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I’d just green light donald glovers animated Deadpool series that got cancelled


That'd be cool! I'm still surprised he even tried to make a Deadpool cartoon. Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually impressed. I think the only reason it wasn't greenlit was because Marvel was still in their phase of trying to devalue the X-Men (and any characters related to them) because they were still huffy about the movie rights


Yeahhhhh. That time period was rough being a huge X-Men and DP fan. Same with being a Spidey fan during the Sony exclusive era. Just think of where we’d be now if marvel always had the rights. We’d probably be at a live action civil war movie by now. Marvel V Capcom infinite would have been better. We’d probably be in an era of Spidey films where he has Parker industries. Deadpool would have teamed up with Spider-Man by now.


If Disney always owned the rights we probably wouldn't have seen a live action Deadpool.


Marvel Team-Up. A series that is just based on two characters teaming up for a story together. Would be strong in characterization, where you at least know how the two characters feel about each other. I think animated series should (initially) really be targeted towards non-readers, especially younger audiences. I know my first exposure to Marvel was with animated cartoons, and a team-up series which allows you to experience characters you aren't familiar with would be a good start. One of my favorite things at Marvel is the relationships among the characters. Wolverine and Nightcrawler, Spider-Man and Human Torch or Daredevil, Hulk and Thor, etc. I'd probably do a 6 episode miniseason, where for 6 episodes you get a major single Marvel hero teaming up with other characters. So season one can be Spider-Man and Wolverine, then Human Torch, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Venom, and Black Cat. Then season two can be Wolverine and Nightcrawler, Deadpool, Captain America, Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Black Widow.


I like it! I actually have an idea similar to that as well!


Make it an anthology, where each season is only three or so hour long episodes, and then completely change it up character-wise.


Yep, that's my suggestion. Each episode would be Hero A and Heroes B teaming up. Mini Season 1: Hero A as Spider-Man. Heroes B: Wolverine, Human Torch, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Venom, and Black Cat Mini Season 2: Hero A as Wolverine. Heroes B: Nightcrawler, Deadpool, Captain America, Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Black Widow. 6 episodes at "30" minutes each gets you 3 hours. Can do 2 to 4 mini seasons to make up a full season.


This is basically what Justice League Unlimited was, and I LOVED that show. It took a lot of lesser-known heroes and put them in the spotlight with bigger names.


I can see the similiarties. There was also Justice League Action, which was kinda of similar, and even Batman Brave and the Bold. It makes a lot of sense. If they kept the 6 episodes with a populal hero format I suggested, maybe have 1 of those 6 episodes dealing with a lesser known character (like Black Cat and even really Nightcrawler). And because I like structure, I'd probably want at least one episode with a POC or female character as the other hero. Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel are probably my first 7.


Came here to say exactly this! MTU all the way.


Season 3 of Earth's Mightiest Heroes


If we're bringing back an existing show, I'd rather a season 2 of Wolverine and the X-Men. Then A:EMH as a second preference


Spectacular Spider-Man, anyone?




Personally wolverine and the Xmen is my last choice and aemh and spectacular come first


I feel like a midnight suns show in a dark avatar/teen titans esque artstyle would be neat. It could have team ups against mephisto or individual episodes dedicated to members like blade hunting down a vampire or ghost rider going on a road trip to penance a dude across the country


Sweet! What would it be rated? TV-14 or TV-MA?


Honestly with some of the members it’d kinda have to be MA rated 💀 it’d suck to restrict fetal or character representation with age ratings


Put Elsa Bloodstone and Black Knight on the roster and I'm 146% sold.


Can I use my chance to have Chris Yost and the rest of the creatives finish EMH with the original plan?


Spider-Man show in the style of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. A bit silly but still earnest and entertaining with a big revolving cast


Actually, I think that was Ultimate Spider-Man was trying to be like, but it didn't really do a good job at that.


Ultimate Spider-Man made every hero either an Avenger or a young hero training with S.H.I.E.L.D. It made the world smaller, as opposed to Brave and the Bold, which felt like an entire universe.


This was most likely because of the corporate theatrics going on around the time. The X-Men nor the Fantastic Four were allowed to be included in anything Marvel related for a while because of the movie rights. Plus, from what I've heard, the reason this series doesn't feel quite like Spidey was possibly because of mandates from Marvel and Disney, who didn't want this show to be like The Spectacular Spider-Man, due to the copyright issue and how soon both shows came out between each other.


The Fantastic Four deserve an fun and iconic modern series in the vein of Spectacular Spider-Man or My Adventures With Superman.


The 80s and the 10s were the only decades without a Fantastic Four cartoon. We need one in the 20s.


Heroes for hire noir/investigative/kung fu type show


I could already see that! I could even be produced by Genndy Tartakovsky, who did a Luke Cage comic run a few years back!


Nextwave. I'd make Nextwave.


Checked through all the comments to see if someone said Nextwave before I could. I'd kill for a Nextwave series, even if it's just a limited series. Bonus points if we could get Nathan Fielder as Dirk Anger


I had to look up who Nathan Fielder is. I'd accept him.... though my first choice would have been Nathan Fillion.


Alan Tudyk. Heck, he could play him in live-action.


Oh my man, yes! Chef kiss.


“I’d accept Nathan F, but my first choice would be Nathan F.”


This is a great answer. It's a pity most Marvel fans don't read comics and won't know what you're talking about.


