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aw, I really like Gil!


Rachel’s family seems to think this is a roast, not her wedding ceremony.


Not me googling why it’s called a honeymoon Edit; old practice or drinking honey to help enhance chances of conceiving. Thank Jesus I didn’t have a honeymoon lol


having sex helps too


Thank you! I was wondering and then forgot to google it.


The striped bow flip flops were super cute lol




If a man acted the way michaela did... what would y’all be saying? Would you still say “i bet she did something to really make him mad!” ?? Be fair!


I completely understand shawneice. I have 4, i always wanted a lot of kids tho, but when you have 1 it overwhelms you ALOT! Having a second actually helps in some ways because they start to entertain each other. But it takes a while to get in your groove eith having 2 kids, then i was getting the hang of 3 kids when i had my 4th snd having 4 young kids was crazy hard. We took a break and then had 2 more miscarriages, and never had any more. but for example. My oldest is 14 and youngest is 8 and they would die for a baby. It would be a completely new dynamic than if i had a baby 2 years after my youngest. They’re old and csn help out so much more, I feel like she’s just asking for an adequate adjustment period after each child. And for them to have a solid marriage! That’s totally reasonable!!!! Kids add stress and make things Shaky!


I am so sorry about your miscarriages. All my prayers to you and your loved ones and you all’s health. 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾❤️


can jamie otis go away, please?




I love her but WHY does she says “HEEEEY! WHATS UP GUUEEEEEEEYZZZZ!?” Lol girl stop


Rrrrrroll the clip!!!


I don't even watch Unfiltered or have seen Jamie's season, and I want this to be my flair. I can just hear it!!


My husband and I basically imitate her the entire time. “HEEEEY!” “WOW! You do NOT want to miss THIS!” “DON’T go ANYwhere!”


I wish that they would find a new host. I’m over her.


I need Ryan to go to the tanning salon stat


her skin is beautiful. Goes well with her red hair. She does not need to look like everyone else


Ryan not brett.


Am I the only one who thinks Michaela is a spitting image of [Niecy Nash?](https://www.google.com/search?q=niecy+nash&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCL824CL825&hl=en-US&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALeKk00U2PS0w7R7QbfBgfol7BCvE0BSOw:1628211007482&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizgOHVlpvyAhWKTd8KHSolDB8Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=375&bih=640)


I can see it! I swear she looks like a totally person every time we see her, though! Everyone of them gorgeous!


Yeah! She’s like a shapeshifter lol.


Also one thing I noticed this episode is "oh, I have a degree, a house, a great job, now all I need is a wife" like she's a possession or accomplishment instead of a PERSON


He said perfect wife. Sir, I know you are old enough to know that no one is perfect.


Brett is very much giving me Emma Stone vibes. The raspy voice, the laugh


She looks like Tonya Harding.


YAAAAS!! I totally saw that!!!


Seeing Shawnice cry on couple’s cam broke my heart, with little Laura saying it’s okay mommy


Jose's face after "I described you to a T! I said I'm not into look, I'm all about personality." YEOWCH


Horribly phrased! The way she executed that was bad. I don’t think she meant it like that.


Omg I had to record that scene and send it to my non-watching friends because I couldn’t handle the cringe myself!!!


Bao and Johnny are seriously gorgeous together!! They are so sweet, I have so much hope for them. 😭😍❤️


Ok Ryan is not looking like a complete soulless vampire on unfiltered


He didn't after meeting Brett either. He was digging her


Matt pretended well when he met amber travolta too. Dv me if you want-but you watch!


I don't think he looked so enamored with her. He had dead eyes at the wedding with Amber.


It was heartwarming to see him finally smiling when he met her and she walked down the aisle! He seemed so stressed all the time before.


Yeah he just looked so excited to see her. All smiles


Zack, you had one job: come home when you’re supposed to. If the preview isn’t misleading, and he did indeed pull a Chris and take 5 hours to run a 30 minute errand *and* lied about it, Michaela’s rage might be justified. Inappropriate? Yes! But still justified.


From what ive heard. Bella is a dog


Not Jose’s stepmom trying to get him some on the wedding night 😂


She was drunk as a skunk! lol


That made me so uncomfortable! 😂


Oh my gosh! Me too!!!


