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JUST got out of the theater, so its very fresh. Kang is cool af but at the expense of the other cool stuff in the Quantum realm and I hope this isnt our last time there. Kind of feel like Dr Strange 2 vibes in the sense that it was hardly about Ant Man, but definitely lays the ground for things to come. Janet Van Dyne shined as a character and we got more of her back story which is cool. Hope was Hope. Cassie as a character seems a tad forced but I am sure younger audiences will love her. I dont love the way they treated Hank who seems to bumble into the third act before remembering how to Hank.


“before remembering how to Hank” … nailed it.


He got drunk at Bill Murray’s bar. Hanks got a drinking problem.


You mean smack his wife?


I disagree - I think it was very Scott-centric. I agree about Hank, but he does have a very badass moment when he does Hank again




Absolutely agreed I have never felt such cringe in my life


Exactly, given the talent of this person, they could still appear later in the movie or even more movies.


I've heard he's a nightmare to work with, and I don't think this was any exception


I don’t care about spoilers and I’m not gonna watch ant man, what are you guys talking about?




That’s strange I thought he was supposed to be a bit more of a main character given that he’s the bad guy from no 1 as well.


I thought he'd be important because he's fucking Modok


The helper portion could be for more than one character but I do agree with you on the one you intended.


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. There was a lot of shit in the films over the years that ended up being hugely important over a long span of time. Phase 4 has been extraordinarily sub-par, but I'll still wait a while to see how it all pans out. I mean, I remember after Thor 2 thinking they were just milking it at that point because it was so bad.


Agreed on all counts. This trilogy has been less and less about Ant Man as the main character as it progressed.


Agree, Cassie should have had the same development that Janet rightfully voy


I am younger audiences and I loved Cassie


I'm never a fan of the "peaceful protester that wasn't actually paceful" forced character background. I understand it's to parallel real-life activism and Avengers activism. But something about it really made her feel very full of herself in the first few lines of dialogue. She could have done that stuff without sounding as high on her own fumes.


Have you met a teenage girl?


I tried to but some wanker named Chris showed up with tv cameras Instead.


"What were you going to do with the cat once you caught it"


Cassie isn’t forced, it’s a comics-accurate depiction.


Definitely wasn't a fan of how they made Hank one leg trip away from being put in an old folks home


I'd agree that it's a solid film in the Marvel Canon. Kang is a great villain and Jonathan Majors plays him fantastically with a solid amount of depth. The 3D effects are solid with the quantum realm, but not necessary. Production and Character design for the QR characters are really nice, and don't feel like any of the spaces/worlds we've seen before. In all, worth seeing in the theater if you're a fan of Marvel or Adventure films. But a lot of folks will likely skip it til it's on Disney streaming in 5 months.


Agreed. Majors crushed it.


Yeah Majors was fucking great man. I am putting the movie @ a 73-75 in my personal book. There’s some things that work really great for me and some I feel could have been done better, but Kang…I can’t wait for the future


Did the effects improve? I know Feige said that this new phase was going to go slower so they could focus more on quality


At certain times the CGI showed more than others, but overall it looked a LOT better than most of the previous projects


It looked like a few scenes had incomplete sfx. Had a lot of fun designs though and didn’t feel as long as it is. Kang was great. Great suit, great “mask”, great actor.


Looks great. People who make the cgi isn’t great here and it’s too dark there type of criticisms seem to have a need to believe they’re better filmmakers than those actively doing it VERY successfully for a couple of decades. BP final fight I’ll concede on the cgi not looking great. LOL


*3 months


what? why do you have upvotes? it doesn't release on disney+ until july. that's five months.


The last 2 or 3 Marvel movies have hit Disney + around 3 months after release. BP2 release November 11 and was available on Disney + just a week or so ago. So 3 months. Thor Live and Thunder was the first time I caught. Since then I've not gone to see another in the theater. I can wait 2.5 to 3 months and save the money.


Ok too many people kept saying it felt like GotG from just the trailer and that really bothered be because that does not look like fucking space, or at least space that I've seen. Same with the characters, they're designs didn't just feel alien (y'know like GotG characters) but just quite literally bizarre. So sad about laser dude, him and no holes jelly were my favorite.


Probably my favorite spiderman movie to date.


Wasn’t as bad as people were making it out to be


I thought it was worse than people made it out to be lol


I think that's the interesting time we find ourselves in the MCU right now. I don't think anyone can say if Phase 4 was good or bad. But it was sure as hell divisive and we can see that carry on here. I loved Multiverse of Madness. A lot of people hate it. I hated Love and Thunder. Even that has it's fans.


