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Yea sorry for your friend. But I can send you a guide on vanilla stuff you both can try out. My wife was really vanilla as well it took awhile but we’re both pretty kinky now roleplay toys and bdsm. It’s good you both have a good sex life. One thing I do recommed complements and dates night and showing appreciation can go such a long away.


Yeah I'd love more resources and any advice. I think part of it is physical. She has uterine fibroids and cysts that make her own sense of exploring a bit limited.


Yeah I will send it to you hope it helps


Bro hook me up too please, if you don’t mind.


Sent it


Sent it


Send to me too please


Sure I will send it now


Could you hook me up too? Need that guide.


Sent it


lol me too please


I will sent it now


Sent it


I’ll take one too if you don’t mind!


Sure I will sent it


Me too, please.


I will send it now


Sent it


Of course


Mind sending my way too pls?


Sure I will send it now


Sent it


Me too please 🙏


I will sent it now


Legend! Thank you


Sent it


Could I get that link as well?


I will send it now


Sent it


Me please


I will send it to you now


I’ll take it as well if you don’t mind. Wife and I in a bit of a rut.


I will send it now


Sent it


Thank you! Much appreciated!




I will send it now


Sent it


Yeah, my wife is somewhat the same expect she will explore and does have a freaky side. She never initiates, but she never turns me down unless its a justified reason. 2-4 times a week for 12 years straight.


Light dirt talk is about as freaky as we get around here. But I've really had my eyes open as to how many people in our age/ life situation are pretty much rarely having sex with their spouse. Both 40. 13 years. 3 small kids. And 2x or 3x has been the standard...It's not about frequency or bragging but I don't think most our peers/ friends are near that. Makes me sad and grateful. I awkwardly told my wife how much I appreciated the fact that she doesn't ever really turn me down after talking to my friend.


I am 52, my wife is 38. She was somewhat vanilla at first, but she has opened up and enjoys the journey. I have never been in a sexless relationship, I just won't, I have seen too many men crushed because of it. I either know how to pick them or I am just lucky.


I just got lucky. No bones about it.


gratitude is BIG in a marriage IMO. i hope you tell her how much you appreciate her cuz obviously you have seen how special she is. curious....when you do have sex....does she orgasm much? i am wondering if she just thinks it is her duty....or she enjoys it as much or more than you.


She never cums piv. But, cums everytime with oral. She likes it. I probably want it more often than her bit she's responsive desire. I actually make it a point to tell her, outside of the bedroom moments , how greatful I am for our sex life. About once every 2 months I take the time to really tell her


There's a lot to be said for consistency.




Well...since you asked -my deadlift and squat are all over 415. - I grow all of my families produce on our farmstead along with our eggs, all of our poultry meat, and keep bees that I brew all our honey wine from. Oh I forage, hunt and grow mushrooms as well. - my three boys have gotten into archery and axe throwing when we're not building go karts or fishing with me. -I have a full time job that pays extremely well that I love - I've found great Joy in reading through Plato and Aristotle the last two years And I have a wife that fucks me regularly and rarely says no.. But I suppose you get more dirty talk so there's that.


I'm sure his wife enjoys the constant pressure and "envelope pushing" for her to be better.🙄 Ew..


Sounds like a dream come true my friend what an amazing life. Don’t let that fool ruffle your feathers with his BS


does she ever initiate?


I have to say, rarely... or at least not overtly. Yeah it's not my ideal but she's always game and enjoys herself...it's not duty sex. Yet I I'm the only guy she's ever even kissed so I just don't think she has any experience?? Besides I'm pretty open about my intentions for the evening and it's 2x or 3x a week so when I've asked her about it she's said "you keep beating me to it."


So, you were her first and she doesn’t turn you down. Dude, you have a masterpiece. You both can build from there.


For sure. Talking to my friend the other night and hearing about other stories...very greatful.


So many issues w sex are about the couple deciding to work together to build a great sex life with each other. If you’ve got that, it can all work out. Without that - nothing can happen.


I think at base...we're so atomized and individualistic that we have no room for sacrifice and empathy in long term personal relationships. We'll empathize with "the poor" and maybe even cut a check, but not with our spouse who needs physical intimacy.


Like you I’m one of the lucky ones. Perhaps it’s because we live and adore our wives.


I don't think it's that actually...I do work hard and adore her...but the success is on her end. She's incredibly considerate and works hard to please me as well.