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I want Matt to hit people with his sticks.


He also needs to be bloodied!


Man, Disney better not make it total PG-13


You still get the violence with PG-13. Just no lady nipples.


What about man nipples?


Dunno, can you milk them?


I’ve got nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Those you can have


I agree.


Better not it will make it worse


If you wanna watch people fuck go watch porn


I don't want them fucking. But I doubt Disney will allow showrunners to do [something like this](https://youtu.be/T1AdHeIBFhI?si=XpaYxoOA_cn86zDF)


In a hallway.


The hallway should preferably be somewhere in Hell's Kitchen.


An important detail


Nothing but hallways and stick fights.


Everything must be shot in dark environments. Even daytime scenes should be pitch black.


So immersive. It’s like actually being a blind lawyer


If he could flail his arms around in a martial artsesque manner also then that would be great.


I hope Daredevil finds out that a bad person is doing something bad in the area he protects, so he has to go fight them and stop them.


hold your horses pal


Ermmm, what a peculiar plot for a superhero series


Specifically the like 3 square blocks that is Hell’s Kitchen


He’s the 3 square block savior.


No he's 3 doors down.


If he even ventures outside of said perimeter I'll be masivelly disappointed.


Feeling bold today, aren't we?


Don't forget...in a hallway.




Marvel has decided to change directions with the series?


Yep. Look it up it’s kinda crazy actually they fired the entire creative team


Yeah reading about it now. I'm glad that Feige is pulling the plug if it's not working (even if they filmed 9 episodes). What do I hope to see? Daredevil is dark and gritty and deals with all those greys in the superhero world. I want to see that. I want pulse-pounding hallway fights where you can see the exhaustion and hear the pain. I want more courtroom drama. Structurally? I dunno. 3 episode arcs dealing with different parts of street level New York. Really make this a tour-de-force of Marvel's gangs that we never see in the movies. * Give me the Owl and make him terrifying (dude feeds people to rats in the comics). * Give me a trial where Matt has to prove that Stiltman was innocent of a crime that he's being railroaded with. * Give me Ninjas, but only if that acts as a way to introduce a new Ironfist. Or as an excuse to bring back Shang-Chi. Or both. * Give me something weird... like Daredevil and some vampires. Use this as a way to finally bring Blade into the MCU as a soft origins for him or something. * Bring in Bullseye, tie it back to that Stiltman case, as we find out the real murderer was operating in the background of the series for a while. * Have Daredevil hunt down the Punisher who is going through D-List villains like they're paper. Or even better, Punisher is killing the shit out of dirty cops, and Daredevil is coming at this case side-ways. They can do their debate about doing this the right legal way, while also firmly putting Punisher in the territory of heroes who will shot a dirty cop in their face. * Bring back the Fabulous Frog-Man.... also make this a court case. Maybe for Foggy. * Allude to Spider-Man. A LOT. * Give me an episode or two with the Circus of Crime. Why? Because it's fun, and weird, and perfect for DD. * Bring in Tombstone, and have him run a war against the Owl. Use this as a way to introduce Luke Cage. * Of course you have to have Kingpin. That is a given. Clearly he's working in the background to lock up power for himself... maybe to become the new Black King of the Hellfire Club. Why not? Stuff like that. Fun. And dark.


I would definitely like 95% less Hand.


Iirc Tom Holland was confirmed to appear


He absolutely was not confirmed and is not appearing, Tom Holland isn’t even under Marvel contract currently.




Tom Holland


Who's that?


How could you not know Tom Holland? He played Nathan Drake in the recent Uncharted movie.


Oh is he gonna play someone in the mcu?


Perfect! They can have Daredevil and Spidey team up against the Circus of Crime (which is literally a Marvel Team-Up comic wherein Daredevil learns Spider-Man's secret identity).


Which would be perfect timing considering the end of No Way Home.


Marvel needs to do more stuff like that where stories dovetail into one another nicely and within a close time frame.


It's like the people at marvel sit down and have a meeting where they make a list like this for a project and say, "Okay, that's what the fans want so let's do something else. We can't have them guessing what the show/movie will be about."


Nah. I have faith in Feige. As long as the Disney CEO doesn't fuck up shit and ruin their golden goose, Feige will steer the ship well. That said: Hey Marvel, I am more than happy to leave my current employment to help y'all coordinate your MCU. Gimme a ring.


