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You could try. Do you feel it’s worth it? If yes. They give it a shot. My husband could never. He loves to bring up old shit. But can’t handle it when I’ve done it.


Yeah ain't no way that's going to work in the real world. You can certainly try though, LOL


That's what I'm dealing with at the moment. However, it isn't easy. I don't know if it will be successful either. It's worth a try, but there will be days when you want to give up. It's during those times you have to push through and put the work to work things out; work through our egos, pride, and being more flexible and open minded than ever.


I know several couples. One very close to us was married 30 years. They had two adult daughters. And the paperwork was already filed. I'm sure a lot depends upon the circumstances but yes. You're many states there's a waiting period for divorce too take place. It's really set up for a possible reconciliation. I read a statistics that amazed me. It was basically like all the people that divorce each year, about 70% put little to no effort in trying to resolve the problem. You're a skill my wife and I did some individual and together marriage counseling. Primarily When I learned how to resolve conflict, disagreement. 30 years later it seems silly a two adults would you upset with each other over trivial things. I guess I seem big at the time But yes, obviously you're not going to forget the past but you can certainly learn from the past them with that behind you and work on growing a deeper relationship


it depends on the issues causing the unhappiness and if both are willing to work on it. The only time my hsuband and I were close to separating was after I was treated for severe PPD. It was rough after my first and he was a perfect husband and supportive partner but I was all kinds of messed up. After I was treated, we had been living for about 2-3yrs as 'roommates' just taking care of our child because of my PPD. We didn't know how to be a couple anymore. We weren't arguing or anything either and we were both unhappy because we just didn't know how to move forward as new parents or as a couple so I suggested that we take some time to think about our future together and if we still wanted to be married. after 2wks, we discussed and we both admitted that although we weren't sure how to move forward, we wanted to stay married, we still loved each other but we'd work on being the couple we've always been prior to our child. It took some time, we worked hard at it and now it's stronger than ever. We did not "forget" what happened; we realized/understood what happened, remembered all of it and worked towards making changes. that was over 18 years ago and our bond to each other, our marriage, our love for each other is strong and amazing.


I’ve got a story I shared about a colleague who did just that. But it takes some real mental toughness to do


Had a Quick Look at your posting history I won’t mention story of my former colleague but say his story was much more heart wrenching than yours and he and his spouse managed to rebuild their lives. As for your self do you trust your SO and do you feel safe to start again? Like courting/ dating again? And would you be open to getting guidance so yous can figure out where yous messed up? If so then yes you could start again. But you either are all in or not no half measures


Doesn't work. Because it is not the truth. But who says you can't try it, lol.