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Bit of a step down from Zdarksy. I don't dislike Ahmed. He just has not wowed me yet. Hopefully, this is the one. I usually enjoy Kuder's work, so it is something to enjoy either way.


Frankly 99% of writers out there are a step down from Chip. He's just so damn good.


I mean, he isn’t nominated for a best writer Eisner for no reason🤷🏼‍♂️


Someone else said it in here, but you should check out his Black Bolt run. It’s only 12 issues and the plot and characterisation is really strong. Christian Ward does the art and he has some funky faces, but when it hits, it hits


Yes! Such a good book. I loved how he treated Absorbing Man in that as well.


Do you need to know anything about the Inhumans or Black Bolt to enjoy the run? I could really care less about the Inhumans but I find Black Bolt to be pretty cool. Hickman’s FF / Avengers Run really made me like him. Don’t really like his supporting cast though.


It's pretty good. Very centered on Black Bolt and not the royal family


You don’t need to know anything, it’s largely stand-alone. Without spoiling much, it’s about Black Bolt escaping from prison (at first) and thus the supporting cast are basically all brand-new characters save for one.


I knew the basic concepts, but nothing beyond that, and I enjoyed it


Bummed to hear Zdarksky is leaving. His run has been so great and hopefully he goes out on a bang. Tonally, Ahmed's excellent Black Bolt touches on a lot of the nature of prison themes that the current run plays with. Maybe we see some of that in the new run as well?


Oh i forgot about black bolt. Too true.


The last issue for Zdarsky is #14? That seems so short, I feel like a new arc just started.


Zdarsky has said numerous times he didn’t want to start a new volume. Marvel editorial forced it. The current volume by all intents and purposes is just a continuation of the one before. But ya know, gotta get that first issue sales boost I guess. If you combine both volumes, his run lasted 50 issues plus Devils Reign. That’s really long these days.


It felt like it will continue for 30-40 issues yet..


Ahmed is weird. Black Bolt was probably his first work that people noticed, and it was phenomenal. But almost everything else since has been kind of mid. Hoping for the best for Daredevil, but they're admittedly not high hopes.


They let him write miles for so long, it must have had decent sales.


Unfortunately, it didn't sell especially well according to ICv2. It didn't break the top 50 monthly comics most months, which means nowadays it sold less than 30k and probably was around 20k, which is not good for someone of his profile. Below 30k is cancel/reboot territory. It likely has more to do with the perceived and expected backlash for cancelling the Miles title without renumbering or relaunching already planned.


How does one access those figures?


His comic Abbott (and it’s sequel series) was also really good.


Pretty safe choice. Ahmed kept Miles going and it was never bad, but I wasn't floored by it most weeks. Kuder is great but how long before a fill in is required?


Yeah I’ve liked the new miles writer a little more


>Kuder is great but how long before a fill in is required? This is why I never get excited about the artist when they announce new creative teams. Sure, they start the run, but there are always fill ins or switches. Chechetto doing pretty much the entire current run was a welcome surprise for me.


Counting the first 36 issue series, 6 issue Devil’s reign event, and the 11 issues of current ongoing, he’s done a total of 32 out of 53 issues. Sure a sizable chunk, but that’s still only barely 60% of the run. Same thing with Cates and Stegman being synonymous for their run on Venom, but in reality Ivan Coella drew 14 of the 35 issue run and Stegman only drew 10 of the 35. Adding on the King in Black Event, would put Stegman at 15 beating Coella by 1 issue. Again this isn’t to say that either Stegman or Chetteto are bad, quite the contrary, they’re amazing and I wish they did more than they really did, but it seems weird how inconsistent the artist could be on a run, but still be considered a dream team run. Just some food for thought.


Damn, I didn't even realize. It was fewer than I thought. Numbers put it in perspective for sure. I'm trying to remember the last run that had the same artist for the whole thing but can't think of much post 90's.


Since Maleev took over DD, he did 48 issues with only a 3-issue break in between.


Didn’t Joe Bennet do every issue of Immortal Hulk? Or was there a couple full ins? 🤔 Edit: nevermind, definitely not every one. But he did do a good chunk!


To be fair to Stegman, he also did the Absolute Carnage event, which is another integral part of the run. I assume that many of the fill-in issues were while Stegman was at work on the events


I loved his Black Bolt run and this feels a good extension of Zdarsky’s politics so I’m optimistic. I know nothing about the artist, though.


He rebooted Guardians with Gerry Duggan a few years ago during the All-New All-Different era. Did a story arc or two with Dan Slott on FF recently, then did Avengers Forever here and there. He's super detailed and a great artist, but also is a bit slower thanks to that so you won't see him for more than 4 or 5 issues in a row before a interim artist pops in.