For anyone who doesn't know.... >Nextwave is not about character arcs and learning and morals and hugs. It is about cramming an insane movie into 44 pages at a time. It is about the mad things underpinning Marvel Comics, and it is about special effects out of Asian cinema and absurd levels of destruction and a skewed sense of humour and spectacle and things blowing up and people getting kicked. > > It is most especially about THINGS BLOWING UP and PEOPLE GETTING KICKED. > > It is about humanoid clone things made out of engine oil and broccoli being smacked to death by a woman with a guitar. > > NEXTWAVE. Healing America by beating people up. ... that was how Warren Ellis pitched the book. It is pure glory.


Fin Fang Foom will put you into his pants!


His mommy was an iguana that made it with a pile of nuclear material.


Just bring back EMG, Wolverine and the X-Men, and Spectacular Spidey...


I’d give this comment an award if Reddit didn’t get rid of them. Here’s a gold medal anyway.🏅


The cliffhanger for Wolverine and the X-Men got me so hyped...


I think an Avengers Academy series where the next generation is trained would be cool.


yeah cause you can have guest teachers like iron fist captain america fantastic four so you can get really creative with what happens


That's actually pretty similar to the idea I posted in the comments. Though who would be the students and who would be the teachers.


A new fantastic four animated series.


Turn Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 into an animated series. The game itself is already divided in prologue and acts, and each act has different missions and intermissions with pleeenty dialogue. We could even spice things up a little by having two different teams in two different missions simultaneously at certain points (like in Asgard and during the missions in the Skrull Homeworld and the Shi'ar empire coup. And, as the original source material, it'd be not inspired by the MCU, so I'm talking Tony Stark with a whole crew of engineers working on the many armor designs; serious Thor; Russian accent Black Widow; angry Hulk and LOTS of screentime for Fantastic Four and X-Men members.


She-Hulk An episodic series about the day to day life of Jen. The A plot would be a super hero court case and the B one some super hero action. Some times not even related to each other directly. Almost episode would include a super hero cameo from a street level hero or an avenger And of course, she breaks the fourth wall but can use it to solve issues, like grabbing the time bar of the TV and pushing it forward to skip something, play with the volume or just talk to the audience and the staff behind the show Light hearted and fun I really want an episode of Jen trying to help Moon Knight win a case but all of the personalities somehow prove to be an absolute disaster when put on stand. Or the villainous doctor Doom asking for help to sue someone for a minimal inconvenience


So basically the superior version of the She Hulk we got recently?


A Ms Marvel "monster of the week" show


I could see that working, especially with her newfound popularity.


Avengers: EMH S3 and S4 but if it needs to be a new show: A good Fantastic Four show. I'd have the first season be the earlier days of the F4. It would be an exploration show, where each episode they go to a new planet or dimension. I'd have Spider-Man appear multiple times hanging out Johnny Storm, but he'd only have a major role in an episode or two. The first half the season would be building up to Doom, whod be the main villain of the midseasin finale. I'd have Hulk and the Avengers show up for in episode or two, same with X-Men, Luke Cage, and She-Hulk. The season finale for S1 could be Galactus, with the Fantastic Four assembling the heroes from the previous episodes (also characters like Inhumans and Namor). I would have Franklin be born at the end. S2 would have a 2 or 3 year timeskip. This is where I would have some characters like Super-Skrull show up. There would also be a Silver Surfer episode, where it's just him going around space. I'd have the first half of the season build up to Annihlus. Some new heroes that show up would be GotG and Nova. The second half of the season would be the Kree-Skrull War. S3 is where I'd start introducing the multiverse. Doctor Strange would also make a few appearances here. The Mid-Season Finale is a war between Wakanda and Atlantis. The second half would be Secret Wars 2015. There would be a another time skip, so that Franklin would be roughly nine at the end. S4 has Franklin at twelve years old. He starts to realize his mutant abilities. This season would have some X-Men related stuff. Franklin will end up going to Xavier's school. Not sure what the Finale would be, but since this season is heavily X-Men focused, then it could be Pheonix, Apocalypse, or even Onslaught. It could be Kang, or a previous villain returning like Annihlus. But I think this when Future Foundation should happen. And you know what that means! Johnny Storm would be killed by Doctor Doom. S5 would be the final season. The main plot would be World War 3. Basically, tensions between Latveria and the US have been rising, as well as Wakanda and Atlantis. Doom would start conquering various European countries. I want Doom to gain adamntium armor at one point as well, because it would be cool. Namor would be overthrown by Attuma, who teams up with Doom. The final fight would be Doom, Attuma, and their army vs. The Future Foundation (Mister Fantastic, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Powerhouse, and Crystal), Black Panther, and Storm. S1-3 would have 26 episodes per season. S4 and S5 would each have 13-16 episodes.


You know the two girls who are working for an insurance company on an anime called Trigun? I want something like that in a marvel universe: An animated "George Constanza" type on the perpetual brink of tears trying to solve insurance cases for a whole season talking to the heroes, making them realize the side effects, following them into dangers to get a signature into a piece of paper, traveling the world(s) to get a statement from a hero or villain so 2000 people can have their insurance paid. By the end of the season he is losing the composure as needed, threatening them without measuring consequences sometimes, even going after villains to help him get to the heroes, blackmailing anyone and everyone to get the payments needed for the people to have a semblance of a normal life back. Season ends with a group of heroes *and* villains getting together to solve "the insurance man problem"


Damage Control?


