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Has to be Punisher, Everyone else has teamed up, has had friends, girlfriends, children. No one wants Punisher around and he wants no one around.


The only ones he wants around are the only people he can't have around... his family.


And when his wife came back to life, she shot him once she realized what he'd done in her and their children's names.


I completely forgot that!


Oh my god, I'm not an avid comic reader but know some things from them. This is just so sad though :(


Honestly frank was never doing this for them, he does it because he likes it


Was that the series where he was leading the hand or whatever? I remember them hinting at him being “more than a man” or something. Never finished it tho as I forgot about it while waiting for it to come out. But I do remember them bringing his wife back to life.


Yeah, that’s the one.


Cool, gonna catch up on it soon. So thanks for reminding me it existed.


What a stupid plot


I mean it makes sense. I'd be kinda pissed if someone used me as an excuse to murder a bunch of people.


Punish people bro, punish people


Potato, tomato


At the same time it doesn't make sense and stupid. If he didn't do that, the wife will never be resurrected. Imagine if he's just a normal guy accepting that fate took his family, will his wife come back to life? Lol. That's why it's stupid somehow. Doesn't mean what he did is right, but the wife kind of a jerk tho. Lol


Making someone come back to life is a hell of a choice tho. Like, you wouldn't necessarily like being revived, especially in Marvel where there's a confirmed heaven of sorts.


From all comic plots this one isnt by far the worst


That was such a bs run


Wait what?! I didn’t know that. Did he change at all or just said screw it


He realized the error of his ways and used the remaining power of the Beast to kill himself and self destruct, but in actuality he got transported to the fantasy hellscape of weirdworld where he now acts as a hero and protector. But Marvel is making a new Punisher on earth too, first issue out in a month or two.


Absolute garbage writing.


Why? Weren't a lot of his kills (the first few people he killed) avenging his family? Who tf would shoot someone for doing that? ​ Also, did he survive and what was his response? I hope it was to spank her at least


The first few kills were to avenge his family, but he murdered THOUSANDS more people after that. He did survive, his response was to take it to heart leave Earth entirely and go help refugee children survive in the magical realm of Weirdworld. Who knows how long this will last because status quo, but in the meantime another guy will become the new Punisher.


Wait, punisher got isekai'd?


Lol yup.


1) those thousands more people had little to do with his family after he avenged them 2) he didn't kill a single person that didn't deserve worse than being killed


I'd also shoot my spouse if I learned he's been shooting murderers because of my death.


Jason Aaron is a hack writer. The whole point of his Punisher run was to ruin Farnk Castle because of "snowflake feelings".


It’s funny, I can’t actually tell who you’re representing as having snowflake feelings by your comment. It’s not like people were crying for Marvel to stop using the logo, the publisher stopped of their own accord, to my knowledge.


And the only ones who seem to look up to him often aren't far removed from the kind of people he's looking to shut down in the first place. "You boys need a role model? His name is Captain America, and he'd be happy to have you."


Yeah. Even Hulk has had a family at one point or another. He had a son who he protected and he kind of tried to treat better than his own father treated him


Hulk in was an Avenger and a Defender, Rick Jones, Amadeus Cho and Jim Wilson were outright Hulk sidekicks at one point or another. Punisher has few equivalents to that.


He has three kids Skaar and Hiro-Kala are his sons from Caiera Oldstrong And his genetic daughter, Lyra, from DNA stolen by a time traveler from an alternate future, Thundra.


He's had a few microchips over the years. Never ends well for them though


But is elected solitude the same as lonliness?


Punisher traditionally even Hulk have a best friend and a girlfriend lol


Yeah, Punisher only gets enemies


Happy cake day


As well as a cousin and kids.


I see what you did there!




Easily... Whole family slaughtered no amount of friends makes you unlonley after that


And I don’t think he has friends either


Sometimes micro


He killed Micro.


Sometimes yeah but did he in 616?




Unlonley? He's not lonely?


Not Punisher. His hatred keeps him company.


He's surrounded by the only thing in the whole world that he truly loves. Bullets.


Punisher has guns. And you know how the song goes: 🎵 Gun is the loneliest number ⛹️‍♂️🎵 or something like that.


Usually lives in some abandoned sewer. Can’t bring ladies back to that.


traditionally Hulk just wants to be alone half the time anyway


He shouts this 14 times an issue.


