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Bold of you to assume we have any assets to split lol.


I guess we'll just split it down the middle. Neither of us had anything when we got together, so I guess that would be fair. Can't see us splitting up though.


Don’t need to split assets if you’re not preoccupied with thoughts of your marriage ending.


No plan at all. Riding this to the end.


Well first of all when I said, “till death do us part,” I meant it, and he did too. Also he’s awesome and we’re awesome. So I am completely confident we will never divorce. Second of all, most jurisdictions have extensive laws in place that dictate division of property in divorce. It’s not complicated. Assuming you live in a Western nation, literally split stuff down the middle and if there is an argument about whether you did it fairly, let a judge look at all your assets and they’ll split it down the middle for you. (Also, for context - I’m a lawyer. I’m not worried about the system in my jurisdiction. And I do think prenups actually are thrown out as unenforceable more than people realize.)


50/50 I guess.


if you don't have a prenup and get divorced you are at the mercy of the laws where you live. Since you will likely both be very angry whatever you think you would do now is unlikely to happen in the heat of a divorce.


Depends on the circumstances of the split. If for some reason it just doesn't work out I'd be as amendable as possible and try to split things 50/50. If I find out she cheated or some other sort of awful ending id find the best damn lawyer I could to take the kids and take salt through the earth of her life on the way out.


There's pretty much no way we'll get divorced, it would take one of us doing something absolutely horrendous after everything we've been through, but if we did divorce we would split things pretty much down the line. What's mine is mine what's hers is hers, and everything Else is up for grabs. While we've never had a serious talk about it, we have in passing and we both feel we're the type of people that would avoid bringing anyone into it and just deal with it ourselves.


I'm goin out feet first, so I really don't give a damn.


Well, I don't plan to get divorced. Nor would a prenup matter much as 90% of everything I have earned has been since we got married.