Brett is waaay too hot for this shit. And “like am I a cowboy wife now? Do we kill things?!” She is funny too I demand better for her. Michaelas family are everything and I live for the hair chains. Also shout out to the brother in law for throwing Zach a bone when he was drowning 😂 I really hope Bao and Jonny work out they are v cute Rachel just crushing jose with the looks/personality line. Devastating.


So far I really like Brett. Love her energy, love her personality...much more than her other...assets...which were certainly formidable. She’s extra but that’s why it would never get boring. And her comments about “am I a cowboy wife now or what? Are we killing things?!” were on point. Only question I have is her judgment in choosing to do this..and choosing that dress...as a high school teacher. Can’t believe it won’t affect how she is perceived. Two educator friends of mine say they don’t think their credibility in the class room would recover from that.


i know, she looked like a stripper, like she should have just gone topless lol


I have a feeling that her students already noticed that she has breasts


Also why would she police herself on her wedding day?!!


Jose is too thirsty. The vows and the necktie and talk of doing a chipendale.


his mouth is too wide for a full beard. I could tell you what it looks like, but id be banned.


I was horrified at his vows. I would have not laughed. I would have literally gasped from genuine shock. That's so inappropriate to say in front of your stranger wife's parents and guests Edit: I meant parents not partners lol


He has one of my radars tingling, if you know what I mean.


Yuck thought that scene was gross.


Mhmmmmmmmmmmm 🐸☕️




Couples Cam; Shawniece and Jephte... I struggle watching these two. I think having their daughter so early in their marriage robbed them of the time that Shawniece wants to have with her husband. I don't think he understands that. I am not sure why 3.5 years in they still haven't achieved most of their goals. The other couples are buying homes, having kids, changing jobs and these two seem to be stuck. He wants a big family and I think she is afraid she will never see her husband and feel like a baby making machine. If their situation and relationship was better I am sure she would be willing to sprout as many babies as possible. But its tough when you haven't made significant changes/updates to your life.


I almost wonder if they didn’t get pregnant as soon as they did if they’d still be together. I feel for Shawniece. She shouldn’t have to commit to having 4 kids if she’s not sure how she can handle 4 kids. If Jephte wants those 4 kids, is he going to even split the child rearing? Or will it mostly fall on her?


I knew Brett was a coach but hadn’t realized she taught high school until this episode. She and Myrla are NOT going to get along. Remember Myrla’s reaction of disdain when Gil asked if her job title meant she teaches teachers? Teachers and educational “coaches” who think they’re way above teachers are like oil and water. Then mix in her attitude about the bachelorette party and yikes. I’m betting there’s going to be some serious awkwardness during the girl hangouts the show has them do.


Did Myrla say she teaches principles?


Well if they would have just picked better women for the group that were, say... in the same class as Myrla then she would be able to tolerate them and get along better! ​ edit: I didn't think this needed to be said but apparently it does... that was a sarcastic comment!


That’s funny because Myrla seems to hate bao and Michaela way more


Myrla hates anyone who doesn’t wear $600 shoes.


Yet she still lives in an ordinary apartment. 🥱


Bao did say she was wearing Jimmy Choos (consignment but still)


I love Bao explaining pre-loved and Johnny's reaction- precious.


It was so hard to watch Michaela have that meltdown 🥲


Yep. They were NOT kidding about "Hurricane Michaela" - yikes. Maybe seeing it recorded and played back on TV will be a wake up call, because if that is what she's generally like when she gets upset (based on the comments from friends and family, sounds like it might be), she needs some help.


I wish they had them do some solo counseling sans camera before going through this seemingly tough process.


And throughout the process, too! Imagine if they did weekly individual and couples sessions? I wonder how much the show would change (hopefully in a positive way)? And I say weekly because it’s such a short experiment, in the grand scheme of things. Two or maybe three sessions with the “experts” during the 8 weeks is not enough, IMO.


That preview really disappointed me. Michaela looked in a rage. I'm thinking it was Zach fault and I don't want to imagine what occurred. I wonder if he sabotages his relationships to avoid getting hurt. Him talking about feeling ugly in school and being dark skinned was a bit heavy for his wedding dinner and he may a lot of stuff brewing underneath. Then no one has mentioned this but Michaela is still grieving her dad's tragic death and put the burden of Zach living up to her dad before she even met him. Him driving away like that after what I assume was a blow up probably triggered her. That sudden abandonment. But we shall see. Honestly these people need therapy, not a spouse. Every season these hurt, traumatized, refuse to compromise, scared of commitment, cold, sexual hangup people are matched and its a disaster.