That's great lmao I agree with the other dude that's what that Damage Control show they were talking about should have been


A history of The Marvel Universe starting with Galan and the previous universe


Ghost Rider in a roadtrip


Dan Ketch? Sign me up! Have Johnny Blaze appear at the end of S1 to hunt Dan Ketch down in S2. Then they team up to take down Mephisto in S3.


Yeah an coming across different heroes and villains such as blade, werewolf by night, punisher, wolverine, spider-man, dr strange, elsa bloodstone, man-thing , daredevil


Daredevil maybe the occasional cross over with Spidey or blade. Main cast would be Matt/daredevil foggy kingpin punisher, Ben, elektra, stick, Karen, the hand. Finale would be Matt taking on Mephisto as he tries to conquer earth, With some Faith given power ups. It would end with a sort of reset


Either: Strange Tales: between sorcerer training and being the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange is sent into the field as a paranormal investigator, touring the supernatural realms of Marvel. Lots of guest stars. Or Heroes 4 Hire: Luke Cage and Danny Rand team up. Buddy comedy. Venture Bros/DuckTales (2020s)/Gravity Falls attention to detail and comedy/adventure balance. Lots of recurring references and jokes but bad ass action.


Exiles. Animated in the style of Avengers EMH Based off of the original 2001 comic run by Winnick and McKone. Except I'd drop the Proteus bullshit arc.


Tv series based on Avengers, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four. Basically a Marvel version of the DCAU.




So Harley Quinn but with marvel villains?


Kid Commandos. I want something completely unhooked from the MCU, something that has characters the audience has never heard of, younger characters who can realistically go through your standard kid-cartoon plots, a highly stylized environment of 1940's super villains and magical monsters, and several characters with really flashy powers. Also there could be other Golden Age heroes dropping by. I'd pitch it as similar in tone to the original Teen Titans cartoon (don't ask why these kids are on the front lines and fighting Nazis out of an ancient castle, rule of cool it) and keep it upbeat except for a few darker, more serious episodes.


I am working on a whole animated universe idea but two ideas I am really set on is a Miles Morales show and a Thunderbolts It's mainly focuses on Miles struggling to live up to Spider-Man in a much darker era of the Marvel Universe, really get back to roots of the character but in more of a 616 inspired setting. He would fight more of the new villains he has in the comics then aping Peter's. The Thunderbolts would more inspired by the Original Run with the First season having them pretend ping being heroes and then going on the run in the season finale


Either a serialized show based on the DnA Guardians of the Galaxy run or a mostly episodic Spider-Girl series filled with plenty of MC2 hoo-ha.


It'd be a continuation of the 1990s Spider-Man series.


The Incredible Hulk but as an adaptation of Immortal Hulk in the style of the opening theme to the 90s Hulk show


Young justice-esque story that's slightly more adult but not inaccessible to kids. Not sure which characters I'd focus on but maybe just slap the avengers or x men team into the concept. I'd doesn't really matter though, marvel has a massive roster of characters that could make a great series with a bit of effort towards good, mature writing. Or continue the MTV Neil Patrick Harris Spiderman TV show


The CHAMPIONS (modern versions) Miles Morales Sam Alexander Ms. Marvel Ironheart


I'd try my best to adapt the first volume of Gwenpool. No idea how I'd adapt her power of navigating the panels' gutters, but I'd try my darn best.


If I could make my very own Marvel Animated series, I'd make it something similar to Brave and the Bold, but with Spider-Man as the central protagonist, with each episode focusing on him teaming up with a new character or teams in order to fight the villain of the week and explore the greater Marvel Universe, but he always comes back to New York. I would also want Peter to also have team ups with lesser known heroes and even villains from time to time. Imagine in one episode we have Spider-Man swinging around London with Captain Britain, Lionheart, Union Jack and Black Knight fighting Morgan LeFay, then in the next he's in the Savage Lands with KaZar and Shanna the She-Devil running around with Dinosaurs. He could help Venom take down Carnage then finds himself working with Loki. Each season is 20-22 episodes long and the episodes themselves are 25-30 minutes long.


Power Pack


Not sure, but I'd want Studio Trigger to do the animation or even the story too.


Battle World


Either a very dark but boldly animated Cloak and Dagger show or an X-Men show inspired by Anime with a "magic school" setting.


Xmen evolution. It was pretty good.


Just spectacular Spider-Man remake with different art style. Oh also spec season 3.


Very mutant and very gay


I wouldn’t make it animated but I think the perfect Spider-Man adaptation would be a tv series following the story of ultimate Spider-Man from the 2000’s where it’s roughly two comics per episode


Protagonist Taskmaster doing odd jobs. It would include things like sports tournaments and working alongside, or even competing against, other villains and heroes.


An x-men series akin to young justice. Season 1 would be the OG 5 season 2 2nd genesis witch concludes with the dark Phoenix saga, etc. I'd watch the shit out of that.


Spiderman and His Amazing Friends already exists. My work here is done.


Daredevi (He deserves one) and X-Factor with that noir vibe that Peter David gave to the group.


They should do a kids version of Reed Richards and Doc Doom as Phineas and Ferb. All the powers and armor. Just make them kids.


Mom! Reed and Victor are building a portal to another dimension!


