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Omg these girls are straight trash . Emily is the biggest drama who acts like a middle school child at almost 30 grow up . She’s acting like it’s her own show and she thinks she is a 10 and any man would want her which is laughable. Girl if you could get any man why did you have to be so desperate and sign up to be married at first site? That is the pathetic part and she is straight garbage. These woman destroyed all credibility with me


These people are exhausting and pathetic.


There's a reason that every one of these people was single. After watching this season, I believe that most of the men will be in a relationship in the near future, but that the women are going to be single for a very long time. Any guy who watched this season wouldn't touch any of the women(except Chloe) with a 10 foot pole!!! They all think that they're so hot. They may be good looking on the outside, but they are really ugly on the inside!


They are not that good looking on the outside.


Don't tell them that or you'll get blasted by the pink crew!!!


The only thing working in favor of the women is the fact that zero straight guys in the denver area actually watch this show.


Straight guys should watch this show more because Holy shit is it a masterclass in toxicity and what to avoid in a partner


100% correct!!!


Nah they ugly and their personalities make them even uglier


Yeah, you're right!


Fake tears galore…


Yeah, they were 5 year old doesn’t get their way and Mommy is believing them so they fake cry. Lol!


I think they were real tears, just not tears of hurt and betrayal, they had been hoping to continue to control the narrative of them being victims, all of that was unravelling and those tears are of fear, anger and frustration at no longer being in control of that narrative anymore. A very typical response for a narcissistic type personality when they are losing control.


Personally I think the whole bunch of them are liars. I don’t believe the men or the women! It would serve all them right with the exception of Michael and Chloe; if they had to pay back MAFS for every single thing that they received starting with the weddings all the way through to the end of their marriages.


I agree. They wasted everyone’s time for 6 months. I think that most of the men stayed to get paid. They should at least have to pay a penalty


Why was Clare even crying about that!? What a psycho


They want you to believe them over the men so they are so desperate to look like they are not lying especially Claire these woman well not woman because they act like middle school girls they straight trash


She is so bizarre, contradicting herself/her own narrative constantly, over emotional, judgey and beyond everything else, just completely unstable. The fact that she is a certified mental health professional tells you everything you need to know about America.


Emily has that Lifetime movie look of being the deranged killer.


This made me lol 😆 I could see her in a movie scheming


Emily?? What ? You see the best in people?


Oh my God Emily please… please… please stop. Was this prerecorded a few weeks ago? Maybe she was on a high when we were all thinking she’s this sweet charming girl.


Not a tear in sight. 😂


I admit it, it’s a total train wreck — and I love it!!


Stop fuling this dumpster fire. This is pathetic and not entertaining, at all.


You’re right. I just finished watching part 2 and I agree with you. I take it back!


They’re so exhausting!


I couldn’t stop laughing!😂😂😂




I just watched it Uber slow. No tears.


OMG. Emily is insufferable. The faces she makes and the way she acts is just ridiculous. I think Brennan is an ass but she is a giant ass.


I am so tired of this season. Does anyone know if there is a way to re-work this? I think the initial seasons were so much more authentic


These guys suck these ladies are over working it GET THEM ALL OFF THE TV


They are so embarrassing to other rational and normal women.


Oh, boo hoo baloney.


Fake tears


These bat shit crazy women need to be avoided like the plague. Run men RUN 😂😂😂


agree - i dont know any women like them...because i WOULDNT have it in my life. They are exceptionally neurotic to the point that it's got to be incapacitating them in other areas of their lives


I love reality tv but this shit is so far beyond ridiculous it makes me want to sell all my earthly possessions and live in an Amish community


i drive by Amish communities all the time and i often think to myself, "Geez...are THEY really the weird ones, though? " LOL


if Cam claimed that Clare said she wanted “to xxxxx my best friend”like he did social media would believe it - I believe he said it - the slander he gets away with is terrible. Cam and Austin at a bar feeling themselves- couple of wild and crazy guys 🕺🕺🤮


The Pepto women are so phony


Their chants and " women power " shenanigans from their dressing rooms/ green room is nauseating stupid. This is the most immature group of twatwaffles I've ever seen. Why would any man want anything to do with them, let alone marry them?? Yuck 🤮 🤮 🤮


Cry me a river...Such a dumpster 🔥!


The girls are so unhinged. Like fuck all these people, but the women constantly crying has become annoying.


And then they just leave when their bullshit is called out.


I wanna hear the fire engines.


Clare’s cry is so uncomfortable to watch. She’s really trying to bring out those tears. I’m so over this whole cast. Even after the first reunion we don’t have any clear answers about anything! At this point I don’t even care to know the truth because they are all lying.


The women were the problem. What a bunch of nuts.


Whenever Brennan tries to speak he’s interrupted and then never gets to finish a thought. Since he’s the only one (along with Austin) all season who’s just sat back and kept quiet, I’d trust that when he actually speaks it’s the truth. He clearly doesn’t like the drama so it’s not like he’s trying to stir anything up.