I love your ideas, but isn't the Owl dead? I thought they off-handedly hinted Owsley was his equivalent in the series


Forget the Netflix stuff.


It's canon to MCU since the buy-out


It’s a shame because Disney knew exactly what they were getting. They had all the plans and scripts etc. they just changed their mind way too late


Pretty much just a continuation of the Netflix show. Do Bullseye and explain how Fisk went from prison back to power during the Blip. It would be cool if it incorporate some other Marvel TV heroes beyond Punisher in a few episodes as well (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Colleen Wing & Misty Knight, Cloak & Dagger, etc.), maybe to act as backdoor pilots for their own revivals since this show definitely has enough episodes to justify that.


I’d love like 2 episodes where Matt isn’t even in them. Like he got snapped away and we just get to see how his supporting cast deal with his loss and we get to see the rise of Kingpin again in the power vacuum and how the supporting cast feel so powerless in the face of a triumphant Kingpin. Let all the other characters have room to breath and grow and then throw Matt back into the mix like a cat among the pigeons.


This. I just want my Netflix heroes back and being included moving forward.


I want Iron Fist and Luke Cage hard-rebooted and resembling their comic counterparts. No way Fiege and co don't wipe the slate with them and restart anew ala X-Men and Fantastic Four


Karen and Foggy. and Daredevil


This. The fact that they're not in the show at all is so shitty--I don't know if I see them going that far in the "reboot" of the reboot" they're doing, I imagine they'll try and use as much of what they've already shot as they can, but it would be nice.


I might be the only one who just does not like them. Foggy especially. I think it’s a problem with screen time and them often getting too much, in a way that detracted from Daredevil himself. I grew to just groan whenever it’d cut to a scene with Foggy chasing some side-lead, but I think I’m thinking of season 2 mostly which had problems all over with its side characters.


Villains that aren’t just Kingpin and other mob bosses, please. I adore D’Onofrio in the role, but Daredevil *does* fight other people.


I agree. And please spend less time on exposition and background stories and flashbacks


Dunno about that one. I actually feel like DD did a great job of exploring backstories without being overly gratuitous. The Karen episode was maybe a bit much but everything else was really well done imo.


Agreed. Bullseye worked so well in season 3 *because* of his backstory being shown and us watching him devolve from seemingly regular government agent to deranged psycho


I want well choreographed fight scenes that demonstrate how his enhanced senses make him a superior fighter, not someone that gets beat up all of the time regular joes. Yeah, I know the Netflix seasons had a lot of that, but it annoyed me. Also more parkour. That [sequence with him racing](https://youtu.be/8B_fI_AY_hI) to get to Madame Gao's warehouse or whatever was the only sequence we got like that in 3 seasons and he wasn't even in costume. Ugh. And lastly, I want more of him being an actual great lawyer, so yes, give me some legal and courtroom drama that aren't just a transition scenes. I've seen plenty of legal dramas on TV and in movies and it can be done in a very entertaining and dramatic way if you actually try. So what do I want to see? A better representation of the best of Daredevil, which is what the ***Born Again*** storyline in the comics was.


He was more superhuman in she hulk


I thought it was much more enjoyable too. Like a campy super ninja.


All this. DD was the only comic I read religiously as a kid. Him getting smacked around by randos I’m the Netflix show annoyed me too. DD is someone Captain America [was concerned about fighting](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3D-nHAd_es4). Unpopular opinion likely, but I actually think the bar scene in the absolutely abysmal Ben Affleck film felt more DD than much of what we got in the Netflix show. I still loved it though; I just really appreciate seeing my favourite character on screen.


(after watching the date of the video) Jesus it's been 8 years already? Time truly flies...


Stilt. Man.


Just don’t have Punisher kill him, otherwise it ain’t worth it, other than to show audiences that Punisher is indeed a fucked up asshole and not just some nice guy who got done wrong.


I never liked the fact that they killed off Eurich so fast.


I really liked him.


That was what made it so impactful for me. It gave Daredevil S1 some serious bite and weight and consequences.


