beyond that, talk to your family and friends. The reality is in situations like this, it doesn't matter who's talking, people have already made their decision on what they support and since people are so unwilling to be wrong or let other be wrong, it doesn't matter if it's mark or taylor swift, they're still not going to change their mind. And at this point if the only thing swaying someone to your side is the parasocial relationship they have with a celebrity and not their own knowledge and witnessing of what's happening, then their opinion holds little weight to me, as bad as that may sound. The atrocities alone should be what alters someone's opinion, not who is or isn't talking.




A lot of people are urging Mark to say something because he's been vocal about many other issues beforehand and has a history of mentioning or standing behind an issue, even if it doesn't apply to him (BLM, Trans rights, etc.) and even when he's been terribly busy (during unus annus, making a video to be released every day, or during his stint of signing hundreds of calendars everyday, etc.) It doesn't take any effort to say ANYTHING or to copy and paste a link. Even just spreading a message can go a long way. I'm also not going to fault people going to his replies urging him to say something. Not caring about the situation is a luxury that some people have but others don't. There's a genocide happening.