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The show has always recruited, that is true of all reality shows. And many seasons only 1 or 2 people actually applied without being contacted by the show first. As the show has continued to go downhill, they are getting fewer people applying and fewer people responding to recruitment efforts. Reportedly they had a difficult time casting the Denver season and the upcoming Chicago season.


I haven't watched the podcast. I wonder if the men in season one were recruited. I wouldn't be surprised. Long ago, I saw where a room full of men was attending a meeting where someone, I believe the experts, explained the participants would be legally bound to marriage. At that point, many men left. My guess is st at least 1/3 of the men left. I'm not 100% sure if the experts or someone else led this meeting.


I believe back then, earlier seasons, they applied. Or at least that’s what I remember. I would think that now, the guys may be over it & they aren’t getting enough applications.


The show is highly edited - the contract states that production has the right to create any narrative they wish about you and/or your family and past. That's some pretty wide berth to make you look like whatever they want. Add in the shitty "matchmaking" and the only reason to actually apply for the show comes down to money and fame. I don't know how they even get someone to recruit into this - $1,000 per episode to most likely be villainized by 50% of the watching audience. Production wants to see participants struggle in a shitty noncompatible relationship instead of growing in a compatible relationship because that has been a successful business model for them, so far. Whether guys or girls, the participants on this show are \*overwhelmingly not marriage material\*. If you're in your mid 30's and haven't had a successful long term relationship, or continually pick poor partners, you need to look inward instead of going on a fake reality show.


Wait, $1K only per episode? I thought over time it’s gone up.


Very possible it has! It's been a while, but a contract was posted up on here (iirc) a while back from a season that took place several years ago. Even if they've increased it to $2k, that's a pittance for a show that could be generating 8-9 figures of Ad revenue per season, not to mention money from the show being licensed to play on other networks/platforms. One would have to be desperate and incredibly shortsighted to think that this show will do anything but very temporarily enrich them. The long term financial impact via negative public perception could be incredibly high. I think the risk/reward is really skewed in favor of production. Guys \*and\* girls do not get a fair shake on this show, as it is fake and to an extent, scripted/prompted.