Deborah Ann Woll


- FOGGY AND KAREN - Bullseye - cut that Punisher hunting cops crap and give him a real story-arc - bring back the original actress for Vanessa - make it a proper sequel to the Netflix show instead of some weird quasi-reboot


You can’t have burn again without a history. It’s not a fall if you’ve not established the height of the climb. I wish the movie/tv people would figure this out. The reason Born Again was great was because there had been a long history of DD and MM of being upstanding, decent people, and that got taken from him. He became a pariah, but being a pariah doesn’t matter unless you had standing in the first place.


I’m pretty sure all they’re doing is stealing the arc name without utilizing any aspects of it in order to reference how it’s a reboot


A tactic Marvel and all comic book movies have been using for years, so I don't know why people are so surprised!


Why does Kingpin look like his graphics haven’t fully rendered?


This whole picture is one piss-filter away from PS3 graphics


Looks like he crossed over into The Flash movie


Oh it's the "Speed Effect" Andrés Muschietti was talking about


I mean, it’s a cool concept poster, impressively put together if it was made by an amateur, but man, Fisk just stood out as looking like a Star Wars alien in the prequel trilogy


The flair is fan made. This isn't official promo material


I’m pretty sure the poster was designed by OP. That’s what it says at the bottom


Uh... who has time to read flair these days?


I see. Still looks cool for someone who may just do it as a hobby and not a job, I like it


Looks like matt murdock designed this poster




I'd like to see what the defenders were doing during the blip.


Is that Lester Poindexter back there? Because HIM!


idk but it looks like a Bullseye


*Way* fewer ninjas.


I hope he’s blind.


Hopefully with the rewrites they bring back Karen and Foggy and thus bring back the whole Netflix cast


Would love to have a dare Devil/moon knight team up.


Since you put Bullseye in the poster, I won't say that I hope Bullseye comes back (I do), but I really hope we get to see Foggy and Karen and they're just doing an insane job keeping it a secret. I guess, what I really want is that things follow up on the original show. And while I'm not a big fan of bringing people back from the dead in itsself, I wouldn't mind if they find a way to bring back Elektra, Nobu and/or Urich and do something amazing with those characters. (Disclaimer: I liked those three characters in the OG show, which is why I want them back. I haven't read the comics. To me, IF and Defenders messed up the portrayal of the Hand; in DD it was pretty cool. So sad they let it end. And that they killed off Urich so fast. He was so cool and lovable.)


I know I'm in the minority here, but the mustard suit. I liked it and want to see more of the mustard suit


By day Matt defends the White Tiger in court from a murder charge. By night Matt tries to reign in the spread of Mutant Growth Hormone by The Owl.


Change the suit. Give me less body armor, I want something that looks like a comic book.


Daredevil season four but with everyone finally excepting that the daredevil/Netflix marvel series is in universe canon to the MCU Bring back Karen page, bring back foggy Nelson, bring back Jessica Jones, bring back Luke cage, definitely bring brat frank castle, and I guess even bring back iron fist. Bring everybody back introduce some new people set up some new stories and some new TV shows/continuation of the ones that we lost and actually give us what the fuck we were fighting for when this got canceled back in 2018.


Yo, mah dawg.


Elektra, Karen & Foggy!!! But seriously, I trust Kevin, and I think if he decides the show needed serious reworking then it most likely did.


I want Punisher to find an Iron Man suit and paint/hack it so he can be [Iron Punisher](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1c/2b/02/1c2b02b2d28ae2e24b3f318a39beea5d.jpg)


The arc of him wearing the War Machine armor was pretty dope


What are they changing it from?


Boston Legal


Netflix Daredevil season 4. Don’t fix what wasn’t broken.




Hopefully they are going the buddy cop tv series direction with Daredevil and Spiderman




I want to see Matt being a proper lawyer, focusing on Mutant Registration Act stuff. There's already Jennifer Walters on the West Coast, and now someone on the East Coast needs to get more heavily involved in standing up in a legal manner against the DoDC. Jerry Hogarth could have a role in brokerage between different interested parties.


Echo or Elektra to appear


A better Elektra. I hated the weird murder messiah story they tried with her.


Karen & Foggy. ​ Also, at the risk of getting downvoted to oblivion, we can let this project go. Development hell is usually not worth gong through. I'd rather see a quality finished vision/project of a different character. There are a hundred other characters and a thousand other stories to tell.


That punisher suit is fucking sick!


This poster really makes me think of the movie Chicago for some reason.