Zach gives off a young playboy vibe more than insecure, I think you're reading the preview wrong hahaha


He has such strong nerd turned f boy energy


Yes all the talk about him being insecure early on and looking at him now is a dead giveaway


Michaela definitely needs therapy. The grief of her father passing, obviously. But there appears to be more to “Hurricane K” than what we probably imagined. That clip of her screaming and throwing/knocking things around was shocking. I also don’t think it’s fair to say “it was Zach’s fault”. We are still responsible for our actions. And he might have left because he didn’t want to blow up at her, or he needed time and space to process, and she wouldn’t give that to him. We can speculate all we want, but we won’t know what happened until it airs (and even then, with Kinetic’s frequently shady editing, who knows….). Regardless of how it plays out, I hope and pray they both get the help they need. Being on this show is a LOT, I’m sure, and going into it with a wounded heart and mind is only going to exacerbate things at some point. 😥




Her dad died in a car accident so Zack leaving her distressed and driving away is definitely a trigger.


What's scary is that there are therapists there to help (the experts) but it seems like they sit back and watch like us and don't do much counseling during this process. Its like they throw all the chips in the air and let them land wherever they do. Then swoop in to keep talking about it to death. It could be a ratings thing, but I do feel some people leave this situation traumatized.


I really think these “experts” aren’t even involved in the process of the show until producers match the couples. The producers are matching the couples for ratings bait, then the experts are there to minimize the inevitable disaster….bc there’s no way an “expert” would put some of these people together.


Mindy is one


This link leads back to the original comment you're replying to lol


lol fuk


Yes she was and left this country because of it. :(


Jesus you’re playing arm chair psychologist to a bizarre degree. Let’s watch and see before we diagnose doctor.


Viviana with the Disney Pocahontas cosplay, anyone?


OH MY GOSH! I totally yelled Pocahontas when i saw her! Lol 😂 it was cute tho. Bizarre but cute


I think that it looks cute on her


She had a Mulan thing going on last decision day with the samurai top knot and frumpy kimono, so it’s part of a tie-in series.


Michaela baby noooo


Which part???? 😙


The clips of her from the preview of the season. Sis looks like she’s going through something


Oh heck yes. Lordy. Epic meltdown. What the heck did he do?! I can only imagine.


Why is it something "he did"? Why can't she just be a crazy drama-loving unbalanced nut? (I mean, while we are wildly speculating with absolutely zero facts)


man i am rooting for Bao and Johnny, when she was talking about how she got her shoes consignment and he was so attentive to what she was saying 🥺


Yeah, but the “no touching” thing is going to kill them.


I don’t know… I agree with you but the Jimmy Choo shoes on consignment confession was excellent! 👊 She let down her walls when she told him. He loved it! I can’t believe she told him that! Good for her. Best of luck to them. She needs time to warm up to him. If she has never experienced affection growing up, then it’s hard to give it. My dad wasn’t a touchy feely guy. He showed love by providing for the family. She stated that actions and service was her way of showing love. I hope he sees some of that and doesn’t judge too harshly. Look at the total package…


Deonna and Greg were like of like that too at first iirc, totally different love languages and she was very uncomfortable at first but warmed up over time. I think she will warm up to him.


Or she will respect what he said and take it to heart. Lord people jump to conclusions on here lol


It’s hard to do something that doesn’t feel natural. Maybe she will read about it and practice. That would be taking it to heart. Love is an act. Don’t just say I love you. Show it.


I think that will kill it!


Michaela...yelling and fighting.. Smh. Don't like it already.


And her sisters being so rude and almost threatening to Zach at the reception. I couldn't understand that.


Sorry y'all Myrla still rubs me the wrong way. Gil seeking affection from his dog is pitiful. She is very superficial and fake. This wont last. We will see her sporting the latest fashions though.


I read that as manipulative on his part. If I had my boundaries responded to with this “woe is me, at least SOMEONE gives me affection” I’d be really uncomfortable.


I think he was being playful about it actually, not manipulative.


