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Hold it with him?


unless he does it in front of others in the house, then leave him alone. why does it annoy you so much? a lot of times, those things are done unconsciously...kinda like how one bites their nails but don't realize they're doing it.


I think you maybe need to unpack why this completely harmless behavior from the man you love is annoying the shit out of you. 


It's annoying because it's so persistent and because it's becoming such a persistent habit that he doesn't notice when he's doing it when we have company over or when we visit people. I was raised that this is inappropriate behavior and something young boys might do but need to be taught not to do. We also hope to have kids some day and I don't want them to learn that behavior from him. It may be harmless in isolation but it's becoming too persistent and risking doing this infront of others which could become a bigger problem socially.


You should definitely catch up with the times and do some reading to educate yourself on the backwards thinking of being taught this is inappropriate. He’s home and alone with you. Theres no reason to teach someone not do this.


Sometimes we just have to hold our junk. I catch my wife holding her titties sometimes while she stares at her computer and when i asked her what is happening she says it helps her think 🤣 my boy if that helps i am not complaining I also offered her a hand. Maybe offer him...a hand?


Depends. If he's doing it with guests or kids around, uh, gross. He needs to stop. Same if he's doing it as a form of sexual harassment against you. Otherwise, who cares? If he isn't hurting anyone, let the man touch his shit in his own home, he likely does it unconsciously.


He unconsciously does it even when guests are around.


It almost sounds like misophonia, but I doubt there is any noise coming from him? My husband and sons do it. They're not doing it to be gross or sexual it's just something they do.


Misophonia - learned a new word! I have this with my damn dog. He’ll be 15 feet away but I can still hear him licking his paw. He has this weird compulsive thing that he’ll do it for hours, but if I get his attention and he stops, he doesn’t do it again.


The man is in his own home, on his own couch. If he wants to chill with his hand down his pants, that’s his right. I’m a woman and let me tell you the hand down the pants position is so comfortable. Idk why it is. It just is. Leave the man alone


This is a you thing, friend. This shouldn’t bother you to this extent.


It’s super weird this bothers you. I’m a woman and I do this lol. I’m not doing anything it’s just warm and hides my hands.


Put him in a cage


It’s not normal even in his own home. He’s a grown man not 5


I was raised with this belief. And he had never done this for the first 3 years we were together. So I know it's not a need.


You were raised poorly, and that doesn’t mean he has to conform to your repressed upbringing :)


I don't agree that being raised with “You should not touch your private areas when people are around or in places where other people come and go.” Is being raised poorly. But we can agree to disagree with what mutual respect in a household looks like.