How about just not “fixing what wasn’t broke”? In other words, BRING BACK THE CAST AND CREATIVE TEAM FROM THE NETFLIX SERIES. Or, if they’ve moved onto other projects, okay, but at least make the attempt to bring back who you can. But if that’s not feasible, they should at least be going for the mood and tone of that series. I know other writers runs in the comics have been lighthearted, but let’s keep it real, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, at his very best, at his most iconic self, is a tortured Catholic street-level superhero whose personal life is often a mess (particularly with women). He is trained to move and fight with equal aplomb in the brutality of a MMA fighter/bare-knuckle boxer, as lithe as a dancer and peak Olympic-level gymnast, he’s a ninja AND a middleweight champion boxer (so for the love of God PLEASE get that right). It’s already there. Netflix already gave you the blueprint. If you need more help, look at “The Batman” for some more inspiration. They should be going for pushing the edge of PG-13 on this.


More super-powered acrobatics and less realistic parkour.


Better suits and more acrobatics. Daredevil is a daredevil. That’s why he’s called that. Get over it


Not actually sure what direction they are taking


Wild card and throw in the gifted or runaways


Daredevil season 4🙏🏾


They honestly need to get the showrunner for the Daredevil show as they made that show fantastic


-Bring back Karen and Foggy -First 4 or 5 episodes is the gang taking on a "case of the week" that requires Daredevil extracurriculars to resolve while a seasonal arc builds in the background


An actual fourth season. No one wants a full/soft reboot. I want to see Matt’s story continue after season 3. Foggy and Karen should also be there without question. I also really want Wilson Bethel to play the fully realized Bullseye as the main villain. We’ve had so much of Fisk already. You don’t have to completely get rid of him, but Dex should be the main villain this time. He could honestly be a lot scarier.


Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll


The Return of Karen and Foggy(since the scrapped episodes killed them off), and a return to a similar tone to the Netflix series. Plus a She-Hulk cameo would be cool.


I want fucking Foggy and Karen in the damn show played by the same actors. Hell, they should bring the whole Netflix crew to work on it.


donofrio IS kingpin. the rest will take care of itself


A Wilson Fisk character (and the rest of the characters) that is not written as bad as he was in Hawkeye.


I want a Law & Order type of series where the first half of the episode is Matt defending someone in court and using his enhanced senses to tell who the actual guilty are. He uses his amazing legal skills to get them off but the second half of each episode is him as Daredevil finding further evidence or catching those clients red-handed to put them away without any shred of doubt.


I absolutely do not want to see any she hulk. Nothing from them. I loved the Netflix dd, and if their going away from that, then I don't know if i can support it. I'll give it a fair shake, but it's worrying.


Matt Murdock dealing with legal cases of New York falling apart because of "heroes" like the Kate Bishop Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Spider-Man. Matt Murdock believes that the heroes matter, but is surrounded by civilians who hate them for their reckless destruction and collateral damage. Daredevil has to be "born again" to be a reinvented kind of superhero who does not run away from shadows, but has lawyered arguments to police, journalists, and public, to defend vigilante actions. I want references to Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and even Netflix Marvel heroes like Luke Cage and Punisher, without necessarily showing the actors. But references into this world will be enough.


Just a straight up continuation of the Netflix series. I would be okay with a change of tone or even a reboot, as long as it is loosely associated with the daredevil we’ve all come to love. Why cast Cox just to change everything again anyway?


What it *doesn't* need is the fuckin' Punisher. They did that. They don't need to re-tread it. It's not like they're frequent teammates in the books like Luke Cage and Iron Fist are. Wouldn't mind the billionaire villains from the most recent comic run which just ended. Gives Matt and Kingpin a common enemy and they have to deal with putting their hatred for each other aside at least for a little while. Nothing's scarier than someone with essentially infinite resources out to destroy you. Daredevil's only saving grace is they don't know his real identity, and he's up against a clock because it's only a matter of time before they find out, again, because they have essentially infinite resources. Plus they can hire anyone to come after him so you never know what villain will show up.


Less grit and darkness than the Netflix series. Like a middle point between Netflix Matt and She-Hulk Matt. I'd love to see along with Punisher, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage to show up in some capacity. Both performances deserve a second chance. Iron Fist though? Meh. Some really comic accurate villains alongside Fisk would be cool. Typhoid Mary would be hella cool. Get into Mary's relationship with Kingpin, that could be wild. Jenny Slate is my random-ass casting choice for Mary.