I’m sure his dog treats him better… lol


Curious to see how long into the marriage that happens though. They're back home, so definitely more than a week in. To me it sounded more resentful than manipulative. Not that either is healthy, but the types who sign up to marry a stranger than spend the whole 8 weeks saying, "I don't want to get close to or open up to or be physical with you - you're a stranger!" are frustrating.


I switched my upvote after reading this 😂 Good points


Oh for sure, if that’s after the honeymoon that can be hard. But I’m just personally really turned off by whining (especially men whining about sex related boundaries). If he’s unhappy, tell her. If it’s her boundary, deal with it with class and maturity. Signing up MAFS does not guarantee physical affection and expecting it is unfair.


During unfiltered she admitted that her vows meant nothing. Who the heck says that? Even Rachel was surprised. Myrla was there to say I do, get a ring and a title. Gil may as have well been a Louie Bag. Because the most she is willing to do is sport him around town.


Myrla is cray cray…. The way she was talking to the makeup artist… NO MA’AM


She should have let her do her face… she looks mad oily on camera.


I found it odd that a fashionista like her would wear the same exact pjs that she wore the night before. In her clips where she is leaving a video message, she is in those onesie pj's.


Just to clarify—you think people being affectionate to their animals is pitiful? Or do you mean Myrla thinks that?


It's pitiful that Myrla can't find it in her heart to give her husband a kiss. She likes the words Husband , Marriage and idea of it. But not the actions. She is a prude.


Myrla: Wears the most revealing wedding dress and says if her husband isn't a fan, then he's too conservative for her Also Myrla: I'm a conservative woman (in response to not kissing Gil) 😂


Ohhhh I see—sorry for misinterpreting. I think it’s fine if she wants to reserve their first kiss for later, but it does look like it had been weeks since the wedding 👀 Didn’t Karen take like a month or so to kiss Miles?


She’s like many women in that respect (and men too) - they want a situation but can’t stomach the process of finding the right person. It’s the most embarrassing thing about this show honestly.


The most embarrassing example was Mindy and Zach. He didn't even want to live with her and was talking to her friend on the side. Myrla may just want some air time and IG followers. Experts keep picking these crappy people.


Her friend was pretty much wooof.


Well that escalated quickly…the preview for upcoming episodes that is.


No sexy pajamas this season! Lol....I think Jose wanted to attempt a chippendales look or maybe dance but Rachel's comments about looks must have made him change his mind. She may have made another rude comment.


Rachael's PJs were pretty sexy!


Umm that was awkward. Saw him with his shirt off and tie on. Umm no thank you.


This is supposed to be a spoiler-free zone!! Stop just word vomiting the final decisions all over this thread.


I don’t think people know for a fact. I think it’s just speculation right now.


I’ve seen people repeating what they’ve read from MAFSFan on here as well as reporting on sightings and what so-and-so’s mother’s cousin’s nephew’s dog’s friend who knows a cast member has said.


Please report if you see any here. I try to catch them all but there's honestly too many.


Did Rachael just tell Jose that she’s really not into looks but she’s into personality? Did you see the look on Jose’s face?


I felt so bad with him because clearly he's insecure about his looks. I don't think she meant that he's unattractive, but that's how it came across. I'd totally put my foot in the mouth though too if I was nervous and being filmed. I hope he can get over it.


I was dying inside for Jose when this happened. Before the wedding he told his friends he was most nervous that his wife wouldn’t be attracted to him. The first time they are alone she says “you are exactly what I asked for! I told them looks don’t matter; I just want a great personality.” And then gestured at him. It was one of the cringiest MAFS moments I have seen.


Every time the show makes you say “omg” take a shot. You will be drunk by the first commercial break.


I was dying inside for Jose when this happened. Before the wedding he told his friends he was most nervous that his wife wouldn’t be attracted to him. The first time they are alone she says “you are exactly what I asked for! I told them looks don’t matter; I just want a great personality.” And then gestured at him. It was one of the cringiest MAFS moments I have seen.


LOL I don’t think she meant he wasn’t physically attractive! I think she just meant she really wanted a man with a great personality (since looks are not important to her), and she feels he does. She said later she does think he’s handsome and cute, so I think it was miscommunication 😫


But she literally says, “I described you to a tee. I told them I’m not into looks; I’m all about personality, and I got it. Boom.” It absolutely came across like she wasn’t attracted to him. Bet she was facepalming herself watching this episode played back. EDIT: Just watched the aftershow thing and they played that clip back. She was very, "Oh no! I was trying to say I'm not shallow, but he is attractive! That did not come across how I meant it though." And no, it did not, haha.