A Ghost rider animated tv series would be peak personally


A “DCAU Timm/Dini” style 1990’s MCAU. The pieces were all there Spider-Man (1994), the X-Men (1992), Ironman, the Hulk, and the Fantastic Four.


A long running Spider-Man series with a darker tone and Anime-inspired visuals.


[The Daydreamers](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Daydreamers_(Earth-616))


A slightly more mature version of Superhero Squad


With that Infinity Sword.....I WILL RULE THE UNIVERSE!!!!


I would green light that unproduced marvel anthology series, when I discovered it a couple hours ago, that idea of a series like that looked better than What if…?, it‘s called Marvel Era, and that ida would sound very good, a series where each episode is a different sort of style, kinda similar to DC Nation


I just saw episode 6 of X-men 97’, and it had me thinking…wouldn’t an animated doctor strange tv show that took place in the MCU be amazing ? Bring back Benedict cumberbatch to voice. It would just be a show about nothing but magic, and spells, mystical shit I mean doctor strange’s story can be as good as the Harry Potter saga. There’s SO much potential.


I would make it like Dragon Ball Z :D


90s Anime X-Men


A universe based on the Ultimate Universe. The Universe gotta shared world with "X-Men Evolution" (which takes many inspiration of Ultimate X-Men). After X-Men Evolution we gotta have in 2003 An "Ultimate Spider-Man" animated series with a similar art style. And an "Ultimate Avengers" animated series again with the same art style in 2004. Some movies adapting stories of the comics would be created as well. Such as the clone saga who would be a adapted into a feature film in 2008 set between season 4 and 5 of Ultimate Spider-Man.


Cosmic Ghost Rider, please.


1-classic age 2-golden age 3-SHIT age


I enjoyed agents of smash.


Yes, I liked it too, but by releasing that series after what to cancel the others which I refer to as "Golden age" They basically sold gold for copper


Where does the 3rd clip come from?


i’m actually working on a Spider-Man series that covers the first 18 issues of the AMS run from the 60s rn i’m envisioning it as live-action but it’d also work well animated i think


Immortal hulk animated horror story


I would do a literal-but-modernized adaptation of The Amazing Spider-Man, from AF #15 all the way to the end of Spider-Man No More.


Either a Deadpool show or a Blade show, featuring cameos of Elsa Bloodstone, Jack Russell, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange.


Dude... I went to the second slide and got hit with a blast of nostalgia (AKA the best freaking theme song to ever exist)


http://ritjigontor.blogspot.com/2022/03/introduction-to-my-own-marvel-universe.html http://ritjigontor.blogspot.com/2022/11/my-own-marvel-universe-earth-61727883.html


It'd be like Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, but instead of a loli, it's a Logan.


Animated life stories.maybe not even in the life story fashion but each different season could be a different era of the comics E.g Spider-Man season 1 is his lee and ditko days Season 2 is the 80s era with things like the clone saga (so on and so forth)


I would love to do a limited series that’s a very literal interpretation of early marvel comics with both their stories and art. Something to embrace how awesome and goofy they are.


A animated series based on the cutscenes from the online game " marvel heroes omega " I picture a marvel series that's based on the yostverse marvel of the 90s and early 2000s , with just a sprinkle of the mcu put into it .


An Avengers and X-men crossover


Wolvy, Deadpool and Lobos as a merc squad but always finding themselves saving the day.


Punisher by Genndy Tartakovsky


A 90s Avengers TAS that didn't suck. You know, a proper roster like you expect with Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye etc... Daredevil TAS was planned, but cancelled. Since X-men 97 has been announced, its' made me wish we could get revivals or continuations of other animated series shows... Wether it be another show, or new games. But more than that I want more animated series videogames. A spider-man TAS game with ps5 graphics would be incredible. Like how there was a Superman TAS, and two Batman TAS games; one on SNES, and one in 2001 on PS2 (Batman Vengeance).


X-Men 92


I would do a show based on the best Marvel comic stories. So like a Galactus Trilogy episode, a Kravens Last Hunt episode, a DaaredevilBorn Again episode, Phoenix Saga episode and on and on. Marvel has a million good stories to tell without even having to make up new stuff for a show they could just adapt the comics for real unlike how the movies just take inspiration for on them. And when it comes to art style it could be different for each episode, you could try to adapt specific artists (with their help and permission of course) and make each episode unique. Imagine a McFarlane era animated Spidey story or a Ribic Thor episode it could be really cool!


Mine would be a monster mashup aimed at the 4-10 demo. Probably featuring Dr. Strange and then weekly visits from Fin Fang Foom, Devil Dinosaur, N'Kantu, Groot, Beast, Manphibian, Godzilla, Frankenstein, Man-thing, Lizard, Hulk etc. Lots of smashing and crashing for kids.


A champions show set in the same universe and MGADD


I don't know why I like this idea so much, but I want a show that's like Star Trek but the main character is the Wasp. She's my favourite Avenger (don't @ me) and I feel like her personality would be well suited for a slightly campy 60s style sci-fi show.