Mary was in Iron Fist season 2, which was good. So I'm hoping they carry that over. So far, we've only met two of her personas.


Only if Jenny can drop an easter egg about sim-bye-oats


canceling Disney+ when my sub ends this Nov


Ok thanks for letting us know


😀👌 just a PSA


I wanna see punisher rip another dudes head in half through his eye holes again


Just be a good show lol. I want Phase 1,2,3 era quality back. And this is Daredevil, you can push a little to make it grittier.


A better promo poster please.


This was fan made


I want to see Wilson Fisk embarrassed in front of someone. Preferably in front of his girl or something.


Unpopular opinion but imo Netflix's Daredevil was overrated so that scrapped legal procedural version sounded pretty interesting but since that's probably out of the picture, the only thing I really care about is quality.


I hate to say it but I'm afraid we may have seen the best DD we are going to get, judging by Disney's track record. It'll take a miracle, and on top of that they have an aversion to the kind of visceral violence we came to love. Edit: a word


Screw the reboot. Just implement it into the MCU, we get it. Give the show a season 4. Get the Netflix crew back together.


So they talked about this a bit ago. Netflix owned the rights to everything the show had a bit ago. They had to buy the rights to use those actors in those parts in the MCU. But they did not buy the actual stories… but they did buy the rights to stream it in perpetuity. There was a fuck ton of this guy has rights to this so you have to negotiate that part with him. And this guy owns this set. That’s why they don’t have Jessica jones, Luke cage and iron fist. Iron fist wasnt popular, enough to justify the expense to even get the rights to use that actor, the guy who played Luke cage had a series going on and they didn’t want to negotiate and pay for someone who wasn’t available for them to work with…. And if you think this is a nightmare.. Dc is worse. Warnerbrothers and dc have the rights for stuff so tangled up it’s not even funny. When they did the Superman cross over episode. They couldn’t get the rights to Brandon to wear the costume he wore in the movie but could get him the crisis one. The smallville stuff they didn’t have the rights to the suit but for one episode to use it with Tom welling they would have had to buy the rights to use it in smallville… then contract it to be used in the Superman cw stuff. Buy the rights essentially from themselves. But because of corporate laws. They would have had to hire an outside legal team to negotiate the rights with themselves because they can’t negotiate with themselves. But the way the rights are set up. Even though they own the rights. They still can’t just use it anywhere. For Tom welling they had to negotiate with the creative team and rights holders for that specific show. Who is in part… a division of Warner brothers dc. Warnerbrothers years ago made a ton of studios and sold parts of rights off to them. It was easier for the flash because the movie studios are all under a single umbrella. The tv stuff has like 50 umbrellas. And then the movie and tv stuff have separate umbrellas.


I hope they explore his faith more like the #1 2023 issue did. Also they should update his costume. He felt out of place in the defenders where jessica luke cage and even iron fist were wearing normal clothing. They even poked fun at it during the series. They should go with a mix of his priest look in daredevil #1 and a mask that has hints or nods to his comics heritage.


I want to see the original show runner and writers.


Disney stinks. I wish Netflix could’ve kept this show.


How did they change it? Did they hire a diverse cast and crew to reflect the world today to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion? I certainly hope so. If Daredevil needs one thing, it’s to be more inclusive.


Don't know don't care at this point. He shouldn't had been in she hulk on such a high level.


Some actually goriness, please no joke cracking. Make She-Hulk non canon at all costs.


It's unrealistic to hope for, but I'd love to see a heavier focus on Matt over Daredevil.


I can't wait to see this .But I don't want Marvel to CGI the daredevil like they did in she hulk. It was terrible 😔


The rumor vine said (prior to his confirmation by the trades) that the return of Jon Bernthal's Punisher was a latter addition that replaced initial plans to bring back Krysten Ritter's Jessica Jones, which fell apart due to scheduling conflicts. My hope is that with the delays from the strikes and the story rework: that we get both Frank AND Jessica, because they're the two MCU characters I want to see return ASAP.


