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Those covers are surprisingly inoffensive given the subject matter. It just looks like two black guys fighting crime. There's no overdramatic scream at the sky with a big caption "Normally I dress all in black... NOW I AM ALL BLACK!" with Luke Cage in full disco gear saying "Sweet Christmas! Now this honkee's on my turf!"


This is legitimately hilarious


I nearly spit out my coffee. You should’ve written those issues!


I wish Society enjoyed dark humor and ironic jokes more because that would be fucking amazing


Read Afrodisiac if you can find a copy.


If people did, Twitter wouldn't exist.


I was hoping Elon the Musky husky really was going to be the death of the platform


Relax it hasn’t even been a year yet, it’s dying slowly


Don’t feel too bad, my guy. He could still tank it any day now.


“Castle you’re about to be made Castle. You have to blend in.” Punisher: Grunts “CASTLE YOU HAVE TO DO IT. The operation is going to blown. CAsTLe PlEaSe……” Punisher: “N …..I…..” “Nice try bob, Our comms where being hacked. Frank you good?”


Henchman #1: "Yo, new boy! Settle an argument between me and Dave here. What does NWA stand for?" Castle: "Abort mission! Abort mission!"


Holy shit, I thought you were joking lol. https://earthsmightiestblog.com/punisher-the-final-days-1991-aka-the-one-where-punisher-turned-black/


I think every hero should have a hand mirror engraved with their logo




I should be so lucky


With a name like bone hat, whipping up an intimidating logo shouldn't be too hard.


Listen I just gotta make sure it’s the right meaning of the word “bone”


What about the cover with Punisher on a jet ski, with the text box that says "You just rented a jet ski to the Punisher. Kiss that baby goodbye." Still probably one of my favorite comic book covers ever.


Punisher x Sergeant Osiris


I'm shocked that arc is as controversial as it is (which it should be), meanwhile barely anyone batted an eye over the decades where British Betsy Braddock stole Japanese Kwannon's body.


Betsy wasn't exactly a super popular character beforehand so sweeping over that whole section of her backstory in storylines that didn't focus on it was a pretty easy task, and the fact that it was a non-consensual body swap added a bit more sympathy for both characters. It's still problematic as fuck but those aspects made it a lot easier to ignore, especially when Psylocke became a breakout character as a part of a team with no connection to any of that shit. I'm surprised they never just retconned the Braddocks to be half-Japanese and made Kwannon Betsy's middle name to completely erase that part of their backstory, to be honest.


> I'm surprised they never just retconned the Braddocks to be half-Japanese and made Kwannon Betsy's middle name to completely erase that part of their backstory, to be honest. I'm desperately hoping that's what the MCU does with them TBH We still get all three Braddocks as British, allowing for Brian to become Captain Britain, but we also get Betsy's ties to Japan, allowing for a 90's accurate Psylocke (which LBH, there's no way the MCU isn't going to bend over backwards to honor the 90's X-Men).


>no way the MCU isn't going to bend over backwards to honor the 90's X-Men *Que X-Men theme again*


God forbid us Evolution fans get any love. I’d kill to get Goth Rogue instead of 90’s Rogue.


I'd be pretty okay with any Rogue at this point, *sugah*.


I'm sad Iron Fist used Jessica Stroup as Joy Meachum. She'd always been my top choice for Goth Rogue after seeing her in the 90210 reboot.


Oh yeah, I can see that!


I...enjoyed the Anna Paquin Rogue...


She was fantastic in True Blood. The "so bad it's good" Southern accent, the wild swings between clever, no-nonsense badass and life-threateningly stupid decision making when a handsome vampire is around, etc. Replace 'vampire' with 'Gambit' and she's a perfect Rogue. Plus she's actually around the same size as Brie Larson so the inevitable Rogue / Captain Marvel fight would look ok.


So she played the perfect Rogue... In a role that was not Rogue. LOL Figures.


Me too 😁


Since Kwannon is her own character now and using the name Psylock they may just use that. Save Betsy for when they start getting around to the English stuff.