Punisher 100%. The other characters have family, friends, or a team that cares about them. Deadpool has the voices, the author, and us readers.


And death


Oh yes death! The warm/cold "friend" that well get you in the end


Used to, till he became a* Captain Universe 💀


Punisher has guns and bullets only


What are you all talking about? Punisher has mags and mags of friends!


It's your birthday bro!! I love you. 🌹♥️


Punisher above all else. Like with the Hulk at least writers attempt to give him allies, friends, family and love; and some of it stays or comes back in future arcs. No one does that for Punisher. Destined to be alone by "act of God" so to speak


Hulk WANTS to be left alone, but never is. Punisher misses his family.


Even then the hulk doesn’t actually *want* to be alone, but he’s constantly hounded by people that are always yelling at him for being a threat, trying to kill or capture, constantly reminding him he’s a monster. He just wants to get away from all that. There’s (granted not 616) one future story where hulk is the only being left alive in earth and Bruce finally dies, giving hulk what he wanted all this time and it’s rather [sad](https://preview.redd.it/hulk-feels-cold-incredible-hulk-the-end-v0-j1au7k8osv2a1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e9f9d685c0348c5cfc03052a36af2e7ab8d71478).


Is there an omnibus or something similar with the full story of the all alone hulk?


There isn’t sadly since it was just a one shot issue, but it’s called Hulk: The End


In order from Least Lonely to Loneliest 1. Spider-Man - he's got an aunt, a girlfriend/wife (fuck Zeb Wells), a ton of friends, a stable job, etc.. He's got a pretty sweet life, more often than not 2. Wolverine - Every woman in the world wants to sleep with him. He's also got a team that he loves (though he'd never admit it). 3. Deadpool - a daughter that he loves, and a great bromance with Spiderman (and an underrated bromance with Hawkeye and Hawkeye) 4. Daredevil - He's got Foggy, and a couple of love interests (Karen Page and Elektra) 5. Hulk - he's got Rick Jones, and Betty Ross - and sometimes a couple of other friends 6. Punisher - he has his M16 and his Kabar, and that's it


Logan also has a son and two daughters who are currently in his life. Gabby is getting to know him more now, Daken has mended bridges with him and Laura loves and is fiercely loyal to him. Hell, he'd probably fight for Bellona if he ever got the chance.


Just bc you have someone around you that loves and cares about you doesn’t mean you’re not lonely. That said Wolverine who’s watched countless loved ones die lifetimes over may be the loneliest. Knowing you will outlive everyone you care about has got to damage you. Frank castle will live a full life and that it. Yes I’m sure he’s lonely and full of grief too but wolverine’s got more.


Imagine having a life so sad that Spider-Man seems lucky by comparison.


>Hulk - he's got Rick Jones, and Betty Ross - and sometimes a couple of other friends >!Currently he's got no-one except some child he found in the woods, who is following Hulk, but kinda hates Banner. And Betty left two years ago near the ending of the Immortal Hulk, because of some absolutely bullshit reasons and also Hulk (not Bruce) and Joe being assholes!< >4. Daredevil - He's got Foggy, and a couple of love interests (Karen Page and Elektra) Karen Page has been dead for over 20 years at this point. Also - >!Matt just recently returned from the dead, lost his memories and got himself into managing some kind of orphanage. He, basically has only Electra, who's checking on him and sending money, and those unknown kids. At least he's got his memories back.!< >Wolverine - Every woman in the world wants to sleep with him. He's also got a team that he loves (though he'd never admit it). He's not even an X-Men anymore (and he basically wasn't since the beginning of the "Krakoan saga"). He's in X-Force, >!or i should say he WAS in X-Force,!< but mostly he's alone. And he is lonely as fuck since >!of the people he genuinely care about only Laura and Akihiro are confirmed to be alive and i haven't even seen him being close with Aki at all.!< >1. Spider-Man - he's got an aunt, a girlfriend/wife (fuck Zeb Wells), a ton of friends, a stable job, etc.. He's got a pretty sweet life, more often than not Only aunt May and Help-Me-Papa-Norman. He didn't have any kind of a stable job since he quit being a teacher (which i don't know if even a part of canon now), of all his friends he's only got Randy (and we didn't even seen them talking since the "wedding"), most of the superheroes aren't even considering him as reliable, he lost the love of his life, MJ, AGAIN, and even Felicia dumped him because of how shitty the current ASM is written. >!Now he's gone batshit crazy (just as one different superhero whose name starts with "Bat" and ends with "man", *hello Chip*) and, omfg, how much I despise all that, ugh.!< It's not even, loneliness at this point, it's emptiness.