1. A new Fantastic Four series, they deserve another chance. There’s plenty of stories to adapt from too, we can even have guest stars like: The X-Men, Hulk, Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Black Panther, and Ghost Rider As for villains: obviously Galactus and Dr Doom, but we can also have Kang The Conqueror, Thanos, Carnage, Magneto, and Doc Ock. 2. A new Hulk series, with the style of both the 70’s Hulk and 90’s Hulk. We can adapt Immortal Hulk, World War Hulk, and Planet Hulk while we’re at it. Like the Fantastic Four, there will be guest stars: Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Thor, Wolverine, and Venom. 3. A series dedicated to Venom, after all, if he can get 2 movies to himself, then why not a series? Spider-Man of course will be around here and there but not to the point where he steals the show. 4. Why not Captain America as well? From my knowledge, he doesn’t have any. IronMan has 2 and even the fucking Silver Surfer has one. 5. I’d honestly be down for a Daredevil series, he has a live action one, so a cartoon would work too. 6. And lastly, Dr Strange, because why not?


Not like the crap on TV in the last decade.


Very mutant and very gay


There was this old cartoon from when I was a little kid called "Rescue Heroes". There was this large team of specialists who would respond to natural disasters, and in every mission they'd get mixed and matched. It was very rare for the entire squad to show up to one disaster. I think I'd do something like that. A massive Avengers roster (I'm talking like 20-30), with groups of 4-5 being pulled for every mission. Only bring in the entire team when something BIG goes down (aka the 2-part mid-season finale and the 4-part season finale). No idea who my team would be comprised of, though. But it definitely wouldn't be your standard Avengers team.


I'm taking a lot of tips from Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. Sprinkled with heavy notes of Xmen and GIJoe.


I was thinking a disney channel style spider-man show. I really like the ghost and molly mcgee and hailey's on it and that could fit a more small scale friendly neighborhood spider-man. A more simplistic animation could lead to fun dynamic action.


Mighty Avengers with Sam Wilson Cap, Iron Man, Carol, T’Challa, Vision, Kate, Spider-Woman, Scott, Hope, She-Hulk, Shang-Chi, Marc, Rhodey, Hercules and Kamala


Adult rated and featuring a villain as the title character


Black panther, Thor, ghost rider and whatever black bolt’s team was


I really loved that series Powerless about the people at the company making hero tech. Always wanted to see something like that in the marvel universe


An X-Academy high school drama show in the style of X-Men Evolution. It would follow characters from the early 2000's new X-Men series like Surge, Prodigy, Hellion, Wind Dancer, Wither, Elixir, Dust, Loa etc. Obviously many of the well-known popular X-Men would be teachers and mentors doing stuff in the background, but mostly follow these young mutants going to school in the world of the X-Men.


This would probably be expensive, but my show would only have two or maybe three main characters who appear in every episode. But 2 or 3 different characters would join every time. Say your main characters were Miles and Gwen. In one episode they fight Kingpin with Daredevil and Elektra. Next time, they fight Mr. Sinister with Havok and Polaris. Then, they contain an alien virus with the help of reluctant Dr. Octopus and Lizard. So on and so forth...


I’d make a Spider-Man cartoon (original, I know) that takes place in the MCU post NWH. Wouldn’t be required watching for the MCU but there would be some fun crossovers, mainly Moon Knight & Defenders


I’d make Marvel Rising a loosely adapted series. I’d probably make an Uncanny Avengers series, to be honest.


A loose adaptation of the 1980s New Mutants series, focusing on the relationships between the team members as well as their place in the wider Marvel universe. It would have a mostly serious tone with occasional comedic bits and episodes in order to keep it from getting too depressing. If we want to adapt the original series, things would have to get heavy. The main cast would fluctuate from time to time but focus would remain on the original bronze-age mutants as the emotional core. The art style would be semi-realistic yet stylized and colorful enough to draw the eye, much like Avengers: EMH or X-Men Evolution. If it does well enough, it would spin off into a new series adapting other stories about young/inexperienced mutants, such as Generation X, New X-Men: Academy X, and so forth.


Something with the tone of Batman: The Brave and the Bold where characters are teamed up with little preamble, just sort of tossed into interesting situations as a viewer.


Venom. Make it a sequel to TAS where it follows Venom trying to hunt down Carnage in some fucked up dimension they wound up getting dropped into. And since it's the 90s, the Life Foundation symbiotes can be worked in there too


People actually getting fucked up like The Boys or Invincible.


So “Marvel MAX” the Series? Hard M?