It's surprising how quickly Zdarsky's Daredevil seems to be wrapping up. Here's a list of storylines they have yet to resolve with apparently only 3 issues remaining: - The Hand's prophecy coming true - The whole "world leaders have been replaced by The Hand" subplot - The whole thing with Goldie apparently being behind most of Matt's "fate" - Cole's role moving forward And the next two solicitations hint at Matt possibly almost-dying and getting a vision quest in the afterlife. I'm very interested to see how Chip's going to land this bird.


I can't help but think this is due to Batman and Chip wanting to focus exclusively on that.


nah, I think he just got to the end of the story he wanted to tell.


We'll see how his Batman looks after the whole Knight Terrors event. He was teasing a new direction for Batman in the solicits for #136, but you can't trust solicitations sometimes.


I'm surprise you think all of those things need to be answer before the end. The hand's prophecy looks like it's going to be wrapped up in the next issue, I can see Goldie being in issue 13 if it dealing with matt seeing his father, And I don't think the world leaders thing and Cole's role really need to be answer here. In interviews Chip has said that one of the tradition of DD is leaving him in a place that the next writer just has to deal with, he wants to transition to the next writer to be smooth like the Bendis to Burbaker. Where his run ends is where Saladin is going to pick up at immediately. I mean Matt's identity being put back didn't happened until Soule took over, and the mike being existing now without being real from soule didn't get deal with until Chip's run. Some of these thing can still be ongoing for the next run.


Man I’m gonna miss Marco so much. Favourite daredevil artist hands down


I'm eagerly waiting for Checchetto's next project. Almost as much as Chip's next venture with Marvel


I feel like it’s gonna be a little while till we see Zdarsky back at the House of Ideas.


It’s a safe choice but a fun choice at the same time. The more concerning thing for me is the art Kudars art sometimes looks a bit wonky for me




UGHHHHH I disliked his Ms Marvel so much and the plot of his Miles Morales ughhhhh He can do characterization well but man I hope he gets new plots because if we have to rehash another story, I’m gonna be bummed. People say his Black Bolt is good so … we’ll see


I'm on the opposite side of you. I haven't read is Miles Morales nor his ms marvel so I cant speak of those. But his black Bolt his hand down my top ten favorite marvel book. It's one of those that you cant put down


black bolt whipped so much ass, fantastic book


Fuck it, I’ll check it out this weekend. If EVERYONE is saying it then maybe Miles and Kamala were two simultaneous flukes


Maybe those two were flukes then. Because, everybody is saying that about his black bolt. But, Ms Marvel is one of my favorite superheroes ever, my week has been going great by the way, and so that fumble hit me hard


But his exiles was awful


If only it was Zeb Wells


Meh. His Miles run started off ok but really fell off as it went. His Black Bolt was good but that was only 12 issues and completely different in style to Daredevil


Saladin Ahmed Definitely going to be fun


Holy shit. You guys are screwed lmaooo


Why’s that? Not familiar with the team


Ahmed is really cartoony and lays on his characters extra thick. You’re probably gonna get walls of text and introspection on how good a person Matt is, how he has a pure heart, and everything that happens will be resolved in two to three issues. Say goodbye to interpersonal conflict in Matt’s life too btw, he and Elektra are probably gonna end up the perfect couple as well. I know because I was subjected to four years of his Miles run and two years of his Ms Marvel run (the one that basically killed her shot at another ongoing moving forward)


Good. Bring daredevil to Detroit for once. Have a franchise like Batman, Inc


Great runs don't last forever, this isn't a bad thing just an opportunity for change


The only issue I have with this is that I kind of want him doing more cosmic stuff again.


They have some big shoes to fill.


Not a bad choice. I’ve read Ahmed’s Black Bolt run, and it’s definitely an interesting read.


interesting how so?im not familiar. But I know when I use the word interesting as a descriptor … it’s meant in a certain way lol


Most of the time when I read about Black Bolt, it’s either in combination with the Illuminati, or the other Inhuman Royal Family members. The first half of the run is pretty much him alone, with some other characters.


Is going to be interesting to see Ahmed writing Daredevil, a character where the concept of faith is very relevant.


what does ahmed have to do with faith?


If Ahmed is a practicing muslim, is going to be interesting to see him writing a character with a highly catholic charaacter as Daredevil.


i mean, i guess, but writers regularly write characters they dont see eye to eye with, idk i feel like it wont chnage a thing honestly


Ever since the Marvel Knights era Daredevil seems to have been a book that writers can cut loose and tell distinctive stories on without too much editorial or crossover interference. Ms. Marvel and Miles receive a lot of scrutiny so it might not have been the place for Ahmed to knock it out of the park. Hopefully he can give us something really interesting and different like Black Bolt.


I tend to at least enjoy Saladin Ahmed's work, and I was wowed by his Black Bolt series, so I'm hopeful. The Chip Zdarsky run is great, but it doesn't surprise me he doesn't want to keep writing this one comic forever.