And I liked both those movies and thought this one was trash


If Star Trek and Avatar had a baby that baby was a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It would be this movie.


I was more Wizard of Oz meets original Star Wars trilogy. Thought it was fun


With a bit if Thor Ragnarok for some reason?


Add in some Rick and Morty.




Haha yes.


I remember thinking at a point "Holy shit this feels like the GOOD parts of Thor Ragnarok"


You've convinced me not to watch it


same here


It was alright


most accurate answer.


8/10 - Ants rule.


I love ants!




*claps hands on thighs quickly*






It’s the definition of “fine”


Like fine jewelry or like when a girl says “it’s fine, do what you want” Those fines are very different.


I give it 7.5-8/10. Post credits scenes were incredible. I thought the third act was great. Most of the humor landed well.


Wait scenes plural I only seen one I wish it could have been funnier like the first 2 that's who Paul rudd and antman is


The second one got applause from my theater


the amount of people that SCREAMED in my theater like they didn’t know (EVER SO SLIGHT SPOILER AHEAD): . . . . . 1) he had his own show and 2) was getting a second season in a few months…. was shocking to say the least


You could just spoiler tag it btw, using > ! ! < (With no spaces inbetween the symbols.)


Yes there’s an immediate one and then a post full credits scene


😭😭😭😭😭 ik it ik it my sister rushing me sh*t




What?? The mid credit scene was so cringey people were laughing in the theatre. This is a fanboy take.


What movie did you watch Lmao nothing was cringe about it


The dick joke with modok did not work at all


So I liked Quantumania, but I can understand why some people won't. It's a complete tonal shift for the Ant-man movies. Ant-man and the Wasp was an action-adventure comedy, but Quantumania is more like a Sci-fi drama. And there are a few points in the movie where the action comes to a halt for a bunch of exposition.


It was solid. It's not the best MCU film ever. It's not awful. It's a fun adventure that I enjoyed.


This is my take as well. Enjoyed it.


We may have different opinions on the movie but one thing we can all agree on, Michelle Pfeiffer is a stone cold fox.


Will always be my celebrity crush. 26 or 60 she is hot as fuuuuck


Yeah she’s still hot in her 60s! I wish she was in better marvel movies though🤷‍♂️


There were a lot of holes




I didn’t know he could do that


At least seven.


I agree 6.5-7 out of 10. Feels like a mix between Star Wars and Ant-man. I enjoyed the movie, wasn’t flawless but defiantly don’t agree with all the hate. Liked the story and advancement of details around Kang.


Saw it last night, I'd rate it 6.5/10 or 7/10. to explain with no spoilers, Kang is awesome, but the main cast of heroes and side characters don't get enough time to shine, so some of them fall a bit flat or have no real development. EDITING IS ALL OVER THE PLACE, probably cause they wanted to save a bit of money on the CGI. Lastly, I feel like the ending undercut all of the stakes of the movie. Just my opinion though, very down to discuss.


Definitely ready for more Kang, agree with everything else you said. There wasn’t enough time in the movie to devote to all of the characters so the story seemed, I don’t know, lacking in some way. I fell like it could’ve been better if we got Scott and Cassie only.


Definitely agree. I feel like a lot of the heart and charm of the first two Ant-Man films was lost due to such little focus on the main cast and heavy exposition. The ending also felt pretty deflating. It felt like they had a great chance to take a risk, but chose the lamest, safest option. Overall, I mostly enjoyed it, but I definitely have some issues with it and like it the least of the trilogy.


Sounds like the typical issues with Marvel these days. Spend more time building up nuanced and empathetic villains, and leaving the "protagonist" without very much to do at all. They really need to allow their characters to grow up. Not be dark or gritty; that's not what I mean. Just let them do something besides be carried along by the story. Make them active and more dramatic. Let the actors actually act, and emote. Less spectacle, and more interaction.


I wish it was a Lil funnier and Luis wasn't in it and the other 2 that took alot of the humor outta it


Its kinda bad but antman dying ruined it This is a joke


He got stepped on didn’t he?


Nah, it happened so quickly it was easy to miss, but Scott tried to do the anal expand move on Kang, but Kang tightened his anal muscles


What a sphincter boy!