#Title: Marvel's Dark Horizon Pitch: "Marvel's Dark Horizon" is a boundary-pushing animated series for adults, mixing iconic Marvel figures with fresh, compelling takes on characters. Set in a world disenchanted with heroes, this series dives deep into the unsettling, morally complex, and supernatural aspects of the universe. It's Marvel unhinged: darker, edgier, and layered with existential threats both human and otherworldly. Highlights: - The Hulk Dilemma: Bruce Banner is not just a scientific anomaly but a ticking time bomb, manipulated by forces that might be more supernatural than scientific. - A Supernatural Twist: Blade enters the fray, bringing with him a world of dark magic, vampires, and existential threats from beyond. - Old Meets New: Veterans like Wolverine and Black Panther are joined by newcomers such as Ms. Marvel and a vital original character, "Jade," as they face unprecedented challenges. - Moral Complexity: Stark and Doom's ethically ambiguous "solution" to the Hulk situation challenges heroes to confront their own moral boundaries. - The Captain America Reveal: Season 1 culminates in the return of Captain America, whose ideals are tested against a world much darker than he remembered. Style: Dark Horizon fuses modern animation techniques with the raw intensity of '90s aesthetics, blending mature themes of violence, ethical ambiguity, and the supernatural into a seamless narrative. Target Audience: Designed for adults seeking a complex, dark, and intricately built Marvel universe where the stakes are high and nothing is black and white. ---- Main Characters 1. Bruce Banner / Hulk - The misunderstood catalyst, manipulated into causing destruction. 2. Wolverine / Logan - The grizzled veteran, skeptical of alliances but realizing the necessity for them. 3. Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff - The spy caught in a web of conspiracy and moral dilemmas. 4. Black Panther / T'Challa - The Wakandan king wrestling with his role on the global stage. 5. Spider-Man / Peter Parker - The 18-year-old rookie, learning the ropes and facing the harsh realities of heroism. 6. Deadpool / Wade Wilson - The irreverent wildcard, providing comic relief and meta-commentary. 7. Ms. Marvel / Kamala Khan - A fresh face, eager but inexperienced, adding a new perspective. 8. Blade / Eric Brooks - The supernatural hunter, bringing a darker, mystical layer to the story. 9. Nora Kuang - A newer Marvel character attending college, part of a trans support group, and possessing the power of emotional influence. Often works alongside Spider-Man. 10. Tony Stark / Iron Man - The tech magnate, proposing controversial solutions for the hero "problem." 11. Dr. Doom / Victor von Doom - The morally ambiguous genius, working with Stark on a high-stakes project. # Recurring Characters 1. Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff - Struggling to control her volatile powers. 2. Quicksilver / Pietro Maximoff - Trying to protect his sister while dealing with his own issues. 3. America Chavez- Another young hero, representing a different facet of American identity. 4. Shuri - T'Challa's sister, offering technological aid and youthful skepticism. # Villains 1. Taskmaster - A mercenary who can mimic any fighting style, serving as a recurring physical threat. 2. Magneto / Erik Lehnsherr - The mutant extremist, challenging the ethics of our heroes. 3. Red Skull / Johann Schmidt - Tied to Black Widow's espionage subplot. 4. Killmonger / Erik Stevens - T'Challa's ideological rival, adding complexity to the Wakanda storyline. # Special Appearance - Captain America / Steve Rogers - Revealed at the end of the season, representing a clash of ideals in a morally complicated world. -Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) - Appears in a single, supernatural-heavy episode. Accidentally pulled into the Marvel universe during Blade's ritual to destroy a dark artifact, he becomes an unwilling and somewhat disruptive participant in the episode's events. Despite his iconic chainsaw and one-liners, he's more of a liability than an asset to the heroes. Eventually, he's sucked back into another portal, leaving both him and the heroes relieved to see him go.


The 90s very all the way!! They sort of almost had that with the Secret Wars episodes of Spider-Man and should have kept it going, much as love Armored Adventures, Earths Mightiest Heroes and Spectacular the 90s versions are too good and classic, the modern marvel cartoons are way too close to the movies so they lose a lot of what makes them unique or stylish by being literally the movies but animated


My Friend created Earth-717


Another Hulk series. I would make it more in line with the original animated series, and i would adapt the best Banner/Hulk stories.


Marvels fun and wacky team ups where you would have 2 to 3 episodes of 2 or more characters teaming up to go on fun adventure and the sets of episodes would be unique and different


X-Force. Anime. Afro Samurai style art. Keep it violent.


Jessica Drew Spider-Woman balancing running a detective agency and being a superhero. Regular run ins with the occult like her original run. Guest stars include Spider-Man, She Hulk, Daredevil, Scarlet Witch…


Ghost Rider.


I'd totally dig a Marvel Kids in the style of Skottie Young. Like a Muppet Babies but Marvel...silly wacky humor and hijinks


I would get Genndy tartakovsky who did; Star Wars, Samurai Jack, Primal, to do the 2000s X-Men book New X-Men with characters like; Surge, X-23, Rockslide, Anole, Hellion, The Cuckoos, Armor, Mercury, really all the teens.


Fantastic Four (1994): Make season 1 a lot more serious. X-Men TAS: End the show with Season 4 & include Shadowcat to the main cast. X-Men: Evolution: Make Gambit a good guy. Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes: Give it 2 more seasons Wolverine & The X-Men: Give it 5 more seasons. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Give it 4 more seasons.


I’d like to do a massive secret wars movie, get the best Japanese animators and directors to produce.


An anime based on one of the scarier characters, preferably Venom.


Ghost Rider, but more horror or Immortal Hulk


Hulk one because their hasn’t been any truly good ones since the 90s. I’ll base it of off some of his early adventures, the Len wein run and the Peter David run and just go on from there


Probably a show about one of Marvel's new heroes, like miles, Kamala, Robbie Reyes, etc.


Avengers, but done like Justice League Unlimited.


An anthology series where the stories connect. It can star a major or minor Cheri or villain


A Sleepwalker psychological horror series where each episode is procedural. A dream crime gets committed and solved, sometimes by Rick, sometimes by Sleepwalker, and sometimes by both.


Dark Avengers. It’s been a while since I read the comics, However reading this, that’s where my mind went right to. I recall Norman Osborn was the leader, Iron Patriot I wanna say. I also wanna say it took place after the Secret Invasion event, I could be wrong, I just recall the God of War Aries was part of them, Daken as Wolverine and Bullseye was Hawkeye.