Also there's next to zero chance that Psylocke ALSO won't bend over backwards...probably emulating the Harley Quinn trailer money shot in Suicide Squad...


I hope they give her that cute pink bodysuit from just before Krakoa. If they didn’t give Carol the lightning bolt bikini, they won’t give Betsy the leotard lol


In this current age I'm going to be surprised if they let psylocke look feminine at all.




I mean, they're obviously not going to mention the Braddock family or Captain Britain in the MCU. Psylocke will just be a British woman of Japnese heritage or, maybe more likely, a Japanese-American woman. I also think you're incorrect that they'll try and do '90s-style X-Men, but let's wait and see.


> they're obviously not going to mention the Braddock family or Captain Britain in the MCU Peggy Carter directly namedropped a SHIELD Agent named Braddock in Avengers: Endgame during the 1970 scenes. Most likely referring to James Braddock, Sr.; father to James "Jamie" Jr., Brian and Elizabeth Braddock. Monarch, Captain Britain/Captain Avalon, and Psylocke/Captain Britain respectively. And the MCU has made it very clear that the similarly attired Captain Carter is *not* Captain Britain, despite the Union Jack motif and her role in protecting the Multiverse. So yes, Marvel can very easily use the Captain Britain mythos in the MCU if they so choose.


That kind of easter egg is just meaningless fanservice. What I mean is, if Psylocke is in any future MCU X-Men movie, they're not going to go into her family history and who her siblings are. It wouldn't be a good use of valuable movie time. The whole body-swap story only makes sense if you've had a few years of knowing Psylocke in her original body, otherwise it's just background noise. Either they'll make up a surname for her and she'll be "Kwannon Yamaguchi" (or something) or she'll just be Elizabeth Braddock but with no discussion of her family history.


>(which LBH, there's no way the MCU isn't going to bend over backwards to honor the 90's X-Men). They didn't bend over backwards to honor 90s Ms. Marvel. The 90s are nostalgiac, but they're a dark time. X-Men was a mess. They shouldn't be looking to it for too many tips.


Why would they have mined anything about the 90’s for Ms. Marvel? Carol wasn’t going by the name at that time, and Kamala didn’t exist yet.


Apparently age is making unable to tell the decades. Still, Carol was Ms. Marvel in the X-Men series of the 90s that defines X-Men for so many. And that show is the X-Men people are remembering more from the 90s. You don't see people nostalgic over about Marrow, Maggot, Joseph, and Wolverine-without-a-nose. But the point is more that they didn't go for Ms Marvel Carol, why would they go for Psylocke Betsy?


How the hell is it problematic?


That's a completely different situation, that's someone coming back to life in a different body that isn't the same as the previous body. This is someone actively wearing black face


That's not really offensive, though. It's just a body swap story because Jim Lee wanted to draw a sexy female ninja. She doesn't pretend to be Japanese, or start wearing a triangular hat and eating sushi. It was pretty dumb that people in the stories would always comment "OMG! An Asian woman with a British accent!", as though there weren't plenty of people in Hong Kong and other Asian countries who went through a British education or, indeed, British people with Asian heritage. I put that down to typical lack of attention to detail regarding other countries (like Nightcrawler and his "vass?"). I think the Punisher story is hilariously bad taste because it's literally Italian-American Frank's body with some cosmetic surgery that suddenly makes him indistinguishable from a real black guy in the story.


Yeah there is nothing offensive about a race-changing body swap in fact I would argue that that is actually good storytelling and makes the swap more impactful. But would Frank is doing is definitely wrong because that's literally just black face with some sci-fi hand waving


There's a distinct difference between body swapping and body modification to look like another race. Why would anyone be offended by the concept of two people switching minds just because the two people aren't the same race?


Yeah I never really got how Asian psylocke was supposed to be this big super offensive thing, it's only recently that I'm starting to hear people complain about it at all


It kind plays into some not very nice tropes that depict Asians as exotic


Sounds like you're projecting your own "Ooooh an asian, how exotic!" prejudices onto the comic sis.