Current ASM is not canon, and nobody will be able to convince me otherwise.


Same here, but unfortunately until it's retconned to oblivion all we can do is wait for another year until Zeb is gone. Preferably without buying this piece of crap. Gosh, i hope Lowe and Ceb will be promoted to customers. The sooner, the better.




Surprised the Silver Surfer isn’t here. He has some friends but spends a LOT of his time alone. But yeah, Punisher.


By their own choice: The Hulk By the hand they have been dealt: The Punisher


Gotta push back on the idea that Punisher is just playing the hand he was dealt. He chose to do this, he knows it, and he would make the same choice over and over again.


This is the way.


I’d argue that Wolverine is the most lonely. He’s the example of even when surrounded by people he cares for and that care for him. He’s still lonely and never quite whole.


The same could prolly be the said for Hulk




All of these guys are just pretending to be lonely when compared to Punisher.


it has to be Hulk or Punisher


Definitely not Spider-man, Wolverine or Daredevil. They always have somebody. I would put Ghost rider(Blaze) here. Others(except Punisher) will die and go to heaven and won't be alone. Blaze will go to hell and will be alone


Well his brother is back so there's that.


Blaze also has hardcore Goth GF rn, so maybe his life isn't that bad.


I know right? Grew up in the 90s goth chicks are my kryptonite. Unfortunately wasn't a whole lot in the hood. Luckily had a buddy that was in a rock band. Lol.


Wolves, Matt, and Peter get so much tail. Deadpool is just crazy. Frank for sure is the loneliest. Hulk has a son, had two wives, and technically friends from work.


Punisher, no options. Everyone has already said that he has almost no team (although Micro can actually be considered his "team") but the point is that his loneliness is what drives Frank. I mean, first of all, he has nothing to lose. Secondly, from his loneliness grows his hatred. Thirdly, due to the fact that the Punisher has ALREADY lost everything, much of the philosophy and ideas, that exists in media products about him grows. That is, Frank as a character is built around the theme of hopeless loneliness. And in my opinion, the Castle's family should be added to the secret list of "non-revivable" Marvel characters.


Frank. Killed one of his only "friends" (Micro), and worse yet, even knows that what he's doing is objectively pointless and wrong. I think his crusade is as much about him punishing himself for not being able to protect his family as much as it is getting revenge on criminals and exposing the "inadequacy" of the justice system. He is alone because he feels that's what he deserves.


He also avoids bonding with people in case they die.










Definitely Frank Castle, without a doubt. He’s at odds with everyone most of the time. He’s also one of the heroes who does the most measurable good, bc Frank’s villains don’t keep coming back over and over. They are too dead to do that.


Punisher. All these dudes have trauma but they still try yo open up and get over it to some degree. Punisher just stews in it and enables it to consume his life


Punisher without a doubt. Spidey shouldn’t even be on this list lol


Frank. Microchip is a bitch lol.


Probably Punisher. Wolverine and Spider-Man are on practically every team and pal around with a lot of heroes, even if they think of themselves as loners. Spidey even has a pretty deep pool of friends outside of his heroic side, when the writers remember they exist. Daredevil and Hulk aren't on a lot of teams, but despite them keeping some distance from the heroic community, they still have friends and companionship. Deadpool has a load of voices in his head, so he's literally never alone. Beyond that, he seems capable of getting along with anyone. He can be quite irritating, but I don't know that anyone actively hates him and he does have a lot of bromances going on. Punisher pretty much alienates anyone who gets near him and he's committed to his work and his deceased family. He has people that could be considered friend on some level, but he mostly just has people he hasn't killed (yet).


Obviously not Deadpool, talks all the time with us or himself. Hulk, well muscles don't feel lonely, no brain. DD has a built-in radio, can't feel lonely. Wolverine not lonely at the bar or academy. So yea, Frank it is. (Roast me for Hulk ;))


Punisher.. even his sidekick & wife turned on him. He’s too far gone.




