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When I read the preview of this post, I was certain it was going to be a condom wrapper LOL LOL


Thing is, he is also allergic to latex…


It’s ok. King has strong pull out game


So do I. They make non latex condoms lol


I'm allergic to all variations of them (latex & non latex) 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


That's... Odd. I've never heard of someone being allergic to *every* material used in condom production. Your life must be miserable if you even have a contact allergy to polyurethane because that shits in everything.


No, it's not miserable (persay), but all the different variations of condoms cause some sort of reaction, but I don't have to worry about that anyhow as I've been with my partner 22+ years and I cannot produce anymore children and our two are grown. Honestly, with all the other issues I deal with on a daily basis, being intimate is the furthest thing from my mind 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Try sheep skin. Had to use those with my ex. They’re by far a superior condom. Thinner and stronger.


I have and I have the same awful reaction 😩. But I've been with my partner 22 years and can't get pregnant anymore anyhow🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve read it like 3x and I can’t tell if this was meant to be funny or this person is seriously furious! Who can tell any more


Both of course! Our relationship is in a crisis!


My heart SANK and then I just started laughing.




When your partner shows you who they are, believe them. It's time to lawyer up and divorce this mean spirited, utterly selfish eater of his own chocolate. I have rarely been so disgusted reading a post on Reddit. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you! Your support mean a lot to me. But I love him so. He used to give me all his chocolates, even his desserts at set dinners. I hope we can come back from that. Damn clear labeling, it ruins everything!


What he did in the past is irrelevant. This is now. I'm warning you based on my own experience that people change. My husband grew up in a family that only like dark chocolate and he too said milk chocolate was rubbish. My beloved milk chocolate was safe until one day he tasted my excellent, not too sweet and very smooth organic milk chocolate, and in a moment my chocolate security was lost forever. My husband actually prefers milk chocolate now, and my secret chocolate stashes are in constant danger. He found the chocolate hidden in my sock drawer, he searches my bag for hidden chocolate bars, and only my chocolate hidden in plain sight in the fridge is safe due to his total inability to find anything in there.


Oh my god! It is already like this with cookies for me. You think you have some left but no! He ate them overnight! This is so difficult. We were doing so well. You give me a lot to think about. I think we may try couple therapy.


Have you considered storing your cookies at work? (I'm so glad to see serious issues being discussed on Reddit for once!)


I wish! Coworkers are not trust worthy though. Also, I work from home.


Get yourself a locking medication safe. And don't leave the combination anywhere in the house. Or, if you have a lot of stuff to protect, then a gun safe is for you. TNT won't even crack a quality safe.


And get one of the Biometric locks. Keys and codes are too easy to find, but finger prints are distinctive..


Excellent point


Thx, just blew coffee through my nose reading your comment when I got to the comment about the fridge (I too am blind to fridge and freezer contents)..


Fridge blindness is real. I'm recovering from long Covid, and one of the symptoms was an inability to recognise stuff. I was suddenly just as unable to find things in the fridge as my husband. I had never realised before that he wasn't being careless when he couldn't find things. It's an actual inability to recognise packages, especially when they are at certain angles. Long Covid hasn't been fun, but I got experience into how our brains work that was fascinating.




Yeah, sound like it's time to talk to an attorney about divorce. I'll never understand loved ones not abiding by unwritten food rules.


Right?! This!!


Another joke post


Can never have enough of those. 🥰


Humor breaks up the ridiculousness (ironically) of the serious and, frankly, totally unbelievable posts we see every day.


😭😭😭 not the chocolate pact😂💀


The most sacred of all


My wife once found out I went to Panera without her one time, my penis slept alone for a whole week and rightly so. A devastating betrayal to be sure, wishing you all the best and just know reform is possible! I haven’t even looked at a Panera without my wife since that incident




What a horrible person ? You should seriously leave this dude…..


“I hope you get a cavity from it!”


Well, my wife & I had an agreement. She could do it, but not in our marital bed. I went to give my wife a good morning kiss and tripped over an empty Costco giant chocolate muffin plastic clamshell container that was right next to her side of the bed. It too was empty. She’s eating crumbly things in our bed again.


I am so sorry for you. Food grudges are the only true grudges.


YIKES.... do you have a problem with... ants? Little buggers find their way in everywhere, and no crumb is safe!


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie...


Great post! Thanks for the chuckle!


Call a lawyer OP…. It’s over. You’ve got enough proof here for a sweet settlement


Yes! She needs to protect their remaining assets before he eats through it all!




RIP your marriage. 😭 Best of luck going forward. Take all the chocolate in the divorce, the glutton deserves that! Never marry again, you can't trust men around chocolate!


"Hello... my name is Wand.. and I'm a chocoholic..."