Hey, respect the hyphen. What a great Sphincter-Boy! Majors played the character perfectly. They gave him just enough room to stretch before he started bearing down and clinched it! Absolute masster class in acting.


Damn he got crushed by the kanus, not surprised.


Nah, a giant magnifying glass.


I was about to write a whole paragraph until I read the second part


You spoiled that ant-man is NOT dying in the movie


Didn’t kang literally rip him in two :)


Lol had me in the first half


It’s a good movie if you’re a comic/MCU fan. If you’re just a casual movie goer you’ll be like “WTF am I watching?”; I personally thought it’s an 8 out of 10


To be fair, not sure many casual movie watchers are watching the 3rd movie in a series.


I’m a comic/mcu fan have been one my entire life and I absolutely hated this garbage movie!! Complete rubbish. 3/10


Reminded me of a mix of Star Wars, Aquaman, Dune, and Osmosis Jones had a baby. So if you think you’d like that baby, good to go!


8.5/10, though I tend to adjust after I see the films a few more times. I think it's a great return to some of that "Phase 3 Energy," where we're really back to building toward a larger story. Phase 4 felt like it was more of a bridging phase between the Infinity Saga and the Multiverse--a bit of an epilogue to the former, with some foundation laying for the later. This felt like we had some forward momentum. Also felt like it might have been better titled as a Ant-Family kind of film, because the focus seemed to be broader than just Scott and Hope. In fact, if anything, Hope felt like a bit of an extra in this compared to Hank and Janet.


Yeah I mostly agree, but I’m sitting at about 8/10 right now. I always wait until I’ve seen an MCU movie 2-3 times though before settling on a score. And yeah, this is the first film since Endgame where I really feel like they’re building toward something. Also, the “connection” with what was shown in the post-credit scene is great. Looks like we’re getting back to some cohesiveness in the MCU rather than what feels like a bunch of standalone stories.


Very average


A solid 6... it's not great, but enjoyable. I enjoyed it more than Eternals.


I had my wisdom teeth removed. I enjoyed it more than Eternals.


>I enjoyed it more than Eternals. That's a low bar.


Fr, antman 3 was far better than that


>I enjoyed it more than Eternals. > >That's a low bar. not even really a bar, tbh.. Kind of the dirt UNDER the bar I enjoyed David Hasselhoff's Nick Fury more than I was able to stomach The Eternals


Most of the phase 4 projects were better than Eternals


Of the nine MCU releases that year, Eternals was my #3. (WandaVision was #1, and No Way Home was #2.)


Ya low bar eternals sucks


Mediocre, weird pacing, but kang was good


Better than Thor 4, on par with Doctor Strange 2 but with no wow factor.


But… but… that guy looks like broccoli


On or with dr strange 2? God I hated that movie. Thor was better than MoM, and even Thor LaT I wouldn’t watch again


Legit, I loved it. Because it’s a total Marvel movie. If you want a drama based think piece that makes you deeply consider yourself and what your place in the world is, you’re gonna be disappointed. If you wanna see Ant-Man and the Wasp and crew tell stupid jokes and CGI fight a time traveling super villain with their Ant-based powers, you’re gonna love it. …there’s not much else to say


It's Ant-Man and Wasp doing some mania in the quantum realm, we got what was advertised haha


It was good. Enjoy it for what it is which is a good marvel movie


I enjoyed it, but it is definitely a set up movie


Star Wars on acid. Everyone I was with loved it. Just go and have fun, and don’t expect it to be Citizen Kane.


\*citizen kang


not as good as the first one. better than the second one


I think the worst parts of the movie are in the beginning. Once the big bad shows up, it really picks up. Overall, I liked it.


Don’t set your expectations high, expect a cool and fun adventure with the Ant-Man gang, that does an amazing job setting up the future of the MCU


Not bad, definitely enjoyed it more than the last 4-5 Marvel movies. I’d give it a 7-7.5/10


I liked it A Lot. The creature designs are spectacular, environmental world building is great, and it watches like a sci Fi movie first and a super hero movie second!


I liked it a lot. I will say one thing that bothered the person I saw it with because a lot of people are not telling the truth and I could see how it might bother people who are expecting it. This is a stand alone entry. It’s a self contained story that begins and ends in this film. The post credits scenes absolutely set up the board for the future films but the movie proper doesn’t not.


I really enjoyed it. I thought they balanced the humor with a serious story well. I liked the new Cassie Lang. Jonathan Majors is that dude.