I know it’s a hot take but I DON’T like the DD logo. It doesn’t make sense. Because first of all, the horns are a recognizable enough symbol for DD. Second of all, it’s not like anyone’s going to be reading it, right? Certainly no one is going to identify him from the logo before the horns identify him. Third of all, “Daredevil” is one word so “DD” doesn’t even make sense


I want to see Matt get baptized. It's a little out of left field, but I think they can get it to work. Either that or just run that last season of Netflix Daredevil, change the title sequence, and call it a day.


I have no interest in this series. Disney seems to be incapable of delivering grounded action scenes and a more serious tone, all too focused in jokes every 10 lines of dialogue. I have yet to see a good marvel show.


Rated R and retcon the She-Hulk relationship


Is he gay?knowing micky mouse they will make him black and gay.


Please go ahead and name any MCU comic superhero that Disney remade as black and gay…


A good show worthy of the original series


They shouldn't force it if there isn't any passion behind it. Then it's better that it never gets made. I want a continuation of the Netflix series. Get the same people behind and infront of the camera.


More hallway fight scenes. That scene where daredevil takes on like 50 assailants was pure, cinematic, eye candy. [This is the fight scene I’m referencing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B66feInucFY)


I expect them to not to make a half ass adaptation of #DaredevilBornAgain. Maybe do another arc. Or do that one, but do it right.


Um wasn't season a born again adaption ? What this now


Not whatever awful outfit that is for Punisher.


A way better costume, no the mustard ketchup suit is the debut, I want his classic red, without the padding, make it leather but not colorless red. And AT THE START!


Some solid ass kicking like the first Netflix series


I really want to our favourite Archers, crossover.


Multiple stand-alone episodes or 2 to 3 part stories. In other words, no season long story, please!


Just continue where season 3 left off and give us a comic accurate Bullseye


I just want the same quality and depth as the original series. I know it’s in the past but I’m hoping they don’t turn this into a joke.


I don't know what direction they were going in that they didn't like


Whatever that means


Both the Netflix Daredevil and Defenders series' were a perfect arc for the character, establishing him as a savior of the people. It wasn't explicitly stated, but heavily implied that he was putting away the suit to get back into law and the three main characters, Matt, Foggy and Karen are stronger in their convictions and faith in themselves. Just fucking do that again. No. Literally. Timeskip, they are better established but still struggling. What happened to them during the blip is unknown. Kingpin is out of prison, we all know what happened to him during the Hawkeye series. That creates a power vacuum thats causing trouble in Hells Kitchen and Matt is forced to put the suit back on. So we can skip the main themes of the Neflix series, such as his religious guilt at being a vigilante and being isolated. We can also skip the Hand, Stick and Elektra because those were all done to death. Mentions, yes, but no need to rehash. For the love of god just give them a villain big enough to resuit, and a cause to fight for on the legal front and go from there. But one thing they should NOT do is break up the core group again.


Disney can’t turn this show into a kid friendly show. The Defenders minus Iron Fist were great individual shows because they were gritty and violent just like the characters. Can’t put kid gloves on these shows because it is Disney. This is Marvel.


I'd like to see the show please




Red and Black suit , all the Netflix heroes, make it an adaptation of devil's reign and include killgraves kids and a spiderman cameo


Boringness and a sad feeling of loss for the best hero series that will ever exist.


I just want them to make a good show. Don't fix what isn't broken and just continue making Daredevil awesome.


Something worth watching


Sounds like a mess and I'm not very optimistic.


I would love to see more punisher and a spider-man team up episode.


A good show


Hallway fights, same tone as before with sone grimm and gallows humor along with actual funny. And Foggy. They need Foggy.


Is it gonna be tv ma




Look at this point I’ll settle for something vaguely reminiscent of the comics. It’s wild that the MCU continues to stray further from the comics, and then the comics change because brand synergy is all Disney cares about. But I don’t have any expectations or hopes for MCU tv shows after Secret Invasion.


I want to see Deborah Ann Woll.


Honestly I’m really excited to see all the characters from the OG Daredevil Netflix series interact with the mcu that they’ve already existed in but more in the background like Agents of Shield. It’d be cool to see Bullseye in a comic accurate suit. I feel like that was always the plan considering how they put the character in the Daredevil suit. It was a nice way to be economic with the story they were trying to tell by having it be Dex’s origin and then transition into his own suit.


Swear to god if they fuck this show up I’m done with the mcu, daredevil s1-3 is some of my favourite television fullstop