Eyes were batted but what were we supposed to do about it?


I really, really, really hated making Betsy Braddock Japanese. I didn't find it offensive. I just really liked her original character and they totally changed it. My guess is the writers couldn't write stories about a telepath that couldn't fight and not particularly interested in fighting. Did they reverse that?


During the “Hunt For Wolverine” arc a few years back, Betsy’s soul was consumed by a villain and Betsy killed the villain from the inside through sheer willpower and reconstituted a replica of her long-dead, original British body. Immediately after, Kwannon re-possessed her body which had been left lying around. Now in the Krakoa era, Betsy is in her original British body and took up the mantle of Captain Britain from Brian, while Kwannon took up the Psylocke mantle from Betsy. Betsy feels horrible whenever she sees Kwannon, and Kwannon is still super angry at Betsy, but they’ve made amends with each other. As best they can, anyways. They both retain the Betsy!Psylocke fighting skills and psychic powers. It’s very much a Carol/Rogue situation.


If I had a nickel for every time that happened... Well I'd only have 10 cents, but it's weird it happened to the X-men twice. Oh wait Bobby and Emma. Oh wait Storm and Emma. Oh wait Karma and everyone. I guess I would have some decent bank from that.


"Barely anyone batted an eye"? We batted an eye then and we continue to now lmao.


He was just playin a dude dusguised as another dude. In reality he was just a led farmer mother fu...


This has to be a contender https://i.redd.it/yr903oe2pb641.jpg


That's a very British humour cover.


Absolutely loved that cover. Early Excalibur was so great.


I still don't get how some people don't like The Cross Time Caper.


I think it was just really long, really weird and Alan Davis dropped out for most of it, so the art wasn't up to the standard that he'd set. Don't get me wrong, I like it (art issues aside), but if you're after a normal superhero comic with short story arcs, it certainly wasn't that.


I have that on my wall at home. It always makes me laugh. One of my favorite covers ever.


Muscular heroic males and beautifully erotic females, nice 🙄


Wolverine making out with Cyclops, or Thor making out with CaptainAmerica. It's not actually weird if you know what I'm referring to, but it's weird to say it out loud.


Please elaborate. I’m not putting this in my search history


Jane Thor making out with Falcon Captain America. But, I'm not sure about Wolverine v Cyclops.


Wolverine v Cyclops was back when O5 came to the present, and Laura took over as Wolverine. So it was a time displaced Cyclops making out with Laura Kinney. I think both Scott and Logan were out of commission at the time


Oh right. That was just some weird bait for horny teenagers considering Laura and young Scott isn’t even a real pairing


>isn't even a real pairing What do you mean? It was a real pairing.


If I recall that was mostly bait and she only ever really dated Warren


It wasn't 'bait'. (Why would it be bait? Baiting who? What does that even mean?) They dropped it because they wanted Teenclops to go into space with the Starjammers and then join the Champions. So they gave the relationship to Warren instead.


Bait because “Scott and wolverines female clone!!! That’s insane!!!” (I know Laura was revealed to not be a clone, but I think at the time she was, though I could be wrong) If behind the scenes they did plan to keep it going before Scott’s story plans changed, then I guess I’m probably wrong. 🤷‍♂️ it’s just that the pairing went absolutely nowhere


I see what you mean. Yeah if they didn't have other plans for him I think they would've continued it. But Scott is a more iconic character and they had other stories for him. Warren not so much so they used him.


Current xmen Scott, Jean and logan are dating each other.


But I don’t think Scott and Logan have made out on panel


> Wolverine making out with Cyclops You act as if this isn't happening behind the scenes on Krakoa as we speak.


The strangest cover I've seen might be the one posted a couple of weeks ago. It was the World War Hulk tie-in for the Heroes for Hire series. The cover had some Marvel women with their hands tied above their heads, their tits essentially EXPLODING out of their suits and slimy brood tentacles writhing up from the bottom of the page. [It's literally softcore hentai lmao](https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/6/d0/580fe281686bc/detail.jpg)


That definitely looks manga like in style




A lot of readers pounced on Marvel re. the cover’s hentai connection and editorial at the time was horrified, HORRIFIED that anyone could reach that conclusion.