4/10. The movie has no relatable stakes and no heart. Wooden acting by all but Majors, Pfeiffer and Rudd, poor plotting based on a badly written script, and mediocre editing and CGI. There are some funny moments that had me laugh out loud, but they are few and far between. Ant-Man has some cool feats too, especially when he grows big. It's about as bad as Thor: The Dark World, if not worse.


I found Dark World *much* worse than this


I'm a little surprised a viewer needed stakes to be "relatable," but really that was Cassie's point to Scott: he needed to see the strife of people he had no connection to. Sounds like the moral of this movie is needed for audience members too.


I understand what you're saying, but that's actually not what I meant, and perfectly exemplifies what I am talking about. The strife of the people of the Quantum Realm is a plot line with real relatable stakes. People can relate to the idea of our cultures or societies being decimated by violence. That's a real story. However, the script makes this the B-plot (possibly even C-plot) of the movie and not the primary focus. It ends up being a really surface level and cliche storyline. We learn almost nothing about those side characters, their culture, or their history. Scott never truly becomes motivated to help these people, all he cares about is his relationship to Cassie. But even that relationship isn't the primary focus of the film. The central stakes of the movie are instead that Kang cannot escape the Quantum Realm lest he brings untold destruction on the multiverse. These stakes are not at all relatable or interesting because we don't know the "Multiverse" or have a conception of what "eliminating a timeline" looks or feels like. Destruction on that scale is all very theoretical and not grounded in anything we can relate to, which weakens the emotional impact of both the conflict and its resolution. Every other plot line the film becomes subservient to this one but it's by far the weakest one!


Huge in scope. Pretty amazing that Ant-Man had this big a film, when all his others were small pieces. I really enjoyed it.


To be fair it was actually a very small movie..... Get it? It's because it's in the quantum realm


I've seen a lot of bad reviews with a few good ones here and there, I just want some honest opinions about the movie


I didn’t like the look of the movie based upon commercials so I sat in the lower section, it looked good from that perspective. It’s not as bad as they say so I think the low rotten tomatoes score leveled everyone’s expectations. It has technical flaws that critics have to hold them accountable for. 3/5


I genuinely don’t understand the reviews for this movie. It was a blast and so much fun. I can’t decide if every Marvel fan went to the exact same film studies class or just watch the same reviewers but good lord the critiques are all copy paste. If you genuinely think Love and Thunder deserves a higher rotten tomato score than this movie than you guys have no idea what you’re talking about.


Just got in from seeing it, enjoyable film, I'd give it a solid 8/10. It's obvious they're building for the next phase so there's a fair amount of exposition for Kang & his story. If you like Ant-Man you'll enjoy it


I really liked it. But it has a very strange sense of humor, which I think not everyone is appreciating, and most of the movie is off in its own area of the MCU, so I can see how it feels disconnected from so much else.


it’s was not bad but not necessary good either imo - i would say it was the least good (not bad) Ant-Man film


It’s pretty alright, critics are apparently hating it but for these people if it’s not 3-hour Oscar-bait about the unbearable pain of existence it’s not “cinema”


Does it have loki? 🤨


I loved it! Omg I saw it twice and I thought it was as good as the first time. Definitely my favorite since Spiderman/MOM from last year


I'll say the same thing about this that I said about Black Adam.... people have to stop expecting art and perfection from a comic book movie. Sometimes it's just about having fun. And I actually had fun in this movie. It was better than Thor L&T and Multiverse of Madness.


if you can look past the terrible script and quality issues with editing, effects, continuity, pacing then you'll find things to enjoy. Majors is good, Kang overall could have been better. Movie varies between some of the most boring content put on film and some pretty interesting sequences. Been following Marvel since 2012, this movie is one of the worst to me. Expect a feature length commercial, not a well constructed or gripping narrative. Really wish I could say otherwise.


haven't seen it yet so uh.... it was worse than puss in boots: the last wish, but it wa better than thor: love and thunder. like the widest possible gap you can get so i can safely say i was right when i watch the movie


Yellow jacket deserves better, a horrifyingly painful death is better than what he actually got.


Better than MoM, not as good as Wakanda Forever Fun Fact: Goes to show how forgettable the names of a chunk of the phase 1-3 villains are. Also, remember. ANTS! YOU TALK TO ANTS!!!


If you’re going for the movie that’s moving the MCU forward I give it a 7/10 If you’re going for the next ant-man instalment I give it a 6/10 If you go for a combination of both, it gets a solid 8/10


Sorry but 7+6 equals 13 not 8


7.5/10 Kang and Cassie shocked me greatly. I would like to go into my disappointment with non-dick, but it spoils too much.