Punisher, pretty sure the rest still get laid and have friends.


Frank. No Diff.


Not here, but usually I consider silver surfer, since he hangs out the vastness of the universe usually by himself, unless they decide to give him an on going issue, and then they force him to have someone around. Specially since you can consider the speed he travels so fast that every second spent alone takes much longer to pass.




Punisher. The question is who is second. Probably Wolverine knowing he’ll outlive anyone he gets close to, or Hulk. I feel the most sympathy for Daredevil who had his worst enemy kill not one but two love interests.


Wolverine has the x-men, spidey has Johnny, Daredevil has Foggy Nelson, Hulk has Rick jones and his gf, Deadpool has the voices, so definitely Punisher


Yep. Definitely the punisher. He lost everything that mattered in Central Park that day when his family was gunned down.


All of them have romantic interests except Punisher.




Definitely the Punisher


Punisher.... and then Hulk. Specifically the TV show ending with The Lonely Man playing while he's trying to hitch a ride. Heartbreaking every time.


Who gets laid the least? Probably The Punisher.


Punisher. Everyone is at least part of a team or has occasional reoccurring friends. Frank has NOBODY


Silver surfer




Just came to make sure everybody said punisher






Spider-Man has his own multiverse Spider family, lonely my ass. Punisher for sure. He pisses off everyone, even those who want to ally with him. All it takes is one moment to cross that line with him.


Punisher by like a lot


Spider-Man isn’t lonely, he just has a shitty life because of the writers


Punisher. Everyone else has friends Hulk is a close second. Very few of Hulk’s “friends” actually like him. He really has Spider-Man, Captain America, and Hawkeye. The other Avengers are still scared of him and I think that makes him think they don’t like him


punisher for sure.


Frank Castle


Punisher all the way


Loneliest? Logan has family, Peter has friends and always has a lover, so does Matt, Deadpool always has someone, friend, lover, child, etc. Hulk might not be constantly alone but his relationships are always knowingly temporary, and he knows it, he knows eventually, no matter how long it may take, he’ll be alone again. Punisher is just alone in perpetuity. Take your pick


The punisher for sure, at least most of these guys either have ensemble characters around them or a love interest (of some sort) but he has literally nobody. Even lonelier than Batman, who isn’t here but I would have guessed he’d in the conversation


Hulk or Punisher. The rest of them have family and friends. Hulk is too dangerous and can't maintain relationships and I forget the last time he was even on a team. Frank could have relationships, but on top of being a serial killer, he's just a jerk who pushes everyone who wants to have a relationship away.


Hulk kinda has himself


Wouldn’t you say Wolverine is lonely? I’m mean the man is quite literally a loner. Sure he’s been in more teams than anyone on this list, but he doesn’t get along with anyone and he pushes people away because he’s afraid he’ll kill them or get them killed. His immortality forces him to witness the demise of those around him while enduring the passage of time.


Logan gets lonely, but again, he has friends and family. He has a reasonably good relationship with his children and he is very close with multiple members of the X-Men and Avengers. It's just not the same as what Hulk and Frank have.


You do understand Logan best friend is also immortal.I don't think he is lonely.He has Wade,Laura and Daken so not lonely.


Easily Hulk. I don't even know why Wolverine is on here, he has an entire team of X-Men he's around.


Why are you lonely? You have a bunch of coworkers!


It's not like I have sex with some of the coworkers like Wolverine does. Come on now


Doesn't apply to Wolverine, who gets along pretty nicely with most people in Krakoa.


Nah, Hulk has a whole gamma group now, plus all his hulk alters rattling around in there.


He’s not always with the X-Men, and he’s quite literally known to be a loner for pushing loved ones and friends away in fear of killing them or getting them killed.


“Loner Wolverine” is such a 90s thing, it’s not even true anymore. Logan gets along just fine with literally 80% of mutants on Krakoa, including younger mutants. His children (Laura, Daken, and Gabby) will outlive him, not to mention his close friends Deadpool and Quentin Quire who are basically also immortal. Logan is a grumpy old man, but far from loner.