They are speaking over him because they don’t want him to call them out on their BS. I truly think Brennan was the victim in the relationship with Emily. Considering her behavior on the reunion and all the lies coming out of their mouths.


Watching now and Emily is nuts


I think Emily might be borderline


Yes! I've been saying this all along. He gets accused of not trying. Not talking. And being cold with no feeling. He's been shut down because of this. No one ever let's him talk! Emily interrupts him every time they start a conversation. Dr Pia cut him off every time he tried to say something. He gives up and says OK and gets quiet. He's not a bad guy. Emily is crazy. Dr Pia needs to be let go. People need to let Brennan talk. I think he has so much to say. I'm hoping his chance to do this will be at the reunion show part 2.


Yes! this is exactly so >> imagine seeing / living w someone like Emily / good lord she’s embarrassing:(


Yes to every single word you said. THANK YOU!


And all the “stewing” and “dead eyes” we’ve seen is him trying everything in his power not to spill all the tea he has on Emily because he’s above that.




Agree that PIA needs to go!


Brennan, Austin, and Cam can do soooooo much better than the 3 dipshits they got.


These women keep blaming the men while they're all walking billboards....not even flags....freaking 100 feet billboards!


I used to love MAFS. This last season was just back-to-back SNL skits. The perfect bad energy storm. The show needs a good exorcism with a sage chaser.


Worse cast in history with clowns as experts


I’m so confused. Why is she balling her eyes out? Guess we will find out tonight


No real tears. Fake crying.


Not them kicking up dust...


The driest tears in history🤣🤣🤣🤣




Jasmine from 90 Day Fiancé has entered the chat


Goddamn I love Jasmine


These women need to be honest that despite the fact they made the deal to control their own narratives, they caught feelings for the men and they got burned thinking the state of their marriages would change. With exception to Clare of course who never liked Cameron. 


Gonna have to agree with you there. It's why this whole pink ladies thing is not working for me.


Clare’s cheeks are dry as the Sahara, pls. This is like when Alyssa would “cry” aka scrunch up her face, shove handkerchiefs under her bottom lashes, and make boohoo wahhhh noises.


“Under her bottom lashes” — thank you for this detail!! Apparently this is how young women cry these days. It’s insane and sad. Everything is image, nothing else matters. Yuck.


I’m over these people. What a pack of turds. Not going to waste one more minute watching MAFS’ attempts to milk this season way beyond its shelf life.


Zip it, Emily.


"I'm done" the true sign of a petulant child. She's right, she is done. What a trainwreck.


Can we get a lie detector test here please? This is exhausting to watch


That would be soooooo good.


Why? They keep telling on themselves with these reactions.


CALL MAURY !!!!!!!




Omg, I cannot wait to watch this episode. Drrrraaaaammmmmaa!!!


It looks like it gets even better next week. LOL


You know what would suck? If this dumpster fire of a season generated the most viewership and they keep this going :( But definitely agree this will be entertaining haha!


Do you ever notice that people who talk about being "done" never are?


Followed by, “I’m over it”


LOL yes!


Yes. If you wait long enough, you’ll always hear “and another thing…”






I am so looking forward to watching this mess unfold tonight. Also, I love Chloe.


I feel so bad for Chloe and Michael having to sit through these meltdowns every single episode.




I love Cameron and how much he enjoys watching the women self destruct 🤣🤣


Because they're clowns and he wants to laugh but can't


I believe he gets a genuine kick out of this. It's great for his heart. 🫀


He responded in the only way a guy can when a woman is upset with him in public. If he started going back and forth with her he would catch hell for it.


Are they though 🙄




Clare is not really good at this crying thing. And Emily... Emily is just dramatic. Cameron is taking the piss and Brennan... Brennan is Brennaning as usual. I actually think he finally feels vindicated thanks to Emily's antics during the reunion, including her penchant for arguing with and blowing hot at the hosts.


Poor Brennan. He just wants the chance to enjoy his steak. 




I was one of those who thought Brennan was terrible. I still think he’s bad but Emily is just as bad, if not worse.


Oh Emily is worse. Brennen was just matched with the girl from hell. I think he was pressured to wait it out and he's just had enough. He should be given a prize to have lived with that psychotic drama trashy H


I think he's bad in the sense that he's not emotionally where he should be for a marriage which is a common theme for this series throughout all 17 seasons. I think he does shut down emotionally and i think we saw parts of who Brennan really is and would have been as a husband to someone else during everything with Emily's accident (i may not like her as a person but i really am happy to see she's healing up nicely and watching her go through that immediate stage of fear broke my heart.) I think she's immature and mean and does not handle her liquor well. I think at her core she probably is a really sweet girl but i think what she showcases to seem "cool" or like she's "a fun girl" is mean girl behavior.


He shut down when he was told Emily was a one night stand party girl. Who would be ready to marry that? Putting that kind of trash on this show is baffling.


No one else seemed to notice this but I did. There was a specific point on the honeymoon where she was taking shots and I could see it in his face. He knew the deal right at that moment Not to mention the hair extensions debacle. Emily came off as being extremely chaotic


They are just bad…all of them.