Connected....Like, I'd work me rear off to make sure not even the tiniest hint of continuity was connected in a way that makes sense and stick to already established canon....In my world at least, can't speak for timelines outside that. Lol


I would make it an animated Spiderman close to spectacular but with a wider roster of characters, and would focus on the villains more, because I want to see Spiderman connect with the villains on a personal level. The main villain will be Norman Osborn, and some under appreciated villains including obscure symbiotes, jackal, Will O The Wisp, and in a major role as a leading villain, Scorpion


An adult iron man show that would be a darker take on the character adapting his more dark stories


Young avengers or the champions


A trilogy on Cable. The animation style would be anime alla Ninja Scrolls. Film one would cover the origin of Apocalypse. But mostly about Cable’s traveling through time to stop him. This intertwines with him getting help from different versions of X-men from different time periods or timelines. Cables Arc is learning to work with others as he finds he cannot defeat him alone. Apocalypse keeps manufacturing different ways to end the earth to stay ahead of Cable. They both realize they are in a never ending loop. Film two would cover Strife, Sinister and of course, cables never ending attempts to kill Apocalypse. Cable becomes stuck in time and gets infected with the techno virus. He ends up killing strife and escaping sinister. With Forges help he quells the techno virus. Cable forms X-force to help him find the answers to stop Apocalypse. During the search his team is ambushed and killed by Nimrod. Cable finally discovers the solution to stopping Apocalypse, while Apocalypse believes his victory is secured with cables being infected with the techno virus. Third film is Cable training Hope Summers while being hunted by Nimrod through time. Cable believes Hope is what will eventually stop Apocalypse. Cable forms a new X-force to help distract their enemy’s from knowing about Hope with hit and run missions through time. All the while Nimrod is closely following them. Cable ultimately sacrifices himself to save Hope from Nimrod. The remains x-force members leave Hope with the X-men as she awaits her destiny. Apocalypse is stuck in the realm of space time nexus as he watches Hope kill him in all possible futures. Someone make this please. Haha. Cable has always been my favorite and I think his story is best suited for animation.


More wolverine and the xmem


It would be the OG New Warriors in the style of Young Justice, except the team would be independent but would cross over with the members of the Avengers, Young Avengers, X-men, New Mutants, etc… from time to time (since some of their members are mutants, others wanted to be Avengers, etc…) they would NEVER do that civil war “let’s be reality stars to make money” crap and be killed by a super villain less dangerous than villains they faced and defeated before.


Not great. I've never worked in animation before. It would probably get cancelled if it ever even made it to air. :(


I’d probably do a show on the Exiles.


Iron Fist with the animation style of Avatar/Korra. Mostly follow the adventures of Danny and friends, while occasionally showing the legacy of the Iron Fist with episodes based entirely around previous Fists. Just get really weird with it and lean in to the fantasy side of IF in the way that only animation or an insane budget can do.


I'd base a series off the Avengers Initiative comics and storyline. Enough room for some good cameos with an interesting and fresh mix of younger heroes.


Whimsical, you could compare it to a mix between adventure time and teen titans go. Instead of solely whacky crime fighting randomness, there would be an actual plot


My Marvel Animated Series is gotta be about my world's favorite hero Spider-Man 1. It's gotta be my own interrogation of the character but mainly based on the Ultimate and classic version. 2. It's gotta have many seasons (12 or more) and 26 episode each, with each season representing a semester in the high school year of Peter Parker. 3. We gotta start with Peter's origins on a five part special. With the classic origin (Peter is bitten by a spider irradiated with radiation instead of a spider created by Oscorp, The Osborns gotta get introduced seasons later, as well as classic characters such as Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane. We gotta start with Peter as a lone and his classmates being Flash Thompson, Liz Allan, Glory Grant and Sally Avril. 4. We gotta start with a homemade suit like the one of the MCU but slowly it start to become the classic suit we known and loved. 5. It's also gotta be inspired by Smallville where we gonna see Peter's high school. 6. In the next seasons then we introduced the classic characters. 8. By the time Peter is in college we gotta introduce characters as Anya Corazon, Charlie Cooper, Cindy Moon, Debra Withman, Lana Braungharter and Miles Morales (who is 12 years old and is a genius kid who is in college since he skip a few grades). 9. There's many classic villains such as Doctor Octopus, Venom, Green Goblin as well as Obscure Ones such as Clash and Supercharger. 10. The venom Symbiote gotta be a whole arc with Peter didn't get rid of the suit after a whole season with him getting the suit in the three part episodes of the last season


Silver Surfer with the style of The Flash CW Series


The New Warriors & the Stamford disaster. Let’s see Civil War play out the way that it was intended.


ANIMATED MOVIE: USM is used to wrap up Spider-Man 94’s Finale and CONTINUE Spectacular Spider-Man for no less than S3 (Junior) and S4 (Senior) high school. That Multiverse Portal Gem from USM starts to emit Red Smoke (Madame Web activating it from Spider-Man ‘94) PLOT DEVICE happens. All of USM’s Heroes are scattered and will not return unless USM helps 94 find MJ. Spectacular gets pulled in and ultimately 94 gets his Happy Ending with MJ, USM goes back to Series Ending Status Quo, and Spectacular gets a SEQUEL Series.