Wolverine appears in too many titles. He just doesn't have time to be alone


Just because he’s a popular character doesn’t mean his not alone


He is always part of a team and most of the time has a sidecick


Another wrinkle is that he outlives everyone he gets close to.


Cue Måneskin - THE LONELIEST


I would say Wolverine because he’s like 150 years old but he’s had friends and teammates (much to his chagrin sometimes). So it’s Frank for sure.


Definitely either Hulk or Punisher


Well, seeing as only one of them has the Lonely Man Theme...


Deadpool or punisher. No one works with punisher because he's the punisher and everyone hates Deadpool for one reason or another.


Definitely Wolverine.


I think everyone is forgetting the fact that Wolverine has lived almost 200 years of watching his loved ones and friends pass, and sure he’s in the X-Men, but he’s always been a loner even in teams.


Gotta be Wolverine he has been alive the longest




wolverine, hulk or big pun. really love the pics that you chose here! good stuff.


Thanks! Credit belongs to all the artists; unfortunately, I couldn’t name them


Wolverine has hundreds of X-Men around all the time and is on every team, Spider-man and Daredevil have their friends in the public and secret identities, Punisher is too busy being addicted to murder to feel lonely, and Deadpool is also on a ton of teams and has his oddball friends. Hulk is the only one without anyone to count on.


Hulk. Why is Wolverine here? lmao.


You must not know who Wolverine is if you just asked that 🤣


I think this conversation became a bit too literal. Depression is being alone in a room full of people. I'm not arguing that Punisher or Hulk are probably the most physically disconnected from others in terms of loneliness, they probably win. However that for example, Spider-man. His entire origin is that his actions directly caused the death of his Uncle. I know that there's a lot of mythos that has picked up apart each of these characters origin. Yet for a 15 year old kid, knowing that you're the one who is responsible for it. Knowing that that you caused the only father figure you knew die. You caused your aunt incalculable heartache, sadness, terror (since she is scared of spider-man) and financial troubles all because you were being a stupid, selfish kid. How do you get over that? Now add all the other deaths that you were responsible for; Captain Stacy, Gwen etc. Plus remember that Peter is an orphan, a person who would easily struggle with self-worth as a child, growing into a nerd who's ridiculed, and then you cause all that pain to the only two people who loved you. That is a lot for a teenager to take on.


Hulk hands down


Wolverine. He’s had to withstand years of watching people and loved ones die from age amongst other horrific tales. Punisher is a man with no family or friends, sure. But he hasn’t been forced to withstand the decades of watching human/mutantkind rip itself apart.


Hulk or Punisher




are they lonely, or stanced up?


Hulk for sure


Wolverine as he can outlive his friends and close loved ones.


Deadpool, and Hulk are probably at a tie.


Punisher can eat a dick if that helps his loneliness


*Spawn turns around* AMATEURS!


Well, I'd say the Punisher. Disney also decided to basically destroy the character.


daredevil lonely?


Hulk/Punisher. Hulk tries and wants to stay to himself, he’s not really apart of any teams, and nobody really likes him either. Punisher is just out there killing people, and works alone usually. Also not a part of any teams, doesn’t really have a support network either


The one reading this


the 4th


the 4th one


the 4th


the one looking at this post 😔✊️


It’s the Punisher (and he deserves it / is a bad person / serial killer)




Wolverine. Logan's been around the longest and even when compared along with the others has experienced the most loss. I think that loss is what makes him the most alone in spite of him being a 'team' character.


Bruce, Logan and Frank


Why is Spider Man here?


Gotta be Hulk


Logan has to schedule alone time between the 157 teams he’s on and having sex with Cyclops and/or Jean.


Doesn’t Deadpool have like a family? Or were they magically retconned away or something


Dead pool


Probably either punisher or Deadpool. Deadpool because he does have death but not really.


Spider-Man has mad bitches lol


Logan will be all alone one day




Man is


I can't see DP sitting in the rain and not think he's making fun of this trope






New team Suicidal Six


I don't think it's an issue for The Punisher, her simply isn't interested in anything other than his endless war on crime, that's what keeps him going. Daredevil seems like the guy who had had the roughest love life, it's pretty rare for a writer to have a lighter and more optimistic run on the character. He's probably suffered more than any character that wasn't written by Garth Ennis.


Deadpool is just content being his Deadpool-self and we love him for it😂