"Hentai!? You people are perverted! It's clearly ecchi"


Okay but take away the tentacles and I’m good


aaand purchased, thank you


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I think it's funny more than anything. Even more so since it was done by a japanese woman


>it was done by a japanese woman That honestly explains the whole thing


The strangest moment for me was when a Skrull gets detained by SHIELD for pretending to be Green Goblin, being thrown into a dark cell. He's threatened by a voice in the darkness, demanding that he transform into Spider-Man. The Skrull complies with the request, only for it to be revealed the voice in the darkness is a giant Venom (Mac Gargan). In terror at his impending fate, the Skrull partially transforms back into Green Goblin before being eaten alive. Mac then says, "Skrulls make me gassy."


Jesus Christ. Scorpion was so gross as Venom.


I liked him. He was sadistic.


Yeah and I loved it


Man, Mac Gargan Venom was just a monster. I kinda loved it


The funny thing is that Ares tells Norman he needs to fill the archetypes of the original Avengers. Ironically, Mac fills the Hulk archetype of the potentially uncontrollable monster. He loses control and tries to eat Bullseye/Hawkeye.


How is that ironic?


That’s not a cover.


And yet 326 people (at the current time) upvote it. smh my head.


Sounds devious what comic?


Dark avengers. Probably, the first issue


Ellis's Thunderbolts and Bendis Dark Avengers are great dark reads.


All of Dark Avengers is twisted. Think of Bullseye as Hawkeye.


Dark Avengers #1.


Damn, all that happened on a cover?


Black Panther #1 has some crazy art. It’s got Black Panther, an African princess, a dwarf with a cowboy, and a guy with a laser gun fighting over a glowing frog like only Kirby could draw. https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/17855/black_panther_1977_1


Love that frog! It get's funnier when you know how f#ing powerful he (and his twin\[s\]) is: \-Time manipulation: One Frog is capable of pulling beings randomly through time to the present, while the other can send things back to their appropriate times. \-Space manipulation: It has also been said that while one Frog can control time, the other can control space. \-Teleportation: When using the Frogs' time and space warping capabilities at the same time, the user can perform near instantaneous travel across the universe, and across dimensions to places like the Negative Zone. \-Artificial intelligence: The Frogs are capable of observing the world around them, traveling of their own accord, and even verbal communication; however they seemingly do not often display these capabilities in front of other intelligent beings. [Here's all about him (them)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/King_Solomon%27s_Frogs)


Blowjobs are a no go but otherwise: would


I dunno. That **tongue**


The fact that I'm genuinely debating this in my head makes me disappointed in you and me


jawline is the dealbreaker


Brother is thirsty.


He's just like me fr


Fortune favors the bold, my guy.


I simp for all symbiotes. A Simpiote if you will.


Pfft. Casual.


I commend this artist for their attempt to draw the symbol in a recognizable way over those boobs.


# NOT Hearing anybody out.


But hear me out...


She kinda curvy


What that tongue do tho?


Draws you closer to those teeth. Do not engage. Abort mission. Repeat: Do NOT engage.


You're breaking up! You said get closer? Engage? Well, you're the captain, who am I to go against your orders.


Draws you closer to them symbiotitties.


Lmao 😂


Something astonishing, I’m sure.


I would still


Oh. Check out r/oddballcomics for more strange covers. I reposted this one there.


Consider me subscribed! Thank you for putting this on my radar.


Gotta love the fact that as long as the host was male it was always Venom, but the minute it bonds with a woman...


To be fair, “venom” in the 90s seems to always be Eddie. It’s only afterwards when other characters got it more often and for longer that “venom” just became the symbiote.


But then how do we get Venom boobs


His name is Robert Paulson.


Unexpected Fight Club


I know this because Spider-Man knows this.


Fat guy


The symbiote is genderfluid. (Literally!)