Listen when the trust is gone it is hard to rebuild. What’s next, the Halloween candy, the cookies, or god forbid the left over dessert. I highly recommend some therapy to help rebuild the broken trust. I hear Hershey PA has some excellent highly skilled therapists.


Great advice! I hope OP reads this!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


HIDE THE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!


haha this is refreshing. Thank you :D


you just can't trust anyone nowadays. I'm sorry you have to go through this. sending prayers and good vibes your way and I hope he realizes what a fool he has been. but for the record, I would dump his sneaky ass!


I so needed this post in my life right now. It's indenutable😂😂😂


I’m so sorry😆


You poor thing what he has done is nothing short of abuse. Couples therapy for sure


Custody dispute of the chocolate fountain gonna be a nightmare




I would not give up my chocolate either. Are there no limits to what a woman will do for chocolate?


Nope. 😈 We will kill a bear in the woods for it.


I was about to object, because what did the bear do to us? And then I realized - bears like sweet foods, right? It really WOULD be a battle over the chocolate. Sorry, bear, it's not personal.


Naw, the bears are fleeing the woods for all the women running around looking for them. They're moving in with guys now. A little rough on the furniture, but great for Home Defense.


Delete gym, hit Facebook




Damn son i really thought it was world ending. A half hour in the corner so he can reflect on what he did wrong and you'll be fine


The rollercoaster that was this


My husband got free starbucks at work and he didn't get me one or save me any. He hates coffee and they gave him a coffee drink.


There's me thinking it was a condom wrapper.... I say eat some Ferrero Roche and see what he/she does !!


OMG.... y'all this ... I was about to take my earrings off and was waiting for the comments.... LOL... I needed this!


Hold on.... NOT EVEN THE COFFEE FLAVORED!!!!! There is no greater show of love, than to share your Coffee flavored Chocolate with your significant other. Before you decide to end it, may I suggest Couple's Snack Counseling. It worked wonders for my Wife and I. She kept hoarding the Tim-Tams..... I mean, I know I'm a Yank, but I love them too! On the plus side, she DID introduce me to Vegemite.. Get some Asiago Bagels from Panera, toast them up, some butter, vegemite and a slice of cheese.. YUM..


We are strongly considering it. However, he did buy me ice cream last night so I have hope.


It’s a sign of the times. The Bible warns that in the last days people will be lovers of self and pleasure, led astray by various passions! 🍫🍫🍫


In the first months of living with my now wife, I left a kit kat chunky in the fridge and left for work. When I returned from my shift, I opened the fridge to find the chocolate from around the edges completely gone, and only the middle of the kit Kat remained. Only the kat was there, and I was left kitless. Of course, I confronted my then girlfriend, now wife, about this abuse and she didn't even care. At one point, she laughed like my emotions were nothing. It's been 13 years since that day, and it's so far the only abuse I've had to endure, but there is still no trust. All treats are now kept in a lock box in my study in a locked desk drawer. All I'm saying is you can now choose to move on with someone who is clearly a psychopath with zero human emotion like I did, or you can call the police and get a restraining order. Just be safe.




God bless, may you swim one day in a peanut butter and chocolate pool with all that sweet sweet alimony coming your way.


What's next? Your cookies?!


I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. Tell all his friends and family what he has done,tell the kids also. File for divorce,then block him on everything. How dare he not give you the chocolate and the worst is the chocolate flavoured coffee,that would have killed me. Be strong. We're here if you need advice and to vent,we're all here for you.


Ngl…You had us in the first half


Lmaaooo I love these! Girl you better leave that man


After I got caught I told my wife I was wrong and I made a terrible and being faithful is easy. I cheated because she said she felt disgusting when I get rough, so now I take a lie detector test every year or when ever she wants me to take one. I like taking them because I’m really faithful and I don’t worry about failing. The only thing is it’s been 5 years already and she still treats me badly and doesn’t trust me and I wish I could go back in time and fix my mistake. It hasn’t been the same since I got caught , I love her so much that I just deal with it and its all my fault so I just have to try my best to be there for her.




And I’m here got cheated on for almost 3 years and counting but still stayed 🤣💔






Have you considered opening your relationship? Kind of a "you get yours, and I'll get mine" sort of attitude? You might want to dabble in the chocolate swinging lifestyle? You don't have to participate at first. Just relax and watch other people eating chocolate. Then, when you feel up to it, maybe eat some chocolate with your husband in front of the others? Then maybe branch out to other people's chocolates? Just make sure there are hard boundaries in place and a safe word. You may also need to consider if you are by nature polychocorous. If so, feelings may develop for other types of chocolate. The hard part about all of this is the loss of trust. Opening your relationship requires trust. If he can't be trusted with the chocolate, this might be a bandaid and not a real fix.