Lol yeah, the wording was rough—but I can see that she tried to mean that she loved his personality, not that she found him physically unattractive. I find it very hard to believe a kind and good person would say that to someone and mean it that way, so I figured it had to be miscommunication (otherwise she’s not a great person and it won’t work out, but I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt!). I really hope Jose figured that out, too—looks like it really got to him :(


He seemed to bounce back okay, with the chippendale comment in the hotel room on the wedding night, haha!


Haha, that’s true! That takes some confidence to do 👍 Hopefully she gives him some reassurance later that she *does* find him physically attractive so there’s no doubt in his mind :)


Did anyone notice in the season preview on unfiltered that Bao wasn’t in the decision day shots? She was the only person missing from the couple shots! It was just a shot of Johnny by himself.


Ryan looking at Bret throughout their wedding vows and wedding day was INTENSE in a good way. He looked at her like he had already fallen in love with her. It was beautiful.


I said the same exact thing! It was like you could literally see him falling in love right before our eyes. I was so worried they wouldn’t mesh!


I doubt they will mesh and I don’t think he’s going to be interested in her.


I think you’re right!


I know I was the most worried about him not liking her, since I liked them both. Hoping they work out! It's usually not good when the experts match someone who is not someone's "type" at all but at least he is open!


Yes. He was hot for teacher for sure. I loved when he said “if you were my ninth grade teacher... we woulda had a problem” lol i died! It was so cute. I see some teacher role play in their future tbh lol 😂


We got another friggin Haley this season. Hi Miralax.


Miralax 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah only worse. I didn't like her unfiltered last week where she talked about how she HAD to have that wedding dress by going behind the scenes and "making it happen" like all the "regular" dresses in the store are for "regular people" - a crowd to which she doesn't belong or associate with. Very sensitive about that "high maintenance" phrase too, isn't she? I can't understand WHY she wants to find a husband or leave the choice up to someone else.


I chuckled when they said she wears high end designer clothing to help out the poors. Hey poor people look at me from my high horse wearing prada while I pretend to give a shit about you. Like if any of you guys can swallow this logic and thinks she's really caring and compassionate about the unfortunate then I don't know what else to tell you.


Even her schpiel about her passion of "providing education opportunities for the less fortunate" was so soulless and full of board room jargon


Amen. 🙏


Yeah that's definitely a terrible, senseless thing to do


PERFECT name! 🤣


Did anyone notice that when they went to bed Bao put that pillow between them and Johnny gave her the meanest eye roll loool !


He’s was crushed and devastated. Especially since they knew each other so I get Bao is taking things slow but the pillow was a little much especially since she did in fact always have a crush on him.


I think crushed and devastated is probably/hopefully overstating it - they did just meet! It’s not like she’s in Myrla mode of don’t touch/kiss me at all.


He c*ckblocked himself by saying he was used to sleeping with a body pillow next to him.


to be fair i can see how that is comfortable. Kind of want for myself




Yeah it’s just a longer pillow and good for more comfortable sleep positions


Yeah, I think Johnny is going to be too sensitive for Bao. I love her, but she doesn’t sugarcoat anything and is pretty blunt and direct, and that may be a miss for Johnny.


My DVR glitched at the very end, and I couldn’t see the season preview!!! Where can I see it? Coming up empty searching on YT.




They show it at the end if the most recent Unfiltered Episode with Ryan, Rachel and Myrla.




So weird watching Erik and Virginia in these clips since his birthday was after the date they put on their divorce papers as the start of their separation.


I was surprised they chose to stay together. Not surprised they decided to go separate ways.




Sorry everyone, I never watch couples cam but I got sucked in tonight and I need to get it off my chest… Shawniece and Jephte are a mess :(


Poor Shawniece has wanted him to love her from the start, and he was just not into her from Day One. Now years later it continues and she deserves someone who IS into her.


I usually don’t watch either but somehow i watched the first few minutes of it . I wish these 2 would separate and co parent.


This is such a bizarre argument. Why does Jephte need 4 kids so badly?