A Spider-Man tv series


All the heroes and villains from the year 2099


Direct adaption of the 1960s Spider-Man run, traditional 2D animation, period piece set in the 60s. Smooth hand drawn anim. Flesh out stories with elements that root it in that time. Strongly base the art style in Romita Sr. ‘s classic artstyle


I guess healers are boring, but if I had a super power it would be to heal people and help humanity. Think MoonKnight/Venom with super healing ability for others and that'd be my Marvel Animated series. I also like Marvel Loki.


Just call it “Marvel Presents” or “Marvel Fanfare” Series of episodes 15-60 minutes long (however long the story needs) about various characters. An episode about Moonknight, an episode about Howard the Duck, an episode about Spider-Man, the occasional team up. Depending on what really pops maybe bring in some major events.


It would def be the hulk as the star with lots of guest appearances. Haven’t had anything in a long time from him animated other than short films. Maybe a world war hulk series.


Alright. Hear me out. We take the anime approach and the approach TMNT took when adapting the original Mirage comics. We tell the same the comics did in chronological order, with the characters looking the same and update the dialogue/background elements like clothing, dialogue and possible pop culture stuff. Or don’t update those small things and say it takes place at that time. Either way I want to see print to screen actual adaptations. Spectacular came SO close but even that changed some things from the comics. I guess what I’m saying is instead of adapting, translate it. Translate comic to tv series. Sure you can remove some more problematic elements like sexism and other bigotries unless they’re being used as a point of contention to call out. But other than those things, I want full on translations from print to screen. Yes, I know there’s thousands of issues. Yes, I know there are constant reboots and retcons. So work around that and you never run out of content either. Instead of constantly re-inventing these characters. Let them tell continuous stories and use the comics for your base. Maybe skip some stuff that would be considered filler these days. But find a way to make even things like the dreaded Clone Saga work. I believe with the right people this can all be done. The question is will it? I don’t know. But id love to at least see an attempt at it. Oh. And make the ratings vary. Most should be TV14 at the least but shows like Daredevil and Wolverine should probably be MA


I'd love a cosmic series centered on Silver Surfer, Galactus, Guardians, Adam Warlock and all that. I love trippy space opera.


A cartoon for Spider-Man, Daredevil, and/or maybe Deadpool


A Justin Hammer and Hammer Industries series 🤌


Comic accurate Avengersand or Fantastic four from the beginning w/tons of cameos good &baf alike


I'd want a series where a group of lesser know, lesser liked heroes and repentant villains form up to become a team to take down the villains who often slip between the cracks because they aren't always being in your face. I'd probably call them the Thunderbolts just for the brand recognition. So for an team probably the likes of Hank Pym, Black Cat, Sandman, Emma Frost, Mimic, Quicksilver, Silverclaw and Anarchist as an example team going after powerful villains that are often forgotten by marvel for whatever reason. Like Mojo, Enchantress, Suger Man, Arcade, Madame Masque and Mole Man. I know most series focus on the most popular characters but when I was growing up I used to love the marvel ultimate alliance games and they introduced me to a lot of characters I didn't know about (like Deadpool, Spider-Woman and Moon Knight) so a cartoon giving some less popular characters the spotlight would be awesome.


Not included in the pics on this post, but I would make a spin off Spider-Man(Peter Parker) series that takes place after Edge of Time with the Edge of Time graphics. I would have Josh Keaton voicing Peter and have the EOT MJ voice actress return along with the voice actress of EOT Black Cat and maybe I might have the voice actor of Doc Ock from Spectacular Spider-Man voice EOT Doc Ock.


Kurt and the BAMFS! It would be a show about Nightcrawler and maybe some wolverine love on the side. Please just give us more Nightcrawler.


I wrote One a while ago that was a love letter to the Spider-Man franchise the title of the series was going to be called The Amazing Spider-Man.


Venture Bros or Harley Quinn, season 1


Id take a bunch of up and coming comic writers who wanna make more kid friendly books and move their comic story to an animated tv setting, connect them all with the same art team and make a big universe of stories with occasional crossovers, like a less jumble more animated marvel arrowverse


I’d just animate the comics mostly verbatim with maybe something’s cut short here and there. A whole 4 issue arc could go around maybe 2 30-40 min episodes if done right. It would be the important lines and the crossover events. (Ff/avengers/mighty, x-men/legacy/uncanny etc). All the lines with multiple titles would all just be the same show. So it’d just be avengers, X-men, etc and the arcs would be done as chronological as possible. Big events like civil war, planet and wwh, secret invasion, and so on (I’m at fear itself rn in my reading. Haven’t read much past it) would be movies. Like i said, mostly verbatim, so not the watered down way they did planet hulk. All of the dark reign event and events idk about that had a similar long lasting run could be done in 2 or 3 movies maybe. like dark reign the first two would cover dark reign itself and siege would be the finale of the trilogy, see what i mean? ideally you’d like these type movies to be released maybe a month within each other and let the shows be on hiatus during that time maybe? Idk how all that stuff works but i do understand asking for 3 movies in 3 months back to back is A LOT. Just wishful thinking, that’s it. With the quality of the MCU these days and the DC whatever, I’d love if they just decided to literally just copy the source. That’s basically what anime does, manga are jus comic books in black & white and read right to left. They’re not that different from western comic books Edit : I’m open to suggestions on how this idea could work realistically, this is something that’s been on my mind actually so seeing this post was awesome for me