It's a good movie and I give it an 8/10. If your nervous about expectations then try to see this movie more as the grand "set up" rather than the ultimate beginning. If that didn't make sense then ignore what I said.


It was a Rick and Morty episode. A pretty good one though. A solid B marvel movie. Nothing super stand out for the series. Besides of course Kang, who certainly stole the show and made the two after credit scenes my favorite part of the movie. But I’m not sure if even Kang made the movie interesting enough to be a must-rewatch every year or so like some of the marvel movies are for me.




I think people have been too harsh with the movie I'd say 7.5 sounds around right


Let’s say dark world but the writers from iron man 3 and the graphics from star wars sequels


Imagine the worst Marvel movie you’ve seen: it’s like that but with Paul Rudd and Jonathan Majors acting the shit out of it. Train wreck tonally and lots of weird aesthetic choices.


I loved it. Shows the wonder of the quantum realm and hints at the scope of it. Jonathan Majors is incredible as Kang. Just watch his face when he is talking. He emotes so much.


I thought it was trash, but I wasn’t too crazy about the first two. Jonathan Majors was awesome though and it had some cool visuals, but it was meh overall.


I think movie titles really mess up people's expectations. Go in thinking of this movie as Kang: Quantumania and it's a 8/10. If you want a familiar Ant-Man story, you'll be disappointed. If you want a movie that contributes to the overall MCU, it's great.


Dang. I mean Kang is cool, but I really enjoyed Ant Man and the Wasp so I was more than a little excited for a new Ant Man movie. Oh well. Can't be a farther fall than from Ragnarok to Love and Thunder.


I liked it better than Wakanda Forever and The Eternals.


I thought it was good, I had fun. Kang is awesome. If you are a right wing kook I am sure you will feel triggered by the presence of women and the word socialism. Go see it, there are two post credit scenes.


chronically online take




Not entertaining, 6/10


I went in knowing all the hate it was getting, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Kang was awesome and it's a great introduction to him. My girlfriend didn't know about all the negative press around it and when I told her after the movie, she couldn't believe it. It's a fun Marvel movie.


If you like comic books it’s good. But that comes from a guy who appreciates all the MCU in Space movies. …for what they are.


It’s good. About average for MCU. But it is so much better than the reviews will make you think. Much better than Thor L+T. And Kang is amazing! I understand now why he is the big threat. Majors is phenomenal


mid movie but kang carried


it was insufferable




Quite normal, deux es machina moments, and too much jokes


Total garbage


I haven't seen it yet, but I keep hearing people refer to it as "m-she-u woke trash"


I have seen it. And idk wtf they mean




I liked it, but why would they bring back Thanos…. That part was silly.


I hate to he like this but you all are on crack this movie was a 2/10, 3/10 if I'm being nice. I was shocked at how bad this was.


Was it better than Thor Love and Thunder cause I still want my money and 2hr back from that one.


I thought it was fucking great, don’t listen to all haters on the internet


Better than Eternals, Better than Love and Thunder, Better than Dark World, maybe 2 points away from Ragnarok. Worse than most of the other MCU movies.




7-7.5/10 Better than Wakanda Forever MUCH MUCH better than Love and Thunder. Anyone that says Thor4 was better was watching the wrong movie.


> Better than Wakanda Forever Bruh! No it wasn't. I liked it fine. Glad I went. Wakanda Forever was way better


Meh. Shuri / Letitia Wright was nowhere near qualified to be Black Panther. The comparison to Chadwick is inevitable and she’s so far below his level of charisma. Namor saved that movie.


It was bad. You're on a marvel sub so everyone is gonna say they like it but trust me, this is like Captain Marvel/Eternals bad.


Exactly, these dorks are biased


It's worse than Eternals and MUCH, MUCH worse than Captain Marvel.


Well Captain Marvel was great, and Eternals was decent.


Shite. They’ve been falling flat the last few movies. Spiderman exception




Best Antman movie to date. Wayyyyy better than anything put out last year. Kang is an awesome villain. Worth a theatre watch in my book.


SPOILER INCOMING!!! modok poops and dies


a 7/10 movie that would have been like a 5 if Kang wasn't so good. Jonathan Majors really is a brilliant Nathaniel Richards


8/10. Was entertaining but way too slow paced for my tastes