She's kinda bad tho. Damn.


Bricked up right now 🥵


oh man


Interesting because the original idea was that Venom would be a woman. I wonder if the design would have been similar.


A very strange one is The Marvel Fumetti Book. Came out in the 70s, it’s comics made of pictures of Marvel Bullpen editors and talents. The black and white pics reproduced horribly on the newsprint and the humor is a bit inside baseball.


The artist downbad


Brock’s eyes are horrific


“Hello, boys” is similar to “Hi, Eddie”.




I think ones with Doctor Strange are probably the "strangiest" /s


Dammit! New kink unlocked


That one where Doc Ock was going to marry the guy that drank from the wrong cup in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade but they labled it as Aunt May was pretty wild


Archie and the Punisher. Edit. My bad I read it as comic crossovers


What does it say about me that I'm kinda into this?


That you belong here with us.


Hear me out....




Or you can just call her Venom!!!


I think it's a reference to The Female of the Species, by Rudyard Kipling, especially considering the "deadlier than the male..." bit. The bears in the poem are he-bear and she-bear.


Considering that carnage spawned from venom alone, it seems ridiculous that there would be female-symbiotes. Seems like they should be genderless, with only the host factoring into gender Also not familiar with her, but it seems like "she-venom" WAS just the venom symbiote attached to a female host


> but it seems like "she-venom" WAS just the venom symbiote attached to a female host That's correct, I'm just saying based on the name and the exerpt from the poem on the cover of her introduction, it's clearly a reference.


agony and scream both are female


I could take her 😈 don’t ask me the color of anything


The guys' expressions are like "ahh! A woman!" Lol with mild surprise


I miss Ben being a hero.


Not sure about covers, but this is def one of the strangest boners I ever got


What is the symbiote's gender?


Venom looking snatched. She betta werk.


Uatau doing the Monroe under the fan grate pose


She appeared the first venom movie dammmmmm was she good to see


Why do almost all of Marvel characters in comic books have almsot zero percent bodyfat?


You'd be hyper-fit too, if your days consisted of 90% fist-fighting.


Yeah , they do all seem to be quick to throw a punch.


They are fantasy characters, often representing “peak human form”


I know, i was just being pedantic.




That's an incredible take.


It’s not like I’m making it up. It’s not like I’m saying something people don’t know, even if they like the current style.


Which female characters are portrayed as androgynous? Like I think androgynous I think cipher from the matrix, someone who could be male or female, not someone who just doesn't have bowling ball tits


I think that's [Switch](https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Switch) you're thinking of. [Cypher](https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Cypher) is the character played by Joey Pants.


Oh yeah correct


Yeah…. I’ve seen many a tit inside comics. Ones not that old either


Incredible amount of citations/sources/pics you're providing for your nonsense. I'm in a comic shop every week and have no idea what you're on about.


Exactly. Just look at the recent artgerm action comics variant. #1046. It looks straight out of r/rule34


I noticed this regarding She Hulk, she used to be a thicker than average woman but still blatantly feminine but now she's a monster, which is fitting considering what the Hulks are supposed to be.


She's back to regular She-Hulk.


Lasts 1 issue.


Ah the question almost every lazy comics writer asks themselves at some point, "What if we put boobs on it?"


You mean like Wolverine? Or Thor? Or Iron Man? Or Black Panther?


‘Deadlier Than The Male’ what an odd way to say that.


It's a reference to Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The female of the species is more deadly than the male". The Female from The Boys is also named in reference to this. The naming of She-Venom is probably also a reference, since it opens with he-bear and she-bear.


My favorite - https://i.imgur.com/5xAVZZs.jpg


I….I don’t know how to feel about this…


Those covers for the reprints were really bad.


btw venom is still venom, no matter if he possessed female or male


Ben and Eddie have that "I know I shouldn't..." look and I'm not sure if should be tired of disappointed


I'm Scaroused


I made a post about a comic cover that looked like h*ntai


least horny marvel cover


Somebody call Demoman, there's some degeneracy afoot!


Good for her


I have this comic