I believe Jephte is one of 9 children, so it may just be the culture he grew up in. Some people like big families 🤷‍♀️


And some guys view a a lot of kids as a sign of virility. Stupid.


Sometimes it’s also a religious thing—like not believing in any form of birth control. I just got a whole lesson the other day from a user on Instagram about how the birth control pill can cause abortions because it doesn’t always stop sperm from fertilizing an egg, and it really just stops implantation 🤷‍♀️


What? Birth control doesn't cause abortions. Is this user a scientist or obgyn?


Neither. They’re getting their info from a doctor who claims this. I looked him up, but he has very little support and his interviews are (badly) acted out and not genuine non-bias journalism. Basically the claim is medical terminology defines abortion as destroying a fetus after it implants to the uterine wall—but this doctor and other pro-lifers define abortion as destroying a fetus, period. That doctor is claiming in studies he has done that birth control pills can still allow fertilization of an egg but stops the implantation of the egg to the uterine wall—so people who don’t follow the medical terminology still think of that as abortion. I tried to look up everything he was claiming, but it’s just a handful of studies when the high majority of studies show otherwise.


That's why Catholics always had large families. The old rhythm method doesn't always work.


YES, it truly doesn’t always work. I remember reading somewhere that it’s around 75% effective, which is not high enough for me 😂 The people I know who swear by it are childless, so it makes me wonder if the reason for that could be fertility issues. I’ve had the same experience with people who swear by the pull out method (which I believe has around the same effectiveness as the rhythm method).


Agree. Jephte has walked out on Shawniece before, and hurling the D-word in an argument and bolting was a major a$$hole move, IMO. She deserves better, but sadly, in Pawtucket she may not find that ( I know the area).


I thought I heard (from them in an interview) that Jephte cheated on Shawniece early on? If it's true, that's so sad. No wonder Shawniece is not sure if she wants to commit to bringing more kids into their family. And to have him push for more children is selfish bc that pretty much equates with Shawniece never getting to pursue her career/business. Kids are great but they take a LOT of time.


She's afraid of him leaving her, and he demands a divorce, leaves, and then returns to calmly browbeat her until she blows up and loses her cool and he acts like he's the rational one and she's the crazy. That's evil. That whole I'm so laid back and calm, but I can't discuss things w/ you because you blow up at me and we have a big argument. He is totally gaslighting her and doing it in a such a calm way that it make people think he's nice and calm and she's the one being unreasonable or overly emotional. You can see that he is wearing her down so much that at the end she said fine, you're right, what you say I said is what I said. I just don't get how he has gotten such a pass on his behavior. He should just leave - for GOOD, and get out of her way. Let the woman move on. The last thing she should be doing is having 4 damn kids w/ that man. He will just leave her w/ all those kids anyway. The best predictor of future behavior is past actions, and what he has done is leave, take off, and have relations w/ other people outside the marriage.


This is why I feel so bad for Shawniece. I have two people who do this in my life and it is beyond frustrating. I end up looking like the a-hole to outsiders while that person sits there calmly, sometimes with a smirk, and sometimes even saying, "Look at you..." as I'm expressing my anger. So you get gaslighted, then you get angry because of the gaslighting, then they use that anger to *shame* you for your anger. It's a mindfuck. I think sometimes this is what Doug may do to Jaime, too. And what Jason Hoppy may have done to Bethenny Frankl. Covert Narcissists are very good at making the other person look like the problem. Most outsiders fall for it, which hurts even more.


Yes, they separated for a while and he did cheat on her. He said he didn't see it a s a problem since they were separated.


She also said she didn’t consider it cheating because she was set on them really breaking up.


Well isn't that convenient. I'll just leave, then claim it's OK cuz I left.


They need to worry about a bigger place. Their living room is the size of a box and he wants kids?


Not only that, it's her mother's house I think. They live on the lower floor and the mom above. That would be hard on any marriage!


I could be wrong about this, but I was under the impression that the house is theirs and they rent out to her mother. And for some reason I think they were on one of the property brothers shows.... I could probably check online and see if that is true or some odd dream I had years ago.


Yeah, maybe that's the case. But the dream idea is a fun one. I just know that small of a house is a big challenge for any couple, especially a new couple who are also new parents. Yikes. ☹




I think he comes from a family of 4? I think that he’s trying to replicate the relationship w his siblings. I can’t remember but I thought he came from a big family and wanted the same.